APRIL, 1899.)
If I understand the above rightly, the inference is, those given them either by their parents or to be drawn is that the Agris, etc., are natives friends and relations, just as we find Bob, Dick, converted to Christianity, and that they are named Jack, etc., among the English names. These by the Padre, who gives them names from the converts to Christianity are most of them, if days on which they are born. That the Agris, etc, not all, illiterate persons, and when asked their are natives converted to Christianity is true, as names they naturally mention those by which also it is true that they are named by the Padre, they are popularly addressed. It must also be but that he (the P&dre) gives them names from stated here that all Agris, Kolis, Malis, eto, are the days on which they are born is not true. I not converts to Christianity; many perhaps the The Padre invariably names them after the Saints majority) are Hindas. ench as Andrew, Bernard, etc., etc. The names after the days, Soma, Mangalya, Budhya, etc.,
Yours truly, are, what we might call, household names, that
friend, as long as they live in this land of tears IN THE CENTRAL PROVINCES.
and sorrows. 1. When it is "raining cats and dogs," an
6. A female, when pregnant, should not uncle should not go out with his nephew for a
near a bier to mourn for a relative, as she does walk, or on any business, as it is believed that I always otherwise because the slightest touch lightning will fall upon them, or they will fall
of the deceased would melt and bring the womb victims to some other similar calamity.
out. Likewise, a man, who lends a helping band 2. When a lamp is put out by a puff of wind, in lifting the corpse, will lose his wife's progeny or accidentally by breath, people (when they have 7. The whole family invoke God to prevent in no tinder-sticks, fire and the like) very often
child's birth during Sundays and Tuesdays at go to their neighbours for a fresh light, who, unfortunately, disappoint them very often (even
new and full moons. If a child be born on such
occasions, it will grow up with a character of the though they be of the closest relationship), saying,
worst type. "I dare not do so, my friend, for it will either decrease my capital or bring ruin upon my 8. To avoid a dead loss, at the time of har. family."
vest, the husbandmen, for the abatement of a
strong gale, paint their right buttock with black 3. The Hindus never allow anybody to pluck
k pigment and the left any other colour; and stand the leaves of a plant or tree after dusk, and, if in the direction of the wind. Similarly, the asked the reason, they reply :
injuries which crops anffer from excess of rainfall "Oh ! dear Sirs, we disturb the trees from sun- or hail-storm, are prevented by an individual rise to sunset and give them no rest the whole who is one of twins going through the same day. But now is the time for them to take operation. repose, for we always ask for a satisfactory reason
9. Frequently, robbers of the blackest dye, when we are compelled to serve our masters
who have planned to attack a rich man's honse in day and night; but they are dumb and conse
the dead of night, if they catch sight of a quently can neither speak nor complain."
serpent on the way, interpret the sight as an 4. Occasionally it happens to a person while omen to retrace their steps. kneading flour with great force, that the dough 10. Low caste people, in times of drought, imlifts up the vessel with it. This creates a great plore the deity for an abundant fall of rain by joy in him, for it is the sign of a new visitor
catching a frog and tying it to a rod covered with to his house.
green leaves and branches of the nimi tree, and 7. Whenever a person runs short of salt, he take it from door to door singing :goes to get a little from one of his caste-people. "Send soon, Ofrog : the jewel of water! But if he takes it in the palm of the hand, al And ripen the wheat and juars in the field.” bitter enmity will exist between him and his
M. N. VENKETSWAMI 1 The Hindu term for Araulirachta Indica, and all the A kind of millet used as an article of food, ebicfly apecies of Aradirachta and Metia.
by Mhars, Gonds, Chambre, etc.