[OCTOBER, 1895
(14) Dhammavilasathôra.
(16) Kamboja. It is a most lamentable fact that the study of !
fact that the study of! This is the classical appellation of Cambodia, isiography as well as of history is not held in the ancient empire of the Khmers, whose inituence
teem by Burmans: hence the meagreness in the valleys of the Salween and Irrawaddy ceased of details in biographical notices of native with the foundation of the kingdom of Siaul, witl. writers.
Ayuthia as its capital, in 1350 A. D. (See note.
ante, Vol. XXIII. p. 256.). Dhammavilasa was the title given to Sari.
In Burmese official writings the Shan States to puttathéra by King Narapatisibu (117.-1228
the East of the Irrawaddy River are collec. A. D.) for his ability and eminence in learning tively called Kamboja. In this connection it The thêra was a Talaing by birth and was a
may be interesting to note that the appellation, native of Pailippajêyya village in the province of
“Shan," applied by the Burmans to the whole Dala. He was educated at Pagàn under Ananda.
Tai race, is a corrupted form of "Cham." thora of the Sinhalese fraternity. The king
Kamboja was also known as Champa, and its desired to appoint Sâriputta to be one of his Pre
people were called "Cham." Vide s. v. "Chamceptors, but unfortunately he was debarred from
pa," "Shan" and "Siam" in Yule's Hobsoncarrying out his object by the rigour of a custom
Jobson. prevailing at all Oriental Courts that all recipients
(17) Dalapura. of royal favour shall not labour under any
Dalapura is the modern Dalà opposite Ranphysical defect. One of the big toes of the
goon. Tradition says that it was founded by a thira was shorter than its natural length, and he
princess from Thaton, whose king had just beaten was accordingly disqualified for any high post
off a Cambodian army. In after times Dalà under the Government. To compensate for the
formed a dependency of Syriam, and in view of boon missed by him the king bestowed upon him
its origin, was always an appanago of a princess the title of Dhammavilisa, and commissioned
or a lady of rank. Owing to its contiguity to him to propagate the Buddhist Religion in the
Cape Negrais, which was the base of operations of maritime provinces. What has rendered his
Arakanese raiders and invaders, it was deemed name illustrious in Burma is the authorship of
to be of some strategic importance. the Dhammavilasa-dhammabåt, which is not now extant. There is, however, a commentary on
(18) Vigungama. it, which was compiled in the 17th Century. This
The validity of the ordination of a Buddhist latter work comprises 86 palm-leaves, eight lines
monk and his consequent status in the Order to the page. The chapter on "Inheritance and
depend mainly on the validity of the consecration Partition " has been translated and published
of the sind where the ordination was performed. under the editorship of the late Dr. E. Forch. A simd is, again, valid or otherwise according hammer, and forms No. VII. of the series of | as its site is visungáms or not. Thus the Notes on Buddhist Law issued by Mr. Justice whole fabric of the Buddhist Church rests, to some Jardine, now of the Bombay High Court.
extent, on the solution of the vexed question
of visungama. The frequent squabbles and The dates of birth and death of Dhammavilása,
controversies regarding the validity or otherwise as well as of the completion of his Dhammabat
of ordination are due to this fact. These conare unknown. Even the Sdsandlankdra, compiled troversies have now been happily set at rest in as late as 1832 A. D. by the learned es. Barma by the Local Government, which issues monk Maungdaungeadd, the Archbishop of King grants of visumgdma land for the construction of Bôddp'aya at Amarapura, is silent on these sinds under the seal and hand of the Chief points.
Commissioner. (15) Lakkhiyapura.
(19) The Religion of Buddha will last This place may be identified with the modern
5,000 years. Letk'aik, a small insignificant village on the Dalà As Sir Monier Monier-Williams has endorsed side of the Rangoon river, but the BakAsa river this idle tradition and published it to the world cannot now be identified.
in his great work on Baddbism' it is essential to
1 "And here again, in regard to the doctrine left behind by each, vast distinction is to be noted. For the doctrine delivered by Christ to His disciples is to spread by degrees everywhere until it prevails otornally. Whorens the dootrino loft by Buddha, though it advanced rapidly
by leaps and bounds, is, according to his own admission, to fade away by degrees, till at the end of 5,000 years it has disappeared altogether from the earth, and another Buddha munt descend to restore it. Monier.Williams' Buddhiom, pp. 556, 587