MAY, 1899.
The Sultan, unable to subdue Ķåsim Barid, is obliged to conciliate him by giving him a share
in the government. This is much resented by the other nobles, who rebel. Ahmad Nizâm-ul-Mulk comes to the assistance of the Sultan. The amirs promise their support to the Sultan if he will only oust ĶAsim Barid from the
government. Practical overthrow of the Bahmani Dynasty, and establishment of the Barld-Shehi in its place. The Sultan wounded in battle. The amirs disperse, and ķasim Barld returns with the Sultan to Bider, and again asso mes the
government. Letter from Yusuf Adil Khan, reporting the rebellion of Malik Dinar Dastur-i Mamalik and
Malik Khúsh-Kadam Turk; and offers to aid in suppressing it. The Sultan and Kasim Barid proceed against the rebels." Adil Khân and Fakhr-nl-Mulk join the camp. Disposition of the forces. Battle. Malik Dinar taken prisoner and his army dispersed. *Adil Khan intercedes for Malik Dînår, and procures his pardon. The Royal troops lay siege to and take the fort of Sagar. Sultan Mahmud Gujarati complains of an act of piracy committed by Bahadur Gilani. Letter on this subject from the king of Gujarat. Letter from the Sultan to Bahadur Gllânt, ordering him to restore the ships and looted property. Reply of the Sultân to the king of Gujarat. The Sultan's messenger to Babador Glânt is stopped on the way. The Sultan marches with his army to Mangalvedha, The fort is taken, and assigned to Fakhr-ul-Mulk. The army marches to Jamkhandi, which Bahadur Gllant was then besieging. Muķaddam Naik (chief of Jamkhandi P] takes service under the Sultân. Malik Sultan Kull Hamadan Khawâss Khan (afterwards the founder of the Katub-Shahi
dynasty) is given the title of Kutb-ul-Mulk. Several feudal tenures granted. Names of various nobles then serving with the Sultin. The army besieges Miraj. The governor, Bimah (?) Na,lk, surrenders after his son has been • killed. The troops of Bahadur Gilânt then in the fort of Miraj are offered generous terms. Babadur Gilint hides himself in the jungle, and sends an ambassador to the Sultan, who
promises him pardon on certain conditions. Babadur Gilânî still obstinate: a force is sent against him, with orders to spare his life. He is slain in single combat by Ratan Khan, son of Fakhr-nl-Mulk on the 5th November, 1494, The Sultan visite the fort of Panba!&: description of the fort. He then visita Dabhol, Bahadur Glläni's jdgirs given to various nobles.