Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 354
________________ 340 INDEX. ..... .................. . 15 Tangê Paes, described, 25 ff. :-at Pandhfrei, 43:- at Pinjkotai, 34:- at Rega, rained, 33 : - of Sunigram, described, 33 ff.:-at Takhtåband, ruined, 87 1. ; plan of, Plate VIII. to face 88:- ruined in Tange Pass, 17f.:-at Tursak in the Tange Pass, ruined .......................................... 24 Subbudhi, the jackal.................................. 157. Success, Gally.................................. ..... 294 Sung-Yun on Bunér.................................. 451. Sunga Dynasty, list of the ........................ 168 Bunigram, described, 83 t. :- ruins at, de scribed, 38 ff.:- plans of ruins at, Plate V. to face .......................... ........... 33 Sara in Bunêr, a tirtha ............................ 41 ... .. Sangbau, description of, 15 f.:-ancient war near, 15:- Buddhist remains at, 15 : - old.............. Sarang Khan = Hagan Bahrl.................. 246 Saturday, death on ................................. 140 Saurasånt Prakrit .. ............................... 266 Scape, Thackeray's Mr. ............................ 276 scape-goat ............. 162 seapy sepoy ...................................... 162 seeds as spirit-scarers .............................. 140 sentence, as a unit of grammar, 198:- func tions of the ........................ nepoy, earliest known instance .................. serpent, disguise of .............. serpenta, customs in the Central Provinces... 111 Shab Burhan-ud-Din Khaltl-Ull4h (saint)...... 236 Shah Burj in Bidar .................................. 307 Shah Habib-Ullah (saint)........................ 299 Shah Khalil-Ullah (saint) ................... 218, 239 Shah Mohabb-Ullah (saint) ............... 289, 277 ShAh Ni'mat-Ullah (saint) .................... . 209 BhAb När-ud-Din Ni'mat-Ullah Wal (int). 213 BhAhköt in Bundr, ruins at, described ...... 41 1. Shams-ud-Din Daad Shah Bahmant ......... 184 1. Shams-ud-Din = Ismail Mukh Afghaa..... 143 Shan-ni-lo-shi, ancient route to .............. 60 € Sharkah, siege of ......... ****.. ........ 237 Shekh Azari (poet) ............... ... 216 Bhina, Garozt Dialect of ... ... ... ... ... .......... 93 ft. Shir Malik .............................................. 217 Bidoo Harbour ....................................... 826 Sikandar Khan Bukhart ....... ***.. ..... 240 Sikandar Khån, WAL of Telingana ........... 145 Siraj Khan ......... 245 f. Sirdj-ul-Kutab .. .... ............................ 120 Sirkab, the rebel............ 239 Siva-simba of Mithila, 1400-01 A. D. ........ Siva-simba-para= Gaja-ratha-pura ............ Bon, adventures of a widdow's..................... soul, of the recently dead Nicobareso, 254: departure of the.................................... 118 speech, def. of, 199:- effect of, to the primitive mind ............ ............... 72 . spirit-scaring among the Nicobarese, 253, 258:- in the Panjab, 56-in Salsette... 114 ff. spirits cause disease, 114:- of the dead Nico barese, 253 1. ; refreshment of Nicobarese. 254 1. spittle, Telagu superstitions relating to...... 83 f. star, evil ............ ***........... 140 stem, in grammar, def. of, 199:- in Anda. manere ........................................... 229 . Stone, Patrick, of the Andamans ... 323 ff., 327 f. stones, precious, as spirit-scarers ................. 119 store-houses, ancient, in the Tange Pase ...... 18 atupas, notices of, in Bunêr, 62 f. at Bhai, ruined, 24 1.:- at Girarai in the Tangê Pass, ruined, 21:- at Gumbatai in the Takhtáband, ruins at, in Baner .............. 37 f. Tamil Anthology of Ancient Songs, notes on the ................ .....***...... 29 ff. Tangai, ruins at ............ .............. 19 f. Tangê Pass described, 15 1.:- ruins in, described ........... ............ ...... 17 ff. Tergal = Naregal P .................................. 809 Tarikh-i-Jahan-Ard ................................... 120 Taskarat-ul-Mulak, contents of the, 124 ff., 128 11.:- account of the, 120; version of the story of A1A-ud-Din Bahmani...153 tk., 181, 191, 218 L., 242 Telingana, 145:- Tilang, 151:- war in... 306 Telugu folklore ..................................... 153 f. Thirgbakarna, the cat ............................... 157 thread, sacred........................................ ... 252 thunder, Slavonic god of ........................... 195 Tilang Telingana .................................. 151 time, rustic names for ................................. 196 tobacco, folklore of ......... ....... 304 tóla, its place in the Indian Troy scales...... 108 f. tombe, Musalman ............. .................. 163 transcription, separate system of ............... 93 Tregeagle, a Cornish spirit ...................... 139 1. Troy scale, modern popular Burmese, de scribed, 105: - Indian literary, spread to Far East, 101 : - Indian popular, traceable to the old Greek ....................................... 104 Troy scalee, Burmese and Siamese, compared, 105; Burmese and Siamese, identical, 108:Barmo-Siamese = Indian literary, 106: - old Cambodian = Siamese = Burmo-Siamese=Indian literary, 106:- Chinese de cimal, influence on Far Eastern international commercial scale; Chinese decimal, influence of, 108 f. ; Chinese decimal, rise of, 109: -Far Eastern international described = Malayan, 107: - Greek, possible spread to China, 109: -two concurrent Indian, 103, Indian literary, 103; Indian popular, 103 : - Indian popular, spread of, to Indian


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