Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 9 Ch. 2
___A. 3. Gautama ! On this, refer to tho Jivabhigama Sutra, till the description of the stars. On Dhātakikhanda, Kālodadhi, Puşkarāvara, inner half of Puşkara, and the region inhabited by men, reference is to be made to the same source, till the family of one moon, till kofākoți number of stars.
प्रश्न ४-पुक्खरद्ध णं भंते ! समुद्दे केवड्या चंदा पभासिंसु वा...?
Q. 4. Bhante ! How many moons did shine, do shine and will shine on the Puşkarārdha Ocean ?
उत्तर ४-एवं सव्वेसु दीवसमुद्देसु जोइसियाण भाणियव्वं जाव...सयंभूरमणे जाव...सोभं सोभिंसु वा सोभति वा सोभिस्संति वा।
A. 4. Gautama! As aforesald for the planetory bodies on all the Islands and Oceans, till Sayambhūramana, till did shine, do shine and will shine.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति।
-Bhante ! So they are. Bhante ! So they are. ...so.
बीओ उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter Two ends