Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 175
________________ JUNE, 1899.) NOTES AND QUERIES. 161 This term grosso seems to be the same that, | The passage in which bitteru occurs, I transunder the forms gros, grosche, (groschen), late as follows - groschel has spread itself, for both a coin .... of Mapingavalļi's southern fields in and a money of account worth a penny to three (the hamlet of) Mógěvå da (viz.) on the west of the pence, in former days into France, Switzer. road to Kallanguruko, on the east of the cultiland, Prussia, parts of Germany, Poland, vable land of the man called) Honnolěyavaru, on Hungary and Russia : vide Kelly, Cambist, the north of the cultivable land of the goddess passim. Kčngañavvă of (the shrine of) the molasthana R. C. TEMPLE. god, on the south of the fertile (yellowish) soi. (mögě) of Chěnnagesimayya Bittêru (i.e., Chonnal SUPERSTITIONS AMONG HINDUS IN THE gêsimayya with the surname of bittéru orjavelinCENTRAL PROVINCES. he gave fifty mattars (of land) of forty spans of In honour of Marbaut, the ruler of evil the established (Fize of the) blade (or the tip of a spirits, fiends, ghouls or ghális, and vampires, a missile) to the pole of the hog's savage extent worship is performed at night on the day follow- (Pagadimbada = agadu-imbada P). ing the Pola feast, by the Marathas. They set The terní barika' is explained in BhattAkaan idol representing him, made of cow-dung; and lankadêva's Sabdeinusasana, edited (A. D. 1890) present the accustomed offerings with rejoicings by B. Lewis Rice, C. I. E., etc., as follows:When the day dawns, the ceremony is repeated. bârikan bari iti varaniyatan garhyani karma This done, a man from each house, with a boughtatra niyuktah la barika bâri a turn-fixed in one hand and the idol in the other, goes on low business' a man engaged therein ! Thus shouting at the top of his voice, "O Marbaut, bárika probably means a man who obtains a eradicate all sources of ill health and molesta- meal daily according to rotation from the houses tions of devils." On going a little distance he of charitable people,' or 'a sponger.' throws away what he took with him and then Tübingen, F. KITTEL brings back in lieu branches of trees with a view 5th May 1898. to frightening the devil and avoiding fortuitous dangers. CARAFT. A ceremonial rite which takes place either HERE is a delicious Hobson-Jobson from that on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, or 15th day veritable well of curious Anglo-Indianisms, the after a child's birth, is generally, superintended Madras Manual of Administration, Vol. III. by adult women. First they bring a bitch and 1893. Caraft ( karabah, Hind.) From bathe it, anointing its face and four legs with karabah, Ar. (P ķirba ] water-bag, stitched ground turmeric and dry vermilion. A garland of flowers is then wrapped round its neck. on one side. Jar: carboy. Page 128. And finally, after incensing it, they fall at its 1893. Carboy (li karabah, Hind) feet, utter these words : "Bless the mother with Leather water jar: caraft. Page 129. healthy progeny like yours." Yule, Hobson-Jobson, sv.t., gives both caraffe To propitiate a god or goddess, to procure and carboy as European words derived from revenge a man who has offended another, or Persian. to be victorious in an enterprise, animals are R. C. TEMPLE. sacrificed. The satisfaction of the god in such cases is ascertained by the animals brought to KUKI. sacrifice shaking their bodies when the water is How has this epithet or name come to be sprinkled thick and fast over them. applied by Bengalis to the Lushli tribes ? To M. R. PEDLOW. what other distinct tribes to the east of Bengal is it applied ? The derivation and use of the term, with some notes on the tribes known as BITTERU AND BARIKA: Kuki, and references to fuller sources of inforIn the very interesting inscription at Managôļi mation, would be an acceptable paper to some published by Dr. Fleet (Epigraphia Indica, readers of the Indian Antiquary. Part I. Vol. V. January 1898) there occur the | Bongo is a term in what may be called Santal terms bittéru (p. 22) and barika (p. 23). Mythology. A paper descriptive of the Bongo, [Pa corruption of Maliku'l-maut, the Lord of Death. - ED ) Narrated by the writer's friend, N. Ramlingum Maduray, Pillay.


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