Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 170
________________ 156 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [June, 1899 tree, scattered a little rice, spread his net, and followed them staring at the sky till they disaplay in ambush close by. Thereupon Chitragrive, peared from his view, when he went home in the dove-king, who was flying afar off, saw the grief. rice and said to his fellow-doves :-"Whence When the birds saw this they asked Chitragriva cometh this rice in a desert? We should not the next thing to be done. He answered: - crave for this rice. Once upon a time a traveller, “I have a friend, the rat-king Hiranayakt, who through craving a bracelet, was deceived by a tiger dwells at Vichithravana on the banks of the and died. Gandak, He can save us by biting the net-strings Once upon a time an old tiger bathed and with his strong teeth. Let us go to him." They holding sacred grass in its band stood on the took his advice and went to Hiranayaka. But bank of a tank and called aloud to a passer-by the rat hearing the noise of their wings was bore to take the golden bracelet which he offered him. afraid and would not leave his hole. Chitragriva The traveller thought to himself :-"This is my called to him in a loud voice and said :-"Friend luck. Why hesitate P' So he asked the tiger why do you not speak to us ?" The rat knew to show him the bracelet, and the tiger stretched his voice and came out at once. forth his paw and said :-See, here is the bracelet.' "I am delighted to see my good friend, ChitraThe traveller said : You are & cruel beast griva." When he saw the pigeons caught in the How can I trust you'P The tiger replied -- . True, I was a very cruel beast in my young net, he was startled, and said :-"Friend, what is this P" Chitragriva replied:--"Friend, this is days, and slew a host of men and cove. As the fruit of our destiny." The rat began to gnaw a consequence I lost my wife and child and at the threads, but Chitragriva said. :-"Friend, have to live alone. But a kind man had uercy this is not the way to do it. First untie the knots on me and advised me to give up killing men of my subjects, and then mine." Hiranayaka and cows and practice good actions. I took his advice, and now I am a poor weak brute. Why replied :-"My teeth are very weak. I cannot cut all the knots. I will try to sever your knots can you not trust me? As you are a poor man I wish to give this in charity to you. Go and bathe as long as there is strength in my teeth. Then we shall see about the others if I have sufficient in the tank close by and you can have it. The strength." To which Chitragriva replied :--"Do greedy fool fell into the trap, went into the water, as you please. What can we do beyond our and was bogged in the mud. The tiger saw him strength P" To which Hiranayaka said.-" Have and said - It is a pity you should have fallen you not heard of the proverb, charity begins into the wire. I will come and pull you out. Be at home P?” Thereupon Chitragriva replied:not afraid.' Thus saying he approached him "Friend, what you say is true enough. But I slowly and caught hold of him. The fool as he was dying cried out :- This is the result of my cannot endure the trouble of my subjects." stupid covetousness.'" Thus pleased Hiranayaka and he set to work and The moral is that we should do nothing in a freed all the doves, and after entertaining them sent them all home rejoicing. hurry. The gurú further said :-Hiranayaka then One of the doves answered: -"What's the entered his hole. Laghupathanaka, astonished good of excessive caution P If we are to get our at what he had seen, came and alighted near food we must run risks." On this they all flew the hole of Hiranayaka, and said :-"Oh, Hiranaand were caught in the net. yaka! I desire your friendship. Have mercy When they found themselves entangled they on me and fulfil my desire." Hearing this turned on their adviser and abused him :-"This Hirayayaka from inside the hole said :-" Who is what comes of following your advice." While are you P" To which the crow replied: "I the other pigeons reproved him Chitragriva am a crow. My name is Laghupathanaka." said :-"What is the use of crying over spilt Hiranayaka laughed at this, and said :-"I am milk P We are in a mess, and must do our best your lawful prey. How can we two be friends P to get out of it. A thought suggests itself to It will be with us as with the deer who was me. Let us all fly up together and take the net caught in the trap and owed his life to the with us. When united even weak creatures crow." "How was that p” enquired Laghu. can do much." Hearing this, the doves soared up pathanaka. Sc Hirağayaka went on to say: into the sky, saying there cannot be any better "A deer and a crow once lived in the forest of suggestion. The fowler amazed thought of Mantharavati in the land of Magadha, and were catching them when they alighted again, and close friends. The deer throve and grew fat until


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