MARCE, 1895.]
Sing of the pleasures of Ridhi-Krishpa, as you have seen them here." Saying this vanished the god Bhola Shankar, * And in a moment Narsinh found himself in Junagadh. Thenceforward the speech of Narsinh became parer, and his talent for devotional poetry
increased immeasurably. He became absorbed in the praises of Radha-Křishṇa and counted the world as but a straw." Then, with music playing and songs singing, he entered the city,
And went and fell at the feet of his brother's wife. 45 "You have been as a priestess to me, (for) you spoke to me a harsh word, And by your righteousness I met both the gods.
___Refrain. By your righteousness, mother mine, the great Sri Parivrajh (Brahma) appeared to me." (And now) the Meheta's wife being a pions woman, he resumed the estate of a man of the world. कडवू २ जु.
आ दीठी तेवी लीला गाजे केवळ रस सणगार.
35 पछी रास मंडळ तणी रचना देखाडी तेणीवार. राग धनाश्री.
नरसह मेहतो प्रत्ये बोल्या स्वामी श्री त्रीपुरार.
रखे लोक भय मनमांही आणतो मस्तक साटे भक्ति. भरभुत लीलारस विराजी,दरशन कीधेभव दुःख भागेजी. राधा कृमनो धीहार गाजे जुए तेवी मुक्ति. गोपीका गाय वानीच वाजेजी, महासुखदी, सीवमा- अंतरध्यान थया एम कहीने भोळाशंकर देव. हाराजजी.
40 पळ मावमा नरसहने मुम्यो जुनेगढ तस्खेव. डाळ.
था नरसहभानी नीर्मळ वाणी कवि भक्ति शक्ति
अपार. 25 महाराज सित्र महाराजजीए मह्यो मेहेतानो हाथ.
राधा कृमनो रंग लाग्यो. गणेणाबत संसार. ते सदासिवने देखीने सामा भाव्या वैकुंठनाथ
पछी ताल वातां गीत गातां पधार्या पुरमांय. स्यां हरीहर हरखोने मघा नमी गोपी सिवने पाय.
नरसिंह मेहेतो जइने नम्या भाभी केडे पाय. नरसइभी जानम्यो नाथने तव बोळ्या वैकुंठराय.
45 समने गोराणी में प्रमाणी. हुंने कह्यु कठण वचन. कहो सदासि आ कोण छे तमे देखायो आ ठाम.
हरीहरबंने मुजने मळ्या भाभी तमारुं पुन्य. 30 महादेव कहे ए भकत तमारो विप्र नरसइभी माम. स्वारे मस्तक उपर हाथ मुकी कहे श्री गोपाळ.
उठळो. दुःख वेळा मने संभारजे, हुं धार आवीश ततकाळ, पुन्य तमामात मारी मने मळ्या श्री परिब्रह्म रे. करजे तुं कीर्तन भक्ति मारी हुं तरीच भवसंसार. छ साधवी स्त्री मेहेता तणी पछे मांडधो गृहस्थाधर्मरे.
Canto III. The Mêhêtå resumed the duties of a man of the world, with a chaste and noble wife, 50 And began to worship Damodar,26 with the tilakron his brow and astring of beads and the
symbol (of that god) in his hand: With sádhiis and vairágís he would play upon the conch-shell admirably. His yard was (soon) overgrown with tulusis plants and praises of Krishna were sung in
his house) day and night. Neither the duties of the agricultarist, nor any other trade or profession had he. Tłe
Mêbêta was to all appearance a servant of Harl.
» Also an epithet of Krishọa, meaning the Provider of All Good.
This phrase is rather ambiguous in the text. The metre of this Canto differs from the above as it will appear from the following lines :
___Prelude. Adabhota 17.Arasa viráfijt darasana kidhe bhava dukha bhogije.
Gopikch gdya vajiotra wijéji mahisukha didhua SivamAbArajajt. And thus the ditferont Cantos are composed in different metres, according to the requirements of eacbdg Gano). Narsiph is known to have introduced many new rage into the Rigvidya (music) of his country.
* Another Dame of Krishna, meaning "girdled." * The symbol or sign painted on the brow of each follower of Krishna.
Theaweet basil plant, specially used in the rites of Krishpa-worship.