Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 22
________________ 16 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1877. (") वर्तितव्यमागामिभद्रनृपतिभिरस्मद्वंशजैरन्यै| अनित्यान्यैश्वाण्यस्यरं मानुष्यंः सामान्यं च भूमि दानफलमव (18) गच्छद्विरयमस्महायोनुमन्तव्यः परिपालयितव्यश्चेत्युक्तं बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिस्सगरादिभिः __ यस्य यस्य (") यदा भूमिस्तस्यतस्य तदा फलं ॥ यानीह दारिद्यभयानरेन्द्रर्धनानि धर्मायतनीकृतानि निर्बान्तमा ल्यप्रतिमानि (२०) तानि को नाम साधुः पुनराददीतः षष्टिं वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः आच्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वस्ये (1) दूतकोत्र सामन्तशिलादित्यः ।। लिखितमिदं सन्धिविग्रहाधिकृतदिविरपतिवशभट्टिना॥ सं ३१. आश्वयुजबह ५ REFIT H II? 0.- The Grant of sudditya V. minative affix ka, and godraha means 'a lake for The grant of Siladitya V. is written on Cows,' or the lake of the cow;' compare also two plates of the largest size, 11 inches by 17. någadraha in Våkpati's grant.' Now this name The left-hand ring has been lost. The right- fits Godhr& very well, which possesses a hand one, to which the seal is attached, is in very large taldo. The name Godraha occurs also its proper place. The latter is, even for Valabhi in Somokvara's Kirtikaumudi, IV. 57, where it is plates, excessively massive. It bears the usual stated that the lords of Godraha and Late cognizance and inscription. betrayed their master, Rånå Viradhavala The letters resemble in general those of the of Dholka, and joined the kings of Marudesa who Baroda and Kåvi Rashtrakūta plates. But they fought against him. In that passage Godraha show some curious forms, which I have never can only refer to Godhra. I do not feel so conmet with before. Thus da is invariably repre- fident that it designates the same place in our sented by 2, which in the older inscriptions plate. For it is quite possible that another Gowould be hra or phra ; for ksha we find some dhrå may have existed in Kathiâvâd, though I times a sign which resembles bha; and for sha a am not at present in a position to prove this. sign resembling ja-E, or tha-0. The varnéávali carries us one step further than The execution of the plates is slovenly in the the Gondal plates translated by Råosaheb extreme. Not only does every line abound with V. N. Mandlik. || It appears that there was a mistakes, and whole lines have been left onto fifth prince who bore the name Siladitya. bat frequently the engraver has not taken the Oar sásana (pl. II. 11. 20-22) gives the following trouble to connect his strokes, whereby the description of this new king :letters become rather doubtful. It would be " His (i.e. the fourth siladityadeva's) son is impossible to read the plate if we had not the ardent devotee of Maheśvara, the great numerous nearly identical inscriptions. The king of kings, the supreme lord, the illustrious preservation of the plates is nearly perfect. Siladityadeva, who meditates on the feet There are only two small rents, one high up of the supreme sovereign, the great king of kings, on the right-hand side, and one low down on the the supreme lord Bappa, who humbles the pride left-hand side of the second plate. of all (hostile) armies, who is an abode of auThe grant is dated from "the camp of vic- spiciousness produced) by great victories, who tory fixed at Godraha ka." Godrahaks may resembles) 'Purushottama, because his possibly be Godhra, the chief town of the bosom is caressed by the embraces of Fortune, Panch Mahåls. The word Godranaka is formed because he is possessed of marvellous power by from Godraha by the individualizing or deter- assuming the shape of a man-lion, and because IL. 17, read feet. L. 20, read ; • Narasimha is one of the incarnations of Vishnu. $ Especially Pl. IL. 11. 26-29. The king may be likened to a man-lion on soooont of his Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. vol. XI. p. 331. bravery. The compound Narasimha has to be explained 1 Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, is the wife of differently in onoh me. Vishnu-Purushottama.


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