Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 147
________________ HISTORY OF THE BAHMANI DYNASTY. MAY, 1899.] Luxurious living of Mahmûd Khilji. Consults a Shekh about vegetables. He raises the siege, and retreats towards Chándor, but changes his route on hearing of the advance of the Gujarât army. Khwajah Jahan sent in pursuit. Mahmûd Khilji asks the chief of Gondwânâ to guide his army. He offers to lead them by a difficult route. Mahmûd Khilji turns from the Daulatâbâd route, and proceeds north-east towards Ankot (?) and Elichpûr. Distress of his army on the march through Gondwânâ. He kills the chief of Gondwânâ. 133 Sultan Nizam Shah writes to Sultan Mahmûd of Gujarat, thanking him for his assistance. Mahmûd Khilji again contemplates the invasion of the Dakhan, and the Sultan of Gujarat again comes to the assistance of the Bahmani Sultan, and compels Mahmûd Khilji to retreat. Sudden death of Sultan Nizam Shah. CHAPTER XIII Reign of Sultan Muhammad Shah II. In the tenth year of his age succeeds to the throne. His character. Regency during his minority. Assassination of Nigim-ul-Mulk at Kherlah. His death is avenged. He leaves two adopted sons, who receive the titles respectively of 'Adil Khan and Darya Khan Marriage of the Sultan. Embassy from the ruler of Mâlwa. Bahmani ambassador sent to Mândû. Letter to the ruler of Malwå regarding certain territory in dispate Mähûr, Kherlah, etc. Speech made by the Sultan. Mahmûd Gâwân made prime minister, and gets the title of Khwajah Jahân. Expedition against Hubli and Bagalkot. Khwajah Mahmûd Gâwân, at his own request, is sent on an expedition to the Konkan. Halts at Kolhapur to collect reinforcements. - Receives additional titles. Death of the Queen-Mother, Makhdûmah Jahân. Has several engagements in tha Konkan, and returns to Kolhapur for the rains. Takes Rabankanah (Râyabagh ?) and Machâl; then proceeds to Sangameshvar. Khelnah (Vishalgadh) is surrendered to the Khwajah. Khwajah Jahan remains nearly two years in the Konkan, and then returns to court with his booty.


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