[DECEMBER, 1899.
From the above information the following "AMONG many greater services to India the tabular pedigree is formed : late Sir Proby Cautley diffused largely in Up-| Capt. John Wel- ==Cath.... b. 1715-16; d. 31 per India the delicious fruit of the Bombay ler, R.N.; d. be- Mar, 1792, aged 76 (m. i. in mango, previously rare there, by creating and fore his wife. Stratford ch'yard). encouraging groves of grafts on the banks of the Jumna and Ganges canals." - Hobson-Jobson, The Rev. Narcissus Cha.= Arabella Welp. 424, ii.
Proby, M.A., R. of Stratford ler; b. 1751-2; He was son of the Rev. Tho. Cautley, B.D., (1784-1803) and of Todden. d. 29 Nov., Rector of Raydon and Stratford S. Mary, Suffolk,
ham, co. Glouc.; b. 1737-38; 1841, aged 89
90 Dec. 1804 aged 66 (m. i. by Catherine his wife, daughter of the Rev.
(m.i. in StratNarcissus Charles Proby, M. A., Rector of
in Stratford ch.and ch'yard); ford ch' yard). Stratford and of Toddenham in Gloucestershire.
bur. 27 Dec at Stratford. A pamphlet entitled The Parish Church of Stratford S. Mary, Suffolk, by the Rev. J. G. Cath. Proby; b =The Rev. Tho. Mary Proby; b. Brewster, Rector of Stratford, contains the fol- 1774-5; d. 5 Cautley,BD, 1775-76; d. 3 lowing information :
June, 1830, R. of Strat- Mar. 1868
aged 55 (m "Of mural tablets there are four, all placed in
. ford (1803- aged 92 (n. i.
in Stratford 1817) and of in the South Chancel Aisle." .... "The next
ch. and ch' Raydon; d. ch'yard). commemorates the Rev. N. C. Proby, M. A., Rector of this parish and of Toddenham, who died
13 July, 1817,
(mit in StratDec. 20th, 1804, in his 66th year; and the next the
ford ch.); bur. Rev. T. Cautley, BD, Rector at the same time of Raydon and Stratford, and buried at the former
at Raydon. place. He died July 13th, 1817. The death of his widow is recorded on the fourth tablet, June Cha. Will. Caut. Col. Sir Proby Tho. Cautley, 5th, 1830." — P. 15.
ley; d. in inf. K.C.B., Memb. of H. M. List of the Rectors of Stratford.
22 Mar., 1801, Indian Council; b. 1801-2; d.
(m.i.in Strat- 25 Jan., 1871, aged 69 (m. i. . Narcissus C. Proby, 1784-1803. (Resigned
ford church in Stratford ch'yard). Buried Dec. 27th, 1804.)
yard). Thomas Cautley, 1803-1817. (Buried at Ray
CHARLES PARTRIDGE. don.) - Ibid., p. 16.
There are also three monuments in Stratford churchyard :--
FIRE-WORKS AT PANJABI MARRIAGES. 1. (Altar-tomb within rails.) Rev. Narcissus
WHEN a marrie ge party goes with the brideCha. Proby, 20 years R. of this parish, d. 20 Dec.,
groom to the bride's house, and the former do not 1804, aged 66; Arabella, his wife, d. 28 Nov., 1841,
let off good fire-works, the girls and women from aged 89; her mother Mrs. Cath. Weller, wid. of
the bride's house and its neighbourhood sing a Capt. John Weller, R. N., d. 31 Mar., 1792, aged
song including the following verse :76; Mary Proby d. 3 Mar, 1868, aged 92.
Asân galllan húnj gawatan : II. S. side : Cath, wife of Rev Tho. Cautley,
Par hawdien mal na dian. R. of this parish, dau. of Rev. N. C. Proby, d. 5
We cleaned the streets for nothing : June, 1830, aged 55. N. side: Cha. Will. Cautley,
But still no sky-rockets came. their inf. son, d. 22 Mar., 1801.
If the bridegroom has really bronght no fireIII. (Recumbent cross within same rails as i works, the above jocular verses are meant in real " II.") S. side: Col. Sir Proby Tho. Cautley,
eamest, and he is put to much shame. K. C. B., Member of H. M. Indian Council, d. 25 Jan, 1871, aged 69.
MAYA DAs in P. N. and Q. 1883. 1 In White's ST Directory for 1844, under Stratford S. Mary: "Prouy Mis Mury . Zu