FEBRUARY, 1895.)
Meanwhile Zahir Diwan took all the articles he had received at the time of betrothal and gave them to his mother, the Râni Bachhal, and informed her of the date of the wedding. The Rani in her tarn went to her father-in-law, the Raja Amar Sinh, and informed him of all she had heard from her son, and laid the presents of betrothal before him.
He answered: "I cannot perform this marriage at this time. I will not go to the house and therefore I rejected the betrothal."
Hearing this the Ranf Bâchhal wept and returned to her own apartments. She then called Nara Sinha Pånre and sent him to tell her father to attend the wedding. He went to Sirsa Patan and placed the invitation, which consisted of a letter, gold coins, a cocoanut, red powder, holy rice and sweetmeats before the Raja Kanwar Pal, and to him the Pångê said :
"The marriage of your grandson will take place on such and such a day. Your daughter has sent me to inform you that her father-in-law has refused to take any part in the ceremony. Everything then depends on your generosity. So you must go and get the marriage of your grandson duly performed."
Kanwar Pal replied: "I will send all that is needful, but I will not take part in the procession."
Then Nara Sinha Pånre returned to the Rani Bảchhal and said: - "No one agrees to take part in the marriage. Your father has also refused to join the procession, Now except yourself there is none to help your son."
The Rini Bachhal then began to weep and said : -“Alas for my dear husband! Had he been here he would have arranged everything, and I should have been spared the trouble which has now fallen upon me."
Then Zahir Diwan answered and spoke : - “Mother! Why dost thon weep P If the Guru Gorakhnath is still alive I shall bring my bride not alone without disgrace, but with all due honour."
He then went ont of the city and was absorbed in reflection on his Gurû, and on this the seat of the Guru Gorakhnath was shaken.
And he said to his disciple Kini Pawi: "Let us go and complete the arrriage of thy brother Zahir Diwan."
Then Guru Gôrakhnath came with fourteen hundred disciples to Bagara. Zahir Diwan went out to receive them and told Gorakhnath all that had occurred.
Guru Gorakhnath said :-"Be not troubled in your mind. I will make all the arrange
Then he took a pinch of ashes from his bag and rubbed it, and lo! all the articles and supplies required for the marriage - food and clothes and jewelry and equipage such as the eye of man had never seen, -- were prepared. Also Gôrakhnath invited the Raja Indra, who came with all his sons. With him came Parvati and Raja Vasuki.
When the procession was arranged Görakhnath said to the Rini Bachhal: -"My daughter! It is now thy part to decorate thy son with clothes and jewels, as it is time for us to start for the house of his father-in-law."
Then for the bathing of the bridegroom there came a golden pitcher from Indrasan, the home of the fairies. The youth was bathed and dressed with all magnificence. And the Raja Vasuki with his own hands invested him with the marriage robes, and the wedding crown was placed upon his head. Then came all the fairies of the court of Raja Indrals and danced before him. The heavenly musicians began to play, and when Raja Amar Sikh saw these divine arrangements he was smitten with shame, and he, too, came and joined in the marriage, and Raja Kanwar Pil also arrived with all his equipage. So the marriage procession started and in a few days reached Bundi.
13 Bee Introduction to Popular Religion and Folklore, p. 38.