47. लघु-शान्ति स्तव - LAGHU-SHANTI STAVA
47. लघु-शान्ति स्तव - Laghu-Shanti Stava
47. Introduction People of Nadol city were suffering from plague created by an evil minded goddess. Agreeing to the request of the Jain community of the city, Shri Mänadeva Suri composed this hymn or sutra to get rid of the plague. Shri Mänadeva Suri was blessed by Padmä, Jaya, Vijayä, and Aparajita, the four goddesses. It is due to their mystic power the city was saved from the disaster created by the plague. In this hymn, Lord Shäntinätha is praised with many precious qualities.
47. लघु-शान्ति स्तव शान्तिं शान्ति-निशान्तं, शान्तं शान्ता-शिवं नमस्कृत्य. स्तोतुः शान्ति-निमित्तं, मन्त्र-पदैः शान्तये स्तौमि. ओमिति निश्चित-वचसे, नमो नमो भगवतेर्हते पूजाम्. शान्ति-जिनाय जयवते, यशस्विने स्वामिने दमिनाम्.. ............. सकलातिशेषक-महा-संपत्ति-समन्विताय शस्याय. त्रैलोक्य-पूजिताय च, नमो नमः शान्ति-देवाय... सर्वामर-सुसमूह-स्वामिक-संपूजिताय न जिताय. भुवन-जन-पालनोयत-तमाय सततं नमस्तस्मै. सर्व-दुरितौघ-नाशन-कराय सर्वाशिव-प्रशमनाय. दुष्ट ग्रह-भूत-पिशाच-शाकिनीनां प्रमथनाय.