The following is a consolidated picture of relative positions of those kings who are identical in the PCV, the VR and the Puráņas :
2. Bharaha
13. Bharata 28. Vijaya,
32. Vijaya 33. Naghusa
30. Nahusa 34. Sodása
22. Saudāsa
47. Sudāsa. 44. Mandhata
10. Mándhala
19. Māndhata. 60. Kakuha 20. Kakutstha.
3. Kakutstha. 61. Raghusa 21. Raghu.
55. Raghu. 62. Anaranna
5. Anaranya.
22. Anaranya. 63. Dasaraha
34. Dasaratha.
57. Dasaratha. 64. Răma 35. Rāma.
58 Rāma. A comparison of the genealogical lists as found in the PCV and the VR shows that in all eight persens-Bharata, Naghusa, Saudāsa. Mandhăts, Kakutstha, Raghu, Anaranya and Dasaratha are common though their places in the line differ. While there are only seven persons in the PCV, who find mention in the Puranic list also. They are Vijaya, Saudāsa, Māndhāts Kakutstha, Raghu, Anaranya and Dasaratha. Hiranyanābha of the PCV is found in the Raghuvamsa (18 25) and the Purāņas (Bhāg, 9.12 3). But he is mentioned to have been born after some generations in the line of Rāma and not as an ancestor of Rāma as found in the PCV. The relative places of these seven kings mentioned in the PCV differ from those of the Puranic list also. There are only six kings who are common to all the three lists. They are Saudása, Māndhāts, Kakutstha, Raghu, Anaranya and Daśaratha.
According to the PCV, Kakutstha appears some generations after Māndhātr. This sequence agrees with the VR though the exact place in the line does not agree. In the Puranic list Mandhāta is mentioned some generations after Kakutstha. The PCV and the VR refer to Raghu as the son of Kakutstha but in the Puranic list Raghu is a descendant of Kakutstha after many generations. If we start from Vijaya then the place of Rama as found in the PCV comes to be thirty-seventh which is nearer to the VR, but the total number of descendants from Rşabha to Rāma as found in the PCV are 64. In the Puranic list the number is 58 from Ikşvāku to Rama, In this respect the PCV's list is nearer to that of the Puranic one. Moreover Vijaya is mentioned in the Puranic list, his place being thirty-second and mark, how close it is to his place in the PCV