3. Indravajral: It has 11 syllables in each foot and has the scheme of Ta, Ta, Ja, and two long syllables (See 14.158).
4. Upendravajrà: It has its first gana in Ja scheme while the rest of the scheme is identical with that of Indravajra (See 60.9).
Upajātia: It is a mixture of Indravajrā and Upendravajrā. Example: 89.64--It has first and third foot of Indravajrā while second and fourth foot of Upendravajra. There are examples of one foot of Indravajrā and the rest of the three feet of Upendravajrā (See 32.79) or vice versa (See 40.16; 57.36; 71 69; 81.15; 90.30). Such a combination is allowed by Virahanka who defines it as Slikatripāda. He names the Upajāti as Misrā”.
6. Drutavilambita4. It has 12 syllables with the scheme of Na, Bha, Bha, Ra, in each foot (See 28.141).
7. Totaka': It has the scheme of four times 'Sa' gana in each foot.
8. Indravansão; It has Ta, Ta, Ja, Ra scheme in each foot.
9. Vaṁśasthai? or Vasantamañjari!; It has Ja, Ta, Ja, Ra scheme in each foot.
10. Indra-Vamsastha: It is a mixture of Indravamśā and Varsastha (See 31.128-Its first foot is of Indrvamśā and the other three of Varśastha. It is also called Jāgati upajāti'.
11. Rucirà or Sada gati 10: It has 13 syllables and the scheme is Bha, Sa, Ja, and a long syllable. It has caesura at 4th syllable. See 70.71-The 'sajjauhā' of the third foot should be saāuha', otherwise that foot is defectivell
12. Vasantatilakä12 : ---It has 14 syllables in each foot. Its scheme is Ta, Bha, Ja, and two long syllables (See 88.43).
1. PP, II. 114. 2. Ibid, 118. 3. See VSJ = Vrttajātisamuccaya 5.2. (J.B.B. Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 8,
No. 1 & 2, p. 13, 1932.). 4. Ibid. 5.28. 5. Ibid. 5.97. 6. Hem. Chandanuśāsanam p. 7a line 17. 7. Ibid. Adhyāya 2. 159. 8. VS7, 5.26. 9. Op. cit. Taina Yuga. 10. VS7, 5.30. 11. महाभडा कवइयदेहभूसणा, समन्तभो तुरयगइन्द्रसंकुला।
सज्जाउहा दिणयरतेयसनिहा, विणिग्गया विमलजसाहिलासिणो ॥ ७०.७१ 12. PP, II. 150.