Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 182
________________ 168 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1899. THE CHRONOLOGY OF INDIA, from the Earliest Times involved in the book before us, more than once in a to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century. By C. lifetime, one cannot but hope that should research, Mabel Duff (Mrs. W. R. RICEMERS). (Archibald current and to come, cause, as it ought, another Constable and Co., 1809.) edition to early succeed the present one, the This remarkable compilation possesses the qua- work will fall to the competent hand so successful Jities which such a book should possess - a clear on this occasion. But whenever the time comes and well-considered plan steadily adhered to, a such another edition, it is to be hoped that, just as matured presentment of the matters entered, an the Sinhalese Chronology has been now introduced informed selection of the authorities. A work on as germane to the Indian, circumstances will have Chronology to be of use must, on its own merits, rendered it possible to introduce the Burmese command respect and confidence as to general also. The connection of the various Burmese accuracy, and to my mind there is no doubt that and Peguan Dynasties with, at least, Buddhist Miss Duff's book (to give the author her best- India was much closer than many suspect, and known name) is entitled to both. The methods the present writer feels convinced that an inadopted for ensuring accuracy are unimpeachable, timate study of Burmese Chronology will serve and the sources of information as nearly so as to throw light on that of early India. The existing conditions admit. The references to the epigraphic data available for the purpose are authorities are ubiquitous and of the highest value. quite as numerous and trustworthy as those for The list of those who have actively assisted the India, and the vernacular literary data are aleo author is of itaelf a guarantee of the care, know- very many and far from untrustworthy. Unfor. ledge, and research brought to bear on the subject tunately, both these sources of correct information The general plan of the work is "a table of still await the attention of competent students. events in chronological order" of ascertained This is one direction in which Miss Duff's facts and dates only, supplemented by an extreme- labours might in future be enlarged with advan. ly valuable Appendix, consisting of Lists of tage, should the state of research permit. Heru Indian Dynasties, in which are included all is another. The Chand Dynasty of Kumaun, the known names of the kings, with the dates of the Kangra Dynasty, and somo Nepali Dy. those only, as to whom positive information is nasties are given in the Appendix. There are available. There are also collated lists of the genealogies existing in MS., which should be Pauranic Dynasties - Baisunaga, Maurya, procurable through the political agencies, of Bunga, Kanva, Andhrabhrtiya. These Lists Ohamba, Jamman, Nában, and many another and Tables are made to work in together, 80 as to Himalayan .kingdom,' the value of which, when form a kind of index of dates to each other, in a historical inquiries are necessary, can be demonhighly commendable manner. In addition, there strated by a reference to the prefaces of the is a very long, complete, and most laborious various semi-bistorical tales from the Hills to be index to the whole work. found in the Legends of the Panjab. I once bad, To say that such a book supplies a need, and even if I have not now, put away in some forgotten will be of assistance to students, is to put the place of safety, authentic vernacular copies of case too mildly, as it will on account of its care several of these in my own possession and if I fulness and completeness within its limite, be of recollect rightly, some of them found a corner in inestimable value to those whose studies take Panjab Notes and Queries. All such lists require them into matters connected with Indian bistory, a good deal of verification, of course, but, though and will save them an infinite amount of trouble- the facts they purport to relate truly might never some and thankless search in the verification of find their way into the Tables, they might be details; for Miss Duff's admirable industry and usefully included in the Lists of the Appendix. patience bave not only now placed the desired As to the limits that the author has imposed facts within easy reach, but have also supplied upon hersell, personally I should like to see the the necessary references to the authorities, by work continued on to the year 1700 A. D. or therewhich her statements can be readily verified. abouts, so as to include the chief facts of the One student, at any rate, of things Indian, earlier European struggles in India. tenders her his hearty thanks in anticipation for With these remarks and bints, thrown out for much future trouble saved. what they may be worth, I take leave of our of The preface hints at the present work being the most praiseworthy efforts at the compilation intended only as a preliminary edition, and, of a good book of reference it has been my though no one could wish to compel an author to fortune to come across. undertako so great and so careful a labour, as is R. O. TMEPLE. 1 First printed in the J. R. 4. 8. for April, 1899.


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