208. - P. 125, No. 72. - . 1113, Virodhikfit, Margasirgh-amâvâsyâ, & solar eclipse. Chaudadâmpur inscription of the Great Chieftain Vira-Vikramaditya of the lineage of Chandragupta, and his Nayaka Khandeya-Kara-Kamoyanayaka.
209. - S. 1113 (P). - Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 221; Mysore Insor. No. 103, p. 199, Tålgand inscription of the Hoysala Vira-Ballala :
Saka 1113 (in figures, 1. 52), the Siddharthi97 savatsara; Sunday, the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra ' (Mys. Inscr. : 'the time of the equinox').
210. - P. 15, No. 191 (Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 216). - 8. 1114, Paridhavin, Asvina-sudi 1, 'Sukra-vâre. Kölhậpur inscription of the 'Silâhåra Bhoja II.
211. - P. 117, No. 26.-8. 1114, Paridhavin, Margasirsha-paurņamási, Sanaischara-våre, a lunar eclipse. Gadag inscription of the Hoysaļa Vira-Ballaja.
212. - 3. 1114. - Mysora Inscr. No. 46, p. 107. (Pali, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 200). Balagåve inscription of the Hoysala Vira-Ballala :
Saka year 1114, the year Paridhavin, the month Pashya, the 6th ("the fifth') day of the moon's decrease, Friday, the uttarayaņa-samkramaņa,'38
213. - 8. 1114 (?). - Pali, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 224; Mysore Inscr. No. 109, p. 206. Sorab memorial tablet of the time of the Hoysaļa Vira-Ballala :
Saka 1114 (in figures, 1.5), the Pramadiso samvatsara; Sunday, the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada' (Mys. Insor.: Saka 1116,' and the 8th day ').
214. - $. 1117. - Pali, Skr, and Oud-Kan. Inscr. No. 194; ante, Vol. XII. p. 210, No. 35; Mysore Insor. No. 89, p. 180. Balagâmve inscription of the Hoysa!a Vira-Ballala :
(L. 34). - Sa(sa)kansipa-samvachchha(tsa)ram=îrabhya satâd hika-sahasr-Ôpari saptadacha(sa)me A[na*]nda-samvachchha(tsa)rô Mârggaśirsh-måvåsyâyâm Sóma-vård Vyatipåta-yôgê.
215.-. 1118.* - Inscr. at Sravana Belgola, No. 130, pp. 99 and 178. Inscription of the reign of the Hoysaļa Vira-Ballala :
Sa(sa)ka-varsha 1118neya Rakshasa-samvatsarada Jêshtha-su 1 Břihavarad-andu.t
216. – P. 117, No. 27. - 8. 1121, Siddharthin, pratham-Ashadha-sudi 8, Brihaspati-vara. Gadag inscription of the Hoysala Vira-Ballala.
217. - 8. 1121. – Páli, Skr. and Oud-Kan. Inscr. No. 114. Hampe inscription of MaidunaChauqayya :
Saka 1121 (in figures, l. 11), the Siddharthi samvatsara; at the time of the sun's commencing his progress to the north.'
218. - P. 128, No. 90.- S. 1127, Baktákshi, Pausha-sudi 2, Saturday, uttarayaņasamkranti. Kalhoļi inscription of the Rattas Kartavirya IV. and Mallikarjuna.
219. - P. 5, No. 141.-3.1128 (for 1129), Prabhava, Sravana-paurņamási, a lunar eclipse. A grant of soidáva of the Nikumbha family, commemorated in the Pâțņa inscription of the Dêvagiri Yadava Singhaņa.
220. — P. 128, No. 91. - 3. 1131,* Vibhava, Kärttika-sudi 12, Budha-våra. Bhôj copperplates of the Ratta Kartavirya IV.
87 Siddharthin would be 8. 1121 expired; but the date would be incorrect for this yoar, as well as for the years 8. 1113 current and expired.
* For 8. 1114 expired = Paridhävin and Pausha-vadi 5, the date regularly corresponds to Friday, the 25t! December, A, D. 1192, when the Uttarayana-sainkranti took place 2 h. 28 m., and the fifth tithi of the dark half ended 16 h, 39 m. after mean sunrise.
$Pramådin would be 8. 1115 expired; but for that year the date would be irregular, both for the Šth aud the 8th of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada.