295. - 8. 1804. - Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 23; ante, Vol. XII. p. 212, No. 65; Mysore Inscr. No. 146, p. 268. Bêlûr copper-plates of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara -
Saka 1304 (in words, 1. 16 of the third side), the Dundubhi sarivatsara; Sunday, the tenth day of the dark fortnight of Kärttika.'
296.-P. 126, No. 77. - S. 1307, Krodhana, Phålguna-vadi 2, Sukra-vårê. Inscription on a lamp-pillar at Vijayanagara, of the reign of Harihara II.
297. - 3. 1300.* - Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 118. Bhatkal copper-plates of the time of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara :
In the Kshaya savatsara, which corresponded to the Saka year one thousand three hundred and nine, (when) Jupiter (was standing) in Leo, on Thursday, the fifth tithi) of the dark (fortnight) of the month of) Pushya.'48
298.-P. 122, No. 57.-8. 1313, Prajapati, Vaibikh-âmâvâsya, Saumya-dine, a solar eclipse. Copper-plates of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara.
299.-P. 7, No. 149. - 8. 137 (for 1918), Dhatfi, Magha-paurņamasi, Bhino-vara. Chitaldurg copper-plates of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara.
300.- S. 1317.- Pal, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 24; ante, Vol. XII. p. 213, No. 70. Hâsan copper-plates of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara :(L. 36). – Sak-avda(bda) șishi-chandr-åshni(gni)-vidhun=ayata-vatsarê I
Yuv-akhyê Magha(?)-masé(?) cha sukla-pakshe subh[eo] dindi
saptamyam cha maba-parvaņi. 301. - 5. 1320.- Inscr. at Sravana Belgola, No. 105, pp. 80 and 165. Death of Puru. pandita :
Tatra trayodasa-satais cha dasa-dvayêna SAkd=bdakê parimitê-bhavad-fbvar-akhyê Maghê chatarddaga-tithau sitabháji vårê Svâtau Sanais(nel) sura-padam Purapanditasya iit
302. – S. 1321. - Ep. Ind. Vol. III, p. 122. Nallûr copper-plates of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara :(L. 50). — Dhâtri-nêtra-guņa-kshapêta(sva)ra-yatê sri(ári)-Salivahê gatê
[Sakhe(ke) gô]tradhacha(?) Pramadi(thi)ni tidhau(?) masy=
Urjakê nåmani(?) pakshê tatra vaļakshaka Budha-dinê sri-paurņimasyâm tidhan(thau)
kale punya]ma(ham]taré subha-karê sômôparágê varê 1148 303. - 3. 1328. - South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. I. p. 82. Veppambatļu inscription of the time (?) of Bukkaraya II. of Vijayanagara :
On Thursday, the new moon of the dark half of Jyaishtha of the Vyaya year, which follows the Parthiva year (and) which was current after the "Saka year 132[8] (had passed).' - And
• Thursday, the twelfth lunar day of the bright half of Vaisakha (of) the Parthiva
+ The date regularly corresponds, for $. 1309 current Kabaya, to Thursday, the 10th January, A.D. 1387; by the mean-siga system this day fell in the year Srimukha (i. e., Jupiter was in Sirisha), which ended on the 17th August, A. D. 1387.
to The date regularly corresponds, for $. 1821 expired = Pramåtbin, to Wednesday, the 15th October, A. D. 1399, when there was a lunar eclipse which was visible in India.
50 Both dates are irregular; the first, for 3. 1328 expired Vyaya, would correspond to Wednesday, the 16th June, A. D. 1406; and the second, for 8. 1328 current = Párthiva, to Saturday, the 11th April, A. D. 1405.