It was the consideration of equality that the wife was also consecrated when her husband was crowned as king (85.22-23). In religious matters she was equally respected. It was Mandodari who was given. by Ravana the complete responsibility of managing the celebrations of a great religious festival (bharo samappio savvo 66.7).
Polygamy was the prevailing custom among the nobles (82.59) and specially the rulers whether they were the Aryans1, the Rākṣasas2 or the Vanaras. There are many instances of the Aryan and the non-Aryan kings having one wife only. Candragati had one wife only. She was barren still he did not marry any other woman.
In the case of polygamy it was natural that some wives were specially favoured. The chief queen was respected more because she was the most privileged wife. Ravana manifested greater sympathy and consideration for Mandodari than for others before his departure to the battlefield (70. 60). The chief queen used to get coronated (85. 22-23). The multiplicity of wives became the cause of occasional jealousy and rivalry. The elder queen of Dasaratha, on not getting the ablution simultaneously with her cowives, got ready to commit suicide because she thought that she was disrespected (29. 12). There was occasional religious rivalry also. Vapra and Laksmi, the two queens of king Simhadhvaja of Kampilyapura were followers of two different religions. They developed a great controversy over the point of preference in rotating their respective chariots (8. 144f). For that prince Harisena had to leave his house for some time. Kanakodarī could not tolerate her cowife's worshipping of the Jina idol, hence she threw it out (17. 62). The above two instances additionally show that the religion did not become a bar in marrying girls following different faiths and usually the life went on harmoniously.
Sexual urge, political considerations and social prestige were the chief considerations which encouraged polygamy among the noble
Mother:-Whenever there is a reference to the parents or the members of the family the mother is mentioned first. It indicates that mothers enjoyed great respect in the society. The naming of the
1. 22.106, 108; 28.71; 91. 12-28. 136; 32-95; 88. 15-17: 21.3; 105-95.
2. 74.12.
3. 19.42; 108.49.
4. 74.33; 15.6; 15.11; 26.83.
5. 28. 96.
6. 14. 14.