Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 333
________________ DECEMBER, 1899.) HISTORY OF THE BAHMANI DYNASTY. 319 As Malik "Imád-ul-Mulk on the whole showed negligence and want of haste in attending at the royal court, having no other resource, the Sultan with Malik Kutb-ul-Mulk and all the celebrated awirs, hoisted his standard. When the Sultân arrived within sight of Kalam, Malik 'Imád-ul-Mulk made his obeisance to him there. Malik 'Imád-ul-Mulk and all the amirs becoming the advocates of Majlis-i Rafi, on his behalf made smooth the preliminaries of obedience and submission; then, the dust of vexation which had settled on the Sultan's heart was obliterated by the polisher of intercession. The Sultin pardoned the offences of Majlis-i Rafi', and rolled up the carpet of war and contention. The amirs and generals in attendance on the Sultan returned with bim to the capital ; and on arrival there be turned his attention to the affairs of Malik Kutb-ul-Mulk, Malik 'Imâd-ul-Mulk and all the other amirs and maliks ; he bestowed on them valuable robes of honour and other presents, and gave them permission to depart to their respective districts. After that, Malik Fath-Ullah 'Imád-ul-Mulk died in Elichpur, and Majlis-i Rafi, Adil Khan died within sight of KovalakoņÇA.66 The Sultan conferred the title of 'Adil Khan and the province belonging to Majlis-i Raft Malik Yusuf on Ismail, the eldest son of the latter, and also settled on bim & quarter of the kingdom of the Dakhan, which had been entrusted to Malik Yusuf. The affairs of the province of Malik Fath-Ulláh 'Imid-ulMulk remained for nearly a year in a state of confusion, for his eldest son, Malik Ala-ud-Din Darya Khân, was a prisoner in the fort of Bamgir ; but in the year 906 (A. D. 1500)67 by the assistance of the son of Khuda wind Khân, governor of Mâhûr, he escaped from the fort of Ramgir and reached Gawilgadh, and in his father's place took his seat on the throne of goverument of most of the provinse of Varhad (Berar). At the entreaty of Isma'il Adil Khan, the Sultan conferred on Malik 'Ald-ud-Din the title of Imád-ul-Mulk with the province which had belonged to Malik Fath-Undh 'Imid-ul-Mulk. In the same year Malik Khudadad Khwajah Jahận died in the town of Sandipir (Sholapur P), which belonged to him. As hie eldest son, Ratan Khân, had died before his father, the Sultan conferred the title of Khwajah Jahan on the younger son, Nur Khân, and added the town of Parendâ with its dependencies to his other possessions. Sand lapûr (Sholapor PJ which previous to that bad belonged to Khwajah Jahan, be conferred on Kamal Khan, Isml.ft Adil Khin's general. In the year 920 (A. D. 1514) the Sultan, by the advice of Majlis-i Rafi' 'Adil Khân, marched towards AḥBanabad Kalburg&, and took the fortress of Kalburgk by force, and from the fire of rapine and plunder of the conquering army it became like the dust of the road. From this time in the country of the Dakban the plunder and devastation of the territory of Islam and the Musalınâns became a regular custom. Dastûr-i Mamalik, fying from those perils, took refuge with Barid-i Mamalik. The latter met him with the greatest respect, gare him hopes of his assistance; and sending a person to Malik Kutb-ul-Mulk, strengthened the bonds of friendship with him. In the year 921 (A. D. 1515)¢ Malik Barid-i Mamalik, Malik Kutb-ul-julk and Malik Dastûr-i Mamalik Malik Dinar went to the royal capital and laid siege to the fortress of Bidar. . However much the saiyids, shelihs and learned men strore to arrange the matter peaceably it was of no avail, and Hamid Khin bshi, the reputed son of Dastûr-i Mamalik, who was inside the fortress, was killed in the fighting. At last Azamat-ul-Mulk - who on behalf of Majlis-i Rafi Adil Khân used to be in attendance on the Sultan - came out and had an interview with Majlis-i Mukram Malik G6 There is something ralpably wrong in the dates here. Fath-Ulish 'Imid-ul-Mulk died in 1504. The date of Yusuf Adil Shsh's denth is variously given : thus, recording to the author of the Tabakat-i Akbiri, he died in 1667; according to Firishtah in 1510, Aud according to Mirza Raft-ud-Din Shirket and Mix Ibrahim Asad Khen, in 1519 Our author says the two died at the same time, but omits to mention the date. The last date mentioned is 1506, and here he says, "after that these two kings died 1 This date is inonsistent with the previous statemente. 65 Our author makes no mention of the death of Klaim Barld, and the recession of his son, Amir Bard, whickaccording to Farishtah occurred in 1504


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