comb tasi (for justar-ay P). [After a consonant, the junction vowel is a ; except
in the case of nominatives of nouns of the second declension when it is u.] (3) To Numerals : e. go, isso é dahaw-ay (see $ 268, note 35). (4) To Adverbe: ss' as-cy, even to-day (jí as, to-day); s tatiny, even there ; yati-y, in the very place which. (6) To Prepositions : sjál'andara-y, even from (Luko i, 15).
(To be continued.)
ATTEMPTED HUMAN SACRIFICE AT HINGOLI. at Hingolf that the case should be thoroughly
On the morning of the 4th of March a Hindu, cleared up, and the perpetrators of this dastardly named Govinda, a labourer engaged under the outrage brought to justice. Public Works Department in repairing the Akola
Geo. F. D'PENHA. Hingolt Road, came into the police office at Hingolf and lodged a complaint. He was borri.
THE SACRED THREAD. bly burned about the head, arms, and cheat, parts
As most formula in magic seem to be founded being absolutely charred. His statement was
on the assumed potency of certain numbers asthat on the previous night he was returning from
cribed to each deity, so the minutiæ of religious the Hingoli bardr to the stone-breakers' huts,
ritual have a similar origin, even to the lights in two miles up the road. As he passed the cotton
the thurible, the ingredients of the incense, etc. ginning mill, which stands by itself half way
All are worthy of epquiry, and give clues of between the two places, he was invited by some
historical import. men there to sit down and smoke in the mill compound. Wben they got bim near the boiler, When ceremonial sacrifice ceased the janéu or tbey seized him and thrust him bead first into the sacred thread remained, as its name shows (sajna furnace. Being a strong man he managed to free apdulta, what is worn at yojna or sacrifice). bimself before they could shut the door on him. In & Bloka of Manu the Brahman is prescribed He subsequently managed to get back to his hut, one of cotton; the Kshatriya one of mórata, a and next morning, with the assistance of his wife, wild fibre, and in another place of flax; the came down to the police station at Hingoli. The
to the police station at Hingolt. The Vaisya of wool. In the Epice the heroes had unfortunate man, who was suffering terrible them made of antelope hide, thus showing this agony, was taken into the Station Hospital, where record to be older than the other: now all use everything was done to alleviate his pain. His cotton. Undoubtedly the ancient inaterial was the recovery was almost hopeless from the first, and wool of the victim, as is the Parsi thread. The on the 14th he eventually died of tetanus. The separation of castes cansed a change, the lower Pårsf Engineer, Naurojt, part-owner of the mill,
order of the three castes sticking to the wool, the and one of the firemen, have been arrested, but warrior taking to the victim of the chase. The the foriner has been released on bail for Rs. 20,000. Paraf sacred thread (Zend kdstik, belonging to Though it seems almost an inconceivable thing to the waist) is of 72 (12 X 6, the perfect number happen in a British Cantonment at the end of the and its hall) woollen threads or yarns, passed nineteenth oentury, the unanimous opinion among three times round the waist by both sexes. It is all the Natives is that the wretohed man was
tied with four knota. Vide Dastur Hoshanji's offered as a sacrifice to the engine, which had Glossary to the Pehladf texts of the Arda Viraf. not been working satisfactorily; and so far there The Parsi thread is made with ceremonies worth is no other explanation to be offered. There is a | noting. very strong feeling among the British community
W. BUCHANAN in P. N. and Q. 1889.