Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 173
________________ June, 1899.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 159 day saw me and said :-" Wealth is the root of est of birds, and will fly off and learn what has all welfare. What is the good of life without befallen him." He flew and flew high up in the money? This rat having lost all his wealth has air until he came to the place where the deer had lost with it his original strength. When the fallen into a snare. The deer delighted to see his Sannyåsin said this I grew dejected and thought friend said: "No time must be lost. Hasten thus within myself :- It is not right for me and bring the rat Hiranayaka to gnaw the cords of to live here any longer. Nor is it proper to the snare." So the crow went, and placing the rat communicate my story to others.' Chudakarna on his back speedily flew back with him. When seeing me not quitting the place aimed a fatal the rat succeeded in extricating the deer they blow at me with his stick which I fortunately asked him how he had fallen into this fresh disasescaped. Had it struck me I must have been ter. "No creature," said he, "can escape his for long an inhabitant of Yamaloka. So musing fate. When I was a little fawn one day I fell I left the place and came to the jungle where life into a snare, was caught by a hunter and taken is easier for us." Manthara hearing this said :- to the king's palace. There I was reared as a pet "Wealth is perishable, and it is useless to hoard and golden ornaments were hung on my neck. it, as you will see from the fate of the miserly One day when wandering in the city I was chased jackal. by boys but the ladies of the royal seraglio found One day a hunter named Bhairava, of the city me and tied me up ncar the chamber of the of Kalyana Katak, went into the forest. He king. That night a heavy storm of rain came on slew a deer and was carrying it homo when he and I cried out in my joy: 'How delight. met a wild pig. He aimed an arrow at the beast, ful is this rain! How sweet the grass will grow which in his death struggle gored him and a great. for me to eat.' The king wondered to hear a serpent which lay close by. So all three died beast talk in the tongue of men, and next day then and there. Up came thejackal, Thirgarava, sent for the astrologers and told them what he and seeing the dead bodies rojoiced at the had heard. They said :-For a beast to know prospect of having abundant food But in his human speech is an event of ill omen. Your greediness he thought to himself.'The meat Majosty should perform rites of expiation and I will keep for use and meanwhile I will eat send the deer to a distant forest.' So they the bowstring. As soon as he began to bite sent me from that abode of peace and safety and the string the arrow was released and slew him I came to the forest where, as you know, I fell too." into the snare of the hunter." When he heard these words of Manthara be Meanwhile the tortoise was anxiously expecting rejoiced and said :-"Now I know the value of a his friends the crow and the rat, and was delighted good friend." when they returned after rescuing the deer. One day when they were enjoying themselves As they were talking the hunter camp up and in the forest a deer rushed up, pursued by missing the deer from the snare followed his a hunter. The tortoise in his fear shuffled into touches. The crow again espied him and the water the rat crept into his hole and the warned his friends. The rat got into a hole, the crow flew to the top of a tree. He looked all crow flew away and the deer hid himself in a round, and seeing no sign of danger called to his thicket. But the hunter secured the tortoise and two friends. They came out and asked the deer was carrying him off when the rat said to the what had befallen him. He said : -"My name deer:-" You must repay us for rescuing you by is Chitranga, and I claim your protection." So saving the tortoise. Go into this pond, and lie they took him into their company, and all four down as if you were dead: the crow will sit on lived pleasantly together. your back and seem as about to peck out your One day the deer went out alone to graze, and eyes. Then the hunter will put down the tortoise when he did not return at the usual hour they and he can escape." feared lest evil may have befallen hin. They did as he planned, and the trick succeed. They debated which of them should go in searched. The tortoise escaped and the four friends of him. At last the crow said :-"I am the swift- ) were once again united. NOTES AND QUERIES. CRUSE AND GROSSO. | European ships, all goods and payments were In the days when Jeddah (also Judda and valued and stated there in cruse. It was a money Jidda) on the Red Sea was a great mart for l of account and was divided into 40 duanees


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