01. नमस्कार मंगल सूत्र - NAMASKAR MANGAL SUTRA
Aguru Laghutva
No Social Status
Anant Virya
Infinite Power and Energy
Namo Äyariyänam
I bow to the Ächäryas, who head the order, and who preach the principles of religion by showing us the path of liberation, i.e., the path of Right Conviction or Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct.
Namo Uvajjhäyanam
I bow to the Upädhyäys, who are the religious scholars and guides of the scriptures. They explain to us the true nature of the soul and karma, their relationship, and the importance of our spiritual lives over our material lives.
Namo Loe Savva Sähunam
I bow to all ascetics who strictly follow the five great vows of conduct and inspire us to live a simple life. The five vows are:
Ahimsa (Nonviolence and Compassion), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Chastity), and Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness and Non-attachment)
Eso Pancha Namukkäro
To these five types of great souls, I offer my obeisance.
Savva Pävap-panäsano
May such obeisance help diminish my sins.
Mangalä-nam cha Savvesim
Giving this praise is most auspicious.
Padhamam Havai Mangalam
It is so auspicious as to bring inner peace and happiness.