Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 28
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 143
________________ MAY, 1899.) HISTORY OF THE BAHMANI DYNASTY. 129 Khalf Haşan invades Mahâ,im (Bombay), which was Gujarat territory. Sultan Ahmad Bahmani sends his son, Prince Zafar Khân to help Khalf Hasan, The combined Bahmani forces drawn upon one side of the Mahim Creek, and the Gujarat army on the other. The Dakhani nobles stir up dissension between Prince Zafar Khan and Khalf Hasan. The latter, left in the lurch, is defeated by the Gujarat army, and his brother made prisoner, In revenge for this defeat, the Sultân leads an army against Gujarat. Encamps near Bahůl (?) on the frontier between the Dakhan and Gujarât. The Hindu governor of Bahůl (?) applies to Sultan Ahmad of Gujarat for assistance. The Bahmani and Gujarati armies drawn up on opposite banks of a river. Terins of peace arranged. Bahůl (?) to remain with Gujarât. Offensive and defensive alliance. The Sultin returns to Bidar. Confers various titles. Death of Shîh Ni'mat-Ullah. A fair instituted in his honour. Each descendant of this saint connected by marriage with the Bahmani royal family. Dispute with the ruler of Mândû (Málwa) abont the fortress of Kherlâ. Terms of peace arranged. Kherlâ to be a frontier fortress belonging to Malwa. During the recent wars with Gujarat and Mälwâ, many parts of Teling înâ having been wrested from the Bahmanis by their former possessors, the Sultan now proceeds to reconquer them. He takes Ramgir and other forte. Warangal submits, and agrees to pay tribute. The Sultan makes Ibrahim Sanjar Khân commander of the army in Telingana, and gives him the jágír of Bhonagir. Returns to Bidar, and makes Miyan Mahmûd Nizam-ul-Mulk his prime minister. Consigns to Khalf Haşan Dabhol and the other seaports. Builds a palace in Bidar. Rewards the poet Shekh Azart for composing verses in eulogy of the new palace. Also rewards Maulana Sharf-ud-Din Mazandarâni for writing verses on the door. Abdicntes in favour of his eldest son, Zafar Khân. Gives the district of Mâhür to his son, Mahmûd Khân, and Rî, ichûr and Chůl (?) to his con Daud Khan. Death of the Sultân. His character. How be punished Shir Malik for insulting Saiyid Naşir-ud-Din. The Sultan's age, and duration of his reign. (Tazkarat-ul-Muluk.) The behaviour of a hunted hare suggests to Sultan Ahmad the idea of making Bidar his capital; besides, ho suffered from dysentery at Kalburga. The celebrated Khwajah Jahan, in this reign, arrives in the Dakhan from Khurasan. Sultan Ahmad founded the city of Muḥammadâbâd (Bidar) in the first year of his reign. Duration of his reign, and year of his death,


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