Bhagavati Sātra Bk. 9 Ch. 3-30
the Salt Ocean, there, on the southern side, you have the Ekoruka island inhabited by men of the Ekoruka species. Gautama ! This island is 300 yojanas square and its boundary line is slightly less than 949 yojanas. This island is girdled by a padmavara-vedika and a forest strip. They have been described at length in the Jivābhigama Sutra. The description of all the isles, 28 in numb:r, till Suddhadanta, is similar, which is to be noted, till men living in these isles acquire, after death, the life of divine beings. The dimensions of all the 28 isles are to be noted from the same source, but it is necessary to devote one chapter for each, so that there will, in all, be 28 chapters.
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Ta! fai
Bhante ! So they are. Bhante ! So they aro. ...So.
तइओ-तीसइमो उद्देसो समत्तो।
Chapters Three, till Thirty endo