[JULY, 1895.
165. S. 1061 (?). Inscr. at Sravana Belgola, No. 51, pp. 34 and 129. Death of the Dandanayaka Baladeva, the lay disciple of Prabhûchandra-siddhantadêva :
Sa (sa)ka-varusha 1041 (in translation 1061) Siddhartthis-amvatsarada Mârggasi(śi)ra-su(su)ddha-pâdiva Sômavârad-andu.t
166. P. 4, No. 140.-8. 1083 (for 1084), Dundubhi, Jyaishtha-sudi 15, Sômê. Añjanêri inscription of the Yâdava Mahásámanta Seunadeva.
167. P. 127, No. 85. S. 1085, Dundubhi, Bhadrapada-śudi 6, 'Sakra-vara. Miraj inscription of the 'Silâhâra Vijayaditya.
168. P. 127, No. 86 (Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 210). S. 1085, Dundubhi, Magha-paurṇamast, Sôma-vârê, a lunar eclipse. Kolhapur inscription of the Silâhâra Vijayaditya.
169. P. 14, No. 186. S. 1066, Rudhirôdgarin, Magha-vadi 14, Vadda-vára. Miraj inscription of the Silâhâra Vijayaditya.
170. P. 127, No. 87. S. 1088, Krodhana, Âśvina-sudi 10, Briha-vara. Death of Prabhachandra-siddhântadêva, the disciple of Mêghachandra-traividyadêva.
171. P. 128, No. 88 (Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 212). S. 1073, Pramoda, Bhadrapadapaurņamasi, Sukra-vârê, a lunar eclipse. Bâmani inscription of the 'Silâhâra Vijayaditya,
172. S. 1075. Ante, Vol. VIII. p. 41. Patna inscription of Govana III. of the Nikumbha family :
(L. 20). Varsbâ[nam] pamchasaptatya, sahasrê sâdhikê gate 1075
Saka-bhupala-kalasya tatha Srimukha-vatsarê ||
173.-P. 116, No. 21.-S. 1076, Bhava, Ashadha-sudi 5, Brihaspati-vara. Halgûr-inscription of the Western Châlukya Taila III.
174. P. 116, No. 22. S. 1078, Dhatri, Vaisakha-śuddha, akshaya-tritiyâ, yugâdi, Bhauma-dinê. Bombay As. Soc.'s inscription of the Silâra Mallikarjuna.
175. S. 1079. Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 219; Mysore Inscr. No. 102, p. 193. Talgund inscription of the Kalachuri Bijjana-Tribhuvanamalla, and his Leader of the forces Kêśimayya:
Saka 1079 (in figures, 1. 57), the Isvara samvatsara; Monday, the day of the full-moon of Pushya; at the time of the sun's commencing his progress to the north.'t
176. P. 8, No. 154.-S. 1080, Bahudhanya, Âshâḍh-âmâvâsyâ, Sôma-vara, dakshinayanasamkranti. Siddapur inscription of the Kadamba Mahamandalescara Sivachitts and the Yuvarija Vijayaditya.
177. S. 1080.
Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inser. No. 183; ante, Vol. XII. p. 212, No. 59; Mysore Inser. No. 74, p. 159. Balagâmve inscription of the Kalachuri Bijjala-Tribhuva
namalla :
(L. 62).-Saka-varsham 1080neya Bahudhanya-samvatcha (tsa)rada Pusya(shya)da punnami Somaviram-attaniyaṇasathkrimtivyatipita-somagrahagad-amhdu.t
178. P. 117, No. 23. S. 1081, Pramâdi(thi)n,' Pausha-sudi 14, Sukra-vara, uttarâyana-sankranti. Sravana Belgola inscription of the Hoysala Narasimha I.
179. P. 2, No. 129. S. 1084, Chitrabhanu, Mâgha-sudi 13, Vadda-vara. Anamkond inscription of the Kâkatya (Kakatiya) Rudradova.
180.P. 15, No. 187.-S. 1084 (for 1035 P), Subhanu, Jyaishtha-paurnamâsî, Monday, a lunar eclipse. Pattadakal inscription of the Sinda Chavunda II., the subordinate of the Western Chalukya Taila III.