269. -- P. 119, No. 37. - 8. 1200, Bahudhanya, Chaitra-sudi 1, Sakra-vara. Sravana Belgola private inscription.
270. - 8. 1200.- Pali, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 20 ; Mysore Inscr. No. 148, p. 276. Bêlûr copper-plates of the Hoysala Narasimha III. :
"Saka 1200 (ip words, 1. 19 of the second side), the Bahudhanya saivatsara; Saturday (Mys. Inscr.: Monday'), the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of Mågha.'
271. -- P. 3, No. 133. - 8. 1201, Pramathin, Bhadrapada-sudi 6, Sôma-våra. Inscription at Kadako!. . 272. -- 8. 1203 (P). - Inecr. at Sravana Belgola, No. 131, pp. 99 and 178. Date of a private inscription :
Srimata-Saka-varsha 1203neya Pramedi-samvatsara Mârggasira-sa 1 Bridandu. +
273. – P. 128, No. 94.-8. 1205, Chitrabhanu, Srâvana-budi 10, Brihaspati-vara. Sravaya Belgola private inscription. . 274. - 8. 1208. - Pali, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 148 ; Mysore Inscr. No. 6, p. 11. Chitaldurg insaription of the Hoysala Narasimha III. :
Saka 1208 (in figures, 1. 14), the Vyaya sariwatsara; Thursday (Mys. Inscr.: Wednesday'), the tenth day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra.'
275. - 3. 1212.- Jour. Roy. As. Soc., 0. 8., Vol. V. p. 178. Thâņâ copper-plates of the Dê vagiri-Yadava Ramachandra :
Svasti sri-Salivahana-bake 1212 Virodhi-samvatsaré Vaisakha-áuddha-paurşamasyâm Bhaumê. t
276. - 8. 1222. - From an impression supplied to me by Dr. Fleet. Velkpur inscription of the Dévagiri-Yadava Ramachandra :
(L. 1). - .. éri-Sak[u] 1222 Sarvari-samvatsarê Märgisaru-vadi [9?]" Sômê.
277. – P. 119, No. 38. - 8. 1227, Visvavasy, Mârga-áudi 5, Sômê. Veldpur inscription of the Dôvagiri-Yadava Ramachandra
278. - 8. 1228 (P). — Coorg Inacr. No. 7, p. 10. Niduta memorial tablet of the time of the Hoysala Narasimhs ITI.:
Saka-varusha 1228 Parábhava-sam rada Vaisakha-śndba (ddha) 12. (The translation has Saka year 1208, the year Parthiva'; and a note adds that 'in the copy the year is Paridhavi. Párthivs = 8. 1208 current; Parábhavs = 8. 1228 expired.)
279.-P. 125, No. 75.-8. 1285, Pramadin, Sråvaņa-vadi 14, Vakre (Mangala-vårê). Death of Subhachandra.
280. - 8. 1236. - Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 70. Bilvanáthèsvara inscription of ViraChampa:
(L. 4). - Tungaárika Sakabda-bháji samaye.
281. - 8. 1286. -Ep. Ind. VOL IIL p. 71. Araļaļa-Peramal inscription of [Vira-] Champe :
(L. 1). - Tangaárika-karan-mite Saka-npipe.
• Magha-vadi 14 of 8. 1200 expired-Bahudbknys would correspond to Snturday, the 11th February, A. D. 1279.
· Prumadin would be B. 1975 expired. Perhape the intended your is g. 1201 expired-Pramathin; but the date does not work out properly for that year.
+ Chaitra-badi 10 of B. 1208 expired-Vyays would correspond to Thursday, the 7th March, A. D. 1286.
Supposing this figure to be correct, the corresponding date would be Monday, the 5th December, A.D. 1300.