Book Title: Laghu Prabandh Sangraha
Author(s): Jayant P Thaker
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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________________ RST - CELL zreya jIrNoddhAra -: saMyojaka :zrI AzApUraNa pArzvanAtha jaina jJAnabhaMDAra zA. vimaLAbena saremala javeracaMdajI beDAvALA bhavanA hIrAjaina sosAyaTI, sAbaramatI, amadAvAda-380005. mo. 94265 85904 (o.) 079-22132543
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________________ "aho zrutajJAna" graMtha jIrNodhdhAra 104 laghuprabaMdha saMgraha : dravya sahAyaka : ' F pUjya AcArya zrI premabhuvanabhAnusUrijI samudAyanA dIkSA dAnezvarI pa.pU. A.zrI guNaratnasUrIzvarajI ma.nA AjJAvartinI pUjya pravartinI pUNyarekhAzrIjI ma.sA.nI suziSyA pUjya sAdhvijI zrI virAgarekhAzrIjI ma.sA.nI preraNAthI zrI bAldA zve. mU. jaina saMgha, rAjasthAna khAte caitrI oLI prasaMge zrAvikA upAzrayanI jJAnakhAtAnI upajamAMthI saMvata 2067 : saMyojaka : zAha bAbulAla saremala beDAvALA zrI AzApUraNa pArzvanAtha jaina jJAnabhaMDAra zA. vImaLAbena saremala javeracaMdajI beDAvALA bhavana hIrAjaina sosAyaTI, sAbaramatI, amadAvAda-380005 (mo.) 9426585904 (o.) 22132543 2011
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________________ zrI jinazAsanA jaya ho !!! II zrI gautamasvAmIna nama| | zrI sudhamarisvAmIne nama: || aApIe> SCS1 jinazAsananA aNagAra, kalikAlanA zaNagAra pUjya bhagavaMto ane jJAnI paMDitoe zrutabhaktithI prerAIne vividha hastalikhita graMtho parathI saMzodhana-saMpAdana karIne apUrvajahematathI ghaNA graMthonuM varSo pUrvesarjanakarelache ane potAnI zakti, samaya ane dravyano savyaya karIne puNyAnubaMdhI puNya upArjana karela che. kALanA prabhAve jINa ane lupta thaI rahelA ane alabhya banI jatA mudrita graMtho paikI pUjya gurudevonI preraNA ane AzIrvAdithI sa.2005mAM 54 graMthono seTa naM-1 tathA .2006mAM 36 graMthono seTa nI 2 skena karAvIne maryAdita nakala prInTa karAvI hatI. jethI ApaNo zrutavAraso bIjA aneka varSo sudhI TakI rahe ane abhyAsu mahAtmAone upayogI graMtho saraLatAthI upalabdha thAya, pUjya sAdhu-sAdhvIjI bhagavaMtonI preraNAthI jJAnakhAtAnI upajamAMthI taiyAra karavAmAM Avela pustakono seTa bhinna-bhinna zaheromAM AvelA viziSTa uttama jJAnabhaMDAronI bheTa mokalavAmAM AvyA hatA. A badhAjapustako pUjyagurubhagavaMtone viziSTa abhyAsa-saMzodhana mATe khubaja jarurI che ane prAyaH aprApya che. abhyAsa-saMzodhanA jarUrI pustako sahelAIthI upalabanI tImaja prAcIna mudrita pustakono kyuta vAraso jaLavAI rahe to zubha AzayathI A thono jIrNoddhAra karela che. judA judA viSayonA viziSTa kakSAnA pustakono jIrNoddhAra pUjya gurUbhagavatInI preraNA ane AzIrvAdithI amo karI rahyA chIe. to abhAI tathA saMzodhanA mATe vadhumAM vaghuupayoga karIne zrutabhaktinA kAryanI protsAhana ApazI. lI.zAha bAbulAla sanemA joDAvALAnI vedanA maMdiro jIrNa thatAM AjakAlanA somapurA dvArA paNa UbhA karI zakAze...! = paNa ekAda graMtha naSTa thatA bIjA kalikAlasarvajJa ke mahopAdhyAya zrI yazovijayajI kyAMthI lAvIzuM...???
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________________ "Aho Shrut Gyanam"
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________________ pRSTha 238 286 54 007 810 850 322 280 162 302 aho zrutajJAnama graMtha jIrNoddhAra- saMvata 2065 (I. 2009- seTa naM-1 kramAMka pustakanuM nAma kartA-TIkAkAsaMpAdaka 001 | zrI naMdIsUtra avacUrI pU. vikramasUrijIma.sA. 002 | zrI uttarAdhyayana sUtra cUrNI pU. jinadAsagaNicUrNIkAra / | 003 zrI arhadrItA-bhagavadgItA pU. meghavijayajI gaNima.sA. 004 zrI arhaccUDAmaNisArasaTIkaH pU. bhadrabAhusvAmIma.sA. 005 | zrI yUkti prakAzasUtraM | pU. padmasAgarajI gaNima.sA. 006 | zrI mAnatuGgazAstram | pU. mAnatuMgavijayajIma.sA. aparAjitapRcchA | zrI bI. bhaTTAcArya 008 zilpasmRti vAstu vidyAyAm | zrI naMdalAla cunilAlasomapurA 009 zilparatnambhAga-1 | zrIkumAra ke. sabhAtsavazAstrI 010 | zilparatnambhAga-2 | zrIkumAra ke. sabhAtsavazAstrI 011 prAsAdatilaka zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI 012 | kAzyazilpam zrI vinAyaka gaNeza ApaTe 013 prAsAdamaJjarI zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI 014 | rAjavallabha yAne zilpazAstra zrI nArAyaNa bhAratIgosAI 015 zilpadIpaka | zrI gaMgAdharajI praNIta | vAstusAra zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI 017 dIpArNava uttarArdha | zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI jinaprAsAdamArtaDa zrI naMdalAla cunIlAla somapurA | jaina graMthAvalI | zrI jaina zvetAmbarakonphransa 020 hIrakalaza jainajyotiSa zrI himmatarAmamahAzaMkara jAnI nyAyapravezaH bhAga-1 | zrI AnaMdazaMkara bI.dhruva 022 | dIpArNavapUrvArdha zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI 023 anekAntajayapatAkAkhyaM bhAga pU. municaMdrasUrijIma.sA. | anekAntajayapatAkAkhyaM bhAga2 | zrI eca. Ara. kApaDIA 025 | prAkRtavyAkaraNabhASAMtara saha zrI becaradAsa jIvarAjadozI tatpopaplavasiMhaH | zrI jayarAzI bhaTTa bI. bhaTTAcArya | 027 zaktivAdAdarzaH zrI sudarzanAcAryazAstrI 156 352 120 88 110 018 498 019 502 454 021 226 640 452 024 500 454 188 026 214
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________________ 028 414 192 824 288 520 578 278 252 324 302 038 196 190 202 | kSIrArNava | zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI 029 vedhavAstuprabhAkara zrI prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI | 030 zilpapatrIvAra | zrI narmadAzaMkarazAstrI 031. prAsAda maMDana paM. bhagavAnadAsa jaina 032 | zrI siddhahema vRtti vRti adhyAya pU. bhaviSyamUrinama.sA. 033 zrI siddhahema bRhadvRtti bRhannyAsa adhyAyara pU. lAvaNyasUrijIma.sA. 034 | zrIsima vRtti cUkyAsa adhyAya che pU. bhAvasUrinIma.sA. 035 | zrasihama vRtti cUdAna adhyAya (ra) (3) pU. bhaviSyamUrinIma.sA. 036 | zrI siddhahema bRhadvRti bRhannyAsa adhyAya5 pU. lAvaNyasUrijIma.sA. | 037 vAstunighaMTu prabhAzaMkara oghaDabhAI somapurA tilakamannarI bhAga-1 pU. lAvaNyasUrijI 039 | tilakamannarI bhAga-2 pU. lAvaNyasUrijI 040 tilakamajharI bhAga-3 pU. lAvaNyasUrijI saptasandhAna mahAkAvyama pU. vijayaamRtasUrizvarajI 042 saptabhImimAMsA pU. paM. zivAnandavijayajI nyAyAvatAra satiSacaMdra vidyAbhUSaNa vyutpattivAda guDhArthatattvAloka zrI dharmadattasUri (bacchA jhA) 045 | sAmAnya niyukti guDhArthatattvAloka zrI dharmadattasUri (bacchA jhA) 046 | saptabhaLInayapradIpa bAlabodhinIvivRttiH pU. lAvaNyasUrijI 047 vyutpattivAda zAstrArthakalA TIkA zrIveNImAdhava zAstrI 048 | nayopadeza bhAga-1 tarakiNItaraNI pU. lAvaNyasUrijI nayopadeza bhAga-2 tarakiNItaraNI pU. lAvaNyasUrijI 050 nyAyasamuccaya pU. lAvaNyasUrijI 051 syAdyArthaprakAzaH pU. lAvaNyasUrijI dina zuddhi prakaraNa pU. darzanavijayajI 053 | bRhad dhAraNA yaMtra pU. darzanavijayajI jyotirmahodaya saM. pU. akSayavijayajI 041. 480 228 043 6o 044 218 190 138 296 2io 049. 274 286 216 052 532 13 112
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________________ aho zrutajJAnam graMtha jIrNoddhAra - saMvata 2066 (I. 2010)- seTa naM-2 bhASA kartA-TIkAkAsaMpAdaka pustakanuM nAma saM saM krama 055 zrI siddhahema bRhadvRtti bRhadnyAsa adhyAya - 6 056 vividha tIrtha kalpa 057 bhAratIya jaina zramaNa saMskRti ane lekhanakaLA 058 | siddhAntalakSaNagUDhArtha tattvalokaH 059 | vyApti paJcaka vivRtti TIkA jaina saMgIta rAgamALA 064 | viveka vilAsa 065 | paJcazatI prabodha prabaMdha 066 sanmatitattvasopAnam 067 upadezamAlA doghaTTI TIkA gurjarAnuvAda 068 | moharAjAparAjayam 069 | kriyA 070 kAlikAcAryakathAsaMgraha 071 sAmAnyanirukti caMdrakalA kalAvilAsa TIkA 060 061 caturviMzatIprabandha (prabaMdha koza ) 062 vyutpattivAda Adarza vyAkhyayA saMpUrNa 6 adhyAya saM 063 | candraprabhA makaumudI saM 072 janmasamudrajAtaka 073 | meghamahodaya varSaprabodha 074 075 zubha. saM saM jaina sAmudrikanAM pAMca graMtho jaina citra kalpadruma bhAga-1 gu. saM 4.4.9 saM/gu. saM saM pU. lAvaNyasUrijIma. sA. pU. jinavijayajI ma. sA. zubha. gu4. pU. pUNyavijayajI ma. sA. zrI dharmadattasUri | zrI dharmadattasUri zrI mAMgaroLa jaina saMgIta maMDaLI zrI rasikalAla eca. kApaDIA | zrI sudarzanAcArya pU. meghavijayajI gaNi zrI dAmodara goviMdAcArya pU. mRgendravijayajI ma.sA. pU. labdhisUrijI ma.sA. pRSTha 296 160 164 202 48 306 322 668 516 268 456 420 zubha. pU. hemasAgarasUrijI ma. sA. saM pU. caturavijayajI ma.sA. saM/hiM zrI mohanalAla bAMThiyA saM/gu. zrI aMbAlAla premacaMda 406 saM. zrI vAmAcaraNa bhaTTAcArya 308 saM/ hiM zrI bhagavAnadAsa jaina 128 saM/ haM zrI bhagavAnadAsa jaina 532 zrI himmatarAma mahAzaMkara jAna 376 zrI sArAbhAI navAba 374 638 192 428
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________________ 076 | jana vine jaina citra kalpadruma bhAga-2 7 saMgIta nATya rUpAvalI 7 | bhAratanAM jaina tIrtho ane tenuM zilpa sthApatya 079 | zilpa citAmaNi bhAga-1 080 | bRhad zilpa zAstra bhAga-1 114 08 | bRhad zilpa zAstra bhAga-2 082 bRhad zilpa zAstra bhAga-3 083 AyurvedanA anubhUta prayogo bhAga-1 084 | kalyANa kAraka 085 | vizvanayana voza 086 | kathA ratna koza bhAga-1 087 kathA ratna koza bhAga-2 hastasagnIvanamAM | guja. | zrI sArAmAkuM navAva 238 | guja. | zrI vidyA saramA navAva 194 guja. | zrI sArAmArUM navAva 192 guja. | zrI manasuhAnAnna muvamana | 254 guja. | zrI gagannAtha maMvArIma 260 guja. | zrI nAganAtha maMvArama 238 guja. | zrI navInnAtha maMvArama 260 guja. | pU. varAntisAgaranI guja. | zrI vardhamAna pArzvanAtha zAstrI 910 saM./hiM zrI naMdalAla zarmA 436 guja. | zrI levalAsa navarAna kozI 336 | guja. | zrI levalAsa navarAna tozI | 230 saM. | pU. me vinayanI pU.savinayana, pU. puNyavijayajI | AcArya zrI vijayadarzanasUrijI 560 088 . 322 114 089 e%caturvizatikA 090 sammati taka mahArNavAvatArikA
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________________ krama 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 zrI AzApUraNa pArzvanAtha jaina jJAnabhaMDAra saMyojaka zAhabAbulAla saremala (mo.) 9426585904 (o.) zAha vImaLAvena saremala javeracaMdajI beDAvALA bhavana hIrAjaina sosAyaTI, rAmanagara, sAbaramatI, amadAvAda - 05. aho zrutajJAnam graMtha jIrNoddhAra saMvata 2067 (I. 2011) seTa naM. 3 prAyaH aprApya prAcIna pustakoM kI skena DIvIDI banAI usakI suucii| yaha pustake vebasAiTa se bhI DAunaloDa kara sakate haiN| pustaka nAma saMpAdaka / prakAzaka motIlAla lAghAjI punA karttA / TIkAkAra bhASA vAdidevasUrijI saM. syAdvAda ratnAkara bhAga-1 syAdvAda ratnAkara bhAga-2 vAdidevasUrijI motIlAla nAghAjI punA syAdvAda ratnAkara bhAga - 3 vAdidevasUrijI syAdvAda ratnAkara bhAga - 4 vAdidevasUrijI syAdvAda ratnAkara bhAga - 5 vAdidevasUrijI pavitra kalpasUtra puNyavijayajI - samarAGgaNa sUtradhAra bhAga - 1 samarAGgaNa sUtradhAra bhAga-2 bhuvanadIpaka gAthAsahastrI bhAratIya prAcIna lipImAlA zabdaratnAkara subodhavANI prakAza laghu prabaMdha saMgraha jaina stotra saMcaya - 1-2-3 sanmatitarka prakaraNa bhAga - 1, 2, 3 sanmatitarka prakaraNa bhAga - 4, 5 nyAyasAra - nyAyatAtparyadIpikA - -- bhojadeva bhojadeva padmaprabhasUrijI samayasuMdarajI gaurIzaMkara ojhA sAdhusundarI nyAyavijayajI jayaMta pI. ThAkara mANikyasAgarasUrijI siddhasena divAkara siddhasena divAkara satiSacaMdra vidyAbhUSaNa saM. saM. saM. saM. saM./aM saM. saM. saM. saM. hindI saM. saM. gu saM. saM. saM. saM. saM. motIlAla lAghAjI punA motIlAla lAghAjI punA motIlAla lAghAjI punA sArAbhAI [navAba TI. gaNapati zAstrI TI. gaNapati zAstrI veMkaTeza presa sukhA munzIrAma manohararAma haragovindadAsa becaradAsa hemacaMdrAcArya jaina sabhA orIenTa isTI. baroDA AgamoddhAraka sabhA sukhalAla saMghavI sukhalAla saMghavI esiyATIka sosAyaTI pRSTha 272 240 254 282 118 466 342 362 134 70 316 224 612 307 250 514 454 354
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________________ 109 saM./hi 337 110 saM./hi 354 111 372 112 saM./hi saM./hi saM./hi 142 113 336 364 saM./gu saM./gu puraNacaMdra nAhara puraNacaMdra nAhara puraNacaMdra nAhara jinadattasUri jJAnabhaMDAra aravinda dhAmaNiyA yazovijayajI graMthamALA | yazovijayajI graMthamALA | nAhaTA bradharsa | jaina AtmAnaMda sabhA jaina AtmAnaMda sabhA | phArbasa gujarAtI sabhA phArbasa gujarAtI sabhA | phArbasa gujarAtI sabhA 218 116 656 122 jaina lekha saMgraha bhAga-1 puraNacaMdra nAhara jaina lekha saMgraha bhAga-2 puraNacaMdra nAhara jaina lekha saMgraha bhAga-3 puraNacaMdra nAhara | jaina dhAtu pratimA lekha bhAga-1 kAMtisAgarajI jaina pratimA lekha saMgraha daulatasiMha loDhA 114 rAdhanapura pratimA lekha saMdoha vizAlavijayajI prAcina lekha saMgraha-1 / vijayadharmasUrijI bIkAnera jaina lekha saMgraha agaracaMda nAhaTA 117 prAcIna jaina lekha saMgraha bhAga-1 jinavijayajI 118 | prAcina jaina lekha saMgraha bhAga-2 jinavijayajI 119 | gujarAtanA aitihAsika lekho-1 girajAzaMkara zAstrI 120 gujarAtanA aitihAsika lekho-2 girajAzaMkara zAstrI gujarAtanA aitihAsika lekho-3 girajAzaMkara zAstrI oNparezana ina sarca oNpha saMskRta menyu. | pI. pITarasana 122 __ ina muMbaI sarkala-1 oNparezana ina sarca oNpha saMskRta menyu. | pI. pITarasana 123 ina muMbaI sarkala-4 oNparezana ina sarca oNpha saMskRta menyu. pI. pITarasana / ina muMbaI sarkala-5 kalekzana oNpha prAkRta enDa saMskRta pI. pITarasana __ inskrIpzansa | 126 | vijayadeva mAhAtmyam jinavijayajI 764 saM./hi saM./hi saM./hi saM./gu saM./gu saM./gu 404 404 121 540 raoNyala eziyATIka jarnala 274 raoNyala eziyATIka jarnala 41 124 400 aM. raoNyala eziyATIka jarnala bhAvanagara ArcIoNlaoNjIkala DipArTamenTa, bhAvanagara jaina satya saMzodhaka 125 320 148
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir laghuprabandhasaGgrahaH LAGHU-PRABANDHA-SANGRAHA Edited With a Critical Study of the Text By JAYANT P. THAKER, M.A. satyAziva sundarama Oriental Institute Baroda 1970 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir laghuprabandhasaGgrahaH LAGHU-PRABANDHA-SANGRAHA With a Critical study of the Text Edited With << Critical Study of the Text By JAYANT P. THAKER, M.4., Research Officer and Post-Graduato Teacher in Sanskrit and Prakric, Oriental Institute, M S. University of Baroda JERRY SAYA U satya bhiyasandarama Oriental Institure Baroda 1970 Orientaarbaatiture For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir First Edition, Copies 300 1970 All rights reserved) Price Rs. tonne Priolcd by Shri Ramanlal J. Patel, Manager, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Press (Sadhana Press), near Palace Garc, Palace Road, Baroda and published by Dr. B. J. Sandesara, Director, Oriental Institute, Baroda, March 1970. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PREFACE The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda has started a series of publications called M. S. University of Baroda Research Scrics. In this series will be published selected research-works of high quality of the teachers, and the theses of the research students of this University, Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The research-work The Laghu-prabandha-sangtaha' by Shri J. P. Thaker, Research Officer, Oriental Institute, Baroda is published in this Series. We acknowledge with thanks the financial help received from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi which gave us a grant of half the cost of this publication. Baroda, Dated 29th January, 1970. For Private And Personal Use Only B. K. ZUTSIN Registrar
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir FOREWORD Mr. J. P. Thaker collaborated with inc in the preparat on of the Lexicographiral Studies in Jaina Sanskrit' which was serially published in the Journal of the Oriental Institute (VIII. 2; IX. 3-4; X; XI and XII. 1) and then was brought out in a book-form in 1962 as M. S. University Oriental Series. no. 5. Il deait with Urue most well-known Prabandha-texts, vis. the Prabmdha-cintanani of Merutlingasuri ( 1305 A.D. ), the Prabandha-kosu of Rajasekharasuri ( 1349 A.D.) and the Priratanu-prsthandha-sangraha. It is a matter of gratification that Mr. Thakor has continued his researches in this particular branch of Sanskrit literature and prepared a critical edition and a comprehensive sludy-- lexicographical, historical and cultural-of an unpublished Prabandha-text which is probably the oldest so far as our present knowledge gocs. The Laghu-prabandhu-sungraha is a valuable addition to the corpus of Prabandha-texts published so far, aud I trust that it will be useful in a variety of ways to the researchers of niediacval Sanskrit literature and especially of its peculiar idiom known among scholars as Jaina Sanskrit' and also to the students of mediaeval Indian History and Culture. Oricntal Institute, Baroda. January 27, 1970. B. J. SANDESARA Director For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir EDITOR'S PREFACE The Lagini-prabandha-sangraha is edited for the first time in the present volume. I have tried to make the cdition as critical as was possible. The Introduction, together with the Appendices, comprises a critical study of the text. This study has led me to the following conclusions: (1) All the ten prabandhas of this anonymous work are from the pen of one and the same author. (2) In the case of the prabandhas whose versions are available elsewhere, the version of our text is the ollest one. (3) This small work is brimming with the peculiar characteristic features of the Prahandha-style and of so-called " Jaina Sanskrit ". (4) It has considerable bearings on contemporary history. (5) It throw's much light on contemporary culture, As such, this volume will, in my humble opinion, make a very valuable, important and useful addition to the Prabanha-literature explored so far, I request the learned readers to make due corrections in the printed matter as per the Corrigenda and humbly seek their indulgance for the same. I have earnestly endeavoured to utilize the valuable work in the field put forth in the past by learned scholars through patient researches and feel highly indebted to those purva-suris for the inspiration and help that I could secure from them. A special mention must be made licre of my indicbtedness to Dr. D. C. Sircar's "Studies in the Geography of Ancient and Medieval India " and Dr. A. S. Altckar's paper on "A History of Important Ancient Towns and Cities in Gujarat and Kathiawad ( From the Earliest Times down to the Moslem Conquest ) published on pp. 1-54 of volumes LITI (1924) and LIV ( 1925 ) of the Indian Autiquary, for most of the Geographicat data furnished in Appendix B(3). I feel bighly obliged to Dr. D. C. Sircar, the veteran Historian of our land, who was kind enough to reply prompily to a query sent by mc regarding king Madanabhrama and the situation of his Capital Kanti. I also take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to a number of friends and well-wishers but for whose help-in one way or another For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vii -the present volune would not have taken the shape in which it is being presented now, My foremost thanks are duc to Dr. B. J. Sandesara, the Director of our Institute. I had the privilege of running up to him every now and then for guidance and he always encouraged me by spending his precious time in discussions not only on viral points hut also on certain minute points. In fact, it was he who entrusted to me the task of editing this work. I am also grateful to him for taking the trouble of writing a Foreword to the present work. I am cqually grateful to Dr. U. P. Shah, Deputy Director and General Editor and Head of the Ramayana Department of the Institute, who also was always happy to guide and enlighten me on my problems whenever I approached him, I am highly indebted to my worthy colleague Sri J. S. Paule Sasiri, who has been the winess of my work and worrics during my researches on the present text and who was kind enough 10 spare time for going through every line of the press-copy of the text, the Introduction and the Appendices (xcasionally offering valuable suggestions. I had the pleasure of holding occasionally interesting discussions on different topics concerning my researches with such local scholars and friends as Pt. L. B. Gandhi, Retired Jaina Pandits of the Oriental Institute, Dr. R. N. Mehta, Vicad of the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History and Dean, Faculty of Arts of our Loiversity, Dr. A. N Boni, Head of the Department of Sanskrit in the Faculty of Arts, and M. B. L. Shinbhogie, Research Officer in the Oriental Institute ( now retired ), to all of whom I express here ny deep feelings of gratitude. I am equally thankful to my lcarncd colleague Dr. S. D. Parekli, with whom I discussed some points regarding the Vikramadityaparicadanda-cchara-pabandha and who so kindly lent to me his personal copy of his typed Thesis in Gujarati entitled "A Critical Eclition of Pancaranda-ni Varta of an Unknown Gujarati Prose-writer ( Before 1682 AD.)" which I was allowed to keep with me for several montls. I am also gracful to Sri M. M. Desai, Assistant Lecturer in Gujarati in the Faculty of Arts, for preparing for me a very accurats, decual anx careful copy of Ms. G. which was the main codex. this knowledge of Sanskrit hiclped hin considerably in deciphering the readings of this early filleenth-century Ms. written throughoul in Prsthamaras. I would fail in my duty if I do not remember with gratiude the affectionate services of Sri P. II, Joshi, M.A., formerly Rescarch Assistant in the Manuscript Department of the Oriental Institute and now Proof-Reader in the Karayana Department, and my son Sri Himamcu J. Thaket, student of B.L. IV (Metallurgy ), both of whom helped me occasionally in preparing the Index to the Introduction. Sri Himamsu also helped me considerably in the tedious task of putting down, in the press-copy of the Introduction and the Appendices, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra IX the references to the lines and pages of the printed text corresponding to those of the press-copy of the text. Oriental Institute, Baroda, 26th January, 1970. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir I am highly thankful to the University Grants Commission and the M. S. University of Baroda for their encouraging generosity in equally bearing the cost of the publication of this work. I also express my gratefulness to Sri Ramanabhai J. Patel, Manager of the M. S. University of Baroda Press and other members of the staff of the Press for excellent and efficient printing of this work. For Private And Personal Use Only J. P. THAKER
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ABBREVIATIONS ADI. Acc. adj. adv. AHI Ap. BSPS cent. CG Chis). Dat. decl. DHNI ed Eng. FGS (n(s). GDAMI -Atmanepada --Ablative -Accusative - adjective -adverb -An Advanced History of India by R. C. Majumdar etc. -Apabhramsa -Bornbay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series ---circa -cencury -Chaulukyas of Gujarat by A, K. Majumdar ---Chapter(s) -Dative -decension -The Dynastic History of Northern India by H. C. Ray --edited by, edition, editor - English -feminine -Forbes Gujarati Sabha, Bombay --foot-note(s) -The Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Mediaeval India by Nundo Lal Dey -Genitive -gerund --Gujarata-no Madhyakalina Rajaputa Itihasa by D. K. Sastri Gackwad's Oriental Series, Baroda - Gujarata, Gujarati Gujarata Vernacular Society, Gujarata Vidya Sabha, Ahnicdabad -The History of Bengal by R. C. Majumdar -History of Classical Sanskrit Literature by M. Krishnamachariar -Indian Antiquary -indeclinable - Instrumental Juina Almananda Sabha -Jaila Agama Sahitya-mam Gujarata by B, J. Sandesara - Journal of the Gujarat Research Society - Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Gen. ger. GMRI GOS Guj. GVS HB HCL IA ind. Inst. JAS JASG JGRS JMSU For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir JO: JPI KIG KSS KI). LCV lit. Loc. LPS LSJS in. Mar. mod. Ms(s). mnt. n. no. Nom. NPG NPS NSP Obl. - Journal of the Oriental Institute - Jaina Parampara-Do Itihasa by Muni Darsanavijaya etc. -Ksantisuri Jaina Granthamala -Kasi Sanskrit Scrics -line(s) Literary Circle of Mahamatya Vastupala and Its Contribution to Sanskrit Literature by B. J. Sandesara -literally, literature -Locative -Laghu-prabandha-sangraha -Lexicographical Studies in Jaina Sanskrit' by B. J. Sandesara and J. P. Thakor -Inasculine -Marathi -inodern -manuscript(s) -mount --Neuter -number .-Nominative -Nagari-pracarini Granthamala -Nagari-pracarini Sabha - Nirnaya Sagara Press - Oblique case Oricnlal Institute, Baroda - Parasmaipada ---page(s) -Prabandha-cintamati of Merutungasdri -person ---Pracina Gurjara Granthamala - Political History of Northern India from Jain Sources by G. C. Choudhary - Prabandha-kosa by Rajasekharasuri --Prakrit -plural -Punjab Oriental Series -past passive participle -Puralana-prabandha-sarigraha pronoun -Parts) -Ramalala Cunilala Modi Lekha Sangraha O] P. p(p). PC pers. PGG PHNIJS PK Pkt. pl. POS P.P.. PPS pron. Pl(s), RCMLC For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir respy, RPG SGAMI sing. SJS Sk., Skt. SPI tr., Trans. respectively -Rajasthana Puralana Granthamali - Studies in the Geography of Ancient and Medieval India by D. C. Sircar --singular -Singhi Jaina Series --Sariskrit --Solankiom ka Pricina Itihasa by G. H. Oza -tra islation - verb --Vocative -Volume(s) -Viclyabhavana Sanskrit Series - Vividha uirtha-kalpa or Kalpa. pradipa by Jinaprabba V. Voc. Vol(s). VSS VIK For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Printed Material 1. Acarya, Narayana : ed. Subhasi'a-ratna-bhandagara, NSP, Bombay, 1952. Rama 2. Altekar, A.S. : A History of Important Ancient Towns and Cities in Gujarat and Kathiawad (From the Earliest Times down to the Moslem Conquest ), IA, Vols. LIJI (1924 ) and LIV ( 1925), pp. 1-54. 3. Amarasimha : Ainaru-kosa, NSP, Bombay, 1944. 4. Ante, V.S. : The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, revised and enlarged ed., Pts. I-II, ed. P. K. Gode and C. G. Karve, Prasad Prakashan, Poona, 1957-1959. 5. Arisimha Sukriu-sankirtana, ed. Muni Punyavijaya, SJS no. 32, Bonbay, 1961, 6. Balacandra : Vasanravilasa-mahakavya (Old Guj.), ed. C. D. Dalal, GOS no. 7, Baroda, 1917. 7. Bailala : Bhoja-prabandha, NSP, Bombay, revised ed., 1928. 8. Banerjea, A. K. : The Nath-yogi Sampradaya and the Gorakhoath Temple, Gorakbpur, Gorakhnath Templc, Gorakhpur, 1964. 9. Bharata Nafyasastra with Abhmarabharari, Vols. [-IV, GOS nos. 36,68,124 and 145, Baroda, 1956 (revised ed.), 1931, 1934, 1964. 10. Bhatt, G. 11. : Ed. The Valmiki-Ramayana, Critica! Edition, Vol. I, Fasciculc 2, Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1959. 11. Buhler, G. The Life of Hemacandracarya, Eng. Trans. by Dr. Manilat Patel, SJS no. 11, Santiniketan, 1936. 12. Canda Baradai : Prihviraja Roso (Old Hindit), ed. M, V. Pandia, R.K. Das and S. S. Das, Vols. 1-VI, NPG no. 4, NPS, Benares, 1904-1913. 13. Choudhary, Gulab : Political History of Northern India from Jaja Chandra Sources (c. 650 A.D. to 1300 A.D.), Sohanlal Jain Dharma Pracaraka Samiti, Amritsar, 1963. 14, Date, Y. R. and ; Maharastra Sabdakosa (Mar. ), Vols. 1-VII, others Maharastra Kosa Magdala, Poona, 1932-1938. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khin 15. Dave, K. B. : Gujarata-nam jnatipuran tatha Tirthanthatnyo ( Guj.), Svadhyaya Vol. V. No. 1, pp. 87-}OS, Baroda, 1967. 16. Dave, K. B. : Pandaran, saika-no eka Pracing Dastuveje! ( Gnj ), JGRS, Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 89-97, Bombay, 1949. 17. Dave, K. B. : ed. Sarasvatipurina Sargas 15 and 16 willi Guj, Trans, etc., FGS, Bombay, 1940. 18. Derasari, : Pauranika Kathakosa (Guj.), GVS, Ahmedabad, Dahyabhai 1927. Pitambaradiisa 19. Desai, Govindabhai: Kadi Pronta Sarva-sangraha (Guj.), Baroda, Hathibhai 1920-21. 20. Desai, G. B. and : Gazetteer of the Baroda State, Vols. I-II, Baroda, Clarke, A. B. 1923. 21. Desai, Mohanalala : Jaina Sahitya-no Sariksipia lihasa (Guj.), Bombay, Dalicanda 1933. 22. Dcy, Nundo Lal : The Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Mediaeval India, Calcutta, 1899. 23. Divetia, N. B. : Gujarati Bhasa une Sahitya, Wilson Philological Lectures, Guj. Trans. by R. P. Baksi, FGS, Bombay, 1936. 24. Faruki, A. 11. : Gujarati Farasi Arabi Sabdo-no Kora (Guj. ), Part I, GVS. Alimedabad, 1926. 25. Forbes, Alexander: Rusa Mala or The Hindu Annals of the Province K. of Gujarat, Guj. Trans. by D. B. Ranachhodabhai Udayarama, FGS, Bombay, Third ed Pts. I-II, 1922 & 1927. 26. Hcmacandra : Abhidhana-cintamani, cd. Nemicandra Sastri, with Hindi Commentary by Haragovinda Sastri, VSS no. 109, Chowkhamba, Yaranasi, 1964. 27. Hemacandra : Anekartha-sangraha, ed. Jagannatha Sastri Hoshing, KSS no. 68, Chowkhamba, Benares, 1929. 28. Hemacandra : Desi-nama-mula, ed. Muralydhar Bancrjce, Pt. ), Calcutta, 1931. 29. Hemacandra : Dvyasraja-mghak avya, ed. A. V. Kathavate, BSP'S no. 69, Vols, I-II, Bombay, 1915-1921. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir XV 30. Hemacandra Siddhu-hemacandra-sabdurusasana, cd. Candrasagaraganindra, Pt. I, Siddha-cakra-sa hitya pracaraka Samiti, Bombay, V.S. 2002 = 1946 A.D. 31. Hemacandra Siddha-hama-sabdanusasana, ed. with Dipika, ed. Muni Daksavijaya, Jaina Granthaprakasaka Sabha, Ahmedabad, 1998 V. S. - 1942 A.D. 32. Hemacandra Siddha-hema-sabdanusasuna, cd. with Madhyama Vniti and Avacuri, ed. Muni Rajasckharavijaya, Pt. II, Pindwara (Rajasthan ), 1965. 33. Hertel, J. : On the Literature of the Shvetambajas of Gujarat, Leipzig, 1922. 34. Jayadeva : Gitu-govindu-kavya, NSP, Bombay, 1949. 35. Jayasimhasuri Hammira-mada-mardana, ed. C. D. Dalal, GOS no. (Disciple of Vira- 10, Baroda, 1920. suri) 36. Jayasimhasuri ; Kumarapala-caritra, Jaina Bhaskarodaya Press, (of Krsnagaccha) Jamanagar, 1915. 37. Jinaharsagamin : Vastupala-curita, KJG no. 5. Mabudha (Via : Nadiad ), 1941. 38. Jinamancanaganin : Kionarapala-prabandha, JAS, Bhavanagar, V. S. 1971 =1915 A.D. 39. Jinaprabha : Kalpa.pradipa or Vividha-tirtha-kalpa, cd. Muni Jinavijaya, SJS no. 10, Calcutta, 1934. 40. Kulidasa : Malavikugnimitra, ed. A. S. Krishna Rao, Madras, 1930. 41. Kalidasa : Raghuvansa, NSP, Bombay, 1948 42. Kavi, Prabha- ; ed. Kotvarka-mahatmya with Guj. Trans., sankara Simalaji Ahmedabad, 1873. 43. Kesavadasa Srikrsna-lila-kavya ( Guj.), ed. A. 13. Jani, FGS, Bombay, 1933. 44. Khemaraja Srikrsn- ed. Skanda-mahapurona Mahesvara-khanda, Venkat. adasa esvara Steam Press, Bombay, 1910. 45. Krishnamachariar, : History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, M. Madras, 1937. 46. Lal, Ram Narain : Students' Practical Dictionary : English-Hindi and Hindi-English, Allahabad, 1932. 47. Magha Sisupalavadha-mahakavya, ed. ( with Commentary of Vailabhadeva Ram Chandra Kak and Harabhatta Shastri Srinagar, 1935. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xvi 48. Majumdar, A. K, : Chaulukyas of Gujarat, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1956. 49. Majumdar, R. C.: Tlie History of Bangal, Vol. I, University of Dacca, Dacca, 1943. 50. Majamdar, R. C., : An Advanced History of India, Macmillan & Co. Raychaudhuri, H. C. London, 1950. and Dalta, Kali kinkar 51. Malayagiri : Avospukasutara-uri, Pts. I-JIT, Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1918, 1932, 1936. 52. Malayagiri : Nondisutra-vrili, Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1924. 53. Mannata Kavya-prakasa with the Commentary Sankele of Manikyacandrasuri, ed. R. Shama Sastry, Sanskrit Scrics no. 60, University of Mysore, Mysore, 1922, 54. Mehta, B. N. and : Gujarati-English Dictionary, Vols. 1-II, M. C. Mehta, B. B. Kothari, Baroda, 1925. 55. Mehta, R. N. : Kurmarika-khangka-A Study, JMSU, Vol. XIV, No. 1, pp. 39-48, Baroda, 1g6s. 56. Merutungasuri : Prabandha-cintamani, ed, Muni Jinavijaya, SIS no. I, Calcutta, 1933. 57. Modi, M. C. Apabhrasa-palhavali, GVS, Ahmedabad, 1935. 58. Monier Willams : A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1872 59. Muni Darsana- : Jaina Parampara-no Itihasa (Guj.), Pt. II, vijaya, Muni Joana Caritra Smaraka Granthamali no. 54, Ahmedabad, vijaya and Muni 1960. Nyaya vijay 60. Muni, Jayantavi-: Holy Abu, translated from Gujarati by U. P. Shah, jaya Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala, Bhavanagar, 1954. 61. Mupi, Jinavijaya : ed. Jainu-pusiaka-prasasti-sangraha, Pt. I, SJS no. 18, Bombay, 1943. 62. Muni, Jinavijaya : Pricina Gujarata-nd Samskrtika lihasa-ni Sadhana samagri (Guj.), Gujarati Sahitya Sabha-Karyavahi 1933-34, Ahmedabad, 1934. 63. Muni, Jina vijaya : ed. Puratana-prabundha-sangraha, SJS no. 2, Calcutta, 1936. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xvii 64. Muni Ratna Prabha : Sthaviravali, Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira Vol. V, Vijaya & Thaker, Pt. II, Jaina Siddbanta Society, Ahmedabad, 1950. J.P. 65. Navajivana Publi- : Sartha Gajurari Jodonikosa, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, shing House Ahmedabad, 1949. 66. Nihsanka arnga- : Sangita-ramokara, Anandasrama, Poona, 1896. deva 67. Oza, G. H. : Solankiomka Pracina Itihasa (Hindi), l't. I, Ajamer, 68. Padmanabha : Kanhadade-prabandha (Old Guj.), ed. K. B. Vyas, RPG no. 19, Jodhpur, 1953. 69. Pansikar, W. L. ed. 1sadyastollarasutopunisadah, NSP,Bonbay, 1932. 70. Parekh, S.D. : A Critical Edition of Paricailanda i Varid of an Unknown Gujarati Prose-Writer (Belore 1682 A.D.) (Guj. ), Unpublished Thesis, Baroda, 1961, 71. Parekh, S. D. Somc Works on the Folk-Tale of Pacadandaccha tra by Jain Authors, Procedings and Transactions of the All-India Oriental Conference Twentieth Session, Bhubancshwar, October 1959, Vol. II, Part I, pp. 131-140, Poona, 1961. 72. Prabhacandra Prabhavaka-carita, ed. Muni Jinavijaya, SJS no. 13. Bombay, 1940. 73. Rahman, Abdul Sandesarusaka (Ap.), ed. Hajarip-asada Dvivedi and Visvanatha Tripathi, Hindi-rantiia-Ralna kara, Bombay, 1960. 74. Rahman, Abdul Sandesarasaka (Ap.), ed. Muni Jinavijaya and Harivallabha Bhayani, SJS no. 22, Bombay, 1915. 75. Rajasekhara : Kavya-mimamsa, ed. C. D. Dalal &R, A. Sastry, GOS no. 1, Baroda, 1934. 76. Rajasekharasuri : Prabandha-kosa, ed. Muni Jinavijaya, sus no. , Calcutta, 1935. 77. Ratnamandiraganin: Upadesalarangini, Yasovijaya Granthamala, Dharmabhyudaya Press, Benares, Vira S. 24 7 1911 A.D. 78. Ray, H. C. The Dynastic History of Northern India, Vols. 1-II, University Press, Calcutta, 1931 & 1936. 79. Sachalc, G. S. : Upanisad-Vakya-mahakosa, Vols. I-II, Gujarati Printing Press, Bombay, 1940-1941, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xviii 80. Sindesara, B. J. : * Alavesara' (Guj.), Gujarati Sakitya Parisad Parrika, Ahmedabad, December 1943. 81. Sandcsara, B. I. : Itihasa ane Sahirua (Guj, ), Gurjara Grantharatna Karyalaya, Ahmedabad, 1966. 82. Sanccsara, B.J. Trihasa-ni Kodi (Guj. ), Padmaji Prakasana, Baroda, 1945. 83. Sandesara, B.J. : Jugunnarkapuri ane Orisa (Guj. ), Sastum Sahitya Vardhaka Karyalaya, Ahmedabad, 1951. 84. Sandcsara, B. J. : Juinu Agama Sakitya-mam Gujurara ( Guj. ). GVS, Ahmedabad, 1952. 85. Sandesara, B. J. : Khedavalu Brahmano-ni Trana Alako : Vagry pari-ni Drafie (Guj. ). Buddhiprakasa, Vol. 99, pp. 24-27, Abmedabad, 1952. 86. Sandesara, B.J. : Literary Circle of Mahamatya Vastupala and Its Contribution to Sanskrit Literature, SJS no. 3.2, Bombay, 1953. 87. Sandesara, B.J. ; ed. Paacadandacutuspadi ( Guj. ), Buddhiprakaisi, Vol. 79. pp. 73 ff, Ahmedabad, 1932, 88. Sandesari, B.J. : Pauntura-Putara (Guj, ), Buddhiprakasa, Vol. 95, pp. 224-225, Ahmcdabad, 1948. 89. Sandesara, B.J. : Subda ave Artha (Guj. ), University of Bombay, Bombay, 1954, 90. Sandesara, B.J. ; ed. Varnaka-samiccaya (Old Guj, ), Pts. I-II, PGG nos. 4 & 8, M. S. University, Baroda, 1956 & 1959. 91. Sandcsara, B. J. : ed, Pracina Phagu-Sangraha (Old Guj, ), PGG and Parekh, S. D. no. 3, M. S. University, Baroda, 1955. 92. Sandesara, 1. J. : Lexicographical Studies in Jaina Sanskrit'. and Thaker, J. P. M. S. University Oriental Series no. 5, Baroda, 1962. 93. Sandesara, 1. J. ; Some Important Vocables from Sanskrit Comenand Thaker, J. P. taries on Jaina Canonical Texts, JOI, Vol. XV, Nos. 3-4, pp. 406-456, Baroda, 1966. 94. Sarina, : Gujarati-Hindi Sabdakosa, Jayadeva Brotbers, Ganesadatta Baroda, 1924. 95. Sarngadhara : Sarngadhara-paddhati, ed. P. Peterson, Bombay, 1888. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xix 96. Sarvanandasuri : Jagadu.caritra, with Guj. Trans, etc., Maganajala Dalapatarama Khakhkhara, Bombay, 1898. 97. S3stri, Durgasan- : Aitihasika Sambodhana (Guj.), Gujarati Sahitya kara K. Parisad, Bombay, 1941. 98. Sastri, Durgasan- : Gujarata-no Madhyakulina Rijapaa Itihasa (Guj.). kara K. Pts. l-11, GVS. Ahmedabad, Second ed. 1953. 99. Setha, H. T. : Paia-saddu-mahannavo, Prakrit Text Series Vol. 7, Prakrit Text Society, Varanasi, 1963. 100. Shah, P. B. : ed. Sva. Rumulala Cunilala Modi Lekli Sangraha (Guj. ), Pts. I-II, Pacana, 1953, 1965. 10. Shah, U. P. Natha Siddhom-ki Pracina Silpa Mirtiyam (Hindi, Nagari-Pracarivi Patrika, Vol. 62, Nos. 2-3, pp. 174 202, V. S. 2014 - 1958 A. D. 102. Sircar D.C. The Sakta Pilhas, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-108, Cal culia, 1948. 103. Sircar D. C. Studies in the Geography of Ancient and Medieval India, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1960. 104. Somadharmaganin: Upadesa-sapiati, ed. Muni Catura vijaya, JAS, Bhavanagar, V, S. 1971 ==1915 A. D. 105. Somesvaradeva Kirti-kaumudi, cd. Muni Punyavijaya, SJS no. 32, Bombay, 1961. 106. Somesvaradeva : Surathoisara-mahakavya, ed. Pt. Sivadatta and K. P. Parab, NSP, Bombay, 1902. 107, Sridharadasa : Sadukti-karnanista, POS no. 15, Motilal Banarsi Dass, Lahore, 1933. 108. Srivastava, Jaana Sabda Kosa (Hindi ), Jnana-mandala Ltd. Mukundilala Banaras, V, S. 2013--1957 A. D. 109. Subhasilaganin : Pancasati-prabodha (prubandha )-sumhandha or Prabandha-pancasari, cd. Mrgendra Muni, Suvasita Sihitya Prakasana, Surat, 1968. 110. Thakore, : ed. Gurjara-rasarali, GOS no. 118, Baroda, 1956. B. K., Desai, M.D. & Modi, M. C. 11. Tivadi, Gorelala : Bundelakhanda ku Smiksiptu Itihasa (Hindi). Nigari-pracarini Patrika ( New-Series ), Vol. XII, pp. 321-481, NPS, Benares, V. S. 1988:- 1932 A.D. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir XX 112. Vardhamanasuri : Vasupujyu-carita, cd. Ambrogio Ballini of Rome, Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha, Rhavanagar, 1910. 113. Vasu, Nagendra- Hindi Visvakosu, Vol. XVI, Calcutta, 1928. natha 114. Vijayarajaidrasuri : Abhidhar-rajendre Kusa, Vols, I-VII, Jaipaprabha kara Printing Press, Ratalam, 1913 ff. 115. Virji, K.J. : Ancient History of Saurashtra, Indian History and Culture Series no. 1, Konkan Institute of Arts and Sciences, Bombay, 1955. 116. Yasalipala Moha-purajoya. c. Muni Caturavijaya, GOS no. 9, Baroda, 1918. 117. Yasascancra Mudritu-kunudacandra Prakarana, Yasovijaya Granthamala no. 8, Dharmabhyudaya Press, Benaras, Vira S. 2432 = 1906 A.D. 2. Mamuscripts 1. Purnacaudrasuri 2. Ramacandrasuri 3. Vijayakusala + Subhasilaganin .. Anonymous : Vikramadiryasya Panicadandacchaira.prabandha, 10. 2376 of OI, Baroda. Pascadondat patru-prabandhu, no. 2111 of 01, Baroda. Daled V.S. 1556 = 1500 A.D. Vikramadilya-pancada nducchatra-curitra, no. 24271 of O1, Baroda. Dated V.S. 1777-1721 A.D. : Vikramaditya-vikrumacaritra-curiira, no, 12407 of OI, Baroda. ; Madanabhiruma-maharaja-prahandha, Do. 2356 of Pravartaka Kantivijayaji Collection, Atrananda Jaina Jnanamandira, Baroda. : Mudanahhruna-raja-prabandha, no. 681 of 01, Baroda. Lughu-prahandha-sangraha, no. 82 of Department of Gujarati, Faculty of Arts, Aaroda. Dated V. S. 1465=1409 A.D. Vikramaditya-dana-katha, no. 11694 of OI, Baroda. Datcd V. S. 1791-1735 A.D. Vikramaditya-pavicadanda-prabundha, no, 14273 of QI, Baroda. 6. Anonymous 7. Anonymous 8. Anonymous 9. Anonymous For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir CONTENTS Pages PREFACE FOREWORD EDITOR'S PREFACE: ABBREVIATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTENTS vii X-xii xiii-** xxi-xxiji Part I 1.-127 1-15 1-5 5-15 15-17 17--20 21-36 2, 21-36 21-22 22-23 Introduction 1. The Critical Apparatus Detailed Account of the Manuscripts Mutual Relation of the Manuscripts 11. The Constitution of the Text 11. The Prabandha Literature IV. The Study of the Text The Title and Extent The Contents J, The Story of Jagaddeva 2. The Story of the Great King Madanabhrama 3. The Story of the live-handled Royal Umbrella of Vikramaditya The Story of the Construction of the Lake Sahasralinga 5. The Story of the Raulunis Siddhi and Buddhi 6. The Story of Namala the Female Florist 7. The Story of the Jugglers Ganaya and Manaya 8. The Story of Kumari Rana 9. The Story of srimala 10. The Story of Gala Sri Varddhamanasuri The Concluding Stanza V. Relation With Other Prabandha-Works 1. Sagaddeva-prabandha 2. Madanabhramamaharaja-prabandha 3. Vikramaditya-pancada cacchatra-prabandha 4. Sabasralingasarah-prabandha 5. Siddhi-Buddhi-Raulani-prabandha 6. Namala-malini-prabandha 7. Ganaya-Mahaya-Indrajali-prabandha 23-28 29 29-30 30-31 31-32 33 33-35 35-36 36 37-81 37-41 41-56 56-59 59 59-66 66 66-68 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xxii 68-80 12-18 88.91 91..117 91-93 93.100 8. Konari-rana-prabandha 9. 10. Gala-Sri-Varddhamanasuri-prabandha Conclusion VI. Probable Sources VII. Language and Style VII. Authorship and Date IX. Bearings on History 1, Jagaddeva-prabandha 2. Madanabhramaniaharaja-prabandha 3. Vikramaditya-pancadandacchatra-prabandha 4. Sahasralingasarah-prabandha 5. Siddhi-Buddhi-Raulani-prabandha Namala-malini-prabandha 7. Ganaya-Manaya-Indrajali-prabandha 8. Kumari-rana-prabandha 9. Srimata-prabandha 10. Gala-Sri-Varddhamanasori-prabandha Conclusion X. Cultural Gleanings XI. A Brief Critical Appreciation 101-108 108 109 109 110-12 112 112-|14 114 116 116-117 117 126 126-137 INDEX TO INTROE UCTION 129 141 Part II The Text 1-2 laghuprabandhasaGgrahaH 1. jagAprabandhaH madana-mamahArAjaprabandhaH vikramAditvapaJcadaNDacchatraprabandhaH 4. sahasraliGgasara prabandhaH 5. siddhiddhira ulANIprabandhaH 6. nAmala mAlinIprabandhaH 7. maNayamaNaya-indrajAliprabandhaH 8. kuMArIrANApravandhaH 9. zrImAnAprabandhaH 10. gAlAdhIvardhamAnavipravandhaH 18-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-26 28-25 30-31 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra xxiii Part III Appendices APPENDIX A: A LEXICOGRAPHICAL STUDY APPENDIX B: INDEX OF NAMES Introductory Note 1. Historical Names 2. Names of Doubtful Historicity 3. Geographical Names 4. Mythological Names 5. Miscellaneous Names Introduction Index to Introduction Text Appendices APPENDIX-C: TRANSLATION OF VERSES OCCURRING IN LPS APPENDIX-D: PADA-INDEX TO VERSES CORRIGENDA Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private And Personal Use Only 32-123 32-88 89-118 89 90 91--102 103-113 114-116 117-118 119-121 122-123 124-128 124-125 125 126 126-128
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only // mAyAdinA rAjA mannA jagAda paramAra jAdhavalA gAdAvAnI dAnA rAjAdivaMgataH pradhAnarivala rAjyaM sa kApijagAma lagatiprAnadhAtA dizAnirgranaka vyANAkA divAra para ridvinivAsAnIdraga dilaDa va kApaDAlA nalIkA kaapsaadaarmaaddiraajaa| rAjyakA nitasya sImA yongii| rAkhyAyAMganAnAM grAsa dilAnAgatatrayaH sArvapi dAlitAH naga lIlAvatIca maradA biepa vAkayamAM SThAnadAtayAjJAna rakRtayA zrAcAtra rAjA pulakita bA nAka vAkurvatyAzivAdinAla * tAnAjAnI mAjagAvaka nivAIyAmAyArAnRtyati maMtrI padyArjavAda zAdAba saraganA rAjJA paridarasyAdharikA punaryAni kaavitaapitH|| kanApitAnakayavA vinAmiti mannavasAra vidyAlAlAca liyApanAdavidvAna sujitA nikAyatidAtAmAtA miM tija gAdAvapuSA musArya maMtra dattAca nyAyayA yatA gAjalA dh| damana mahAnagapatiya Diara spahada sirA nayanavAdI rImAna vidArtha samA gulAma hamA zani jInaH samaM prvissttaadiikssitH| padamidIta dvAsitA // gaavde4|| saM0146 vAmanAdikAra liliti|shrii| vRhItaH zrI yAdava damAyA malA mAgajapati gAya 20 Folio No. 1a of Ms. G of the Laghu-prabandha-sangraha Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandi
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only baMgAlAdAza ko tyo madana jAmA rAjA rAjya kAga ticyAmAtAmA dina bAliga mAmalU sa lavAsAjI tirAsI paripItA nvshmaanaagputrii| tAsAM mAharA 4 bAvana vaMdana miyA davI isarAnA mAM saratIlAla tila vilAsa ziphUla sirii| lUla sirI| kapUrIda mmii| sIgA | guNamANikkArI nAmAvaliAga jJAna dina klaa| amRta klaa| sdsklaa| ramAvalI // kaalii| caMdAvalI | gatihiMsaga niHzula sikAi li|kmlaa vRttii| klaavtii| lIlAvatI anu tisarI niHparivRttA vizvavijayazvalaTa TrAmANika lakI cabAna lagAna pAyAvAda maya siMhAsanA suvarNamaya vIsA gArA gayA zramagaMdharva sarva suvarsa mAgavA bIyA pratI6 gavAka hA mukhyA pUrvasyAdizivimAna vicamANA yAM gayA kisAAdA sdh|| gavAcinA mAgra sudhA mayA nidhikarAdikamalAkadA 24 cApInAmAdAdikA dikArIvAdamavizrAmarakSA nAma gADI mraagirivaaddii|vaarvaaddiishnNdnvaaddii||| sudarbhamA ghttii| mayA mAratA caMdra yA yAtalA valI gadhI sADIdvArA nidoya kardamanApiMDakarIma / sAno pAnI sIgAkI TAkIDA silAphIlA kAdamI ramI hA kamalamA sArA ThoDI yahAM kA damanA DibillA DIyU / madana tuma rAya bana parihAsA mAlikA kAlikA pAlikA Folio No. 16 of Ms. G of the Laghu-prabandha-sangraha Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandi
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir INTRODUCTION 1. The Critical Apparatus The text of the Laghu-prabandha-sangraha, edited in the present volume for the first time, is based on the following three manuscripts : (1) G. = BARODA, Faculty of Arts, Department of Gujarati, No. 82. Dated V, S. 1465 (c. A D. 1409) (2) K. - BARODA, Pravartaka Kantivijayaji Collection, Atmananda Jaina Jnanamandjra, No. 2356, Undated. (31 0. = BARODA, Oriental Institute, No. 681. Undated. DETAILED ACCCUNT OF THE MANUSCRIPTS This manuscript belongs to the Department of Gujarati, Faculty o! Arts, M.S. University of BARODA and bears no. 82. It is dated V.S. 1465 (C. A. D. 1409); written in Devanagarl characters, throughout in Prsthamatras, on thick, sticky, durable county paper, 10.75 X 4.4 inches in size, with side margins of 1.2 inches and a space of 0.6 inches left out at the top as well as the bottom, It consists of 10 folios, the first gones having 14 lines to a page and about 42 letten to a line, and the last one possessing 13 lines to a page and about 41 letters to a line. Marging are marked with a thick red line drawn between two thin black lines. The folio-numbers are written at the bottom of the right margin on the reverse of each folio. Each page has a square or oblong space left out in the middle varying in size from 1.1" to 1.5", which contains an illuminatory red orb of about 0.4" radius. On the reverse of each folio the side margins also contain similar but somewhat smaller orbs. This is a peculiarity of early paper Mss. in imitation of the palm leaf ones. The middle orb has a small hole through which a thin string would pass as is the practice for palm-leaf manuscripts. There are three cases of marginal additions of letters left out while copying, five of supra lineam and two of infra lineumt ones, all propria mans. At one place (folio 7b, line 11) the letters 'nathaprasade' are repeated in the right margin, not in lysthamatras, evidently with the intention of removing confusion of the original writing, propria manu. The top-space on the last page contains the following remark, secunda manu: For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Gal 7 Pothi 12 Pa 39 Putra 10, This remark obviously notes the total number of folios of this Ms. which is the twelfth Ms. of the bundle of Mss. numbered 7 which in all comprises 39 folios. The figure 39 written in a different hand on the top corner of the left margin on the same page supports this inference. Evidently, therefore, this remark as well as the figure 39 is, in all probability, written at a later stage by an owner of the Ms. There are co corrections, nor any marginalia. No pigment is used for erasures, which, being far and few between, are sometimes marked by two or three vertical strokes above the letter, sometimes by trying to rub out the letters and sometimes by daubing over the letters with the same black ink. Especially wlien the same letters are wrongly repeated, erasure is made by a line drawn over the portion to be crased. In one case ( fol. 5b, line 3) erasure is marked by a single line drawn below the portion invariably touching the letters to be erased, The writing is throughout in Prsthamatras, excepting, of course, very few places where ordinary mirus are used. Double dandas are mostly used for inarking the commencement and close of sections and chapters. Everywhere else a single danda is employed. It is used inadvertently. It is frequently put where it is not at all required. In a few cases it wrongly separilles letters of the same word, e.g. fus Italika'. Likewise at places it is avoided where it is needed. Final > is always writtell as an #445vira, l'or parasurarna also ajuusvara is generally used. At places antsvark and the initial vowel of the next word are placed side by side, e.g. 'Vasantakridayain adyane'. The visarga (:) is unnecessarily introduced at several places, while avagraha (s) is often dropped. The letter is generally written as 4. Likewise 1 and have always taken the forms of land a respy. Similarly is written as and z as a. Occasioually has taken a form wliich can very easily be confused with . At one place (24.15) the scribe las not been able to decipher correctly the term 17 of the archetype and has copied it down as 123 which is equivalent to my! In the same way, at anothier place ( 25.19) tlie letter of the original Ms. cculd not be properly decipbered and is copied down in Gas 31, though the wliole word with a far dues not seern to make any sense: It is allant which ought to have been HT4** (=Sk. gada). Colophons and post-colophon entries are daybed over with red chalk. Alinost everywhere even the single dandus-including those often inadvertently introduced-and the first few letters of every prabandha also are daubed over with red chalk. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The writing is fairly legible but The condition of the Ms. is fairly good. generally incorrect. Though the last trabandha is not catcd, the post-colophon entry at the close of the first prabandha viz. the Jaguddeva-prabandha states that it was written on Thursday, the filth day of the dark half of the month of Gailta in the Samval year 1405 (c. A, D. 1409): "go $$* 497 part 1 : " (Fol. 1", last line). Moreover, the whole Ms. is written in one hand. The Ms., therefore, must be regarded as dated V.S. 1463 (C. A. D. 1409). The fact Uiat only the first prabandha bears the date of copying need not raise any doult regarding the completeness of the Ms. For, although the close of the second prabandha is marked by the following colophon and postcoloplon entry : "1121 TEZHIHERITT24: : 2 l: : gai i40 227954: " and is at the same time followed by as many as eight prabandhas and only a similar benediction closes the tenth or the last prabandha, it has to be pointed out that the completion of the work is indicated by a Praktit verse that stands the last; vide: 117 11 012122291afaju: J A sa 17 : ) Sant rrar faza gra d a ! sahaDApa samiagge mahilANa payohare lAThI / / 1 // zrIH // K This codex belongs to the Pravartaka Kantivijayaji Collection of the Atmananda Jaina Juanamandira, BARODA bearing no. 2356. Though undated, it appears to be about 200 years old. It is written in Devanagari characters on paper, 10.3 X 4.4 inches in size, with the sido-margins of 3,6" each and a space of 0.1 left out at the top as well as the bottom. The margins are ruled in double black lines. This coxlex contains only one of the pravardhas viz., the Niadanabhramamaharijaprabundha and consists of one folio, witli 36 lines in all and about 63 letters to a line, Llie folio bcir.g unnumbered. Both the pages bave a decorative space of the shape of a l'ediki or a sacrificial altar of thirteen padas left out in the middle, its minimum measurement being 0.3" and maximum 1,3", and only four letters are written in the four directions within the same, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir There are only two cases of supra lineam additions: at one place (1". 4) the figure 28 is added and at the other (1, 5) the letter which was left out while writing, both propria manu. There are no other corrections nor any marginalia. No pigment is used for erasures, which are generally marked by two small vertical strokes above the letters concerned; if only a portion of a letter is to be erased, only one such stroke is placed above the particular pcrtion. There are two cases of erasures indicated by the omission of the head-lines. At one place is converted to a by making the portion covered by the letter a thicker than the remaining portion of the letter which is to be regarded as erased! There is one case of being written as . The word ar occurs twice in both of which cases it is written as 5. and have always taken the forms of 4 and respy., while is simply written as. The parasavarna is not employed and final m also is changed to an anusvara. In one case has replaced . Likewise arran has taken the form of a and the anusvara in the name air is once omitted through oversight. Similarly sukhAsanAdhirUdrA has become sukhAsanAdirUdA for the same reason. The danda is very frequent but scarcely inadvertently employed. At one place the danda is erased by a small vertical stroke above. At a few places such a stroke above the space between two letters indicates that a danda is inadvertently left out there. Such abbreviations as daksina", pasci", ulta are used for the forms of the names of the directions. Likewise the abbreviations Madana and Me replace the name Madunabhrama. The Prsthamatras are resorted to in all the cases where two matra-strokes have to be shown. The single colophon is not distinguished in any way, (say, by daubing over with a red chalk or so) from the other portion of the text. The condition of the Ms. is good, but at a number of places the writing is worn out and has become indistinct. Of course, in every such case the letters could be deciphered with the help of a magnifying glass. The writing is decent, legible and fairly correct. 0 This codex belongs to the Oriental Institute, BARODA, bearing Accession No. 681. Though undated, it appears to be about two hundred years old. It is written in Devanagari characters on paper not so thick and durable as that of G. It is 10.2 X.1.4 inches in size with side margins of 1 inch each and a space of 0.4 inches left out at the top and the bottom, The Ms. contains only one of the prabandhas viz, Madanabhramaraja prabandia and consists of two folios with 15 lines to a page and about 43 letters to For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir a line. Margins are ruted with three red lines. The folio-nunters are written at the bottom of the right margin on the reverse of each folio. Eacli page has a decorative space of the shape of a sacrificial altar of thirteen padas left out in the middle, its minimum and maximum measurements being 0.3' and 1.3" respy. There are threc cases of supra lineam additions, propria nant, but there are no corrections not any marginalia. In line 2 on folio 1 a space of two letters is leit out since the writing on the obverse has spoiled the paper on the reverse. Erasures are indicated in ways more than one viz. by not drawing the head-line of the letter to te erased, by placing two or three vertical lincs above the letter to be erased or the portion thereof desired to be crased. At two places a dayda is erased by drawing cross-wise a black line over it. At one place the letter & is changed to a by simply writing down the latter over the fornier. Likewise there is a case of a written over a whicli latter is to be deemed as era sed, and in one case the syllable q is changed to 4 in a similar way. At one place in the word sukha sanadirudhu two vertical strokes are placed above the letter di evidently to cancel it and probably to correct it to dhi, tout, for one reason or another, the revised entry of dhi is not made anywhere. Final on is always written as an anusvira and the employment of parasavarna also is mostly avoided. The lettera is generally written as 7 and as e. The employment of the danda is quite regular. The l'rshamirus are resorted to in most of the cases where two walrus strokes have to be slown, Not only the colophon but also other portions of the text at haphazard intervals are lightly dauded over with red chalk. No. 5177 is put in the middle blank space on the last page in Gujarati script by a later hand. The left margin contains the writing Ra s' in the same line as the above number, beneath which is written the word 'Dhang'. The significance of these remarks is not known. Probably these are reparks put by an owner of the Ms., no. 5177 evidently standing for the number of the Hs. in his collection, The condition of the Ms. is gocd and the writing is Ingible and fairly correct. MUTUAL RELATION OF THE MANUSCRIPTS Out of these three Mss, only G contains the full text as presented in this volume, while K and O contain only one prabandha viz, that of King Madan 2bhrama. These three Mss, do not display anything like recessions, but they For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir helong to the same text-tradition. There are a number of variations among then but all minor. A comparative study of the three Mss. tempts us to believe that Ms. G is the oldest Ms., K is a copy of it with corrections and additions here and there and O is a copy of K. A few instances may be exatnined here: (1) Fn. 24: The reading tatant of G has become treas in K and is Sanskritised in 0 as 1913#. (2) Fa, 44 : 1TB of G becomes af9 in K which is refined as 10deg in . (3) Fr. 49: Folhar aiztaifa Tale of G is reduced in K to svarNamaya 16 vApI pRtalI 16 due to the obvious reason of the difficulty of proper deciphering of art. This is copied down in O as svarNamaya sola vApI pUtalI 16. (4) Fr. 73: Waz RTE of G is slightly revised in K as a which is still refined in 0 as wie REIT. (5) Fn. 78 : zrIrArthanAthanau prAptAdu of G has become zrIpArzvamAsAda in K and 93714 THE in 0. (6) Fn, 83: Kadds: f i fooo Foliate, which is copied down by o with slight changes as: dine 2 va 1000 cUga hIrA ATA 77. (7) Fn. 94: G 49U , K deg71, O 7m. (8) Fn. 99: G reads # ara faar, K abbreviates as o 7518 faar and o misunderstands this abbreviation and copies as A TI faal (9) Fr. 105: G reads fast, K ma, while altogether omits the word, probably through oversight. (10) En. 107: G iga tiftat, K i radivut, Osterat atazi. (1) Fr. 108: Gra: becomes a: in K which again suffers a slight change in 9 of 0. (12) Fn. 112: urf of G is corrected to fort in K. The scribe of Ms. () could not decipher properly and copied this word in his M3, as faga. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (13) Fn. 120: GjIvitamyanA jAgesara is revised in Kas jIvitamyanA jAgezvara which is copied in with a scribal error as 45471 an . (14) Fo. 124: n of G is revised in K as , which is copied down in O as . (15) Fn. 125: ftattarali of G becomes wi-fifa18 in K which is reduced in 0 to data which may either be regarded as the reading of K with a inadvertently dropped by the scribe or as a corruption of a reading to the former alternative appcars to be more probable in the present case. (16) Fn. 128: Greads that ar data, which is reduced in K to taraftan dara by inadvertent omission of the letters 7 and . The term produced by this corruption is naturally not understood by the scribe of Ms. O who revises the phrase as 1313 (1) Fn. [33: G triI rAyana Ayala is revised in K as cirAyanu AMbala, the scribe not correctly deciphering the word ty. This is copied down with slight changes in O as fas 14 mia. (18) Fr. 135: G MATA3 7947, K udakazAsanataNaDa dezahAra, 0 udayazAsanataNu deNahAra. (19) Fo, 137; G rafrafasoft, k ara, O puhua. (20) Fn. 140: G kAnhaDArAyajayakezanI kumari has become kAnharAyakezasaNI FAT in K due to haplographical omission of 74 and other revisions made by the scribe. This is copied in 0 as WETTY vt fait retaining the haplographical omission and adding two scribal uncertainties in and 5. Moreover, the preceding word 142 of G is omitted both by K and 0. (21) Fn, 143: G 474* is revised in Kas 14967 which is copied in a careless manner in Oas caulukyacakravarsi. (22) Fr, 144: tut: is revised in both K and O as fr. (23) Fns. 148, 149: GET M a is revised in K as rt arta 757, which is copied in with one scribal error as aftage mAIdevena amAtyena. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra (24) Frs. 154, 155: fa, which is 9 kSayavite. 8 9 lASa pAila vidyate of G is revised in Kas lakSapadAtayo still revised (but wrongly) by the scribe of O as Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 25 ) Fr. 163 skaMdhaH paciMgapinItA of G is corrected in K as skaMdhe pAjirnA qata, which is copied down in O with the scribal omission of the vetha thus : skaMdhe pAji nApanItA. (26) Fn. 175: :: is changed in K to a fe Here the word : is added to the original reading which is perhaps not clear to its scribe who, however, missed the visarga while writing down and on finding out this error afterwards he put a small vertical stroke above to indicate that a visarga is to be inserted there. The scribe of Ms. O first wrote a thinking that the stroke indicated an additional 1, but afterwards became conscious of its absurdity in light of "og: and replaced this I with a visarga. (27) Fn. 184 a maedgia KO of G is revised (?) in K with a repetition of kathaM as kathaM rAjayalIlA kathaM na karoSi. The scribe of Ms. O became conscious of this repetition which he omitted while copying the reading of K. (28) Fn. 190: G wekaku Bayu:, K maSTo vicakSaNA, 0 bhaTTI vilakSaNA. (29) Fn. 191: G does not enumerate the eight damsels presented to Jayasimha by Madanabhrama; while K and O give their names in the same order with slight differences as noted below: K: nAmAni / prItimatI 1 priyatamA 2 abhISTavaktA 3 kAmapriyA 4 mRgalocanA 5 caMdravadanA 6 pRthuzroNI 7 manoharA 8. 0 nAmAni / prItimatI priyatamA 2 abhISTavA kAmapriyA 4 mRgalocanA 5 caMdabadanA 6 pRthuzroNI 7 manoharA 8. Thus in the first name ft is tightly corrected by O as ft but it has not numbered the name as 1. Name no. 3 appears to be in reality after, which is written down in K as a probably due to the influence of an inaccurate pronunciation; while correcting this reading rightly inserts the repha but misses the takara! The sixth name is again wrongly spelt in K which is blindly copied down in 0. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (30) Ens. 193, 194: G i tar: I detean Asti: KYTI at RAR 0 pradattA rAjA gRhItvA cacAla. (31) Fn. 191": aergarfear of G is erroneously copied in Kas Jasaita FOT. The scribe of us. O first copies K as it is but afterwards becomes aware of the corruption and tries to crase putting two small vertical strokes above it. He cares not insert fin place of this fi, probably because the readings of G are not before him, As such his corrected reading becomes a variant of the original reading of G with no change in tlie sense: F ae. (32) Fn. 797: Greads 1997 tento fe i. K tries to improve upon this text in its reading svarNamayaputcalikAbhidorakasaM bAraketa afeai simply copies down the text of K dropping inadvertently the letters 44: F119T E K 24i. (33) FR. 199: Greads artriitit. K changes the order and revises these names as prasitut ? I. This is in keeping with the names of the eiglit slamsels added by K. O misses enes while copying K: pRthulazreNI 2 manoharA 2. This is only a scribal error since the names of the eight danisels are copied down in the previous passage quite correctly. (34) Fo, 201: at anna: of G is corrected in K to 47 79198: which is copied down in O with an erroneous addition of a 1: 97 Amat:. (35) Fn. 202: G has the following colophon: 775E arnit: 991:. This is slightly condensed in Kas: gta 4****41919AV., which is again condensed by o in its colophon wlich runs thus : gfa a agaf :. The following are a few instances wherein Wiss. Gani Kagrec but o differs: (1) Fn. 38: G, K read Arm which is corrected ir O as atk*. (2) Fas. 39, 40: G, K give these two nates: *21701 170. Olas only one name 2017 in their place, (3) Ins. 45, 46: 6, K read 14173 1 wliich is given in U as tias TE For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (4) Fo. 50: 1 880 of G, K is corrected by O as 771910, (5) Fo. 67: G and K K has placed small vertical strokes near the head-lines ul truth the ''s in order to seppurate these words from each other by putting a danla alter each as is done by it ut many other places. O realls against this: z. Are we to understand that the vertical strokes of K are mistaken by the scribe of as anusaviras wliile Jirectly copying down the text of K in his Ms. O ? Some instances of G and O coinciding against the readings of Kare mentioned below: (1) Fn, 122: Gand read which is corrected in K to #ma. ( 2 ) Fn. 170: G have that against 92623 of K, It appears that thinkirg that afar is the correct word much more in usage than 4 . the scribe ells K revised the reading of G to faal, but , wijle copying from K, Sanskritised the term for in its reading 24 which accidentally crincides with that of G. (3) Fr. 60deg: K *deg for grid of G, O, (4) Fos. 18", 113*: 919*** and tignare ecribal errors of K against the correct readings 27194i and arcu of G and 0. (5) Fn.": K reads sirgtfa for ittha fe of G, O. Now we may turn to the similarities of K and against G a few instances whereof are given below: (0) Fn. 2::: K, O drop the word gui. (1) Fo, 28: K, O have ret for ata qe of G. (2) Fn. 37: The first of the names of the fernale friends is strony against G wifes. (3) Page 3: K, O regularly numb:r the first nine of the female friends, while G does not give numbers with the names (vida fn. 33/. (4) Fn. 35: K. O omit tlie name of and add farsi. (5) Fr. 37: The order of the names an and is changed in K, O. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir II (6) Fn. 41: K, add the ro. 28 at the end of the list of twentyeight female friends. (7) Fn, 42: @gafasistir aftan of G is replaced in K, O by. sta Hafial:. (8) 1'n. 43: K, O read ug for 2 of G. (9) Fn. 47: GETZ autant is revised in K, O to ETT mjaz. (10) Fn. 48: G gari becomes Exofo in K, O. (11) tn, 57; K, O have avoided the confusion of 791 = 1 al of G by replacing it with gavAkSAye. (12) Fr. 58: K. O read # R aques for 0 41 . (13) Fn. 60: ah of G is corrected to "IRI. (14) Fn. 61: K, O add 791792 H. (15) Fns. 62, 97: tantial of G is revised to attain K, O. (16) Fo. 65: 7 of K, O is naturally the Sanskritisation of G aa. (17) Fn. 68: Za iz ol K, O is a revision of the original G #r*t rar. (18) los. 69-71; 2014. futai and fr33746 of G have respectively become choDIda, kAdamana and gholI in K,.. (19) lin. 72: K2700 11477 and () 4 95 display a later revision of the original reading of G madanamaha (20) Fr. 24: C# J 170 21911741 is the reading of K, O for G mAlika kApAlikA 2. (21) Fn. 76: F. 977 of G is revised in K, 0 to Time 57. The best way would be to take this initial of G with the previous word 31744k vita disregarding the danda separating them. 122) Fn.77: rAjAnai 2 nimaga of Kand rAjAnaI 2 niyama ofo are later revisions of the original rAyaridaI niyana 2 of G, (23) Fr. 78: K, O omittent as unnecessary. (24) lin. 78: Bariate of K, is a revision of G 311a1?Allg. (25) Fr. 29: 5 part of K, O is a revision of the original reading ofGviz. tihAM devapUjA karA. (26) In. 80: Rhil of K, O is a revision of G 1999. (27) Fn. 81: JAZ of K, may be an attempt at avoiding exaggera tion in the original G mahAprasAdapAtra. IO For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (28) Fr. 82: 30t. of K, O may be a simpler alternative for G a. (29) Fn. B3: K, O have 13: 2 1 17: against Gig: 4 Gatalt 4 = 311421414. Tbe scribe of K has probably failed to understand the faulty reading #9 of Gaul has tried to make it easily understandable by aprending it in this curious way. O has just copied K. (30) Fn. 34: 5176 is corrected to g in K, 0. (31) Fris, 55-86: T ITEL aan of G is corrected to the 0911 719 1 1 by the scribe of K, while that of O has copied down the reading of K with the scribal error in 646417. (32) Fn. 90: Age of K,O is a correction of G . (33) Fn. 12 : G ay becomes an in K, 0. (34) Fn. 95: G : is exalted to in K, O. (35} Fn. (5: G u gga ada: is simplified in K, O as Hofgqi fa uti af 1 (36) tin, 47: G a ur is slightly revised in K, as simtgamt. (37) Fn. '00: K,0 add the phrase aa wa Aisa 3 h fur clarity of sense. (38) Fu, 104: Gy is revised in K, O as i. (39) In, 109: arial is omitted by K, 0. (40) Fi. 10: G ara: becomes 4773: in K, 0. (41) Fn. iur: G t ua: is read in K, O as #rife: feriti. (42) Fn. 111*: of G has become 2. in K, evidently through scribal error, (43) fn. 113: #1 replaces in K, O f s of G. (44) Fn. 114: AITA: of K, O appears to be the Sanskritisation of G fanarts, {45) Fn, 117: K, O read parIcchadI parinu paramaR against parIcchatI parinA paramahaMsa of G. (46) Fo. 118: K, omit the address 141dar Kaia. (47) Fn. 123: K, O 2709 is a revision of G agt, (48) Fn. 126: at afis of G is changed to nic in K, O. (49) Fn. 129: K, O Arguit ata is an attempt to correct G caukaza ayonIsaMbhamu. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir I3 (50) fo. 130 : K, Frax is a scribal error for G TEETH (51) Fn. 131: K, read 2012gat faxn97Turza for G i gan ! vishvjnnynaanndn| (52) 131deg: GC74 37 pra tauto is corrected in Kas? y 1TA14624cafur, which is copied down in 0 with the evident ecrilal error of oath for 'aca. (53) Fn, 132: Garry is corrected to furo in K, 0. (54) Fn. 136: 116 117 of K, O is a revision of G AT TIJ. (55) En, 138: Gamit is not understood in its true sense and hence K rcviscs it to 77 guilt, which is simply copied clown loy (). (56) Fn. 139: The epithet te is omitted in K anc, O. (57) Fr.s, 141, 142: A and 14: of G are reduced respy, to "rAjahaMsa and degavataMsa in K, O. (58) Fn. 146: tag oi G is reduced to in K, O.' (59) Fns, 146, 147: K omit 421 131 3 731: 1 jam af faa 9 HING: Costa: : : 1 (60) n. 151 : dar mai of G is corrected to at 041 in K, O. (61) Fos. 153, 179: K, Oonit a prefixed in G to day and madagabhramena respy. (62) En. 154: 1 of G is revised in K, O to its Sanskrit form 2. (63) Fns. 156-157: 20 30 4137 1311 at azi of G is reduced to 120 azvA SoDaza gajA rAjJA meTAM lAtvA yAtu in K, O, probably due to scribal error of K and blind copying of 0. (64) In, 358: fag of G is corrected in K, to fast, (65) En. 159: 46 of G becomes aftft in K, O. (66) Fn. 160: etuai of G becomes astua in K, 0. (67) Fn, Jor: A FIhsia of G is revised in K, 0 to parasita. (68) Fn, 162 : Ad replaces in K, Ogie of G. (60) Fn. 161: pofthat of K,O is evidently a correction of G Apoft kRyatAM which latter is a scribal error for praguNIkriyatA. Fn. 165 : The erroneous reading of K, O esti R for the correct one of Ghafa appears to liave been influenced by the regional language, (71) Fn. 166; arpaatat of G is wrongly corrected in K, O to Getratat. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 14 (74) En. 169: (75) Fn, 171 (76) Fn. 172: (77) Fn. 174: (78) Fn. 177: (79) Fn. 178: (72) Fo. 167: K, O read syfon for G ago. This change is evidently made under the direct influence of point no. 69. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (73) Fn. 168; G gAU 5 pramANaM raNakSetraM kRtaM / pranolIkaTakAMtarAle is changed in K O to gAU 5 raNakSetraM kArApitaM / pratolIkaTakAMvare. sat of G is corrected to wit: in K, O. K, O navayauvanAbhirAmA is a revision of G nadhyayUvanAmirAmA I of G is heightened to get in K, O. aar of G is corrected in K, O to a. is dropped by K, O. At : of K, O is an evident (but imperfect) correction of the scribal error in the reading of G dvayo rAjJamilajati:. Fn 180 : K, O have svAvAse for G bhAvAse, ( 80 ) (81) Fos. 181, 182: kRtAH and jAtA: of G are corrected in K, Oas kRtA and at respy. (82) Fn. 183: Ga is simplified in K, 0 to . 83) Fn. 184: K, O change the order of aU. (84) Fn. 186: K, O add a suitable reply to the speech of Madanabhrama : jayasiMhapoktaM satyaM tvayi dRSTe kA chakavADI rAjA / (85) Fn. 189: K, O omit . ings (86) Fns. 195, 190: The visarga is wrongly dropped in K, O in the readar: and : of G. It cannot be argued that in both these cases the singular is intended and hence the visarga is dropped; because that would not suit the plural in other allied terms. and There are no significant readings peculiar to G alone over and above those already noted in the foregoing pages. The obvious reason for this fact is that K has copied G faithfully correcting its so many scribal inaccuracies. K displays very few notable peculiarities of its own, the most glaring one being the occasional use of short forms e.g. af (in. 53). qfi (in. 54), (in. 55deg) for the respective directions and go (in. 99) and (fn. 72) for uzayia. Being the latest of the three codices, presents more peculiarities of readings than the other two: (1) Fn. 55: O adds far after aft For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 15 (2) Fn. 56: ca for ang proves its inclination towards figur. ative expressions. ( 3 ) Fn 87 prakaTIbhavati for pragaTIbhavati is one of the instances of its inclina tion towards correctness of Sanskrit expressions. (4) Fu. 98: Sometimes glaring scribal errors take place during its endeavour in the directions noted above. Thus it has not properly understood the reading ammatsvAmina: Reading this ama1 as asman it runs to correct it to win which gives us a curious variant in ariMgan svAbhimaH ! and are confused. (5) Fns. 102, 187: The forms (6) Sometimes it omits certain terms as superfluous: eg. the address is dropped at in. 127 and the term a is dropped from s sales at in. 145. (7) Sometimes changes are made due to non-understanding of the real sense but in an attempt at refining the original; e.g. fn. 134: gAjaNAha is wrongly turned to gAja ganaya Similar is the case of 17: which is reduced to va by 0 (fn, 152) due to the same reason. (8) ge against azaga (fn, 173) of the other two Mss. is an instance of its being more inclined towards Sanskrit expressions than the other two. It becomes clear from the above account that G, being archaic in its readings, is the oldest of the three Mss. cousulted. It is not possible at the present stage of our knowledge to determine its exact archetype. Its incorrect language and numerous Prakritic and Old Gujarati passages tempt one to guess that most of the stories are taken from folklore. It is also evident from the above discussions that K is a hurried copy of G, but that the scribe has revised the copy carefully and made suitable changes to make it accurate. Its writing is far more correct than that of G which it has improved upon considerably during the process of being copied down. O does not appear to have before it the Ms. G. It is a copy of K, sometimes a blind one inasmuch as it has retained several scribal inaccuracies of K and at places has misunderstond certain signs of K which are presented by O in an altogether different way. Its inclination towards Sanskritisation and refinement can easily be noticed at a number of places. All the same the scribe is not conversant with the language nor is he intelligent enough to avoid certain silly crrors. 11. The Constitution of the Text For one of the preban has three Mss. could be consulted, but for the rest For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 16 of the text only one Ms. was available and the Ms. concerned also was considerably defective. The editor has tried to correct all scribal errors, but care is taken not to meddle with the peculiarities of the language and style, since this work is written in the so-called "Jaina Sanskrit ". Hence faulty forms of the names of the directions are not revised. Many names and other words lack Sanskrit case-terminations. Likewise at several places Prakrit and Old Gujarati terms, expressions and even whole sentences and passages are met with. In all such cases the original spelling is retained in the re-constructed text as far as possible; because these cannot be deemed as mere scribal errors. glaring example in this regard is the specch of Vilhu Vamani on pp. 6 and 7, which is not completely Sanskritised in the re-constructed text since it indicates dialectical or colloquial influence. Likewise the name Jayasintha sometimes takes the colloquial form Jayasingh which, as such, must be retained in the re-constructed text. A The editor has not tried to Sanskritise the names and epithets of the members of the court of King Jayasimha and those of other personages also, for they possess a purely dialectical touch and cannot be deemed as mere scribal corruptions. Certain words, however, placed among purely Sanskrit wordings, are changed to their original Sanskrit form considering such cases as those of scribal errors; e.g. visvasena (18.17) replaces the original visvasena in the re-constructed text. A lexicographical note on all peculiar words and expressions is presented in Appendix 'A'. In the presentation of the re-constructed text the usual system of brackets is not followed for evident reasons. The re-constructed text is presented in a running way and the original readings of the Mss. (including variant readings) are given in the footnotes on each page for ready reference both to the original readings or variants and to the consituted text, The re-constructed text is divided into suitable paragraphs and punctua tion marks also are scrupulously resorted to in the modern fashion. The dandas in the Mss. could not be relied upon, as they are placed there quite inadvertently, sometimes even separating letters of the same word! Therefore, in order to present an easily readable text, they are disregarded and all punctuations are made in the modern fashion. Likewise the avagrahas also are employed in the re-constructed text wherever the editor felt that they were required for facility of understanding. At very few places the editor has made small insertions, especially at the close of prabandhas or sections thereof. The titles and serial numbers of the For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 17 prabandhas are also introduced by the editor. All such insertions are placed within square brackets I l in order to distinguish the same from the text as reproduced from the Mss. In the case of Old Gujarati and Prakrit words etc, also the editor has tried to retain the original spelling as far as possible. The same is the case with the Old Guj. and Pkt. verses. Though Die original sources of most of them could not be traced (as they seem to form part of floating lit. or folk-tales!, care is taken to present them in as understandable a form as possible and every word thereof is explained in the Lexicographical Study (Appendix * A'). Names of persons, places etc. are printed in hold types for facility of the readers, 111. The Prabandha Literature The Dictionary meaning of the term 'Prabandha' is 'a continued or connected narrative or discourse as also any literary work or composition'. As an instance of the cmployment of the term in the former sense may be quoted the pithy line froni Magha's Sisupalavadha II. 73: arafa : fut c'; while its use in the latter sense may be illustrated by the prominent line from the introductory portion of Kalidasa's Malavikagnimitra displaying the peculiar manner of the poet's introducing himself to his audience: .....geant rathermatat estafiz ..... In Dramaturgy the term 'prabandha' denotes a special type of gana. The fourth Adhyaya oi Nihsa e ka sirigadeva's Sangita ainakara (Twelfth century A.D.) is itself named Prabandha-Adhyaya ( Anandasrama ed, of 1896 A.D., pp. 271-354 To a student of the mediaeval Sanskrit literature, however, the term .prabandha' bears a peculiar tecbuical sense, first of a historical anecdote, so to say, and then of a form of literature allied to the so-called Caritas. At the very outset of his Prabandhalosa ( 1349 A.1).) Rajasekhara. suri tries to make a distinction between Caritas and Frabandhas, according to which the Caritas are the life-stories of the Tirthankaras right from Rsa bhanatha up to Mahavira, of (ancient) kings including the mythoicgical Sovereigrs or Cakrins ard of the religious pontiffs up to For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Ar yaraksitas uri ( who died in the year 557 after Nabavira, i.e., in 30 A. D.); while the biographies of (prominent) personages who flourished after the time of Aryarak sita are prouounced by him as Pratandhas. It is not clear whether this listinction is made by Rajasekharasuri himself or he owes it to some older authority. In any case, however, as Dr. B. J. Sandesara* rightly points out, this type of distinction in nomenclature has not been always observed in actual compositions, because the works dealing with the life of persons like Kumarapala, Vastupala and Jagad u who flourished as late as the 12th and the 13th centuries have been styled as Caritas, e.g, the Kumarapalacarita of Jinamanda. naganin (1335-36 A. D.), the Vastupalacarita of Jinaharsa ( 1441 A.D.) and the Jagaducarita of Sarvinanda (14th cent, A.D.). Turning to the Prabandhas actually available, we can generalise that Prabandha is a form of literature of historical anecdotes widely cultivated especially by mediaeval Jaina writers of Western India, written in a regional style of Sanskrit which may be described as simple, popular, colloquial Sanskrit as contrasted to the Classical Sanskrit. These historical anecdotes do add to our historical knowledge. All the same their motives are "to edify the congregations, to convince them of the magnificence and the might of the Jaina faith and to supply the monks with the material for their sermons, or when the subject is purely of worldly interest, to provide the public with pleasant entertainment." The Prabandhavali of Jina bhadra (1234 A. D.) is the earliest available dated Prabandha- collection. Only one Ms. of this work, dilapidated in condition, is preserved in a Bhandara at Patana (North Gujarata) locally known as Sangha-110 Bhandara. In the well-known compilation of prabandhas made by Muni Pinavija yaji and published by him as No. 2 of the Singhi Jaina Series in 1936 A. D. under the name of Puritana-prabandha-sangraha this Prabandhavali was the main Ms. (viz. Ms. P) which he has described on pp. 2-20 of his llindi Introduction to the work. It comprises 40 prabandhas in simple prose a majority of which deal with historical personages of Western India with the exception of a few which are taken from folklore. Three of the fons Apabbramsa verses occurring in the Prihviraja + taba zrIRSabhAdivardhamAnAntAnAM jinAnAma, cakyAdInAM rAjJAm, RSINa vAyara kSitAmatAnA vRttAni caritAni ucyante / tatpazcAtkAlabhAvinA tu narANAM vRttAni prabanyA iti / -- PK, p.1, II. 19-20. * LCV, p. 144. [ Buhler, Life of Hernacandracarya, p. 3 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prabandha of this Prabandhavalt "are traced in a corrupt form to the Prihviraja-raso ascribed to post Canda, a friend and contemporary of Pythviraja, the last Hindu sovereign of Delhi. These citations have gone a long way to show that the published Pythviraja-raso is not a later work in toto, as some scholars are inclined to believe, but that the Raso has very old nucleus, which is earlier than at least 1234 A. D., the date of Jinabhadra's work." The following may be enumerated, in their chronological order, as other outstanding specimens of the Prabandha Literature : (1) The Prabhavakacurita of Prabha candra (1277 A.D.), written throughout in verse, first published by the Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay in 1909 A.D), and then in a more perfect form by Mani Jina vijayaj! as no. 13 of the Singhi Jaina Series in 1940 A.D. It contains 22 prabandhas relating the life-stories of the principal Svetambara pontists right from Vajra. swa min (c. Ist cent. B.C.) up to Hemacancracarya (12th cent. A.D.), in continuation of lema candra's Parisistaparkun or Sthavira. talicarila. It includes important historical anecdotes regarding a number of great kings and poets of outstanding importance. (2) The Pravandhacintamani of Merutungacarya ( 1395 A.D.), as a specimen of the Prabandha form par excellence, gives a large number of historical dates, a feature not common in Sanskrit literature. "It is a principal source-book of the history of medieval Hindu Gujarita from the times of Cauluk ya Milaraja to the end of the Hindu ruie, s.c., it covers roughly the period from the middle of the oth cent. t.) the end of the 13th cent. A.D.". It was published by Muni Jina vijayaji as no. I of the Singhi Jaina Series in 1933. It contains in all 135 prahundhas under JI main topics divided into 5 Prakasas. (3) The Kalpa-pradipa or Vividhatirthakalpa of Jina prabha (1333 A.D.) is a unique work, important from both historical as well as geograpbical view.points, serving as a, so to say, for all the prominent holy places of Jaina religion which existed in the 14th cent. It comprises 63 Kalpas or chapters out of which 12 are hymns, 7 are biographies and the rest are descriptions of holy places of pilgrimage. It was published by Muni Jinavija yaji as no. 10 of the Singhi Jaina Series in 1934 A.D. It - --- - - - -- -- - - - - - - PPS, Introduction, pp. 8-10; LCV, p. 145. + LSJS, P. 2. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 20 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir includes prabandhas, in prose and in verse, composed both in Sanskrit as well as in Prakrit. (4) The Prabundhakosa or Caturviniatiprabandha of Rajasekharasuri (1349 A.D.) consists of 24 extensive and interesting prabandhas, the first and the last ones being Bhadrabahu-Varaha-prabandhu and VastupalaTejapala-prabandha respy. The seventh prabandha viz. that of Mallavadisuri is written throughout in verse, while the rest are in the usual simple colloquial Sanskrit prose. It was first published by the Forbes Gujarati Sabha, Bombay in 1932 A.D. and then by Muni Jinavijayaji as no. 6 of the Singhi Jaina Series in 1935 A.D. (5) The Bhojaprabandha of Ballala (c. 16th cent. A.D.). There are six different works named Bhojaprabandhu by Ballala, Merutunga Rajavallabha, Vatsaraja, Subhasila and Padmagupta. Ballala's work, however, is the only prominent one, which was first published from Calcutta and then from Bombay (Nirnaya Sagara Press, revised in 1928 A.D.). Being an amusing piece of proso-poetic composi tion purporting to commemorate the liberal patronage of king Bhoja of Malava it describes how he succeeded to the throne and presents a series of anecdotes about his relations with the many poets and literary lights that thronged his court. The portions introducing the celebrities like Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti, Dandin, Magha etc. who flourished at different periods of time are of no value from historical point of view, but are useful for entertainment as well as for developing present wit. Not only does this Prabandha Literature possess importance from historical and geographical points of view but also-and much more-from the viewpoint of Sanskrit lexicography on account of its peculiarly simple mass-appealing language which is replete with rare and obsolete words, back-formations, hyper-Sanskritism and all the more with words, expressions and syntactical peculiarities of the regional dialects. A lexicographical study of three of these works viz. the Prabandhacintamani, the Prabandhakosa and the Puratanaprabandhasangraha is presented by Dr. B. J. Sandesara and the present editor in their "Lexicographical Studies in Jaina Sanskrit ' " published from Baroda in 1962 as ne. 5 of the M. S. University Oriental Series. The present text also is a work of the prabandha-style. As will be evident from the following pages, though a small work of 31 printed pages, it is very important from historial and lexicographical points of view, and as such it makes a very healthy addition to the Prabandha Literature. HCL, pp. 501-2. For Private And Personal Use Only ----
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 21 IV. The Study of the Text THE TITLE AND EXTENT Though the present work is named here as Laghu-prabantha-sangraha, it must be pointed out that no such title is mentioned anywhere either in the body of the text ur in its colophons. All the same the cover of Ms. G bears this titie in a modern hand, and, since it sloes not contradict any known fact and syits the contents etc. of the text, the same has been accepted as the title of the work in the present edition. This name is significant inasmuch as the work contains short anecdotes relating to certain historical personages or incidents. It comprises in all to such laghu-prabandhas. The first prabandhu bears the age of the Ms. in its post-colophon entry, wuile the close of the whole work is marked by a Prakrit subhasita placed at the end of the roth prabandhut. THE CONTENTS The stories narrated in the LPS may briefly be rendered into English as under: 1. THE STORY OF SAGADDEVA Jagad de va, son of Paramara king Uda y aditya oi Ujjayini, was very generous. When the king expired, Ramadha vala, Jagaddeva's step-brother, was enthroned by the ministers, but the people honoured Ja gaddeva. Consequently the ministers engaged murderers and the noble prince left the city. He entered the border-town of the very powerful king para magi of Kalyana kojipura which was offered by the queen to the harlots for maintenance. Having taken his meals at the place of a merchant he startce wandering in the city. Being recognized as a lortunate man with excellent characteristics by the choirie-maid of Queen Lilavati, who beheld him from her balcony concealing or, abandoning-pariharan-) one betel-roll and asking for another by keeping his land on his shoulder, he was summoned in. When the king gave bini audience, a large-eyed lady covered her head while paying bira respects and in return Jagadde va made a brotherly endowment to her of three hundred thousand coins. On seeing his magnanimity the minister played a trick, A Bhaviil-performance was undertaken wherein the king began to dance aod the minister played upon the tabor. Jag a ddeva put off his pupusya ( =turban?), bestowed it upon the minister and asked him to choose a boon. The chief For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 22 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir horse of Hammira, the ruler of Gajana, and the principal elephant of Gajapati, the king of the Gaudas, were asked for. With sixteen companions Jag addeva entered the camp of Hammira who had attacked Pattana, defeated him, took away the horse and exercised conciliation between Jayasimhadeva and Hammira. He also procured the elephant from Gajapati of Ganda and sent both the animals to the requirer. 2. THE STORY OF THE GREAT KING MADANABHRAMA King Madanabhrama of Kanti possessed as many as 5585 queens and goco ordinary wives. His palace called Visvavijaya had among other things a golden lion-throne, 4 golden pillars, ra golden images of damsels in budding youth, 120 Gavaksas or windows, 4 golden altars, 4 square enclosures, 4 step-wells, 4 orchards, a golden time-piece, a silver arch and a small lake named Candrajyotsna which was fortified with a huge wall. He used to give audience only twice a year and for the rest of the period he remained in the midst of his woman-folk. Once king Jayasimhadeva of Gujarat a camped in the vicinity of this city after his twelve-year victory-tour. Enraged at Madanabhrama's bard's refusal to eulogize him, Ja yasimhadev a lingered there for four months with the intention of fighting against Madanabhra in a. Minister Maideva tried in vain to inform his king of the situation through maids. At last Vilha the dwarf, a great favourite of the king, succeeded in taking him to the terrace of the palace wherefrom he beheld the waterproof-textile tents of Jayasimha's camp. Naturally the king enquired about it and she caught the opportunity to explain the situation, describing king Jayasimha in very high terms. Under the circumstances fa dana bhrama declared that he would give audience on the eighth day of the bright half of the month of Sravana. On the fixed day he sent Madhava, the officer in charge of the city gates, with a present of 120 horses and 16 elephants and ordered the minister to give Jayasimha all that he wanted. He also instructed him to prepare the field of battle unalarmed in case the alien king still insisted on fighting. On the sixteenth day thereafter the battle-field was prepared in an area of about ten miles. A silken screen was inserted between the city-gates and For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 23 Ja ya simha's army. King Madanabhrama arrived and zoo youthful damsels riding mares with due crotic decorations were sent against the hostile army. They forcefully marched towards it and retreated in no time. Ja ya. simh a's cavalry pursued them and entered the eastern gates along with their king. Both the kings met; Madana bhrama conduced king Jayasimhadeva to his palace and adored him. Mutual love having sprung forth, king Yadanabhrama pronounced to kiny ja ylsinh a deva that since he roamed about outside his kingdom for as many as twelve years he was a notorious king. He advised him to stay at home and enjoy royal pastimes. ja ya sim hadeva admitted this and Vadanabhra fua, being pleased with him, presented to him, at the time of departure, eight excellent damsels possessed of beauty as well as puberty. On suddenly learning that they were offered to the king of Gujarata, six of them died near the citygates due to heast-bursting and the rest two nained Ma yurani or Mano. hara and Peth uripi or Pitbula sroni were brought to Pattana, where the king was received with due festivities, 3. THE STORY OF THE FIVE-HANDLED ROYAL UMBRELLA OF VIKRAMADITYA Once, while returning from his usual round of the city of Ujjayini, king Vikramaditya beheld a lady taunting from her balcony a scavenger woman who had stopped her sweeping work in honour of the royal procession and expressing hier despise for the king inasmuch as he did not possess a royal umbrella of five handles. Having returned to his palace he summoned the lady whose elders approached and greeted him. The king asked them to prepare a fi ve-handled parasol for him. They replied that they would make such a parasol for bim only who fulfilled their five desires. The king agreed and asked what he had to do. Desire 1: They replied: "In the first instance, having defeated the lady within three days you slikl? marry her." * She came there with full pomp in company of her maids. The king could not win till the evening of the second day. That night he went to ber ward For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 24 and overheard the ladies there speaking out that the king was going to be defeated the next morning. Pained at this he went out to the temple of the Yaksa who regarded entering into dispute with Deva damani as a folly on his part and advised him to go to Indra's heaven where she was to dance that very night. The king went to the heaven by virtue of the power of Agrivetala who transformed bimsell into a bec and broke down Devada mapi's crestornament of Campuka flowers when she was fully engrossed into dancing, which, in its turn, broke one of her anklets while dropping down from her head. Vikramaditya picked up them both and the third thing that he took away was the betel-roll which was offered to her by Indra himself. Devadamani was so engrossed in dancing that she did not notice this, Thereafter both of them returned home. The next morning when she went to the palace for continuing the game, the king was still in his bed and had to be awakened. When she remarked that the king had slept for a very long period, he retorted that being invited by Indra at a dance-performance he had to go to his heaven the previous night and that when the dancing girl, with all pride, would not cover her body, he caught hold of her crest-or12. ment. He showed it to her and she missed the expected dice. Likewise he also showed the anklet as well as the betel-roll and in this way she missed the dice thrice. The king won and married her. Thus was secured the first handle. Desire 2: "Bring the jewels from the second storey of the palace of king Trambasena ol the city of Tramba vati." Vikram Aditya went to Trambivati, when the king's meals, prepared outside, were being hrought into the palace through attendants. He mixed himself among them and entered the palace which comprised no less thao 50 apartments. At sunset he began to move from one apartment to another but did not find the jewels. Then he entered a third one along with a low-caste dame. It was the residence of the virgin princess and was locked after the dancing girls dispersed. After a while a letter was delivered to the princess through a balcony, which she read after opening the trellis. She took the jewels and mounted a red she-camel which was brought there. Her dvipati, however, was left there, Vikramadity a slipped it down beneath the lattice and as the mar sent For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 25 by her for taking it entered the lower part for holding it up, he cut off his head with his sword, took thic dvipati himself, mounted the she.camel and drove alang the way to another country quite tacitiy. On the princess' enquiry he replied that he intended to hand her over to the gambler Caturanga in the east where she was lost at stake. Sorrow, fully thinking in her mind that she missed the mark both ways slie observed taciturnity. Having traversed a distance of eight to nine miles they alighted from the dromedary. He fell asleep while she kept awake. Suddenly, however, she saw 2 pair of lions bounding towards then and awakened the king who fatally pierced them both with a single arrow which he asked her to letch back; and on ber not doing so he threatened her with death. She besought him not to kill her, which he consented to on the condition that she would not disclose this feat of his to anybody. Again he drove further and, as the sun rose, she was delighted to see that he was quite handsome. They alighted in the outskirts of a city and he went inside for fetching food leaving her alorie beneath a tree on the riverbank, when a bawd approached her acting astonishment at her siglt and exclaiming "O my niece! wliere liad you been? It is an auspicious day that you are found out!" With these words she conduced the princess to her residence along with the dromedary and arranged for her marriage with a royal officer's son who was praised by the woman-folk for killing a rat by means of an arrow! She observed the situation, formed detachtinent and became ready to burn herself alive. None could dissuade her from her determination. Highly pressed, she narrated her tale while mounting the pyre. At this very moment Vikramaditya, who was wandering in search of the princess, arrived there and was recognized by her due to the dvipati. He disclosed his identity and the officer fell at his feet. The having wedded the bride he returned to Ujjayini with royal pomp. Thus was secured the second handle. Desire 3: The old ladies commanded Vikramaditya to find out the real character of Umadevi, wife of Soma Sarman, a Brahmana of Ujjayinl. whose residence was marked by a tamarind tree standing at its gate, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 26 It was a school with 63 resident pupils. The king disguised himself as a student and secured admission there, At night, when Somasarman and the pupils were all asleep, Uma. devi got up, climbed the tamarind tree and gave it a blow with her cudgel, at which the tree rose up from the ground, root and branch, and moved into the air. The king, who was fcigning asleep, observed all this. The next day he climbed the tree earlier and waited for the night, when, again, the same process took place. The tree went to another island and stapped near a big temple, where she alighted and bowed down to 64 Yoginis. Meanwhile the Ksetra pala came to the scene and, saluted by Umadevi, he asked her why she was not offering the victims. She replied that the 64 pupils and their preceptor were suitable victims for the Yoginis and himself. She requested him to wait till the 14th day of the dark half of the month of Asvina, when, having placed the woolen slab-seats on the mystical diagrams drawn on the ground smeared with cow-dung, having adored the cudgel, offered the obla. tions and tied the holy string to the hand, her lady-cook would take the solemn vow and perform obeissance. The king, who had concealed bimself, listened to these talks and silently mounted the tree, which duly returned to its original place. The next morning he reported to the preceptor that all 65 of them were going to be victimized on the fourth day thence. On the fixed day Umidevi performed all ceremonies pto the tying of the string. As she was about to take the solemn vow, however, the king cut off the string, caught hold of the cudgel and mounted the tamarind tree with his fellow students and the preceptor. Getting a blow from the cudgel, the tree flew to another island where it was made to descend near a deserted city. Alighting from the tree, he straight-way went to the palace where he found the princess all alone, who informed him that a giant at rage bad destroyed the city as well as its king and that he intended to marry her. She requested him to go away in order to avoid an immature death, since the giant was about to The dauntless king remained there concealed and no sooner did the giant arrive there than he killed him with a stroke of his sword. Thereafter be married the princess and, having climbed the tamarind tree, returned to the Orchard of his city. Now the K setrapala went that day to Soma sar man's house where be found none but Umadevi. Consequently the oblation-offering was performed by cutting Umadevi herself to pieces. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 27 Somasarman was sent to bis house sale and sound. Thus was sccured the third handle. Desire 4: The old ladies commanded again: "Offer gifts to the royal priest". The Purohita, however, would not accept any gift not earned by the 20 nails! Now, while going to attend the marriage-cerem ny of the four daughters of the snake Alinjara in the cily of Patala, the female fiorist Matudi and her friend Savitri, whose formal lamentation at the loss of her sister Umi devi was duly removed by her, engaged the king, disguised as a porter, as their flower-basket-bearer, Mar udi opened their way to the nether-world by removing a slab with the help of her cudgel and on reaching the city of Pa tala they went in leaving the porter, the flower-basket and the cudgel on the bank of a lake. The king, however, threw the flower-basket in the lake, cunningly followed them, mounted the horse kept ready for the bride-groom, wedded the brides and turned back, When Marudi returned to the lake, she did not And the porter there and as she began to think as to what the matter was, the king arrived and made a call: "Come along, all of you !" He opened the nether-gate with the help of the cudgel and came up along with thein and his arrival at Ujjayini was duly festivated. ( The priest accepted the gifts) and thereby was secured the fourth handle. Desire 5: The old ladies said: "Let the minister be a receptac.e first of your disgrace and then of your grace!" Now the minister's youngest daughter-in-law was conversant with the speeches of all creatures. One day she learnt through the specch of a jackal that her father-in-law would be bereft of all his prosperity within six months. Thence she started concealing jewels in cow-cung cakes. At last the impending day broke, when, for test, the king humiliated and exiled the minister after forefeiting all his property. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 28 When the minister's family left the city, the youngest daughter-in-law carefully took with her the cow.dung cakes. They settled in another city. where she used to bring out the jewels one after another, with the help whereof the men, who secured this or that occupation in the city, managed for the maintenance of the house-hold. The daughter-in-law hired a house and stayed there along with her two elder sisters-in-law. They used to purchase woodpieces and other things which were brought by the men who stayed elsewhere and gave them food etc. in return. In due course, again, she learat from a jackal's speech that the king would go there for reconciliation; and the next day he met them, honoured them and invited them to go back with him. They agreed. Meanwhile, a juggler set in a spectacle, wherein he displayed a mango. tree yielding fruits out of season. Bending the branches with the help of his magic staff he filled a large plate with mangoes and offered it to the king of the city, who, in his turn, being covetous of an ever-yielding mango-tree got him cut short. Consequently the magician's attendants flew away missing behind the magic-staff which was caught hold of by Vikramaditya, who was present tbere incognito, Now it was not possible to get the mangoes in absence of the magic-wand. Consequently the king proclaimed that he would marry his four daughters to tliat man who could hand over to him all the mangoes on that tree. Vikramaditya accepted the task and bending a branch of the tree by means of the wand he displayed the mangoes to the king, who, therefore, gave his four daughters to him in marriage. Immediately after this Vikram Aditya made all inembers of the minister's family clinib the mango-tree which rose up, root and branch, at a blow of the wand, He left the tree by the side of the tamarind tree in the Mabakala park in the outskirts of Ujjayini and entered the city with due lionour and pomp. The charge of the Chief-minister's office was again bestowed upon the minister. In this way disgrace and grace were displayed by the king in turn, which made up the fifth handle. Thus was the five-handled royal umbrella prepared for him and held over his head. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 29 4. THE STORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAKE SAHASRALINGA One day a Vyasa related the following story during his expositions delivered in the court of king Jayasimhadeva of Patapa: "In the reign of king Rinamalla of Saradhara pura in Sa u. rastra there was a well wbere it was very difficult to get water. All the same a Candala woman anc day quenclied the thirst of a calt with the water of that well, By the power of this meritorious deed she was born as the daughter of king Visvade va of Kanauja, Kamala yati by name, and was given in marriage to Vayarasala, Rinamalla's son. On seeing scanty water in that very well she remembered her past birth and got constructed a lake." Having listened to this story king jaya sim hade va got constructed the Lake Sahasralinga on the site ol the Durlabha-take. S. THE STORY OF THE RAULANIS SIDDHT AND BUDDHI Once upon a time, four Brahmanas from Pata na set out for pilgrimage, While returning after taking medicinal berbs from Kedara, they paid respects to Anadi Raula in a cave, who, being pleased to hear them speaking in the Gujarati language, enquired from where they were hailing. They replied that they hailed from Patana where ruled king Jayasimhadeya who enjoyed the title of Siddha-cakravartin. at that very moment the Raulinis Siddhi and Buddhi arrived there from Kama rupitha in the country of Gauda. Over-hearing the reply of the Brahmanas they determined to oblige the king to give up the title of Siddha-cakravartin and straight-way went to the royal court of Patana, where the king paid to them due respects and, blessed by them, he enquired about their preceptor etc.. Having given their particulars, they commanded him to give bp the title Siddha-cakravartin since, they argued, if he was a Siddha he could not simultaneously become a Cakrararlin, The king managed for their lodgings and began to think over the problem in order to find out a suitable solution, A few days after, Sa kati ya Siha Haripala enquired of his son, minister Sajjana, whether tliere was any news in the royal court, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 30 Sajjana told him about the Ruylanis, at which the old man exclaimed that it was a matter of pleasure rather than that of sorrow. This conversation was over-heard by minister San tu who was passing by on his way home. He reported the matter to the king, who, on bis part, sent a palanquin to Haripala for fetching him to the court. He, however, resuscd to go to the court, at which the king sent minister Sant u personally for the purpose. Haripala went with lion and was duly honoured by the king. He played a nice trick. He got prepared a small sword with its blade made of sugar and its handle, of iron. This glistening sword was handed over to the king, while in court, under the pretext that it was received as a gift from certain king. The king put it in his mouth and swallowed the blade. The remaining part vix, the handle was given to the Kaulanis, but they could not swallow it and, thus defeated, they flew away; while due honour was bestowed upon Haripala, 6. THE STORY OF NAMALA THE FEMALE FLORIST Once, when kin: Ja ya simbadeva returned to Pacana after a victory-march, his mother a y analade vi informed him that on liis selting out she had taken a yow to Lord Parsvanatha of Dabhoi that if her son returned safe and sound, he wonid enter the city of Pata na after having bowed down to Him. At this be again set out for pilgrimage. This is how Parsvanatha of Dabhoi originated: In ancient tinues in order to fulfil a religious vow of Ganga king Santan himselt prepare this idol aod threw it into a well. For helping l'ariksit Taksak a acted as Dhanrantari and charnied the hig-tree with the holy Darbha. grass. Hence the rane Dablioipura. Out of the two teroples there viz. those of Vaidy a natha and Paravapatha the king visited the latter, where he learnt that the florist Nima la was a woman of the Palmint type since bees thronged around her. He bowed down to the deity with an offering of a nosc-gay of flowers and took lodgings. Then he sent for the florist lady through Dujanasala and Satrusala, the song of Huna Thepaniya. Decked with flowerornaments she approached him, and, at his offer, sie agreed to become his wife on the condition that none would insult her. Then they returned to the Capital For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 31 Now Namala the florist used to go to the Pancasilta Parsya. natha temple for paying homage to the deity on the eighth and fourteenth days of every lunar fortnight, seated in a closed palanquin. Once, while she was passing along in this fashion, Lilu, the daughter of Kelhanasimha Jodha, an oil-grinder, turned away her face while yowing down to her feet on the way. She complained about this to the king, who went to the Tesidence of the oil man along with her. There they were duly respected. When Lilu, who was standing at the entrance of the worship apartment, bowed down to her, X 3 mala asked why she had turned away her face the other day. "Because tlc odour of the oil lamp had spread into your litter," replied Lilu! Another incident occurred when Vamala was passing by the residence of Jathaka the washerman, while going to the temple of Pancasara Parsvanatha. His seven daughters-in-law, who were busy cloth-printing, ran to the balcony for having a sight of the queen, when, however, their sisterin-law contemptuously questioned them what it was to look at. Feeling indignation at this she complained about it to the king, wbo went there accompanied by her. Now the king suddenly got an itchy sensation on bis back and one of the daughters-in-law spoke out: "() Namala ! scrap His Majesty's back!" Pleased at this the king bestowed upon her a hundredi thousand coins, Another daughter-in-law repeated the words and was rewarded with double the amount. In this manner the royal couple got delighted, 7. THE STORY OF THE JUGGLERS GANAYA AND MANAYA One day when king Jayasim hadeva was sitting on the bank of the lake Sahasralinga, a disputation took place between Maniky a candra, De va suri's disciple, and Kuinudacandra, the Digambara pontiff. At that time Pradyumna suri, who enjoyed the title of Deaf Sarasvati', arrived there and pronounced a blessing praying divine protection for them. The king tested the capacity of the young disciple Mala y acandra by putting before him two quarters of a stanza for being completed, which was done immediately by diin to the former's utmost satisfaction. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 32 As a result of this Yasodbara, the royal priest, entrusted to the Suri lis two sons Khimadhara and Devadhara both of whom turned out experts. While returning from abroad they stopped at Kama rupa in the Gauda country out of fear from the Mugh ais. There they put up at the place of a juggler named Gajaraja, who taught them his art as also the art of dramaturgy. By virtue of the magical ointment that was applied to their forehead, however, they could cast their glances only up to the distance of 12 Yojanas. Once they went to a foreign country in the east, where they started a spectacle in the king's audience taking female forms. Pleased at that the king bestowed upon them much wealth with which they returned to Ka marupa and secured the title of 'jugglers Ganaya and Mana ya'. Wheo, however, Gaja raja started preparations for their marriage, they left the place aiter due deliberations and traversed a distance of as many as 12 Yojanas. By virtue of the magical ointment they could see only the waters of a river. They prepared a fresh pigment of certain other herbs on applying which to their forehead they beheld that a battle was being waged on the bank of the river Varunasa near Palana between king Jaya simha deva and king l'ara magi, the latter baving camped there. By the power of their magic lore they reversed the hostile army from the river-bank as a consequence whereof king Paramad i had to take to his heels. Then they entered the city but found that their house as well as their hereditory priest-hood was occupied by their relatives. They began wandering about in the city being themselves quite invisible. Then one day Devadhara entered the lake Sahasralinga in the form of a crocodile and began to sport in the waters. His brother Klinadhara would go abegging and bring grains there in the evening when both would meet and eat whatever is received. The king sent for as many as 700 fisher-mon from Stambhatirtha in order to catch the mischievous crocodile, but they could not succeed. Forced by anxiety, the king made a proclamation in reply whereof Kbimadhara begged for eight days' time. The crocodile was then brought out with the help of 4 buffaloes that were sent into the waters. He, however, first took the form of an elephant, then of a lion and finally met his brother having resumed his own form as Devadhara. The king having been pleased with them both, they regained their house as well as priest-hood. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 33 8. THE STORY OF KOMIR RANA In the city of Kidi-man kodi ruled king Kumari Ranaka, who was habituated to go to sleep while 16 ladies massaged his legs with bells tied to their hands and to wake while they sang and played upon such musical instruments as lutes and futes, Once he woke up in the last watch of thic night on caring repeated sounds of concti-blowing and on enquiry he learnt that certain persons were going for pilgrimage to Somanatha, Pasu patinatha, Anantasa ya ua and Rames vara. Immediately he decided to go for pilgrimage and set out, an auspicious day, towards Saurastra. When he passed through Pattana and reached the outskirts of Cand as a ma (mod. Canasma in North Gujarata), he met a merchant who was constructing a ake there. He confidentially deposited with the merchant 19 jewels enwrapped in a piece of black cloth. When, however, the king returned from his pilgrimage, the deceiptlul trader used to return the deposit. A strile arose out of this, which led tbem both to king Jayasimha, who gave an ordeal, accepting which the trader declared: "'The water shall not remain enclosed in this lake, if I have accepted the deposit of jewels." Instantly the banks of the lake broke forth and the water gushed out. Thence is the lake known as Pautel:in the broken one. King Jaya simbadeva was pleased at this, the c!!Te to the pond was only pullified and with royal permissio & special cotta was constructe on the bank of the tank, which was known as Di saxlarak di'be coltage of the foreigner', where resided Kuriari Rana practising pe111bce till death. 9. THE STORY OF SRIMATA In the city of Lalila navati rule bing Lakarasena. Cnce when he entered his haremn, minister Umapati Sridhara, who win excellent astroleger, cak ulated the position of the heavenly lum:naries and found cut that a son would be born to the queen but that at the age of 3: 1.0 would fall in love with a girl of the lowest class. Consequently he stopped going to the royal court and on learning the real cause of his absence the king sent the queen to a distant village where she delivered a son, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 34 At the age of sor 7 years or at the age of 12 years) the prince enquired of his mother about his father and on learning the fact from her he took the vow of celebacy and bore matted hair on his head along with 500 boys of the warrior clan. Meanwhile the king expired ard he was enthroped alter great persistence. The minister, however, avoided seeing his face by sitting behinsl a curtain. Now at the age of 32 the king was fascinated by a nice song sing by a toaicer of the Malarga class. Both exchanged gesticulations indicative of the Tendezvous. The minister missioned a man to observe secretly what liappened between then. The girl conversed with the king and great joy prevailed. Feeling ashamed of having been observed by the spy in that lorripilated condition, the king became ready to burn himself alive. The minister got prepared a red-hot iron-doll of the dimensions of a virgin of 16 years, wlich the king was about to embrace when, all of a sudden, he was caught by the minister who then saw his face for Die first time, In course of time this king Ratnapunja arrived once at Srimalapura, where, while going to the park for spring-sports, he beheld coming in front of him a pregnant lady carrying in her hands an unbroken cocoanutfruit (or unbroken rice grains and a cocoaaut-fruit ) upon which was sitting a spotted owlet making an indistinct suund. An astrologer from the Naruland explained the significance of the omen thus: "The next morning the woman will deliver a son who will is:cote the king of the country." She was furthwith caught by policemen at the king's command and was taken to a forest for being burried alive, where, out of terror, she delivered a son whom she placed among the young onts of a doe, whereafter slic was burried in the ground. T'he doe allowed the human babe to suck her breasts as did her own offsprings. The mint started striking new coins with the impression of a deer. This automatic change in the currency-dye was reported to the king, who questioned the police-men. The latter showed to the fourner the exact place where the woman was burried. The child also was seen there with milk dropping down in his mouth from the roots shooting forth from the branches of a lig-Tree on the bank of a lake, Thereafter the child was left across the city.gates but was covered over by the chief royal elephant, was protected by the chief royal steed, by the cow's and even by the bull, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 35. Being informed of this at day-break the king arrived at the spot and took up the babe in his hands, when, instantly, the following verse slipped out of the latter's mouth: yo me garbhasthatasyA'pi pUrti kalpitavAn payaH / zeSavRttividhAnAya Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir kiMvA supto'thavA mRtaH // * "Is He, who had managed for my subsistence even before my birth by creating mother's milk, asleep or dead now that it is time to manage for my further maintenance?!" The king adopted the boy as his son, named him Sripunja and enthroned him at the appropriate time. This king Sripuja begot a monkey-faced daughter named Srimata, who, one day, on hearing songs eulogizing mt. Arbuda (mod. mt. A bu), recollected her past birth, and, being pressed by her father, she told him that in the previous birth she was a female monkey who jumped upon the top of a peak of the mountain over the lake called Kayakunda, curious to see an attractive scene, when, bitten by a snake from the bamboo-groves, she expired. In due course hier body dropped down into the Kayakunda but the head still remained hanging in the bamboo-grove over the lake; that was why she did not have a buman head. The king made an enquiry and caused the licad be thrown down in the lake and forthwith the princess' head turned human. All the same determined not to marry, she set out for pilgrimage and finally settled on the same mountain practising penance, in course whereof Rasiyaka, a mendicant, was stupefied by her. After death Srimata became the tutelary deity of the mountain, 10. THE STORY OF GALA SRI VARDDHAMANASURI King Bhaspati Rapaka was ruling over Vamanasthali, the miniature Kasmira, where lived the pontiff Varddhamana * This verse is found in Sarngadharapaddhati as no. 312 with slight vari ants. Also found in Subhasitaratnabhandagara as verse 4 cn p. 75 in the section on Santosaprasamsa and PPS p. 84, verse 270. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 36. suri. When this Sari delivered his usual religious sermons, 12 pontiffs used to sit at his each side. On his right, again, were placed nine cups in the flowerportico for accumulating the nectat of the nine sentiments flowing from the exIxunder's nice speech ! On his left, however, was kept a dagger which would work upon his tongue in case of a corrupted utterance or a repetition ! One day there arrived at Sripattant (inou. Prabbas a Patana in Sauris fra! a dialectician from the Gauda country, Deva mahananda by name, who had 84 poppets tied to his legs. He placed straw and water at the entrance of the ternple of Somanatlia and pronounced this challenge: li there is any dialectician, let bim enter into a dialectical contest with me; or else let bin stand before me in the manner of a beast!" Three days having lapsed, goddess Sarasvati commanded Varddliamnanasari at vight to go to Sriyattana to vanquish the disputant and asked him to sip the nectar-water from a water-pot. Thereupori the pontiff caused two of his disciples, Vaghalau and Singhalau by nanie, to sip it, as a consequence whereof arose in them a huge wave of knowledge. Then he sent along with the people who approached him at the command of the goddess. The precepto: protected thein (through his spiritual powers) against the floods of the river Deyi, paralysing the flow whereof he enabled them to cross the river safely. All concerned were wonder-struck at this. Having reaclied Deva pattana the Iwo disciples commenced the contest which continued fcr as many as 18 days. At last the dialectician was defeated and died of heart-bursting. The wealth left by the dying disputant was utilized in erecling twenty-four Jaina monasteries furnished with residential accoinmodation for monks. This Varddha ina na suri composed the Vasupujyacaritra, THE CONCLUDING STANZA + The glory of kings lies in the tusks of elephants, of paupers in the shoulders of bulls, of warriors in the tip of (their) swords (and) of ladies ia (their) breasts." For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 37 V. Relation With Other Prabandha-Works Out of the ten prabandhas included in the present work four are not traced anywhere else, a minor incident of one in found elsewhere, one has as many as eight Sk. versions and several in mod. Indian languages and the remaining four stories are met with in some other Prabandha works with certain variations. In order to get a distinct idea of the exact position of the Laghuprabandha-sangraka in the Prabandha literature as such, it is necessary for us to make a comparative study of all the available versions of these prabandhas. Such a study is attempted here in as brief a form as possible. 1. JAGADDEVA-PRABANDHA A relevant story of Jagaddeva appears in passage No. 213 ( pp, 114-116) of the Prabandha-cintamani (PC) of Merutunga (1305 A.D.). The Puratana-prabandha-sangraha (PPS) refers to Jagad dev a twice viz. in passage no. 52 in the Madanabrahma-Jayasimhadeva-priti-prabandha (p. 25) and in passage no. 198 bearing the title Jagaddeva-prabandha itself (p. 85). Its passage no. 260 (p. 90) presenting the story of king Jayacandra of Kanyakubja as found in codex G alone mentions certain epithets of king Paramarddin of Kalyanakataka which are similar to those found in LPS. Likewise, PC describes in passage 214 (p. 116) king Paramarddin in a way which on the whole supports the epithets given in LPS. A comparative study of all these versions is given in the following table: For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra The Version of the LagAw-prabandha-sangraha (LPS) The Version of the Prabandha-cintamani P The Version of the ilana-prabandha-sangrana (PPS) 11 Jagaddeva, son of king Udaya. (p. 114:) Jag adeva, a ai (p. 25:) Jagaddeva of the ditya Paramara of Ujjayini, Ksatriya, a champion in dona !Paramara dynasty was made generous, bked by all; but his step- tion, fighting and compassion. the commander by king Siddhabrother Ranadhayala succeeds raja Jayasim ia fos figlitiog his father and attempts on Jaga against king Madan abrahmati. ddeva's life are trade. He leaves bis land. 38 For Private And Personal Use Only Arrived at the border-town of the (pp. 114-115:) Though lonouredi (P. 90:) King Jaya candra kingdom of king Paramadi of by Siddha - cakravarttin, could not bear such epithets of king Kalya pakotipura, who was he went 10 the Kuntala country Paramarddin as KopakilagniParame-riddhi-sirasa, Nidra-gahiladau, being invited by king Parama rudra, Anandhyakopaprasada and Kopakalanali, Rudra and Asandhya- cd did who was charmed by his Ruyadrahabola and therefore attackkopu-prasada. This town was given to exceltences. This king was Para- td his kingdom and went up to his hariots for their maintenance by the marddin or destroyer of his capital Kalyanakata ka. queen. Jag a ddeva dined at a mer-, enemies. Wheti lie was announced chant's place, was observed by a maid of by the door-keeper to the king, the Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only 3 queen. Lilavati and, recognized as a noble man, lie was called in. King reco gnized him and invited him to his court, When he entered the same, a broadeyed (dancing girl) covered her head out of respect. Jagaddeva rewarded her with three hundred thousand coins, dancing girl, who was engaged at that time in dance-performance before his council having removed all her clothes and wearing only a small petticoat of flowers, instantly covered herself with ber upper garment and bashfully sat down, After due formalities when she was commanded by the king to continue her dance, she replied that since Jagaddeva, the only man in the world, had arrived there, she was ashamed of displaying herself unclothed, for ladies act freely only in presence of ladies. As a reward for this excellent tribute to him Jagaddeva handed over to the dancer the pair of precious silken garments [ pradhana-paridhanalaksyamulyatulyodbhatapalayugam that were just then offered to him by the king. dukulam (p. 116:) King Paramarddin enjoyed great prosperity, exemplary for the whole world. For the whole day and night, excepting the period 39 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only --- 4 of slecp, he was engaged in the practice of wielding luis sword. Daily this cruei king used to kill one cook and as such he was attended upon hy as many as 360 cooks in a year. Corrstyuently ine bure tire titie oi Kopickulanala or destructive fire incarnate when in wrath'. 4This magnanimity is eulogized by IP ! (p. 115: ) Some verses are given in (p. 85: ) In this prabandha menmeans of the following verse: praise ol Jagaddeva's generos- tion is made of jagaddeva's 14 bestcwing generous gifts upon the ity. 418: Verse no. 254 runs thus: kRtArthAn kurva-stara / reciters of eulogistic verses. Out of daridrAn sujato dhAtu: these four verses, the second (no. kRtAdha n kurvatastatra / - antal na 272) runs thus: jagadeva ! na jAnImaH kathaM vizrAmyate karaH / / daridrAna sujato dhAtu: kasya hastI virasyati / 5 Minister plans to utilize the over Haraka 1 generosity of Jagaddeva. spe jagadeva ! na jAnImaH ctacle was commenceu wherein the ! Fi iu laizafa 1 king danced and the minister plaved upon a tabor. When Jagaddeva was pleased and gave a gift to the minister, they chose the boon that he should fetch them the chief horse of! Hammira, the king of Gajana, and the chief elephant of Gajapati Gaudes vara. He fulgileri this desire and succeeded in making a truce between Hammira and king Siddla raja J ay a simha, Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir It becomes cvident from this comparative study that (r) oply one incident viz, that of the dancing girl is common to the stories of LPS and PC, where also there is no similarity in wording nor truch in the details, the LPS account being very succinct. (z) The capital of king Paranarddin ( called Paramadi in LPS) is stated in IPS to be Kalyan akofi. pura and in PPS as Kil ya naka tak, while PC simply inentions bim as the king of the Kuntala country, 13 ) Some of tlie epithets of king Paramarddin are common to all the three versions, being strikingly similar even in their wordings. () The fourth quarter of the eulogistic verse Daridriin ctc. varies in all the three versions : The reading kasya kasto viratilsyati (I'C) is the best one, while the readings kah sramena rirasyali (PPS) and katham tisramyale karah (LPS) are not up to the mark. (5) The Bha. t'ii-vilra incident and its corrolaries are found only in LPS. Under the circumstances it is not possible to pronounce any sort of interrelation of these versions, though it must be admitted that the language of the 1.PS version is more archaic than that of the rest. 2. MADANABERAMAMAHARAJA-PRABANDHA This very interesting story appears in PK as prabandha no. 21 pamel Madanavarma-prabandha in passage nos. 107 and 103( pp. 60-93) and in PPS as prabandha no. 15 entitled Madunubrah -Jayasinhadeva-prili prabandha in passage nos. 51 and 52 (pp. 24-25). Its inain incident is related also in pruhandha no. 13 of PPS viz, Dharidhr alsa-prabandhu consisting of passage no. 47 (p. 23). Jinama dan aganin's Kumarapala-prabandha (1436 A.1).) also narrates this story (Jaina Atmananda Sabha, Bhavanagar edition of 1915 A.D., pages 8-9!; but his version is practically the same as that of PK similar also in the wording. As such it cannot be regarded as an independent version, A comparative study e these versions is displayed in the following table. Jina mandana's version, which is practically the same is that of PK, is not included in the present study. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only Sr. No. I I I 2 3 4 The Version of the LPS 2 Madanabhrama, king of the city of Kanti in Vangala desa. amAtya mAIdeva bAroulagaU mAdhava / malhU selhatha / He bad 5585 rAjJyaH pariNItA: and gooo bhogapatnIs. The four paTTarAjJIs were : Bavana, Candana, Sumayadevi and Sighanarani. Names of 29 maid-servants of these chief queens are stated. The Version of the PK 3 (p. 91) king of Mahobakapura in the East. Madanavarman, I The Version of the PPS 4 (p. 24) Madanabrahma, king of Kantipuri, the best of all cities. (p. 24 ) sarvamazrizreo mAMideSaH sarvamudrAdhikArI / senApatiH sAMidevaH / nAraola mAdhava devaH / (p. 24 ) tasya rAjo'ntaHpurasahastra evaM 36000 piMkavilAsinyaH / mukhyadevyazvatasraH / yAvana 1, [ candanA 2] sumAyA 3, sIMkSaNa 4 / (p. 24) Names of 4 maid-servants of each of these four are given. Some of these names are included in the list of LPS, the names Sau, Susila, Daksamani, Vallabha (maids of queen Candana), Kam-u, Kamala (maids of Sumaya), Amrtamayi, Amrtavatsala 42 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ --- - Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra -- - -- and Vacanavatsala (maids of Singhana devi) being absent there, Meri, Hammiri, Fatu and Falu are given here as the chief favourites of the king. We find the name Fulu in the LPS list.] Ali, Alati, Alavi, Alavesari and Vilu Vamani are given as kautukapAtras. The first four of these are the first four in the LPS list, wliile at a later stage Vilhu - Va mani is stated in LPS as the king's mahApramAdapAtra -- - -- - -.--.- For Private And Personal Use Only .. (p. 24:) gaja 3330, turaMgama lakSa 5, padAti lA 21 vizva vijaya-dhavaTagRham / (p.24:) tasya dhavalaM gRham / yojanapramANa :prAkArastatra dhavalagRhaM sAtadazabhUmikam / mANikathaMbha caukI 1... pUtalI 16 / gavAkSa 120 / teSAM madhye caturdiza catvAro gavAkSA mukhyA: / pUrvasyAM dizi vimA na vibhrama 1, dakSiNAyAM puNyA bharaNa 2, pazcimAyAM gandharva. sarva sva3, uttarAyAM ke lAsa hA s4|| (p. 24:) tatra sama daza?] bhUmau gavAkSa 4 | bhAdau vimAna vibhramaH pUrvasyAm / uttarasthA kailAzahA sH| dakSiNasyo puSpA bhrnnH| pazcimAyAM gandharva srvsH| ete catvArI mukhyA gavAkSAH / sarve svarNamayAH / nAnAkautukopazobhitAH / apare 126 / evaM Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gavAkSAnAmane suvarNamayadedikA 4 / caurI 4 / / (P. 24:) vApyazcatasravaturdicha / kSIroda vApI 1,
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra vApI : Isa vizrAma kSI rohi3, kamala ke dAra suthA ni thi 2, bAponAma / kamala ke dArA 2, haMsa vizrAma vA pI 3, mudhAnidhi : 5 evN| To zaTikAnA: anaMgaraMgADI, pAsa : giri vA DI 2, aMdhAra ghorayA hI 3, naMdana. vADI 4 / tatrAraghaTTa 4 / nuvarNamyA ghttii| 1 / rUpyamayA mAlA / naMdra yo lA talAvalI / pagathI- ' | ArA sArudhAra | baraMDI udAra / 4:) upanu puramadhye ndra jyo ra pAkikA dhavalagRhapravezapratyAmA nAnAratnainibaddhA / tsyaashctu| dikSu vATikA-dhArA giriH srvriipyogibhikssviraajitH| For Private And Personal Use Only 1 tihAM yakSAmanA piMDa karI melhiiyii| sonArUpAnA mA~gA karI chATaNA kIjaha / (p. 9T: ) kriyanne pratiramyaM chapaTanAni yakSa / kadama: / 12, tihAM khelA beladaM ... vicchoDIyaI / madana bhrama- / rAyahaI vituM strInau ... devapUjA karaH / / (p. 24 :) ... vI lU vAma kautukapAtrAH / 13 : rAyataNaI cI lhU vA ma NA mahAprasAdayAna / sarva kalAkuzalA rAjJo dehe stanAbhyAmudartana karoti / / 14 ': rAjJaH zrINAM 25 varSopari AbharaNalyAgaH / ThAlAM polAM vAjaNAM AbharaNa str| dehasthUlasvA / / ' gAtrazaithilyAt prihaarH| 15 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir varSamadhye lAsyaM pragaTIbhavati / dine 2 TaMka 1,000 svamahIrAlAlamAttikamayam / mahaNA. 10.4:) sanArIkumAraH sabhAyAM kadApi nopa- Ep. 24:) nathA varSamadhye sarvAMvasaraH 2-eko vizati / kevara isitalalitAni tanoti / pratyakSa | mahAna vabhyAm, aparATamyA m / evamindra
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________________ myAm / catrAmyAm / dakSiNAyAM puSpA bhara e. Taie... e fagfai samAno rAjya paalyti| solahI sola 16 mUlyaM sadA Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 16 For Private And Personal Use Only Once, while on return journey! (p. 61: While returning home (p. 25:) Once, while returning from to his capital after continuous after conquering such countries his conquest-inarch, king Jaya - conquests for twelve years, king of the Soutli as Maharastra, simhadeva of Gujarata reached Taya simbadeva camped at Tilang Tilanga, Karnata and katata and the outskirts of the city of Kanti. a distance of five garyulis from Pandya, king jaya simba | Thinking that he could not get a the outskirts of the city of camped on the border-line. There, match in fighting anywbere and reKanti. There a bard of Kanti' in the evening, lic sat with full pomp i membering a couplet laying down that but the bard of Jayasimhap his assembly, when an alien bard Kanti was so prominent among the deya and eulogized Madana- arrived and praised the assembly in 1 cities as the Juti among flowers, he bhrama. The other bard request. these words:"Ne! grairasyntet: decided to see it, and his army, though ed him to sing a culogy of his king. **1944 a 2 at 4- unwilling, had to follow him. He (viz. Jayasimhadeva) in !" camped near the city gates. reward whereof he promised to give him suitable gifts. He, however, When asked by the king, the bard Impressed by the golden peaks of the replied that he used to sing eulogies i replied: city-rampart and the golden snansionof none else than bis own king tops, he exclaimed, M a danabhrama. This inatter "4q! Tazai feta fia 478 7471 tatra madanavarmA nAma pRthvIvazAla: prAjJastyAgI bhogI ! "998X4 918T: " was reported to king Jayasimha, who, being enraged, stayed therr / dhI nayI nakta iva, purUravA iva, vatsarAja iva, ! during the monsoon (or, for four | punaravatIrNaH pRthivyAma : taM rAjAnaM tacca puraM yaH khalu / nityaM pazyati so'pi vargayituM na pArayati / kevalaM months) with the intention of fight- !. ing with Madanabhrama. Tatiana na tarasi alafi b... " 45 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir At the bard's suggestion Jaya
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only I 3 simha seul one of his ministers with him to examine the correctness of the bard's statement, The minister returned and reported to the king thus: T " avadhAraya svAmin ! gatastazrAham darzitaM bhaTTena tatpattanam / tadA vasantamAsotsavastatra pravarttate / gIyante vasantAndolakAdirAgegItAni / bhramanti divyazadvArA nAryaH / makaradhvajalAntimutpAdayanto vilasanti yuvAnaH / kriyante pratirathaM uSTanAni yakSakaH / prAsAde prAsAde sItAni / deve deve mahApUjA bhojanavArA: sArAH pratisadanam / rAjakIyasatrAkAre tu dAlikUrAva srAvaNAni muskalAbhi na mucyante kintu gattAyAM niyanyante tadA ghaNTo hastI nimajjati / rAjAzvavArAH paritaH puraM amanto vITakAni dadate lokAya / karpUrai liparvodayaH / rAtrI vipaNan vaNijo na saMbRNanti, udghATan vimuJcanti prAtarAgasyopavizanti / evaM nItiH / vyavasAyo'pyAcAramAtreNava [ tatra deze lohakhAnivatvarUpyakhAnIvaidanti tena sarvaH ko'pi ] siddhArthatvAt / rAjA tu kIdRgadhyAste, mayA sa na dRSTa: / idaM tu zrutam - sa nArIkuJjaraH sabhAyAM kadApi nopavizati / kevala * hasitalalitAni tanoti / prayakSa indraH / " 4 400 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only 17 ! The minister sent a report though a maid, who could not get an oppurtunity to convey the same to the king. At last on the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Sravana Vilbu Vamani requested him to go to observe the game of Andhavedha. The king went to the terrace, when rain had stopped. He cast a glance at his city and saw the alien army. He asked: On hearing this king Siddharaja marched towards Mahobaka and camped at a distance of eight krosas from it. (p. 92) This was reported by the ministers to Madanavarman who was surrounded by a thousand ladies in the excellent garden. He described Jayasimba as a Kabadi Raja and commanded to give him whatever amount he wanted but asked them to convey to him that if he wished to capture their city or land, they would give a fight. The message was conveyed to Siddharaja, who, wonderstruck, " He demanded 96 crores of gold. Though viNajAraja / " This gave the opportunity to Vilhu Vamani who pronounced several excellent epithets for him and reported that it was not the camp of any trader but of king Jayasimhadeva of Gujarata who wanted to fight. She offered the same, he did not move away. When asked, he replied: " matripuruhUtAH / taM lIlAnidhiM bhavatprabhuM dikSe / " i I (p. 25:) The minister closed the fortress, equipped the army and reported in writing to the king, who observed the alien army from the terrace and sent his instructions according to which Madhavadeva, the officer in charge of the city-gates, was sent with 16 horses and certain other suitable gifts. King Siddhanatha did not accept these welcome-gifts and conveyed his desire to fight, Madana brahm an informed that he would go for fighting the next Tuesday. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only I 18 1 2 describes king Jayasimha in very high but realistic terms. The king commanded to decorate the gavaksa Puspa bharana on the eighth day of the bright half of Sravana. Minister Maideva equipped the army and having reported that the enemy possessed five hundred thousand Sahana and nine hundred thousand Paila, asked the king who should lead the army against Jayasimhadeva. Madhava, the officer in charge of the city-gates, was summoned (whom the king commanded} : "Go and offer a gift of 120 horses and 16 elephants. Also give him whatever he requires. If he wants nothing but fight, kenA'pi muro na mohitaH, skandhakhajjina'panItA, nAdo nocAritaH / tadA raNakSetraM praguNIkriyatAm / " A battle-field was prepared in an 3 (p. 92) With the king's consent ............. 4 (p. 25) A battle-field was prepared, 48 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only area of 5 gavyalis. A silken curtain separated the two sides. The king arrived. 700 charming and welldecorated mare-riding young damsels were sent to face the enemy army. They went forward and then suddenly retreated pursued by Jayasimha's cavalry. They all, with king Jayasimha, entered the city by the eastern gate. The two kings met. Madanabhrama led Jayasimha to his palace hospitality. They became friends. Then Madanabhrama gave the following advice: with " tvaM kAThakamATiko rAjA / gRhe sthitaH kathaM rAmalIlAM na karoSi ? dvAdazavarSa yAvara mAjhe kathaM paribhramasi 1 rAjaliM kuru / " Siddaraja went to the garden with a few men. There stood alert a hundred thousand guards outside the palace-rampart. He was allowed to go in with four persons. Therein he bebeld seven entrances adorned with golden arches, step-wells of rajata and maharajata, damsels, dexterous in the costumes and languages of different countries, attendants On the other hand, Madanabrahengrossed in vocal and instrumental rose on Tuesday and, after the music, an orchard surpassing the cleansing of teeth etc., performed the summerhouses deity-worship. There took place a Nandana, [Hima-grhas], birds like Hamsas spectacle. Then he took his meals and and Sarasas, golden utensils, garthe betel-roll, got ready the horses, ments as tender as plantain-petals, himself wore the armour and accomhuge flower-baskets enhancing sexual panied by 16 armoured ladies he startpassion, and finally man ed with a royal umbrella carried over him by a young lady and chowries fanned on both sides by two ladies. Observing spectacles at this place and that he took cight days to complete his journey through his capital. He came out on the ninth day. sAkSAdiva madanaM madhure vayasi varttamAnaM mitamuktA phalaprAyabhUSaNaM sarvAGgalakSaNaM kAnaprabhaM madhurasvaraM tAmarasAcaM gurUyogamupacitagAvaM madanavarmANama | Madanavarman went forward to receive him, embraced him, and seated him on a goiden seat with the words: The Ksatriyas cut off trees etc. in all the directions. The minister made the army ready for fighting. ! On the fixed day Jayasimha. de va appointed Jagaddeva Paramara as the commander and fifteen others also were kept ready. On the battle-field was held a curtain separating the two sides. The soldiers 49 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only "FAT ! guter ta rahfe: of Jayasim hadeva went for ward well-equipped. When the curtain was removed, Jagaddeva and his Sidanaraja replied: "These party beheld the king surrounded by sweet words are false; the epithet damsels. They went back. Their king t' employed by you for me asked, "Why have you retreated ?" before your ministers reveals the Jagaddeva replied: " With whom fact." are we to fight? Your Majesty may Ma da na varman laughed better observe the situation yourself." and asked: "O Siddhesa! who Jayasimha de va dismounted told you like that?" from his horse and rushed forward. King Madana brahman too got Siddhesa replied: "The same | down. Both embraced each other and ministers of yours! With what friendship prevailed. A great recepmotive did you use bad words for tion festival took place, Siddha natha approached the gates along Madanavarman replied: with the king observing a number of spectacles and listening to a nyinber of " ! froh, ein , FRAT musical instruments. In this way they Test:, TE TE, Ff goa: T took nine days to reach the pond arqa, f a , fang, Candra jyotsna, having taken 72 472 " ablutions wherein, they arrived at the Siddhesa said: gate oi the Dhavalagrha observing the 50 me ?" Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ "satyaM satyam , etAdRzaH kATika evAtam / orchard Dharagiri the trees tvamevAyaM dhanyo yasvettha shrmaati|lyi duzmA wherect were covered with gold, The ! jIvitaM saphalam / ciraM rAjya muGa / " minister having performed auspicious ceremonies, both entered the palace. Madanavarman showed himn Siddhana tla, on his part, was his attendants, his treasury, his wooder-struck like a villager on peri worship-room and the like. Their . ceiving the charm that prevailed there. friendship was enhanced. His mind experienced great astonishwent at the varieties of the dinner and . the like. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ---. . - - -- For Private And Personal Use Only 195 rAjJA madanabhrameNa tuSTena rAz2o aSTadizarikA vica-' (p. 92:) viMzatyuttaraM pAtrazataM svAgasevakaM / (p. 25:) mAsAnte muskalApayAmAsa / rAjJA haratya kSaNAH sulakSaNA rUpayauvanavatyaH suzakAritAH smssitaaH| siddharAjAya vyatarata / tena prItA jayasiMhadevaH vAdInyupadaukitAni / jayasiMhadevastu pAtrATaka ythaace| gRhItvA nirmata: 1 suravAsanAdhirUDhA bajrapaJcarAcchA- / menyaM gRhItvA dhArA jitvA pattanamaNahillapuraM ! nRaiNApitam / rAjA mukalApya pattanopari valinaH / ditA: pratolItAre samAgatAH / tadA 16 suvarNamaya-: praviSTaH / teSAM 120 madhyAda pathi mRtaM mArdavAda, ! pAtrATaka yAvatpurapratolyAmAgataM mukhAsanAdi saMhatya..... puttalikAbhidorakasanAreNa jalpitam / "yuvaM gujara- zeSaM pattane praviSTam / pasanapravezotsave zrIpAla-tAnigame uktam-agre pattanaM k?| janairutam-'pattana rAjJo dattAH / " tadA paNa hRdayasphoTo jAtaH / / kavinA siddharAjopazyekanA dUre' iti zrutvA paNNAM yasako jAtA toDayo mAyUrANI pedhUrANI dve gRhIte / rAjA zrIjayasiMha paryAcchAdanaM dattam / dvayaM jIvitam / tatrapeNa saha krameNa devo vijayayAtrAnantaraM kuzalena zrIpattane smaagtH| Then are quoted two verses. pattane prAptam / mAU nAna ekasyAH , parasthA: pethU / praveza jAtaH / zrImadanabhramamahArAjAprabandha: / / evamanyairapi gaNitAni // iti madanavarmaprabandhaH // / adyApi mAuharANi pethUharANi ca pAtrANi bhUyante / evaM ojayasiMhadevaH kAntIM gatvA samAgataH // iti madanamajhanRpaterjayasiMhadevasya prItipabandhaH // Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir As stated above, the Dharadhvansa-prabarita of PPS (p.23)also contains the main story of the present prabundha, wherein a special motive is nentioned for Jayasim ha's visit to Kanti. It will be more useful to quote the relevant portion here than to give a summary or even an Englisli rendering of the same, so that the reader inay be enabled to compare its wording with that of LPS, Passage no.47 mus thus: mAlavamaNDale ujjayinI purI aparA dhArAva rAjA yshovrmaa| taba pasane jayasiMhadevaH / sa mAlavaM jetuM prayANamabArova / samIpabhUnau gataH pratijJAmakarot-yaddhArA lAtvA bhokssye| to dhArAyAMganyUti 5 madhye'yomayAH durIkAH kSitAH santi / pratolyo dattA: ! sATeSu yojiteSu sammusAni nArAvAni / tatra gajasthApyavakAzo naasti| dhArAyA: pratyAsanerapi bhavitu na zakyate / atha sivarAjapradhAnaH kaNikAyA dhaaraataa| tasyA bhane 500 paramArA yuvA mRtAH / dvAdazavArSike vigrahe siddhanAthe tine barbarako ghetAla: prAi-deva ! yadi yazApaTahaH karI kirADavAstavyo jesalaparamArastA preSyate, gajAsTena tena dhArA gRyate anyathA na / rAjhoktam- sakarI kaast| kAnsyAM madanabrahmanRpaterasti / jayasiMha devastu kiyatA parikareNa tatra gataH / varSAkAlo'sti / puryA dvAre sthitaH / mAidevamabigo militH| AdizyatA kAryam / nRpadarzanamavalokyate / nRpo mahAnavamyAM vinA darzana na dadAti / jayasiMhadevaH sthitaH / ito gADhe dharme'mijAyamAne nRpa uparitanabhUmI AkAze prAya: / puramavalokya purA bahiza ddaa| madanakapa: kRSNAm caturakAn pa prAha-are ! pUre kimidaM dRzyate / deva ! gurjarazrAnRpatirdevadarzanArthIM prApto'rita / are nRpo na kinveSa kabADI / ya evaMvidhe varzakAle prAmyati / AkAryatAm / jayasiMhadevastUpAyanamAdAyAyayo / zrImadanabroNa rAjJA kRtH| Agamana kAraNaM pRSTam / rAjJoktamyA:paTahaH karI vilokyo / kimartham / deva : tena vinAzadazavArSiko vigraho na bhajyate / rAjJoktam-gajAnAnayata / janaruktam-prasihAnA madhye samArita / sirAja: Navadano jAtaH / ta pakenAyoraNenoktamyazaHpaTahaH karI / taM samAnArayata / nRpeNoktam -yamunA kArya sarati tadA gRhANAnyapi isayavAdayaH / deva ! pUrNamanena / rAjA jJA' paridhApya kariNaM davA bhoktam- ataH paraM vigraho na kArya: / yataH svalpAyuSi jIvaloke rAjyasya saukhyaM nAnubhUyate tattasya ko gunnH| nRpastu nRpeNa tu] dhArAva gasvA sagauravaM jesalaparamAra aaitH| The following points are brought out by the above comparison : [1] The kirg is named differently in all the four accounts. The subse. quent depiction of his character as a Narikunjara' indeed offers significance to the name Madasa bhr a , or even Muduna brahm*, which would mean that the name Mudana varma* might be a later revision. The fact, however, appears to te quite clifferent. Hadura vw7way was his real name. It is observed that sometimes the repha or the syllable r is not only pronounced but also written down ly scribes in a wrong way, as going with the previous consonant. Thus' varma' ( 94 ) or 'barnu' [ ]-tliere being an uuhedu or non-difference between '' [va] and 'b'[]--would become brama [prama]. Now another scribe, while copying down the Ms., could not make out this brama (AA) and regarded it as a wrong spelling of brahma (10). This gave the king an altogether Tiew name viz. Madana brahman | Stili another copyist considered this braina' [ma] as a wrong spelling of bhrama [H] due to * These corrections in square brackets are inserted by the present editor. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir phonetic similarity, and thereby was brought out the name Modana b krama. The term 'brahma' () is pronounced by illiterate persons as bhrama () and in that way also the name 'Yadanabhrama' can be derived from the name . Madana hrahman' In short, the king's real name was Afadasta, war man and the rest two forms are derived from the same through scribal and phonetic peculiarities. (2] The capital of this king is Kanti in Bengal according to LPS, Kanti, the best of all cities, according to PPS, and Mahogakapura in the east according to PK. (3) LPS and PPS give an account of the king's luxuriant private life and the prosperity of his city, agreeing in the mention of th: nanies of the four chief queens, of the four main gwaksuz, tlie total number of gaviksas and the names of the four principal vapis, but differing in other details. All these details are altogether absent in the version of PK, which too, however, depicts the same in its own way. This depictiou of PK is well-arranged and polished as compared to the other two versions. (4) According to all the three versions Jayasimha camps near this city while returning from his conquest-march. They difler, tiowever, regarding the factor that led him there. Thus LPS states it to be his engagement due to a bare's not agreeing to eulogize any one else than his own king Madanabhrama; in PK a bard compares his majestic court to that of Mada nararman, be sends a minister to verify the lan)'s statement and on receiving his report de marches to thobaka; while according to PPS feeling that he could not get a match in any battle and remembering a couplet praising Kanti as the best of cities, he encamps in its outskirts and on beholding the Kapisirsas of the city-wall and the dandanalasas of the mansions all golden be feels that he was mistaken in going there. The second account of PPS appearing in its Dhara-dhvanj$a-prabandha mentions a special motive for this viz, to procore the elephant Yasah patala from Madanabrahman for breaking open the gates of Dhara. (5) In PPS there is no difficulty in informing the king of the arrival of the alien force, which the minister does through a written report. In PK the ministers personally approach him for the purpose. In the LPS account, however, Vilhu Vamani, the favourite of Madan atirama, had to play a trick in order to take him to the palace-terrace whereirom he could see the alien encampment. Here the king's believing it to be the casop of a wandering trader rather than that of an enemy appears natural under the circumstances. This, again, gives a nice opportunity to the intelligent maid to address her master in luxuriant terms and at the same time to straw a For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 54 realistic picture of the seriousness of the situation to the king who was so much engrossed in pleasures. This was necessary in order to awaken valiant spirit in him at the critical juncture. The second account of PPS depicts him going to the terrace just in order to get relief from glarma ! On beholding the black tents made of water-proof textile he enquires about them and is informed of the arrival of tht king of Gujarita to see hini. (61 In L 'S account the king commands to offer to Jayasimha a gift of 120 horses, 16 elephants and whatever else he wants; in PK go crores of goli moburs are actually oflered to bim as per his demand, whereaiter also he does not go away: while the PPS account mentions a gift of 16 horses and certain other things worth offering, which were, however, not accepted by Siddharaja who wanted nothing but a battle. Such a question does not arise in the second account of PPS where, being permitted, Jayasim lia sees him with certain gifts, secures from him the required elephant and refuses to accept anything else. (71 A batt.e-field is prepared and a curtain is placed in the accounts of both LPS and PPS, whereafter, however, LPS simply states that the king arrived there; while according to PPS he gives a fixed day for going there, starts in an easy way on that day and takes as many as eight days for reaching the field. This type of incident has no scope in the accounts of PK and Dhura-dhuniisu.prabandha, sj Accord:ng to LPS 700 mate-riding well-ornamented dapisels in budding youth march towards the hostile army and suddenly turn back and enter the city througli the eastern gate, pursued by Jayasim hadeva's cavalry. The king, then meet and become friends. According to PPS, on the other hand, it is the enemy-party, headed by Jagaddeva Paramara, that rushes to attack but retreats on beholding the king surrounded by young women, whereafter. Ja ya simhadeva, after brief conversation with Jagaddeva, actually runs towards Madanabrahman who, too, is enthusiastic in embracing him. Thus they become friends. This incident also finds no scope in the PK and Dhara.dhvamisa-prabandha accounts. [9] According to LPS Jayasimbadeva is taken to the palace with due hospitality; while in PPS they go to the palace in the same luxuriant way and take nine days to reach there. They enter the palace after bathing in the pond Candrajyotsnd when the minister performs certain auspicious ceremonies. The PK and Dhara-dhvarsa-prabandha accounts have no scope for this incident also (10] King Siddha natha of PPS was simply wonderstruck at the For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 55 chiarm that prevailed there. He was also well impressed by the dainties that were served. Nothing of this sort is seen in the LPS account and the PPS second account. PK, however, gives certain details of the excellences observeri there. (11; In LPS Madana bhramit advises Jayasimhadeva to stay at home and enjoy the royal glory rather than wander after conquests and earn the notorious title of Kasthakabudika. The PPS account has nothing parallel to this, bu: it states that Jaya simh a stayed there for one month. The second accouut of PPS relates him advising, at the time of departure, not to entertain fights any longer, since his royalty would turn futile it the royal pleasures are not enjoyed during the very short span of human life. Against these two brief accounts a happy conversation is related in PK wherein Siddharaja complains about Madanavarman's a busing him as kabadi' before his ministers and Madan a varman explains how be was 50, with which Siddh esa agrees. Then he is taken found the treasury, the worship-apartment, etc. (12] According to LPS Madanabhrama, being pleased with Ja ya simhadeva, offered to the latter eight excellent dampsels who were so tender that six of them died of heart-bursting on being informed of their having been presented to the king of Gujarata and only two, named Di a yurapi and Pethurani, were taken to Pattuna. The PPS account slightly differs. There it is stated that over and above the elephants, the horses, etc. that were offered to bim, Jay a simhadeva asked for eight damsels. The cause for the heart-bursting of six of there is stated here to be their being informed, on their own enquiry, that Pattana was far away from there. The names of the survivors are given here as Mall and Pethu. PK gives the number of the damsels offered as 120, a hall whereof are stated to have expired on the way due to excessive tenderness, [13] The names of the eight damsels offered to Siddharaja are found in the LPS account only. PPS gives their number as eight but does not name them; while according to PK the number of damsels was 120, which number itselt speaks for the absence of their names there! (14) It appears from the above study tbat, though a few details of the LPS account are not found elsewhere, it is certainly the oldest of all these four versions of the story. It is arcbaic in language and style and quite simpler in expression. The PPS and PK accounts are definitely polished ones, and out of these two, again, the PK account is more polished and well-atranged not only in language but also in the theme itself. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 56 (15) The cmployment of Old Gujarati expressions and Prakrit words is quite frequent and therefore noteworthy in the case of LPS as com. pared to the ather versions of this story, Occasionally even Old Gujarati case-terminations are met with in the LPS version. This fact is quite significant and separates it from all other versions. It can safely be concluded, therefore, that, thougli ail these versions are from Prabandha works written in the so called "Jaina Sanskrit" which is cultivated under the influence of the Prakrits and regional dialects, the characteristic features of this type of inixed Sanskrit are realized in the language and style of LPS it a far more proportion than those of the other Prabandha works, especially those wherein are met with the versions of the story under discussion. [16! The grandeur of the two speeches of Vilhu Va in ani is a unique feature of the LP$ version, which is altogether absent in the other ones. In ilie first speech she addresses her king with a series of charming epithets with the apparent motive of making him realize the seriousness of the situation; while the other speech goes ahead to the realization of her aim through a majestic and realistic sketch of the hostile king, [17] The statement "Avisamahi siparsvanatha-Hau prasadu tiham deapaja karai" also is found only in LPS, It evidently manifests the king as a follower of the Jaina faith, which statement does not appear to get support from any other source. Probably it might be a later interpolation. All the four versions pronounce Caitrastami, Mahastami and Maharavami as holy days of great festivity, which fact would tempt us to regard hini as one following the Sakla tradition or the sect ol goddess-worship. Moreover the statement that "he always lived in the midst of women and took ablutions in the lake Candrajyotsna if he happened to behold the face of a man" (LPS 5. 6-7 ) lends support to the presumption that he was a Sakta. (18] It is only LPS which presents a highly valorous speech of this kiog in the sentence: " Anyatha yodi yuddham karlukamo'sti kena'pi muratto na moditah, skandhakharjjir ma'panita, ndo notarial" (LPS 7. 13-15), Against this, the I'PS version simply bas" Agamike mangalavare lava sraddhar pray syata!" (PPS 25-11); while PK makes him pronounce these words: " Yadi nah puram: Thuram ca jaghyksasi, lada yuddham karisyamah! Alha'rthena ir pyasi tadartham grhana 1 ...., so'pi jivatut ciram, yo vitterthur krochrani karmani kuvano'sti" (PK 92, 5-8). This is quite significant inasmucb as it would lend support to the ancient character of LPS. 3. VIKRAMADITYA-PANCADANDACCHATRA-PRABANDHA There are several versions of this story which is cultivated in Sanskrit, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 57 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Prakrit and some of the modern Indian languages. The following nine versions are available in Sanskrit: I The version of the Laghu-prabandha-sangraha. [2] Vikramadityasya Pancadandacchatra-prabandha by Purnacandrasuri [early 15th cent. A D.]. This work in Sanskrit prose was edited by A. Weher on the basis of a manuscript preserved in the British Museum, London and was published in the Philosophical and Historical Annals of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin as early as 1877 A.D. Mss. of this work are available also at the Oriental Institute, Baroda, Sri Hemacandracarya Jaina Jnanamandira, Patana, the I.. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad and the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, The printed text does not bear the author's name, which, however, is supplied by the other Mss. It is throughout written in simple language and briel style. For our purpose C1 Ms. no. 2375 has been referred to. Mostly written in Prsthamairas, it consists of 8 folios; our story, however, ends in the middle of Folio no. 8". [3] Vikrama-caritram of Upadhyaya Devamurti [c. V. S. 1471 1415 A.D. This is a Sanskrit Afahakavya of 14 Sargas, Sarga IV consisting of the Puncadandakatha. AMs, of this work is preserved as no. 6953 in Sri Hemacandracarya Jaina Jnanamandira, Pa ta pa. Throughout written in the Anustubh metre, this work abounds in Figures of Speech and lengthy descriptions not lacking, of course, poetic merit. [4] Vikramaditya-vikramacaritra-cariira by Subhasilaganin [V. S. 1490 1431 A.D. This Sanskrit Mahakavya in 12 Sargas is edited by Pt. Bhagavandasa and published in two volumes in Sri Hemacandracarya Granthamala, Ahmedabad in 1925 A.D. The 9th Sarga consists of the Pancadand acchatrakatha. It is written in simple but effective language. A Ms. of this work is available in the Oriental Institute, Baroda, its no, being 12407. For our purpose this Ms. is utilized. It comprises in all 340 folios; but our portion is narrated on folios 234 to 267deg. The story is related bere in a brief way and long descriptions are inostly avoided. [5] Pancadandacchatra-prabandha of an unknown author, in Sau-krit prose [ 15th cent. A.D.]. It is written in very simple Sanskrit prose. A Ms. of this work is preserved as no. 1732 in Sri Hemacaudracarya Jaina Jnanamandira, Patapa. [6] Another Pancadandacchatra-prabandha of unknown anthorship, in Sanskrit prose [ 15th cent. A.D.]. A Ms. of this work is preserved as no, 1780 in Sri Hemacandracarya Jaina Joanamandira, Patana. 8 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (71 Pantcadandatapalra-prabandha by Rama can dra suri of the Parnimagaccha (1490 V. S. = 1434 A.D.). This Prabandha in Sanskrit verse is edited and publislied by Pt. Hiralala Hamsaraja of Jamanagar in 1912 A.D. under the title Pancadandamakam Vikramacaritram. The name of the author and the date of composition are missing in the printed text; but tlie saine are supp:ied by the Mss. of the work preserved in the Oriental Institute, Basoda and Sri Hemacandracarya Jaina Jnapamandira, Patana, Mss. of this work itre also available at the Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, the L, D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad and Amera Sastrabhandara, Jaipur. For our purpose OI Ms. no. 2111 is utilized. The Ms. comprises 69 folics. The writing is mostly in Prsthamatras. It is dated 1556 V, S. 1500 A.D. [8] Vikramaditya Pancadandacchaira-caritra by Vija ya kusala [ 16th cent. A.D.). A Ms. of this Sanskrit prose work is preserved in the Oriental Institute, Baroda as no. 24271, which is referred to for our porpose. It consists of 19 folios and is dated 1777 V. S. = 1721 A.D. The author follows here the story navrated by Ramacandrasuri ( our no. 7). Even the wording is very similar to that of no. 7, and often the same. The autbor makes a brief but frank statement to this effect: "RamacandrasArikriad uddharstam ". (9) Vikramaditva-pancadanda-prabandha by an unknown author [ 16th cent, A.D.). A Ms. of this work in Sanskrit prose is preserved in the Oriental Institute, Baroda as no. 14273, which is relerred to for our purpose. It has 7 folios in all. Over and above these, we get a number of versions of this story in Old Gujarati-Rajasthanl as well. It may be pointed out that this story is purely a folk-tale and it need not be considered as a prabandha' in the true sense of the term. Moreover, none of the above-mentioned versions is found in a Prabandha-work. As such it has no historical importance whatsoever. A comparative study of the same will, therefore, be out of place here, Those readers who are interested in it may refer with advantage to "A Critical Edition of Pancadand 1-ni Varta of An Unknown Gujarati Prose-Writer (Before 1682 A.D.)" by the present editor's learned colleague Dr. S. D. Parekh. It is his Ph.D. Thesis in Gujarati (June 1961), wherein he has also presented a nice " comparative study of literary works on the same theme in Sanskrit and Gujarati" on pages 18-255. A typed copy of the thesis is available for reference in the University Library, Baroda. It will suffice for our purpose to state that a close study of all these For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 59 versions leads us to the conclusion that the version of the Laghu-prabandha-sangraha is the oldest of all the versions of the story available at present. 4. SAHASRALINGASARAW-PRABANDHA This prabandha is not found anywhere else. The Prabandkacintamani relates a story about the construction of this lake in passages 100-102 on pp. 62-64, which is, however, altogether different from the one given in our text. In passage no. 66 (p. 58 ) also the Prabandhacintamaxi states when king Ja ya simha Siddharija got the lake constructed. There also no clue to the story of LPS is given. At the first place it is stated that a trader wanted to have a share in the construction of the lake, which, however, was refused by king Siddharaja. While the king was engaged in his greit attack on Malava, the funds were exhausted and the work of the construction of the lake lingered on that account. The merchant availed of the opportunity by making his son steal the ear-ornament (ladarika ) of the wife of a Wealthy man and then paying three hundred thousand coins as a penalty for the same. This amount was utilized for the construction of the lake; but when the king returned and learnt about the penalty paid, he returned the amount to the merchant remarking that the son of a kofidhvaja merchant cannot steal a tadarika but that it was the mischief of the tricky merchant who was refused a sliare. At the other place it is stated that the king engaged sacivas and Silpins for the construction of Sahasralingadharmasthana and that while the work was going on with full speed, he marched against Mala va, The LPS, however, informs us that on hearing the story of a Malanga girl, who, by virtue of the merit secured by her through the quenching of the thirst of a ratsika by letcising water from a deep well, became a princess in the next birth and, remembering her previous birth on seeing very little water in the same well, got constructed a lake,-king Jayasimhadeva got constructed the lake Sahasralinga on the site of the lake Durlabhasaras. 5. SIDDHI-BUDDHI-RAULANI-PRABANDHA This prabandha appears at two other places: (1) Puralana-prabandhasangraha, passage 71 on p. 36: The story is related here in an abridged form comprising only four printed lines. It is found in codex G only, and, as stated by Muni Jinavijayaji, the learned editor, in his Introduction In Hindi (pp. 18-19), this Ms, is--with the single exception of the Vikramaditya-prabandha-a miscellaneous collection of short notes prepared by the scribe himself while reading the stories somewhere or while listening to the For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 00) same in oral tradition. He rightly contenes , though the name of the scrih. the age of the Ms. is not given, we can infer from the Palasahi-hdma. vali ile at the end of ihe Vs. that it was copioi clown some time after V. S. 1407 (-1351.1.1). ) in the reign of kin: l'erja, in, l'IS 10% es lia h of Delhi who can to the throne it that year. (2) Pribadia-Aasicasati, also calls Pastasati- forebodha-sambandha and Kaihahusu, by Subhasila gamin, disciple ! Laksmi sigara suri of the Tupigacchi, Composed in V. S. 15211.65 4.1).), it consists of 6co stoties divided into four chapters. It is being published by Muni Mrrendraviji.yaji of Surat. The pa sem vilitur happened to see a fer printed forses of the work lyitak ili Dr. U. P. Shala, Ivy. Director and General Editor and Ilead of the Ramay: ) parlment, Oriental Institute, Baroda, and found that prabanthe 11). 97 (pp. 54-55) was the Siddhi-sul-di-prahandha. It relates the story ia Kreater details. A comparative study of the three versions of his prabanes is furnished in the following lable: For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Sr.' Version of Laghu-prabandha-1 Version of Pter:itana-pra- No. sangraha (LPS) : bandh.z-sangrala (PIS) Version of Praban dlii - pascasali of $#ihasiluzii 2 For Private And Personal Use Only 1 Four Drija-pilgrims from ;Pattana were returning after gathering medicina! herbs grown at Kedara. There they paid homage to Anadi Raula who was glacidened by their Gurjara 'tongue and asked :: | ** *HTE 461791: ?" waa lahtramane i F ATIST: 1" was the reply. A i ! / rUpIThapurAt sindi buddhiraulANI : | 37 I I TF " us: vartevirada mokyaavH|" iti matvA / zrIpattane rAjasamAyAM vAsanArUddhA GANTI TIF Ut returning from pilgrimage, king Siddharija stayed at Bagasthula on the lake Swasalinga. Meanwhile inany Dzijas went for pilgrimage. While searching nedicinal herbs in Himalaya, they saw a login, fafafa raulANItyabhidhAne de alike toSaviSTe dRSTa | Thev saluted theny. The Yoginis asked: 5: HIT TAT" " wala" was the reply. " Who is the king there ?" "En Tata: " They were angry: "taal! akan atas : Thira AETA :?" Thus thinking, they came to Paltand for testing tlie vituda. King saw them from his court going along the road mounted on plantain-leaves. Ile respected them. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ .-. -. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra . . ....-.-.--..--...-.-. -. - 3 They bestowed blessings | zrIsindi-yutiyoginIbhyAM kadalI- On enquiry they revealed their mission. satotArako and a conversation eusued patrAsanopaviSTAbhyAM zrIsidarAjo dApitastayoH, dinAni prajanti, rAjA sanDe hept| (one is. D has: wherein they gave their in- | jayasiMhaH sidarAjavaM 1: / evaM | kimuttara dAtavyamanayo, mAmA gatA..... : troduction and at last pro- viti(pa)paNena rAjAH ...... nounced their purpose : i ," rAjan ! tvaM viradaM siddhacakravartivaM | munna / yadi siha tatabakavI katham ? : ekaM viradaM munna / " ucArakaH kAritaH / rAjA sacinto jaatH| For Private And Personal Use Only ( is. D: anyepurekaharipAkasAkarIvApunaH sajanaH zarAphalaM keta. viskhA bhUyopAnte'yAt 1). anAvasare sAstUmAsacivana rAjJo'ye pucchA kRtA, kima dulo bhavAn ! rAjA'vag-sididisamAgamana-tasaccAbhyAmahaM durbala: , kisataraM dIyate / Then Sajjana gave Sarkaraphala in the king's I hand. King hesitated and then accepted. 4! One day, while minister evaM vibhi( gha)jena rAjA rAnI Sajjana told this to his father. On knowing the isan tu was going hone, | bIracayAM sabanasAkarIvAka: king's anxiety, his father exclaimed: "My son! What 1Sakariyasaha Hari.| putreNa samaM yoginIpratimA padana / can wedo? Now none honours us. In the reign of king Ipala enquired of his son| shrutH| Karna de va many such kuhedas had been broken Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ by me." kA dArtA prAsAdAya skaina manigA butaa| Sajjana about raja-vrta, he was informed of the Taulami-vrita and be exclaimed: **! VTCHHATT." etanmatriNA bhUtam / Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 5 STT FATERT: 1 For Private And Personal Use Only It was reported to the king who sent a litter; but he (i.e., Hasipala) did not go. Then Sant i was sent. After ablutions and deity worship, be took meals | along with the minister (i.e., Santi). Thereafter three verses of light conversation are given. 19 am I AM ALI When the matter was reported to the king, he summoned Huripala thrice. The latter, however, refused to go by arguing that thereby "what I" Then Santa himself approached him and told him that he was sent by the king in order to take him to hini, He was welcomed by Hatipala who performed deity. worship and took his meals along with the minister. Then they went to the king sitting in a litter, A conversation between the king and Haripala: "##! Farfar faktiserengeteget almaat?" er " fast narA dharmaparA bhavanti / tathA svamAtauM malA 'kAkA' kaSayasi, anyathA nAmApi na " et grada, iting out for at 41 HAFTA R RI" Then the old man asked for a saralohamayi musfi, which was given. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ 2 .........__ 4 -- . . .. - ___ / .' Haripala asked for eight days' time and went | home. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only 'ekA kSurikA kRtA / loimayI muSTiH / tena saptadinAnte sitAM kAvale. . .: tasyAH kSurikAyAH zakarAmayaM phalaka kAritaM tathA yathA candradAsalohabhrAnti phalaM zarkarAmayaM kulam / pAhuDamiSeNa pitvA (1) kSurikAdayaM vidhAya para- ' praaptaa| rAjolItulyAbhUt sA pratikArahAraba svarNamaya: kArita: sAntahaste dattam / mukhe kSiptam / rAjJA phalaM. maDala-bhaTAmiSeNa rAkhe'pitam / rAjJA padanA rAjJo'ye tatsvarUpaM dhIprapanAyuktaM niveditama / prame rAjA samAyAmapaviSTaH, galitam / duSTI khalANIyogyA dttaa| phaladvayaM bhakSayitvA lohamuSTridrayaM / siddhiyudiraDalANIdvayaM tatrAgAt / mantrI pAha- "rAjan ! raulANyohani ina galati / tadA hAritan / pryaataa| yoginIdrayA ya bhakSaNa hetorrpitm| dinAni yayuH / krimami kalAM darzaya / kAmapyanayoH kalA vinokya visadhyatAM ca / " haripATha: smmaanitH| tAbhyAM na bhakSitam // 'yadA tenedaM maropamukta, tadA rAjJA sabahumAnaM ulANIdvayaM I-"bho ! kathyatAM bhavatIbhyAM kA kalA jJAyate, ko guruvaSayoH ?" tAbhyAmuktam -"bhacalanAtho gururaavyoH|" rAjJA'pyukta" mAmAkamapi sa eva guruH|" atrAntare pratIhAraH mamAgataH, praNAma karavA "deva! kalye kaTakAdhIzvareNa pramAdibhUpena bhavatAM kRte prAma timasti / " sajJoktaM "kiM kim ?" pratI. hAreNoktaM-" dvAre santi amAsyAsta eva nivedayiSyanti / " zajJA smaakaaritaaH| AyAtAH, praNAma kutvA vyajijJapan-"deva ! poDazarUpyastinaH, dvAdazapeTikAmaribhRtAH, pRSTa prayANakatraye santi / deva ! saba kRte baGgAladezAdhIzena kSurikA bhanyA bahuvastuyutA preSitA'bhUt / sA kSurikA pramAnibhUpena preSitA'sti / rAjJokta-prathama niSkAzyatA, tena na paTakulaviNTanakasaptanadhyA niHkAzya gajJaH kare smaappitaa| rAjJA svayaM dRSTA baNitAca / sabhAsadAn pradarbhisA / ...... yAvadAjA jhurikAphI bhakSita * tAvadanyena kare dhRtyoktam--" deya : yuSmAbhiyathA'smIyakalA dazinA tatkAlakAlIna sAramayaM bhakSiA tathA raulANIbhyAmapi yo kalAstavAvara,...... nAvattAbhyAnuna"deva : svanezazaktiyuktaH yuktaM siddhacakravartinAma birudaMpa, nAnyasya shktiriidshii|" loka: sA'pi vismitaH / te yoganyA bhUpaM sanmAnya svasmAnaM yayatuH / | pUrvamaNi bahudravyadAnAt sanmAnayAmAsa / rAjastataH zrIjayasiMhadevasya siddhadhaka vartivirudaM pramakhyabhUt / yg Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 65 The following observations are brought out by the above comparison : (1) In LPS there are four pilgrims; in Pratandhapanicasali there are many. The Kcdara or the furiner is replaced by Ilimila ya in the latter. In the former Ana di Rapla converses with dem and the Raulanis, just arriving, overhear the sanie. In the latter the RauTapis are stated to le sitting there and they converse with the pilgrims in a longer way. (2) In LPS the Raulanis are stated to have arrives at the royal court in Sabhusand or litter, while in the rest two versions they are depicted as mounted on plantain-leaves. (3) The conversalion between the king and the Raclanis that is found in our text is absolutely alysent in the other two versicos. (4) Subhasilaganin's version inserts a new point viz. minister Santui's question and the king's revealing the fact that he was worrying due to the Raulinis challenge. The statenient there that the king accepted, after hesitation, the triph:l<< given by Sajjana is corfosive and out of place, (5) In LPS and Prabandhui asali minister Santi overhears the conversation between Sajja 1a and his father, though, of course, the minister's name is not given in Subhasilaganin's text. In the Prs version, however, the king himself, during liis nocturnal viracarvi, overhears their talks. In IPS the old man tells his son that the occasion was beneficial to the king; while in Prabandhapanicasali he complains that though a number of such problems were solved by him in Karnadeva's court, he was not being honoured by his son. (6) LPS states that a litter was sent to bring Haripila; while according to the Pruhandhapaicasali le rejected the king's suininons thrice. Suchi details are avoided in the abridged version of PPS. (7) The three verses of post-dinner chit-chatting for a peculiarity of LPS alone; while thic interesting talks between the king and Haripila are found only in Suba silaganin's version. (8) According to PPS seven days lapse thereafter ; according 10 Prabandhapanicusuri, cight days. This is altogether avoided by th:: LPS version, (9) The final incident is narrated extensively by Subaslaganin, and I'PS makes only an abrupt statement to that effect; while LPS describes the same in a succinct but clear way through very short tout sweet sentences For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 66 avoiding all sorts of conversations and other details presented by Subbasilaganin. Thus the version of Subhasilaga nin is the longest one, that of PPS is a brief suromary of the story, and that of LPS presents, so to say, a pointed account. The differences noted above do not allow any inter-relation among the three versions. Though certain details given in our text are not found in the other two versions, the archaic nature of the language and style and simplicity and pointedncss of expression lead us to conclude tliat the version of our text is rlefinitely the oldest of the three. It cannot be said that the author of the LPS was the first writer of this story. As in the case of other stories of the present text, the story as such is taken by him from the floating literature or oral tradition and it is moulded by him in his own way omitting unnecessary details and retaining those that have a bearing on its main tbeme, 6. NAMALA-MALINI-PRABANDHA This praban iha is not found in any other Pritlandhe-work, 7. GANAYA YANAYA-INDRAJALI-PRABANDHA This prabandha has two parts: The first is the background vit, the contest between Kemuda candra and Minikya, Devas Ori's disciple. It contains only two short specches of Kum dacandra and two slott retortirg speeches of Manikya. In several works this incident is narrated in deta:Is where such pieces of conversation also are given. The wording of the conversation given in PC, however, is similar to that of LPS, Passage no. 10g (pp. 66-68) of FC contains the description of this historical dispute between the Swetdinbaras and the Digambarus. The counterpart of the irst part of the conversation is found on p. 68 (lines 1-3) of PC, where it takes place between Kumadacandra and He macandra, who is describe l as leaving just crossed the borders of sisava. The counterpart of the s9000:1 part of the conversation occurs on p. 67 (lines 5-7). wlicre it is between Kumudacandra and Ratnaprabba who is stated there as Devasuri's first disciple. Let us compare the two versions in the following table: For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only Serial No. I I 2 3 LPS Version {Kumudacandra asks Manikya: J "takaM pItam ?" [ Maniky a retorts : ] 2 " nakaM taM haridrA pItA / " [ Mapikya: ] [Kumudacandra: ] "AkAze kA vArtA 1 " yat kSapaNakasya mastakaM dAnizarapalaM bhavati / PC Version (p. 68:) Kumudacandra asks Hemacandra who is described as kicidbhavatikAnta daurAva : " pInaM takraM bhavatA ?" Hemacandra 3 retorts: " jarAtaralitamatiH kina ? taM na pItA haridrA / " (p. 67 ) [ Conversation between Kumudacandra and Hemacandra:] kuta AyAsaratvam ? " svargAt / " " svarge kA kA vArtA ? " "kumudacandra digambara ziraH paJcAzIti palAni / " "tati kiM pramANam ? " "chittvA tolyatAm / " 67 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 68 It is evideut that in LPS this part of the prubandha is only the starting point of the background for the main story that follows, PC, however, is actually describing the incident. The second part of the prabandha contains the story of the brothers Khimadhara and Devadhara who later on became known as the magicians Gianya an: N:1na ya. The latter portion of this part is met with in Piratana-prabanlia sangrucha as passage no. 70 (p. 36). Comprising only two lines and a liall, it gives a very brief account, as under: TUTATOTT FIA : 971 H A FH814 7 Rafjar prakAzayina gararUpeNa vizvopadravati / bahutirupayaralabthe taba gajJA paraho vAditaH / laghunAnA mayaNena dhI 1174 facra: FAPT IST !! It is evident that the PPS version is only a brief suinmary, not necessarily of the story as presented in our text, but, may be of some oral version of the saine. It is taken from coclex G which, as already observed, contains only brief jottings from earlier accounts, written or oral, compiled after 1351 A.I). *. KOMARI-RAVA PRADANDHA The matter of this rubundha is not tracel in any otcr in any form. The story, as it appears in our lext, is, beyond doubt, an interesting folk-tale. 1. SRIMATA-PRAHANDHA This prabantha is traced in some other praband -works also. The story may le divided into two parts: (1) the story of king Lakhanasena and his minister Umipat is ridhara, and (2) the story of king Ratnaputija and his daughter Srima til. In some versions the part only is found, in some others the two parts form the matter of two separate probandhas. The story of this prabandha occurs in the following works: (1) Prabandhuintimari of Merutuligasuri ( 1305 A 1).): Passages nos. 204 and 205 of the littli Praksa on pages roy-Iro contain the latter part of the story and as such they are named at the end as Sribunjat:ija-iatputrisimilai-pratandha. The former part of the story is found in passage no. 209 of the same Prakasa on pages 112-113, which is named Laksmamaseromapatidharavoh prabandhah. In this version the story appears in inore det tils. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 69 (2) Vividhatirthakalpa or Kalpapragtpa of Jina prabha guri (1308 1333 A.D.). 'erses 3-24 of the cighth Kalpa called Arbudadrikalpa (page 15 ) contain the latter part of the story, the former one being altogether absent in this book. This versified version avoids or reduces all details such as dialogues etc. (3) Peralana prabanilhasangraha. (a) Passage no. 1j6 on p. 84 is the thirtyeighth prabandha called Srimaki-pravandha. It contains the latter part of the story. This version is according to Mss. B and P. (1) Anutter version of the latter part of the story is given just below the above one on pp. 84-83 as passage po. 197. It is found in only one out of the tive codices viz. Ms. no. G, which is rightly inferred to have been copied down in the reign of king Peroja, i.e., Pherozesbah of Delhi who came to the throne in 1. S. 1407 ( =1351 A.D.). A compative study of all these versions is given in the following table : For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Sr. No. LPS Version PC Version Vividhatirthakalpa | (VTK) Version PPS Version A P PS Version B 3 6 King Lakh anadzela of (the city of) Lakha d avati. Uma patisridhara, pradhana. (p. 84:) Lakbana vati. puri in the east. King Lakhana - sena. 20 For Private And Personal Use Only (p. 112:) Srilak s manasena, king of thic magari of Lakhana. vati in Gauda country, reigned long, bis kingdom being looked after by sacita named Umapati. dhara who was sarvabuddhinidhina. rAjA ni:punH| maka atIva gnnkaa| ---- 3 When once king went into bis barem, minister noted gaganavela Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only 4 5 and found that he would beget a son who would definitely fall in love with a Malangi at the age of 32. 7 So he stopped going to the court. King enquired and sent queen away to a village where she delivered a son. When 5 or 7 years old (or, 12 years old), he learnt about his father after enquiry. He took vow of celebacy. 6 King died. He succeeded him, but minister did not see his face. At 32, he fell in love with her. Minister's spy observed him and, ashamed, he became ready for kasthabha | (pp. 112-113:) King Laksmanasen a became malangi -sanga-parka-kalankabhajana. Aware of T 71 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only 72 ksara. When about to king's prakrtikrarata embrace red-hot iron- and anakalaniyala, he idol, be was capght by (i.e. minister) wrote the minister who saw some verses on the his face (for the first beam. King saw and time). insered him as the writer and dismissed him. Later on his one verse saved him from being murdered and improved the king who re-appointed him as the : minister (pradhanica. kara). 5 pazcAt sa rasnaputro rAjA (p. 109:) (p. 15:) talyAnvaye rAjA rtnpunH| (p. 841 zrImAlapure aayaatH| atha zrIratnamAlanagare dhIratna- zrIrAnamAlanagara purA ratnapure ratnazekharo zekharo nAma raajaa| rAjAbhUda rtnshekhrH| raajaasaat| 9. ...rAjJo vasantakIhAyAm ucAne , Once, after he returned mojapalAtAyA | so'napatyatayA dUnaH tasya / ta sya rAjapATayAM bajataH kAcit | tena digvijayacyAvRtena prvesh| gataH kArita tIsagA agre from digyatri, on his paipInchAkAnidhAna bahirA sagabhI akSapAtrakA | mahotsava.... nIti pRSTaH / / samAgatA / harane akSatanAli- enquiry about their '| sammukhA jaataa| nRpezAkSata- / tAbhiH saMtAnAbhAvAtrati karam / tasyopari sthitA dugaH sivAna welfare, the guild-lea- sa zira[:sthA kASThabhAriNyA pAsanAlikeropari durgA niviSTA kathitam / tara saitAnaheto| svaraM karoti / samitikana mAkha. . ders replied that they | ste dugI durgata miyaaH| / dRSTA / nRpeNa zAkunikA pRSTaH / navAMtaHpuratrikI rAjA zAku Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only | zAkunikemoktan / " prabhAte asyA | were not happy as the | vIkSya vyajijJapan rAI : tenoktam-asyAH stotra nRpo nikena bahinikAMta: 1 tataH garbho rAjA bhaviSyati / " king had no successor bhAvyasyAratvatpade gataH / , bhAzI! zAkunikenApannasatvAM yamapi | to protect the kotidha kAminI kAubhAravAhinImuddIvajakalakula city. Per- | zyAsyAH sutastava rAjye suading the king to . mavitA evaM jagAda / marry again for pro- / geny, they went to the : ! sakenagara with one of the chief astrologers on the day when the ! sun entered the con- : stellation Pusya. kAmapi / durgatanimbinImAsanaprasavAM kAmabhAravAhakatti zirovirUdagI. mAlokya zakunavina tAmakSatAdibhibhyarcayan taiH kimetaditi pRSTaH / prAi- "ya: kazcidasyA AdhAne putraH sa evAtra nRpo bhAtrI, cedbRhaspatimA pramANAme "tyasambhAvya vRttAntamamumamanyamAnAH mAnonnadvAra para nyAya sthAyasthita / lasvarUpa niveditavantaH / 73 10 ! mA yo rAnAtalArapAzvat gAyoatha khaMda dugmanA nA Apta- rAjJAdiyA sagarbhatra rAjA ArakSaka AveTa:- (p.85) / kSepitA : tasmin samana mA pustAM mattAMpUrgaka, prArabhya | sA intu nggaa| yadanAM paThanaM purAdahanAvA | tato viSiSya paNa manasA * gRhiitaa| bhayabhItA, vanamadhye | mANAmi devataM smaretyabhihite sA/gatte pitA kAyacintA- gattayAM kSipa | sA talAreNa / rAjA sA gatyAM kSepitA / : muttstigaa| pUrva hANAnAM - mayanyAlA pradoSakAle yAya- | vyA nAttasnAdaH henina !.5 / ' nRpAdezAbanAtA / tayoktam / nayA pramya bAlo muktaH / Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra yAta bAlakArasanti / teSAM pAzva muktH| ttAnanujJApya zAbhadraM kurute | sAita sUnu bhayArmA -kamAM nayArI 11 tenoktam- | nabaprasUtA hariNItaM nijastataH kSiptA / harizyA stanyapAna | tAvatsA prasUtaM putraM tatra parityajya | drAkaca jhAyarAntarezucat / mArayiSyAmi / tayA bhayabhIta- | nyena jIvayati / kaaritH| punarupAgatA gApUrIkRtya punarapi gattaM cAnIya tadavRttA- yoktam-ahaM bahi mA gi vijJapayAcakaH / atha kAci- namijJastaraghAti sA // 6 // yAmyAmi / sA gtaa| mayAnmRgI sandhyAdaye'pi payaHpAna puNyaritArbha stanyaM rA- darbha : papAta / sA cIvareNAkArayantI tamanudinaM vRddhimantaM pIparatanyAdaye mRgI / veSTyAcayo / mAritA saa| kArayAmAsa / sa bAtopakayA harizyA dRSTaH / kRpayA stanyaM pAyita: / sA pratidinaM taM pAlayati / For Private And Personal Use Only II zAlAyAM hara gapriyA dragnA / tasmannavasare decyA mahAlakSnyAH pravRhe'siTaGgazAlA nundhakena pakena bAla matanya / atha kazAlAyAM hariSyakilA jAtAH / bhudrAparavatA mahe |raashe purataSTaGgazAlAyAM hariNyAzcaturgA | mahAlAbhyA: paro'nyadA yAyayano mRgI dRSTA / napAya drammAH patati / niveditaH / pAdAnAmadhaH zizurUpaM nAgaka | mRgyAzcatu pAdAnA- niveditaM bAlasvarUpam / nUtanaM sajAyamAnamAkaNya kacinna- | matho nUnanatANakana / vIno nRpa utpanna iti prasanayA | jAtaM zrutvA zizurUpa vAtaMyA ghoratna zekharaH loke vAcA nyajammata ma82 : 12 talAsaH pRSTAH / ta: sthAnakaM : - saMnyAni pratidizaM taM zij | nanyo nRpobhUko'pati darzitam / bAlako dRSTaH / marastore | vizatituM pAhimon / tayAdava | zrutvA praSoda bhaTAna / vaTavRkSazAkhAyA bavAcyA dugdha lokya lagyo'pi bAlahatyAbhItaH | tapAyAtha taM dRSTvA mukha patitam / pazcAta pratolIsa sAyaM puraNapure gokulapuraracaya- mAya te puramApure / dvAre muktaH parAjayahastinA upari / bhAvaM yAlA viznaH san svayamapa- | bAlahatyAbhiyA'gunan AcchAditaH / pAcana rkssitH|| badAyara bhavatIti dUrasthayAMvannu- yasyAyataH ptri| rAdhA talAra: : / tena tam rAjA tathA vijJApAnIya ca kI mRtyuvelAyAM bahina / gopuradvAri sAyaM muktH| * gadA / nRpena bAtamrataH sanA- tatrayoM vAla: saMDena rkssitH| | nIyaraparisare muktaH / yathA tano rAjA samAnIyasavAlo thenovaraNapAtena marahi / ita- / lAlitaHstasya mAlamya zudhinasya vAkya Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ | gobhiH rakSitaH1 saNDena rakSitaH / tastAvattatrAyaHtaM malaM taM mAtti- | tattathaiva si bhAgyA- mutpannam / rAne prabhAte kazinam / rAjA mannaM puNyapuJjamiva kAlamAlaya devasnakSA puro'bhavat / / 10 / 'yo me garbhasthitasyApi tatrA''yAtaH / vAla: kare dhunaH / / taireva parne: manambhita miva tthH| tasya ma tupAdA- / vRti kazpitavAn payaH / bAlena hokaH pritH| atha pAzcAtyapakSAtpuro bhaya vRSabho . tarAle meM dizu nythaatt|| zeSavRttividhAnAya "yo meM gAbhinanyADami zbhAga naM dizu padamAganta-tarachAyA mamivodhAta maka nupto'thavA mRtaH / ' vRtti basiyAna 44: rAle nidhAya godhana samapi / rAga'mastIrasaM mudA 1 kAtrina navaprasUtA tabAgala / zepravRttividhAlAya prerayAmAsa / atha naM vRttAnta napo / pAyayati / nRpeNa cintita kiMvA mo'dha vA mRtaH / " | macAya mAlanagaralobhana na mriyate / sa pabalagRhe iti kathitam / rAjA gRhiitH| bAlamAnIya putrIyagAra zrIpuJja aaniitH| zrIpukSeti nAma zrIyumanAma dattam / iti isAbhidhAnaH prayAmAsa / * kRtm| Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only 13 | rAjyaM dasan / nanya sUtA zrI. | atha zrIratnazekhare rAje divaM zrIpujhAsyA mArato'd | kAlena nRpatinA rAkhyaM dattam / -zrIpuMjarAjA babhUva / mAtA, nuvaM vAnaryA dehaM striyaaH| go tamya rAjaH kRtAbhiSekasya bhUpastasyA'bhavat staa| zrIpulasya rAjya pAlayataH | zrIpuMjarAjaH putrI zrImAtA sAmrAjyaM pAlayataH putrI sama- zrImAtA rUpasaMpatrA krameNa patrI jAtA / tasyAH madanakhI jaataa| jani / sA ca sampUrNasarvAnAvaya- kevalaM lagAnanA ||12shriir divya, mukhaM vAnaryAH / basundarA'pi kapimukhI 75 14 | ekaminnavasare bakairacaMdAcala- | tena vairAgyega viSayadigukhanA ! narAmyAniviSayA megA praudA baataa| ko'pi | tammA jAtismaraNaM jAtAmeti. gItAni gAyitAni / dA kumAryA / bibhrANA zrImAteti nAmadhe jAtu jAtisarA pituH| na yAco / tanyA khedaparAyA purA arbudAcale maTI pAla jAtismaraNamuspede / rAjJA pRTam / bagAra / sA kadAcijAlajAti- yanedayata prArabha jAtisaraNamupade / pAzcAtya | dadAnA zAnbayA viddhaa| kuMDo"ki, jAtam ?" tathoktam / / smRtiH pitara va pUrvasvaM nive- sadA vAnarI bhavo pRSTaH / tayA nagaramadhye | pari malavA dehaM patitan / mabaMdAcale girizikharazuoM kAyA- ditavatI-'yadahamarca zabdaH paatitH| yaH ko'pi jhiro zAkhAyAM vilagnameva kuNTo pari citrakaM dRSTvA vaMzI- kapipatnItvananubhavantI kasyApi | M4 Timi saJcarantya dhurda zAkhi marusthalyAH samAyAtaH mo- sthitam / tato deI mAnavAyArisanA vilanA mRtaa| zarIraM | zAkhina ekasyAH zakhAyAH | zAkhA tADAna phnaact| | sbhyetu / ekaH puro'bhUt / kAraM kaMDapatanapabhAvAdanani / kAyAkRNDe gaditvA patitam / zAkhAntaraM samAntI kenApi | viddhA mRSyatha rupaI me | kumAryA pRSTaH-arbudaM verisa ? | tatastatrAgatva ziro'pi tayA tAva-mAtra manuSyamathaM deham / ! tadatulyena zilpena viddhatAH | kuNre'patattaroradhaH // 14 // | sarva veni / tatra kAmitatIrthAne tatra kSipta kuNdde| Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only adyApi mastana, tiyti|" rAjJA | pazyatvamAsadan / tadavatana | tamya kAvitakIya skA kuNTAsti, tasya taTe vaMzatadvilovayitvA madhye kSisam ] | kAgitatIrthakuNTe bAdati vaH : mAhAtmyAnmRtanumana / jAsyasti / tatrajAlyAM vAnIsamagra manudhyamaya jaatn| papAta tAvattIya tizayAnmAmakaM mastakaM tu tavAste ziro manasti / to massayabhanuSAkAmabhavat / yanmastakaM ! pyataH karimulyaham // 15 yAmAinyamAdAya hava gatvA tu tattathaivArate tenAhaM kpivdnaa| zrIpuzo'kSepayIya taschiro jalAntaH kSiptyA atha zrIpuJjanyastanmAstamnastaka | khaNTe pretha nijAnarAn / samAga cha / sa tava garavA yAva tataH hA nRmukhI jar3ekuNDe prakSeyituM nijA-nApnapurUSA jale kSipati sacchirastAvadeva smaadidesh| taistu gacirAttatra / kumAH zrImAtAyA mukhaM udavasthaM vilokya tathAkute sA darzadIyaM jAtam ! nRpaMga pRsstth| zrImAtA gAnavAnanA samajani / vsse| kimidam / tayo'kam-deva ! marusthalyAmaSTAdazazatI dezabhadhye nandibarddhano nAma parvatastatra kAmitatIrthanasti / tasya tIre vNsh| jAlI / tatrA pUrvabhave vAnI rUpAdhirUDhA / phAratyutA vaMzakIlena vidA mRtA / mana zarIra malliyodakeM patitam / satprabhAvAdaI tava putrI jaataa| zirastatra sthitam / ato me / IdRzaM mukham / adhunA janaH .preSitaH / tena zisase jale . kSipne baranaM vazave jAtam / 76 -.. - - - - - - - --- Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ------
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private And Personal Use Only IS| pANigrahaNaM na kRtam / tIrthayAtrA | tataHprabhRti sA natirapitarAvana| sapatyacArSade girI :16 // | itastasminnare samAyAne pariNaya- | tato'rbude tapamyatI tAM tatra kRyA tasminneva nage tpkssk| jJApyA'budasaMkhyaguNA tasminnevA- | vyomagAmyanyadA yogI naparAsI jaataa| atinidha- rasIyAkanAmA yogI dadarza / rasiyAko bharaTakaH stammitaH / baMde tapasyantI, kadAciddagana- dRSTvA tA ruupnohtH| dhena pitarAvApRdriya, bahu prAdhitaM teneti-yanmama panI mRtvA pavanAbhidhAyikA jAtA / gAminA yo ginA she| sa ca duttI lapata preg- | parikare arbudAdAyiyo / bhava / tayoktam-dvAdazapayA tatsaundaryApastadayo gaganAduttIya mAMka vRSezune : 27 // tataHkara praarme| dala-vidhehi ekarAtrimadhye / tena premAlApapUrvaka 'vaM mAM kathaM na saMce'tyagAdAcayAmo staka rasIau tapasvI napa| vadhAkRte zrImAtrA kRtrima karoti / sanAM dRSTvA anyH| kubaTA vAsitA: / kRtrimazunavRNopi ?' iti pRSTA setyavAdI - rAstAvadataH param / pANigrahaNArya yayAce / tayo / dharanayovinamAH / tato hRdaya'sAdhanAratkSaNadAyA: prayanosAmracUharutAzvaka kayAnididhayA yade ||18|tm-ydi sUryodayAda aka sphoTanena ma vayaM vinaSTaH / - yAmo vyatItaH, tuyayA nAyaH kayAnidicayA yade / 18 | tamyAda dAdaza pAjA atra parvate. caDhepu tumakurvANeSu yaHmannane lena para iyA: kayAvidvidhayA dvAdazapacA zaH karoSa, tadA tvAM prinnye|| / padyA dvAdaza tarhi bhe| kArayasi tano bhavantamabhira karo bara: bhyAite, ceTaH tena tapa:zakyAzInaM sArasa / moti duktisamanAtarameva natra dati kiyatyapi rAtrizeSe zrI. diyAnyAcakarasa tAH // 19 // karmaNi ceTakapaTaka niyonya yAma mAtayA tapaHprabhAvAvakara | dena nirmApite sapavAniva svatyA nAbaTarace / svaraH kRtH| sa taM zrutvA / zrImAtA myazaktivebhavana kRtaka-: ! kRtake kArine tathA / vimAtamiti kRtvA kSubdhaH / tAmracUisa kAravantI, tenAgatya nAraddhA'pi vivAdAya hRdayasphoTAnmRtI vyannate 'vivAhAya sjiimvebbhid|| nAsthAsakainavaM vidan / / 2 // jAtaH / sA'pi spshcaataapaa| 'tava payAyoM nipAdyamAnAyAM sarittIre'tha taM svanA vaizvadeve pravezaM kRtvA devI kukkuTarayaH samaniSTa ti tayo / ravIzasambhRtim / zrImAna jAtA / 'bhavanmAyayA kutarka kRkavAkura | soca trizUlamutsRjya ko na vetti 1 ratyuttara dadAnaH, viyodaM saMnidhehi me 21 // sAratAra tajAnyApadAkita tathA RnyopAgata sya vivAhopahAraH, zrImAtrA samasta padayopikRtAn shunH| : vidyAmUlaM tatrizUlamihaiva vihAya niyojya mA'rU zUlena pAnipITanA nihito bhave- yastena vadhaM yathAt // 22 // 72 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ For Private And Personal Use Only 2 3 tyAhUya premopahRta cittatayA tattathA kRtvA sAmIpyamupAgataH / tatrA kAnUna niyojya | hRdayetena zurenAtyaH / iyaM niHsImazIlalIlAcitena khaM / 4 ityAjanmA khaNDazIlA janma nItvA varAya sA / zrIpuJjo'zitvaraM tana tAmAsAcIkarat // 23 janmAdivAhitavatI / tasyAmakha papAsA'rbudAkhyo'syA dho'zvatyahi: / tato'drikampastatsarve prAsAdAH zikharaM binA ||24 paDazIlAyAM vyatItAya zrIpuja rAjA tatra zikandharahita prAnta damAkArayat / yataH SaNmAsAn tasya gireradhobhAgavattI arbudamA nayA calati tathA parvatakampo bhavati / ataH zikhararahitAstatra sarve'pi prAsAdAH / H 5 6 78 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 79 The following observations are brought out by the above comparison : (i) Only the PC version has the foriner part of the prabandha, and, though certain points of LPS version are absent there, it is a more polished and detailed one inasmuch as Lakhanasena of LPS becomes Srilaksmanasena in PC, the name of his country viz. Gauda is given there and pradhana Umapatisci. dhara 1comes Sursabuddhinidhana sucita Umapatid liara. (2) In PC king Lak sinana selil himself, and not this son, falls in love with a Matargi. (3) The story, thereaster, takes altogether a different turn in PC. (4) The A version of PPS simply states that Lakhanasc na was the king of Lakhana vati in the east and then immediately turns to Ratnapunja who is mentioned as bis descendent, thus joining the two parts, PC, however, has two separate pravandhus completely in, tlependent of each other. (5) The second part of the praban:lha is found in all the other four versions, the king's name being Ratnapunia in LPS and PI'S A versions, while the rest of the versions have Ralnasekhar a. Similarly Srimalapura of LPS is not found in the other versions, it being named Ratnamala casara in PC and VTK and Ratnapura in PPS B version, PPS A version simply carrying forward the city of Lakla na vati. (6) According to LPS and PPS A versions the king himself saw the pre gnant woman. PC gives an altogether different motif and the guildleaders of the capital city, while going to the sakunagira, are stated there to have beheld her. VIK briefly follows PC in this regard but states that the king sent astrologers and not the guild-leaders; while PPS B version combines the two motifs, (7) The motif of the poor woman's going to pass stools is absent in LPS and PPS B versions, but all tlie versions agree in mentioning that her infant was nourished by a she-deer, VIK pronouncing that he sucked her milk at the two twi-lights. (8) The sudden automatic change in the currency coins at the mint is pro nounced by all versions except PPS A, where a huuter is stated to have reported to the king that an infant was being nourished by a she-deer. PC and VTK give details in this regard and the reserr, blance in their wording indeed strikes us. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (9) The verse recited by the child before the king occurs in LPS and PPS A versions only, but it definitely offers significance to the king's adopt ing him as his son. (10) A significant incident causing jalismarana is given by I.PS alone. PPS A version is unique in inserting Srimata's announcement and sending a man to Arbuda It also adds that, when mature, she lived in dispaic since nobody liked to marry her. Likewise, PPS B version differs from all the rest by stating that the princess lietscli went to Arbuda cala and threw the monkey-head in the kunda. PC and VIK state that the Yogir, while passing through the air, beheld der and, having descended, asked for her hand. According to I'PS A version, however, lie was praclising penance on the same mountain. The other (io Versions arc silent on the point. The PC and VTK versions do r.ot name the yogin, while PTS A calls him Rasiaa ta pasvin, PPS B names him as Rasiyrika and LPS gives his name as Rasiyalah ihayatshah. (12) "The versions differ in tlie description of his death also. PC and VTK say that having enticed him to go to her for inarriage ceremony placing aside his tudent, Srimat a troubled him with dog's produced through miraculous power, and struck bim dead with his trident. P!'S B version dues not refer to the trident at all and states that, being troubled by the dogs, he died of heart-barsting; while PPS A version does not mention even the dogs and suply states that, shocked at the artificial cock-crow, he died olieart-bursting. Our text, on the other hand, cuts short the interesting incident in a senter ce of Uree words only viz. Rasiyako dha'vlakah stanibhitun. (13) PPS A is unique in stating that Srimata, repenting on the Yogin's death, ( committed suicide) by entering the Vaisvadeva-fire. (14) The VEK version coincides with PC version in most of the details, strikingly resembling it even in the wordings, to such an extent that one is tempted to deem it as the version of the PC put into verse, The above observations lead us to the conclusion that none of these versions preceded the version of our text, which, as in the case of other prabardhas, represents the oldest stratum of the story in view of the language, style and depiction of the story as such. The othet versions are enlarged and polished ones, while the PPS B version contains briel jottings from one or more other accounts of the story either read by the author somewhere or heard by him through oral tradition, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 81 10, GALA-SRI-VARDDHAMANASORI-PRABANDHA Thie tratter of this prabandha is not traced anywhere else, CONCLUSION: The fore-going comparative study leads us to the following conclusions: (1) Out of the ten pralandhas of LPS four viz. those of Sahasralinga saran, Namala-malini, Kumarinana and Galasrivarddha ma na suri are unique inasmuch as they are not traced anywhere else. (2) One prabandha viz. that of Jagaddeva has very few details of a mipor incident and a few epithets common with another Prabandha-work. (3) Two small portions of another one viz. the Ganaya-manaya-indrajali.prabandha are found in two different works, one having mostly the same wording in changed order and another a very brief account. (4) Different versions of three prabandhas viz. those of Madana. bhram a - in a haraja, the Ruulanis Siddhi and Buddhi and Srimata appear in one or more of the standard Prabandhu-works. (5) As many as eight other versions of the remaining one viz. Vikramaditya-tanadunda cchaira prabandha are available in Sanskrit and several others in Prakrit and soine of the niodern Indian languages. (6) "The archaic, simple and direct nature of the language and style of the present text shows that its versions of the different pratandhas are the earliest ones--which factor enhances the importance of LPS all the more. VI. Probable Sources The fore-going discussions have revealed the fact that the prabandhan versions of the present text are the earliest among the ones available at present. Thus it is not possible to find out any literary sources for any of the prabandhas of LPS. In all probability the floating literature, the oral traditions, the popular folk-tales may rightly be regarded as the real sources of the stories of these prabundhas. It may also be noted that the LPs, though containing the earliest available versions of the stories whicerned, can in no way be considered as a source. book for the later writers, because its versions are mostly succinct and certain important details given therein are absent in these later works, which, at the same time, present such other details as act abseot in LPS. II For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 82 VII, Language and Style The literary medium cultivated by the mediaeval Jaina writers of Western India is a type of mixed Sanskrit which is significantly styled as 'Vernacular Sanskrit' by Dr. Hertel and as 'Jaina Sanskrit' by scholars like Prof. Bloomfield, Dr. A. N. U padbye and $11 M. D. Desai, probably on the analogy of Gatha-Sanskrit of the Buddhist texts termed by Dr. Edgerton as Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit'. There is, however, a very important difference between the two viz. that the so-called . Taina Sanskritis fundamentally based on the grammatical and other traditions of Classical Sans. krit, while the Gatha-Sanskot' is mostly Sanskritized Pali. The salient features of Jaina Sanskrit' are back-formations, byper-Sanskritisms and Prakritic and dialectical or regional influence on the syntax giving rise to solecisms arising from ungrammatical Sanskrit and Prakritism, ignoring of delicate gram alical distinctions and tendency towards simplification on the language". In short, it can be described as simple, popular, colloquial, regional Sanskrit as contrasted to the highly clevatel Classical Sanskrit, and, as such, it reminds us of the language and style of the great Epics and the Pu anas. The Laghu-nrubandhu-saugraha, being a Pruvardha-work of the thirteenth century as it is, shares evidently these linguistic features. Though the wiiole work is written in Sanskrit, at places Prakrit aud Old Gujarati words, expressions, phrases, clauses and even sentences are introduced. Occasionally even noir Sanskrit paragraphs and verses are met with. This evidently gives a powerlul colloquial toucls, which fact, however, makes the language difficult, if not impossible, to understand for those who have no knowledge of the Prakiits or the regional language. As lo orthographical peculiarity, two glaring instances will suffice for our purpose. Jayasimha at times becomes Jayasinghu 18.2) since the latter is the colloquial form of the name. Likewise the name of the king Paramare ddin is spelt here as Paruntid: (1.9; 25.14 ) as well as Parimadi 1 25.13) and never as Paramarddir. There are copious instancus of abnormal Sanchi, Sandhi is observed very loosely. It is observed at one place and not observed at another in the same sentence. Instances of double Sunuhi are also met with; e.g. tasyah ayre is rendered as fasya'gre (12.8 ) the intermediate stage whereof will naturally be tusy agre. Instances of definitely wrong Sindhi are * Even non-Jaina texts of the mediaeval age clisplay this feature, to cite but one instance, vids Kobyarka-muhitinya, VII. 34: "gati Mr W olf que 79: 1 Q . A age I " For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 83 also not rare ; e.g rajno avase ( 14.18) for vajna uvdse. All cases of an anusvara followed by a vowel are deemed as scribal errors and as such they have been corrected by the editor while reconstituting the text. At the same time we meet with such places also where a difficult Sanidhi is quite nicely observed ; e.g. Caturusiliputlulakas-caranit-adko hadiah ( 30.7-8). Cases cf change of gender also are met with; e.g. Calvarah Banyak pariniya (15. 21-22); laksa 2 dalta (23.7; Sankhadhvanih sruta (27.5); dindh (25.24); dehamstriyah ( 29.11 ); manusymayain delam (29.76). Numernus instances of peculiar sieclensions are meterli (1) Uogrammatical forms of the names of directions are met with; eg, diksinayam (4,4; 5.5), Clarayan (4.5). [2] The word rajun, even as tlic inal member of a compound, does not drop its final n and retains its usual forms; eg, paramadigia (1.9), madanabhramarajanam (5.13), gurjararajnah (9-3), parimadirajnah (25.13). [3] Locative is mostly used for Accusative of place; e.g. s:ipailane sumigatuk ( 2.5: 9.5), gudure gatri (2.61, "katake gatra ( 5.60), sravase parra ( 10.9), avise gatah ( 12 5; 11,18 ), yaksabhartane gatah (10.21), svarge galah (11.1!, nagare frupias (134), gthe nid (13.8). ujjayinyam garah (15.15). (4. Dative of sampradana is replaced by Genitive; e.g. karjararajio dattah (9-3). Lasya ftam-arppavisvami ( 12.16-17), puirasya datta 13.8), purohitusyo danu diyarin (15.8), tesam yacchali 16 14). tasya .. dasyami ( 17. 6-7, mantinah ... dati (17.14). [5] Genitive replacing Accusative; e.g. bhatasya militak (5.10-11 ). (6) The word samam takes Gerritive instead of Instrumental; e. parimaqirajaah samam juadhum jayate (25.13). There is an instance of double abstraction of an abstract noun; e.g. faithilyatvat $5.3). Cases of change of pada also are met with ; e.g. Vuc (1 A.) takes parasmai-pada in yacas (1.13) and pacathah (2.2). Several instances of causal forms with the augment -upaya are noted; e.g. bhatapya (12.4. cf, Guj. equivalent bhalav!), parinapaya (17.9, cf, Guj. equivalent paraniva , farinapayasami (17-10, cf. Guj, equivalent paramarisa I, calapya (17.12, cf. Guj. equivalent calari). A few peculiar compounds also are worth noting. One of them is kopakilasali (1.8 !. Some thers are conspicuous on account of lack of Sandh: ix ween the members; eg saptasala - asviharaidhah (8.3), mari - di - araninyd (15.73 ), namala-aramini (22,17), mitangi-abhilasa) ( 28.4.). For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 84 There are places where causal forms are used in the sense of ordinary past passive participles and ordinary ones definitely carry a causal sense. Sunk hadhvanih sruta jagaritah (27.3) is an instance of the former case where ja arit means nothing more than jagriah. Likewise, gayitani in batukairarbudacalagiani gazitani (29. II-1) stands simply for gtani. Simdarly, patata tasya nupuram bhagnam (11.13) and raja tad-vrlokuyitva madhye Asiptam ( 29. 16-17, are instances of the latter case, where bhagnum and ksiptam definitely stand for the causal forms bhanjilam and set ilam respectively. Likewise in rajna bhajanartham dhanyani buhye pacitva madhye niyante (12. 4-5) the actions convey indeed a causal sense. Similarly the present tense has sometimes replaced the past; e.g. tvam kutra gata 'si? (13.7) which has to be translated in the context as "where had you been ? " Instances of the verb being influenced by the number and gender of the noun nearest to it are also noticed; e.g. dramikena kimsukapuspani sahakaram.njari va yan bhlayam krtam (28.16). Similar is the case of eka ksurika kra lohamayi musth phalam Sarkaramayan kita mi pahudamisenu dattami mukhe ksiptam 1 (2. 19-20) where datiam and ksiptam are governed by phalam, while they ought to have been governed by Asurika which was handed over, and not merely its blade, under the pretext of a gift. A number of non-Sanskrit words have been employed; e.g. talavali (4.10; 5.6), pazatkiaran! (4.10), varandi (4.10). Non-Sanskrit names are employed even without the usual case-terminations; c.g. page 4. Not only Old Gujarati expressions but even whole sentences are introduced in Sanskrit passages; e.g. 3. 2-3; 4. - 5. 2-3; tetalar etalaum 1' 'etalai hetalauns?' 19. 1-2. Gujarari case-terminations and actual Gujarat verbal forms also are met with; e.g. 4. 11-16; 5.1. Even purely Sanskrit sentences reveal tremendous influence of the regional dialects. It will be worth-while here to cite a few instances of the same: rajno vibhate harir-bhavisyati (10.20), adya rajan nidra ghanatara (11.17), manascinlitapasuka cukkita sa (11.20), rajyam mantrine bhalapya (12.4), sandhim capitah [ 12.14), barita'si 'you have been lost at stake' (12.16), sarthe gatah (14.6), sarthe nila (15.17), rajna purohitasya'g re uklam (15.9), Salya udghatita (15.18), ghotaka ardhuo'sti (15.21), digatrayam calulah (22.4), mukham macakaditam (22.19), namalu pauau patita (22.22), tasam parsve pratim (27.5-3), lasya samipe... ekinte arpi'ani (27.12-13), srijayasimha par sve agatau (27.14-15), matuh parsve pitroritam prstam (28.7). kapajani dastani (30.8), talra patilavaya vrutinam parsvat munduparsvat drammapancakam simayam grhnanti (30.11-12), For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 85 Baixwii cholitan (31.1), parant-VAS470 neli (5.16), ayon Tarijarako nali (6.10), asya nylyauyah firasascumpukapuspa to. dara troditam ( 11 12 ). At places looseness of language or even incorrectness creeps in one to colloquial influence; eg svipatta ne sid.thucakravarti-Srija asimadenar uj et samagata ( 20.5), sid thacakruvartter. birudam mncayarak (20.7). In the sentence mama sutan kusalena samesyali luda sriparsvunathat nat va pascit pallanamadhye sarigamisyati I (22.5-6) The word yada is clropped from its usual place before mama and the word pascut is introduced after nati due to the influence of the regional language. Likewise the formula dahhiina parsvanalkolpall ) (22.7) possesses the Gujatali termination for the Genitive case in a Sanskrit sentence. Instances of incorrectness cven otherwise are also met with; eg, aciimlikam - Mallita ( 14.17-18) 'having descended from the tamarind tree', namslana mnya poatcasaravandanuya y antya rajakajathakavu asamine samagatai ( 23.2-3) placadhiih ( 23:3) in the sense of the seventh daughter-inlaw', rarus wwad di sumasarimani sufle sisyisa suflest sa vamalhava dandena acamlikam catitra a hati (14 3-4 ) where what is meant is that U mrevi pie: blow to the tamarind tree after mounting it, lada sridez: 3indir $iso miinikyus-Lutra frumudacandraksapanake na samom vadul: kstan 24. 2-3 ), yavunikunlarilah sthiyate ( 28.9). The liberty given by Sanskrit Grammarians by not enjoining any fixed pasition in a sentence for such of its corstituents as the subject, the objact and the verb is sometimes muisused by our author. For instance, in the sentence la a ruji 058 uno visrahaya madanubhrama suman caitema 21-iyaschilah (5.14-15 the meaning intended is that "king Siddharaja stayed there for wiging a battle against kirg Mada na bhrama' ard not at all that he stayed there with Madana borama for fighting as would ordinarily be taken according to the sequence of the words! One more instance of inaccuracy is furnished by the word sripatiana which is cinploved not less than five tines ( 20.2, 5; 22.2: 24.2; 27 II), tos deuote Pattana or Anahilla para Pattana (mod. Pata o a) in North Gujarata and only once ( 39.7) in the sense of the holy place of pilgrimage popularly known as Prabhasa Patana or Somanatha Patana in Sausaslra Otherwise called here as Deva pattana (30.21; 31.2). Past passive participles are very frequently employed in place of verbs, which renders the language all the more easy. At the same time such nice verbal For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 86 forns as anakhi ( 2.10 , say iyu (162; 23.16). dariyalam (17.50 ), acika. that (1814). Bij (29.1; 30.16), pele ( 29 12), Cikre ( 29.08 ) and jamuk (30,18 not only add to the charm of the language but also vouch for the author's knowledge of Sanskrit Grammar. Lorg descriptions of all sorts are carefully avoided. Compounds are not rare and they becoine conlusive when Prakrit or dialectical names anu) epithets are compounded the language is quite simple and unassuring all throughout and is rarely figurative, with the exception, of course, the two remarkable specches of Vilbu Vamani (6.5-10; 6,63-7.41. ABN:7sa, however, appears at many places (e.g. 13.6, 7, 8; 25.15; 28.7-8 in a natural way. the most out-standing features of the style of the J.Ps are directness, simplicity and succinctness. All the prabandhas are related in a story-telling manner. This feature is so striking that the reader or the listener feels that the story is bein; told to him aratly in the inost traditional way. As a con: sequence they are grasped quite easily and promptly. Dialogues are mostly short, constitute of very short sentences and this makes them all the more effective (c.g. 12.20 fi. ). Occasionally the expressions become puinted, The dialogue bineer Minister Maideva and king Hadna bhrama (7.1015 ) my be citer as an instance in the point. The bril sperch of Sadanabhrama there 1 7.12-15) nicely brings out the heroic sentiment. The personality of this king is nicely developed through his only two brisk speeches ipige 7). Sucli pithy sentences as " Aho ! *bhayabhrasta jalil" (12.19 ) enhance the charm of the narrative, which at times becomes rythmical; e.g. bhavyam juluin milita yat-loc! ( 13.7). Humour also is not altogether absent. The brief dialogue of dialectic disputation between Iiniky a suri and Kumuda candra (24.4-7) may be citel as an instance in the point. Succinctness is the most glaring characteristic leature nf the style of LPS. At tines the verb is dropped. Take, for instance, the following: esminy. avusare elada srijiyasinpladero duidusavarsani yaval digvijiya krivi kontak paris re panungtyalip:ray wiarukus.caire ( 5.8-9). Here a verb is required after parisar. The difficulty is not solved by removing the dandut separating the two sentences. Likewise in k45mia galva sthilah ( 16.13 ) some such word as nagars is requireel alter kasmin in order to complete the sense. Similarly in sahakure cartipydandena "hatal (17.12 ) the subject of uhalah viz. san, i.e. sahakarah, is missing. In dvalrimsadvarse panigilan gayati (28.10), again, the subject viz, mlalangi is dropped, Occasionally even ca is dropped ; For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 87 e.g. jadi apa $abdah #natukla sametiladi kiga jihuinyasah Ariyate ( 30.5-6). Ai tipies succinctness of style puts at stake even clarity of sense; c.8.nodalinau vipralurian, sirasi lepo dullah! (25.51; alprabhavna atlane varuncisanaditafe samam dvad srijayasimhadevasta parimad yajsilah samom yuddha juyale I ( 25.12-13; here something like dystujat is necessary before pattunz}; madhye paribhramanli punar- prukatuyurli ) ( 25.15-16: here the latter half means that they remained invisible: yarala jugoitii vinavunsad kan lata giyantit ( 27-3-4: locatii must be inserted after jigartli). Two mure instances in the point arc: gajurapa-simbarii ati listami ( 26.) and kasmin dine (27.5). In the narration of the former birth of Srimati ( 26.14-16) there is no mention at ail of her being a monkey nor can one understand the same froin the context. C'ne would not be able to know it unless one learns the sime from other versions of the story! In fact the Srima a-prabandhu in our le X1 is very brief as compared to its versions elsewhere. Morcovce, an inconsistency occurs in the fifth story of the Vikramadilya-puncadanducchatra-prsburdha. At the outset it is stated that the minister had seven sons and seven daughters-in-law ( 16.9), and, a lew lines alier, while in exile, only three 07hters-in-law are specified : bhatuke radhva grhilum I ara jyesthapatriduayan amandi vadhIya ya sihitomi (16.15). It has however, to be noted that the anthor does rise to considerable poetic heighis at certain occasions. He bursts into a series of nice epithels in Vill Vanani's address to king Madunablitim a. Thougli a mixture oi Sanskrit, Prakrit and Old Guj. languages, the whole passage is highly poetic : " Maharja ! caturar otravaritin! magarikanarendra ! Azricchati pariparamahumsa! hamsaraja! Antahkaruna-na nariyanu! purina#**ust. tumu! jiritueland jagesara ! kodayagarbha-guthhesrera! muweta mahen stara ! Alav svara ! lilaluliragarthusvara ! cintitacinimani ! kodi-ni kamadhenu / kamila vistu nu kalpavrisa ! sarbhagyasundara ! bhokapurandara ! mukurudhvajavetara ! rajyalaks nisprarskara! srimalanabhrabrijendra! ayant runiji. rako nalil" (6.5-10 ). The second speech of Vilna Varnal, again, bursts into very nice epithets for hing Siddharaja Ja ya simti a {6.12-74):" ... DISwajana. hayananandana IS laksa 92 sahasya melarulkksmik.icigxaharigrebni virira. yumusaftapharafa) asvapuli-gajapati naropati-trihni dyanau an baluu 1 gaejani vasimmirahydag inusulya juyasi isaintoura | udaki sasonu-nan dayunahari ... samastadigralayavijiyi praudhapratapi i....", the poetic fancy reaching i climax with the expression " ...fatkuksusarovararajahanisah". It may be noted For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 88 by the by that these epithets are not found in the other versions of the praban. dha examined by the editor for comparison. In short, the language is very simple and unas umirg: the diction is direct and the style is forceful, sharing the peculiar features of Jaina Sanskrit, and the px.worful colloquial influence las oflered a realistic touch to the narrative. The lexica) material, #liich is an important leature of the language and style of LHS, is dealt with in Appendix'.'. VIII, Authorship and Dato The name of its author is not furnished by the text of the LPS, nor can it be known from any other source. All the sa ne, the uniform nature of the contents and the homogeneity of the style of all the ten prabandhas are conducive to the conclusion that the present work is not a compilation of pratandhas consed by different authors as would ordinarily be inferred from the title Laght-prabandha sangraha, but that the whole has come from the pen of a single author. Though nothing is known about the personal listory of the author otherwise, on the evidence of the text itself some r:mirks can sulely be pa:sed regardir.g the sanie. Firstly, the type of the language einplnyed by him throughout the work is the one cultivated by inediaeval Jaita authors of Western India and known as 'Jaina Sanskrit wluich fact is a sufficient evidence for pronouncing our author to be a mediaeval jauna author of IV stern India, Secondly, there are a few Gujarati phrases and sentences introduced in the body of the text, and what is more striking is that Madanabhrama, king of Kanti in Bengal, is made to speak in Gujarati, Occasionally we also meet with distinctly Gojarati case-terminations. These circumstances lead us to the conclusion that the author belunged to Gujarald. Vorevver, such ex. pressions as * kuni ve vinajirute' 0.1) induce oue to infer further that in all probability he hadded 31 orth Gujaraia; because though. kuna 'is found commonly used in ON Gujarati tar modern Gujarati kuna' 'who', it is retained even today in lit dialects of North Gujarala alone. The lact that Pattani or Analapura Pattana (mudern Pata na ), the capital of the great king Siddharaja Jaya, imha, who appeius in as miny as six out al the ten prubadhus of LPS, is situated in North Gujarata, in a way, supports this inference. Date of Composition It is not possible for us to arrive at a delwile date of the cimposition of For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 89 the LPS. On the basis of Internal Evidence, however, we can fix a particular period during which it must have been composed beyond any doubt. Lower Limit: At the close of the Jagaddeva-prabandha the following post-colophon entry is made: "Sam. 1465 varse caitra vadi 5 guruvare'lekhi 1/4" As the whole manuscript is written in the same hand, this date viz. V. S. 1465 (1409 A.D.) must be regarded as the age of the manuscript. The date of composition of the text must naturally be earlier than the date of copying. This furnishes the lower limit, Upper Limit: Some historical personages appear in the different prabandhas of the LPS. Firstly, Siddharaja Jayasimha, the great king of Gujarata, the period of whose reign is regarded as the golden period in the history of Gujarata, appears in six out of the ten prabandhas. The period of his reign is from 1091 to 1143 A.D. Naturally, therefore, our text was composed after 1143 A.D. Secondly, there is a reference to king Paramadi of Kalyanakotipura (x. 8-9) in the Jugaldeva-prabandha. In the Gayaya-manayaindrajali-prabandha (25. 12-14) there is a reference to a battle between king Jayasimha and king Parimadi. Buth these references are, in all probability, to king Paramarddin also known as Vikramaditya VI, who belonged to the Caluky a dynasty of Kalyapakataka in South India. According to standard works on history he reigned during 10;6-1127 A.D. Therefore, cur text was composed after 1127 A.D. Thirdly, the Madanabhrama-prabandha (pp. 3-9) relates the story of king Madana bhrama who is called Madanabrahman in PPS and Madanavarman in PK. 1.PS states that he ruled at Kanti in Bengal: according to 'P'S he ruled at Kanti, the best of cities; while PK pronounces him to be the king of Mahobaka in the east. Madanabrahman of PPS and Madanavarman of PK are identified with king Madana varmadeva of the Candela dynasty who ruled at Mahoba in Bundelakhanda during 1129-1163 A.D. Our text was, therefore, composed after 1163 A.D. Fourthly, Jagaddeva of the Jugaddeva-prabandha (pp. 1-2) was the prince of king Udayaditya of the Paramara dynasty. This Uda 12 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir go yaditya ruled at Ujjayini from 1060 A.D. to 1087 AD. The story in our text starts with the demise of this Udayaditya, Fifthly, the last prabandha relates the story of Sii Vardd la mana, suri (pp. 30-31), who, in the end, is reported to have composed the Vasupijacaritra. This last statement is very important from the view point of fixing the date of composition of our text. Because it is stated in the Prabusti at the close of the Vasupujyacaritu* liat it was composed by Var. dhaminasuri at the instance of his pupil Ahladana in V. S. 1299= 1243 A.D.; atu'sai vidkividhyarka sankhye vikramaratsure acaryus-caritam cakre resupujyavibhor-idam || 28 || (p. 471). According to the Nagndragaccha-tuttareli also Acrya Vardhaman .. S UTI, ul.o is numbered nine there, instructed Dandanayaka Ahladana of the Gulluk kula and inspired lu to get repaired the Vasupujya - swa min temple of the agendrugacche at Paana and at the request of the same Dandanayaka hc composed the Vasupujy.carite of the extent of four Surgas and 54 4 granthas at patana in V. S. 1299 1 =1243 A.D.), while residing in the Upasraya adjoining to the same temple, As our author makes a definite statement that the pontiff con posed the Vasapajyacaniita (31.3), he must, beyond doubt, have composed his LPS After that incident, i.e., after 1243 A.D. On the evidence of the above facts we can safely conclude that the Laghu-prabandha sangraha was composed some time between 1243 A.D. and 1409 A.D. Now we have already seen in the Chapter on Relation With Other Prabandha-Works that in almost all the cases where different versions of the prabandhas are available the version of the LPS is definitely carlier than all the rest including those found in the Prabandhacintamani of li erutunga and the Prabandiakosa of Rajasi khara and that in no case the LPS * Eclited by Dr. Ambrogio Ballini of Rome and published by Sri Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha, Bhavanagara in 1910 A.D. 1 Juina Parunpara-no Itihusa (in Gujarati), part II, by Muni Darsana vija yaji, Muni shinavija yaji and Muni V yaya - vijayaji, Anmedabad, 2950 A.D., PP. 5, 676, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 91 version is later than the rest. The PC was composed in 1305 A.D. and the PK was con posid in 1349 A.D. This fact enables us to narrow the duration of the probable period of the composition of the LPS and conclude that it was composed, in all pradahility, sometime bedre en ra 3 4.0. ani 1305 4 D. or, lo be precise, during the latter half of the thirleenth century. IX. Bearings on History The Prabandhas are historical anecdotes. The present text is a Piabandhawork. As such it will be interesting to examine it from the historical point of view and try to fund cut its bearings on bistory. It is intended here to furnish only an out-line of the historical data gathered from cach individual prabandha and examine the same briefly in the light of known history, etc. and not to enter into long discussions regarsling the same. 1. JAGADDEVA-PRABANDHA Jagaddevy, the hero of the prabandha, is a historical figure. He is stated liere to be one of the two sons of Para mara king Udajadi ya of Ujjayini and step-brother of Runa dha vala. This is corroborared by history. IIis father U da yaditya ruled from 1060 A 1) to 1087 A.D | Jagaddeva is stated here to have quitted his country after the demise of his father, when his step-brother Rana dla vala was enthroned and he found his life in danger. Elsewhere also we find similar references lle is stated to have gone then to the kingdom of king Fara ma di of Kalyana kotipora. This Para mad i can easily be identified with king Vikramaditya VI of the Western Calukya lynasty who ruled at Kalyan a kata k a (mod. Kalyana near Bombay) during 1076-1126 A D. & and enjoyed the title of Paramarddin. Some other contemporary kings also bore this title, but this particular "Para. mardlin" was really a prowerful king.* Moreover, one Jagaddeva's connection with this king is also mentioned by PC [p. 114). The name of the queen of this Paramarddin is given here as Lilavati. The interes GMRI, P. 523. 1 Vide, e.g., A. K. Forbes, Rasa Mala of The Ilindu Annals of the Province of Gujalat, Gujarati Itanslation, Tird edition, Vol. I, 19.2, pp. 165-200. $ Vide GMRI, p. 537. * Vide CG, pp. 79-80. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 92 ting incident of Bhavdi-yulru wherein this king dunced and his minister played uxon the tabor is altogether novel and appears to be of doubtful historicity. The wording of he text, however, indicates that Jagaddeva went not to the capital viz. Kalyana kotipora but to a town (nugarum ) situated on the border-line which was presented by the queen of king Para. narddin to the courtesans for their maintenance. The name of the ruler of the place does not occur therealter and hence the confusion is not cleared. Thus the name lilavati is not that of Para marddin's queen but of the gucen of the ruler of the border-town which was offered to the harlots as grasa, no matter whether he way Paramarddin himsell or someune else. If he be a small ruler, the incident of Bhaydi ya ru is quite probablc. There is a reference in this prabantha to Gajan a dhipa Haininira and Gajapati Gaudes var a. The reference here is to an attack on Patlana by this Ha minira and Jaga dieva's success in bringing about a truce. It cannot be determined whetlier this H ammira was a Riljapata chief reigning at certain place called Gajanagadha or he was a Muslim invades from Ghazni. In all probability the word 'Harmira' is derived from the Arabic terirAmira' meaving (1) 4 volcman' and (2) the king of Afslanistan'. Therefore any Muslim Commander may bc termed Tamira' or '7:10 mira'. Now the Dohad inscription dated V. S. 1196 = 1140 A.D. informs us that Siddhataja had defeated one Sindhuraja. A description of the battle between Siddharaja and Sindhuraja is met with in Soine svara's Kirdikaumudi as well as Surathorsava. Especially Kirtikaumudi II. 26 is noteworthy for our purpose. It runs thus : amalapaharisa yena prakSiptAnevabhUbhRtA / masa: sindhupatina vaidahIdavitena vA / / i.e., just as Vaidehidayita, ie, Rama, bound the ocean by getting a number of mountains bhabhrl] thrown therein through the army of innumerable monkeys [ hari ); in the same way he (ie. Siddharaja) bound, i.e. capght, Sindhupati after the fall of a number of kings { bhabhrt] at (the hands ol) huge cavalry ( harisainyana ). Now veteran historians contend that this Sindhupati or Sin. dhuraja might be a Juslim ruler of Sindh a. * The expression Gajanadli pa-hanimira' of our text, in all probability, refers to this Sindhu - raja. In the next prabandha viz. Madanabhrana-prabandha also Siddha. * Vide DHNI, l'ari II. p. 972; CG, p. 81. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 93 raja is described as "Gajanavai-hammira-hrdayanla salya'. Both these refer. ences probably pertain to one and the same incident, it is difficult to identify Gajapati Gaudesvara also. Generally the term 'Gajapati' is used in literature in the sense of the head of the elephantcorps of an army. It is also used to denote the kings of Orissa, the name of a dynasty itself was Gaja pati. 'Gaudzsvara' would literally mean the kirg of the Gaud a country'. Right from the second half of the ninth century A.D. the title 'Gaudesvara' became the official style of the reigning emperors of Bengal, and the city of Gauda is identified with Laksmana vati in the Malda district of Bengal. It is very difficultwell mig! iinpossible to coincide tliese two into one individual. All the same, the readers are requestel to refer to the discussion regarding AS va pati, Gajapati and Nara pati in the next prabandha. Tlie inagtauimily of Jag a ddeva is noted elsewhere also and the incident of the dancing girl is found in PC; but the incident of Bharal-z'atrd seems to be a unique feature of I.Ps. 2. MADANABURAMAMAHARAJA-PRASANDUA There are two main characters in this pravan./ka viz. king Mudanz. bli rama and king Jayasimhadeva. The latter is none else than Siddharaja Jayasimha, the great king of Gujarata, who ruled at Pitana during 1091-1143 A.D. and enjoyed such titles as Siddhacakra. carita' etc. The farmer is named Madanabrahman in PPS (pp. 2325) and Madanavar man in PK (pp. 90 93). According to LPS lie was the king of Kanti in Bengal. According to PPS his capital way the excellent city of Kanti, PK states that he was the king of Mahobakapura in the east. Madanavarman of PK is identified by veteran historians as king 1 a dana varman of the Candela dynasty who is believed to liave ruled at Mahoba in Bundela khanda during 19291103 AD). Since the story in all the versions examined by us is practically the same, it can be concluded beyond any doubt that our king Madapa. bhrama of Kanti was the same as the Candela king Madana. varman of Mahoba. We have already noted that the original name Madana - varman' has taken the forms 'Madana.brahman' and 'Madana-bhrama' through scribal errors and peculiarity of pronunciation. These names are sigoificant inasmuch as the king was highly Vide HB, Vol. I, p. 13. | Vide, e.g., PC, pp. 114-115; PPS, p. 85. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 94 prosperous and given to amorou pleasures. All the same it is not easy to explain how the name 'Mahobaka' became 'Kanti'! The only explanation of the situation is that 'Kanti' might be another name of the city of Mahobaka'! Because LP> places this Kapt! in Bengal, which is indeed sarciful; or, at the most, we can say that the scribal errors might have turned 'Candeladesa' to 'Vangaladesa'. The names of the minisler and the gate-rafficer of Mada na bhrama are common to LPS and PPS, while that of the Commander-in chief is given differently. PK is silent on the point. There is no criterion for proving the historicity of these narnes; but the matter is quite insignincant. The same is the case with the names ol the queens, their maids and the like. Certain important facts regarding Siddharija Jayasimha, as found in this probandha, are, however, historical beyond doubt. lle is stated here to bave been a descendent v the thirce brothers Raja, Bija and Dandaka, which is an established faci. Secondly, a lis: of his six predecessors right from the founder of the Cauluk y a dynasty is given here in the correct chronological order : (!) Mu1a raja, (2) Camundarai, (3) Valla Lalla rija, (4) Durla bha caja, (5) Bli in a and (6) Karadeva, the last one being his father. Moreover, Siddharija Ja y asimha is de cribed here as "18 taksa 92 sahasra milavalaksmi kuca-graha-vigra-pani" 16. 14-15) and "yo sakusy.-gurjara-dharudhisvuruh" 174). It is very difficule, well nigh imposs ible, today to attempt a true interpretation of these two statements. These figures may indicate either the annual income or the population of the total number of villages. The first statement may be regarded as indicative of the total population of the Malava land rather than the annul income of the number of villages in that territory. It is also not improbable that it may be indicative of the amount received by Siddharaja saya simha as a tribute from the king of the Malava land. On the other hand, the second statement does not appear to display eitlier the total population or the annual In his lecter dated the 3rd September 1964 Dr. D. C. Sircar, a veteran sistorian, states: "There being no noteworthy place called Kanti. Purlin Bengal, King. Madan a bhrama of Kantipuri in Vangala seens to be imaginary or due to corrupt reading. On the other band, Chandella Madana varman of Mahoba was a contemporary of J a ya simba Siddharaja, and purvasmin difi does not offer any difficulty at all. It is not impossible that Vangladets is a mistake for Chandeladese." For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 95 income of the then Gujarata. And to say that it shows the number of villages comprising the Gujarata of those medieval times may be considered as an exaggeration at the present state of our knowledge. Perhaps it might be indicative of the p pulation of the genuine land of Gujarat a not consi dering the territories conquered by the Gujarati kings! More probable than even this is to believe it to state the strength of the army of Gujarata. All the same the same text states later on (7. 10-11) that Jayasimha had encamped near Kantipuri with an army consisting of five hundred thousand sakas and nine hundred thousand padali- ! Of course, this army might have included the divisions of the feudatories also. In these circumstances nothing more definite than these probabilities can be pronounced on the point at this juncture. Siddharaja Javasimha is described here as the vanquisher of the three kings called Ava pati, Gajapati and Narapati (6. 15 16). It is very difficult to identify these three kings. The term Asvapati' is used in literature to denote the kings of Delt. Likewise, the term 'Gaj-pits" is found employed in the sense of kings of Orissa, a royal dynasty itself being nam d 'Gajapati'. One fails to understand, however, as to the kings of which pk co used to be called Marajah's. One thing is cerlain: The king whose cavalry was more powerful than the other divisions of his army might have been known as Asvapati'. He who possessed a very powerful elephant-torce might have been called 'Gajapati'. In the same way, the king having a mighty force of foot-soldiers might have been denoted by the term 'Nara pati'. The kings of Delhi have been well-renowned for their very powerful cavalry. Similarly, the elephants of Orissa are also famous | The very idea, however, of Siddharaja's relatious, of fight or truce, with the rulers of Delhi and Orissa appears baseless at the present state of our knowledge. All the same if we go deep into the matter, we do gain sorne light. It is a well-known fact that the power of the Cahama na or Cauhan a rulers of Sakambhari, Ajamera and Naddula was solely due to their very strong cavalry. Therefore the term 'Asvapati' can well be applied to a Cahamana ruler. An inscription of the Cahamana king Asaraja of Naddula, dated V. S. 1200 (=1144 A.D.) describes him as a Padupadmopajivin of Mahirajadhraja Jayasimha. Moreover, he accompanied Siddharaja, with his army, in his great attack on Malava. Therefore there is no doubt that having been subdued by Siddharaja, he had become his + Dr. B. J. Sandesara, Jagannathapuri ane Orisa (Guj.) p. 299. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 95 feudatory. But the 'A$va pati' in question appears to be different froin this A $a raja. He was Anaka or Arnoraja of Sa ka mbhari, a powerful contemporary of Siddharaja. As an inscription of Siddha. raja is eliscovered from a well in Sa ka mbhari, it can be inferred that Siddharaja must have conquered the place, may be for .1 very short period, We know that I emacandra's Dugasrayamahakavya loes not give any details of Siddharaja's fights with the Rajasthana rulers. Al the same, in the same work, on meeting Anaka on the battlefield, Kumara pala reminds him of the fact that he (i.e. A naka) had to bow down to his predecessor Siddharaja J a ya siin hat Some s vara's Kirtikaumudi also clearly states that having defeated Arnorja, Siddharaja married his daughter Kancana devi to hiin.! This shows that a fighe did take place between Siddharaja and Arnoraja. Siddhardja's offering his daughter in marriage to the defeated king may be regarded as indicative of his magnanimous nature and fore-sight. All the same the fact that he had to give his daughter to him shows Arnoraja's importance. M sreover, in a post-colophon entiy dated Thursday, the second day of the bright half of the month of ladha in V, S. 119$ ( = 11.12 AI),1, ATDoraja is described as 'Samasla-rajavail sumalarkraparamabhatlaraku-maharajaihiraja-paramesvara'. $ Thus Armorija or Anika, the Cana mana ruler of Sakambhari, was deinitely a powerful conteroporary of Siddha raja and as suchi be appears to have been meant by the term "Atva pali' of our text. Now let as surn to Gajupali'. The elephants of the forests of Central India are quite famous. Consequently the term 'Gajapati' may be taken to denote the king of Mala va. The incident of Siddla raja's attack on Yasovarman, the Paramara king of a la va, and his vanquishing and capturing him alive is described at length in such standard works as Hema candra's Dvyasayamahakavya, Some svara's Kirtikasi mudi, Balacaq dra's Vasanta-vilasa, Merutunga's Prabandhacirtamani, Jayasimha suri's Kumarapulabhapalacarita and Jinama ndana's Kumarcipalaprabandha. In some places the fight is stated to be with Naravarman ( 1105-1133 A.D.) and elsewhere with his son and successor * Vide CG, p. 7o and GMRI, p. 293. + Vide Dryasrayamahakarya, XVIII. 84-86 and coinmentary thercon: pp. 474-476 of the Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Texts Serics Edition. 9 Vide Kirtikaumudi, II. 26-28. $ Vide Jain pustaka-prasastisangraha, p. 107; also vide for detail, CG, p. 71 and GMRI, pp. 295-295. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Ya o varian (1133-7135 A.D.). At a number of places it is stated that the light continued for as many as twelve years. We may not take the literal meaning of 'twelve years. All the same it appears from all these accounts that the battle between Gujarata and Mala va must have lasted for a pretty long period. Yasovar man ruled only for about three years. Therefore, the struggle must have started during the reign of Naravarman and must have continued in Ya so varman's reign also resulting in his defeat. Tlie Paranara kings of Mala va have come to be regarded as powerful since the age of Mu i ja and Blinja, and a very long duration of the fight as well as the importance given to the same by so many authors of repute is an evidence for regarding Naravarmao and Yasovarman as very powerful contemporaries of Siddharija. As such Gajapati' may be taken to denote either of these, or, more probably, Yasovarma n. The incident of Ya $ 0 - varman's successiul attack on Patana in the absence of Siddharaja and his returning with the pilgrimage-merit incurred by Siddharaja, which was tactfully offered to liim by the shrewd minister of Gujarata, corroborates our conclusion in the matter. Now let us try to find out the probable meaning of the term 'Narapati'. One of the Western Ciluky a rulers of Kalyana or the Kadamba kings of Goa or the Silahara kings of Konkana appears to bave been meant by it. Tlie rulers of these dynastys are considered powerful, but none of them has ever become prominent due to either a powerful cavalry or a powerful elephant--force. Consequently they must have mostly relied on their foot-soldiers. Vikramaditya VI (1996-1126 A.D.) of the Western Caluky a dynasty was popularly known as Paramar dd in, and in the well-known inscription of Talavada, Ja y asimha is described as " Parawarddi-mardaitka" or "subduer of Para mi arddin". That Paramarddin must be none else than this Vikramiditya VI of Kalyana. Certain other contemporary kings also bore the title " Paramar. ddin", but this "Paramarddin" was very powerful as compared to other ones of his age. As such the term 'Narapali' may be taken to mean this Paramarddin Vikramaditya VI of Kalyan a. Ja ya kesin ( of the Kadamba dynasty of God reigned during 1950-1980 A,D. Micala devi or 11 a y an alla devi, mother of Siddharaja Jaya si pha, was his danghter, Karnadeva's marriage with Ma yan alla devi is regarded as politica., having special concern with luis victory over the Lac a territory. He lost L ata fter + Vide CG, pp. 79-80; G, H, Oza, Solankion-ka Pracina Itihasu (Hindi), Part I, p. 317. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 9.8 three years, but thereafter he permanently joined it with his Gujarat a. g The authors of the Prabandhas are quite well-known for their habit of confusing historical chronology. Therefo:e this jaake sin I also may be meant by the term 'Narapari' of our text. The Prabandha-works have described at length the defcat of allikarjuna, the Silahara king of Korka na, at the hands of the army of Siddha raja's successor Kumarapala. The $ ilahara kings of Konkana bore the title 'Rijapitimaka'. The king of Gujarate does not appear to have benefitted by this victory over Jalli. kirjua, which fact also would hint at his powerfulness. In short, the term 'Narapati', in all probability, denotes this Hallikarjuna, referring thereby to a future fight! In this way, the terms 'Asvapori. Gajapali and Narapati most probably denota Aroraja of Saka Tiblari Nara #Tan or Yasovar man of Mala va and Nallikariu tha ol Konkana respectively, It will be interesting to note that these three kings are also referred to by 11 cut unga siri in bis PC under peculiar circumstances : "*: *99 af 197101 RU FIER 191916 I MATswanafanya prabhRtI nAmuttamabhUpatInAM matI: kAraviza tatpuro yonilAjanTi svA nAma nirmApya dezabhajhe'pi nAm prAsAdasvAmAI f771Z" PC, p. 61.) When Siddharaja got erected the famous huge artistic and majestic lemple of Rudrainahalaya [ Rudramahakalaprasada ] at Siddhapura (in North Gaj.), be got prepared a full-size mansion of the measure of twenty-threo hastus, established therein the statues of such excellent kings as a sva pati, Gajapati, Narapati etc., placed his own statue in front of them, with folded hands, and appealed thereby to them that even in the event of the defeat of Gujarita (at their hands) that particular temple (viz, Rudramahalaya) should not be disturbed. It is evident from this reference also that these three kings were very powerful ones and that siddharaja always entertained fear from them. It is curious that such an important reference could not draw the attention of Sri Durga Sankara Sastri the renowned author of GMRI, and other veteran historians, The name of Siddharaja's mother is Minaladevi according to LPS. She has been named elsewhere as na yan alla devi and Vide CG, p. 59. I Vide GMRI, pp. 347-351; CG, pp. 113-115. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 99 fr Minaladevi also. She is described here as having surpassed in chastity such ancient ideals of chastity as Ahalya, Arundhati, Sati, Tara and Mandodari. We are reminded in this connection of the great historical dialectics between the Svetambar and the Digambara sects of the Jainas which took place in Siddharaja's court, the parties being Devasuri and Kumudacandra. In order to prove the theory that women also, on account of their chastity and virtues, are eligible for tinal beatitude, Devasuri, the Svetambara pontiff, put forth the living illustration of queen-mother Minajadevi, which fact supports the statement of the LPS. She is stated here to be the princess of Kanhaca Jayakesa', which is a fact, as this Jayakesa was none other thana ya kesin I of the Kadamba dynasty of KannadaKarnataka-Goa, who is believed to have flourished during 1050 1080 A.D. King Siddharaja Jayasimha is described here as Gajayavaihammie-hydayantasalya' or an arrow destroying the heart of Hammira, the master of Gajana' (6.10). This Hammira might either be the ruler of some such place as Gajapagadha or the king of Ghazni! In the previous prabandhu also we get a reference to 'Gajanadhipa Hammira' who is stated there to have undertaken an attack on Patana, when, however, Jagaddeva Paramar a secretiy crept into his camp along with sixteen companions, surrendered him, took away his chief royal elephant and finally brought about a truce between him aud Siddharaja (p. 2). Both these references appear to be concerning one and the same incident and the problem of Hammira's historicity is discussed by us there with the conclusion that he must have been a Muslim king of Sindhu. Now let us turn to the main theme of this prabandha. The twenty-third verse of Canto II of Somesvara's Kirtikaumudi specifically states that the king of Mahobaka paid a tribute to Siddharaja under the pretext of treating him as a guest: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhArAMsaprasana yasya sAnidhyazaGkitaH / motI // " In all the prabandhas dealing with the story of Madanabhrama or Madanabrahman or Madanavarman we have noticed that Siddharaja receives this thing or that from him. All the same it must also be noted that in all these descriptions we do feel a constant impress For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 100 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ion of a sort of elderliness on the part of Madanabhrama, and an inscription from Kalanjara appears to support the same. It reads thus: " amunAjIyata gurjurezaH kSagena kRSNena pureva kaMsaH 3 Thus it specifically states that Madanavarman defeated the king of Gujarata as did Krsna, Kamsa. On the evidence of all these facts we can definitely say that a battle must have taken place between the two and after a truce, both must have exchanged gifts as a token of friendship. But Sri Durgasankara Sastri rightly contends that a contemporary inscription must be regarded/ more authentic than later Prabandhas, and, as such, perhaps Siddharaja had to suffer more than Madanavarman in order to see that the king of Malavi did not get any help from him. Because though the Prabandha-writers of Guja rata furnish interesting descriptions of the incident, none of them has ever claimed a definite victory of Siddharaja over Madanavarmati. In all the versions Siddharaja is stated to have enjoyed Madanavarman's hospitality and to have received certain gifts from him-mostly those of extremely tender damsels-wherefore he returns with a friendly heart. Likewise, in all the versions, except one, the king of Mahobaka advises him not to entertain fights but to enjoy the royal gloy. In their depiction of all other victories of Siddharaja we do not meet with such points at all. At the same time there is the other side of the shield also! In the epithets of Siddharaja put in the mouth of Vilhu Vamani we get references not only to his noble family and parents but also to his feats of valour. On the other hand, when the same Vilhi Vamani gives out a long series of excellent epithets for her own master Madanavarman, i.e., Madanabhrama of LPS, we find all of them indicative of his very tender feelings and passionate nature, but none hinting even to the slightest extent at any feat of valour or victory on his part! And this fact, being very significant, cannot be ignored. is very short speech viz. Kena'p muratto na moditah, skandhakkarjjir-na'puniti, nottaritah | " nado which he delivers to his gate officer is the only inatter that we get indicative of his valour ! For Private And Personal Use Only * Vide Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, XVII (1848), p. 318.. Fide GMRI, p. 299.
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 101 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 3- VIKRAMADITYA-PANCADANDACCHATRA-PRABANDHA This is a very nice folk-tale which need not be regarded to have any bear. ing on history. 4. SAHASRALINGASARAH-PRABANDHA The names of as many as thirty-two courtiers of Siddharaja Jayasimha are mentioned at the commencement of this prabandka. Some of them are referred to elsewhere also. We may take up each of them in turn for necessary discussions : (1) SANTU, also called S a patkara, was the first Governor of Lata under Caulukya king Karnadeva (1064-1094 A.D.), He was later appointed as the Chief Minister. Kara's young successor Siddharaja Jayasin ha, according to PP'S (p. 35), received his training in state-craft under the guidance of Santo, who was also the patron of poet Bilhana. He seems to have wielded supreme power till 1123 A.D. whereafter, in wrath, he resigned and went to Dhara. In due course, however, Jayasimha realized his loyalty to him even while staying at Dhara and recalled him to lata a. While returning, however. he died on his way at Ahaa near Udayapura. He is stated to have been a native of Baroda, the names of his parents being Vranaga and Somapuri (2) ABHADA VASAHA was a generous merchant to whom are devoted separate prabandhas in such prominent works as PC, PK and PPS. He seems, however, to have come into prominence during Kumarapala's reign. (3) DHARAVARASA CADAILAU is the same as Dhara varsa, the Para mara king of Candravati. He is known to history as a valiant feudatory of the court of Patana. Dharavarsa flourished during 1164 A.1). to 1220 A.D., ie., during the reign of Kumarapala! May be, an earlier king of the same family is meant by this later narne.SS (4) SAMARASI RAULA CITRAUDAU would naturally mean Samarasimha Ruvala of Cittoda. This king, however, ruled * Vide PHNIJS, p. 259: GMRI, pp. 248, 263, etc. SS Vide GMRI, p. 525. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 102 over Movada as late as 1274 to 1302 A.D), He gave way to the arny of Alauddin Khilji of Delhi marching against Karpa Vagheli, the last Hindu king of Gujarata. Thus he was not a contemporary of Siddharija. The epithet Citraud au does not allow us to identify the king nientioned here with Samarasimha of the Sonagas a Coulina Jamily who ruled at Jhalora from 1183 A.D. to 180 A.D. ! Probably the luthor of LPS hus wrongly named the latter as the former since the latter might llave been more familiar to him due to nearness of liinc. 15) PAHLANA RANAU also cannot be identitied with any known contemporary ruler. This name might refer to Prabladanadeva, the founder of modern Pala 11 a puca in North Gujarata, who also was a contemporary of Kumarapala! The authors of the Prabu dha- works are known for confusion of chronology. (6) LONADHAULI MAGAUDIU, i.e. Luna dini wala Magodiya, also cannot be ilentified with any known contemporary personage. The epithet. Vagandiu' suggests that he haileci from a place called a gaudi, probably noderit Jagodi near Dahegama in Ahmedabad district of Gujarati 17) KANH. DADI: KAULA JALAVRAU can be easily identihed with Kita lavadova or Kisoadeva, Kumarapala's brother-ix law, wl, bein: it very ;owertul courtier of Siddhariji, helped Kumarapala in securing the ihrone. PC (}. 78 ) appends the epithet Rijunula' to his name and PPS appends tlie epithet Nadduid'. He was. Rajawula', whicl was one of the titles borne by the feudatories of Pataa; but the term 'Purgladia'si' would lead us to think that he belonged to the Ca hana family of Nadula: The term 'Jalattrax' of our text is conlusive, for our author seers to confuse this Ranad adeva with the king of Jhalora of that name (1282-1297 A.D.), the hero of Padmanablia's excellent Old Gujarati work called Kathadade-prabandha : (8) GODRAHIYAL PARIMARA GAJARAULA does not scem to be known to Distory. He was, as can be inferred from this reterence, a Para m a ruler of Godhru, i.e., modern Pancam ahala district of Gujarata. It cannot definitely be confirmed whether he is the same person as Gajasimha, son of Alhan adeva Caba ma na of Nadd ula (1153-1 162 A.D), ) who was a feudatory of Ruma ra pala. (9) SALEU BIELADIU VAGHELAU also is not known to history, He seems to have been Silk 11 or Sillana of the Vagbela branch For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 103 of the Caniuk yas kailing froin certain place called Bheladi, probabby the village of tliet name near Disa in North Gujarata. (10) SILANI KUTIGIU is described in other Paridha-works as an intelligent jester (Kaulukiu). PC (p. 74) cites an incident wherein Sila na, the jester, is stated to bave tactfully propitiated ling Siddha. sa ja enraged at his pronouncing the expression "Beduymn sizni.dro magnah", by interpreting it as " the ocean in the form of the Malava king Yasovarnan sank in the boat in the form of Gujarata." Another prabandha in PC (p. 96) and one in PK (P. 99 ) relate how intelligently jester silan a forced king Ajaya pala to refrain from destroying the Jaina temples constructed by his predecessor Komarapala, PPS (pp. 47-48 ) elates this tactful incident with special reference to the temples on Tarapagadha (mod. Tara og a hills in Nortli Gujarata). Sila na may be a historica: tigure; all the sarre it is difficult to believe that the jester of Sidd li traja's court and that of Ajay apala's court were one and the same person. We may contend, however, that he was very young wlier he started his career as a jester in Siddharaja's court and continued his job all through komara pa lit's sway and in his old age he was able to teach a lesson to the latter's successor Ajaya pa la. Of course, the PC and PPS stories defnitely mean an old man. (IL) Nothing is known about a data Targachill. The epithet 'Tangadiu' might be indicative of his place of residence. (12) HARAPALA SAKARIU : The epithet. Sakarit!' indicates that he was a well-known merchant of sugar-candy or sugar. In the next pralandhe there is relerence to Sakariy as a he Haripila, father of Siddharaja's minister Sajjana. The story of that prabandha is given in details by Subba silaganin in prabandha no, 97 of his Prabandha-paxcasali or Pancasati-prabodhasambandhu, composed in V, S. 1921 = 1455 A.D. There Haripala says to his son Saijala: "My son! What can we do? Now none honours us. In the reign of king Karnadeva many such Kuhedds (i.e., problenis) had been broken (i.e., solved) by me." The king addresses Haripala askara uncle and the latter retorts that he is being addressed in that way because the king is in difficulty and that otherwise he would never remember him. In the end it is stated that the king honoured the ex-minister with generous gifts : Parvamantrinami bohudratyadanat saumanayomasa. + It appears from these re. + Vido the relevant portion in the chapter an "Relation With Other Prabandha-Works". For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 104 ferences that Harapala saka riu alias Sakariya saha Haripala, father of minister Sajjana of the court of Siddharaja Jayasimh, was a minister of Siddharaja's father Karnade va and that he might have retired after Sidd lia raj a came to the throne, The term saha may indicate that he was a merchant, whicit supports our interpretation of the term 'Sakarix'. (13) DHIANAPALA PHOPHALJU : Here also the epithet Phophalfu' can be interpreted to mean either a merchant trading in betel-nut [Guj, phophala
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 105 (18) JHALAC HASGC: Aksalriya of the J bala family. PC (P. 72) relates that is rel to thrust into the ground two paracis (= Desi pardi, an iron instrunient for digging before taking his seat in the court. A voracious eater, he was asked by the king why he moved unarmed, to which his simple reply was that whatever was available at the emergency became his weapon, Just for test an clephant was once directed towards him all of a sudden. Inmediately he struck a log against its trunk and twisted its tail, which resulted into the death of the elephant. He is stated there to have fallen on the field of battle while fighting against the Muslims Dear l'ata na, where a memoir is known as the altar of M igu. This last statement speaks for his historicity. (19) SADUA SEKITARA: Nothing is known awut this cour. tier, but he appears to have belonged to the Sodhi clan of the Rajaputas. (20) KAVISARVABHAUMA PANDITA SOJESVARC: No scholar' and excellent poet named Somes varit is known to have Aourished during the reign of Siddharaja. One Somesvara Para mara of Kiradu is noted to have been a feudatory courtier of this king. The present reference, therefore, seems to have confused this k satriya courtier Son es vara with the renowned poet Some svara, the author of Kirlikaumudi ctc., who flourished later under the patronage of minister Vastopala (21) PANDITA JAYADEVA: None of this name is known to have flourished during Siddharaja's reign. A minstrel of this name flourisbied in the reign of liis successor Kumara pala according to the Risa Mala [Guj. ed., 1922, Vol. 1, pp. 279-280! One Pandita Ja y ad eva, again, is stated to have flourished in the days of the great minister Vastu pula. The authors of the Prabandhay are known for their habit of placing personages oi different ages together. ( 22 ) PANDITA SURU: Tliis name probably refers to Sara, whose brother Soma was Siddharaja's treasurer according to Some. Syara's Kirlikaumudi ( 111, 8-9). This Soma was the grand father of the great minister Vastupala. This Sura's father Candapra. sida and grand-father Canapa also were ministers. I Vide GMRI, P. 373. Vide, 2.8., PC, p. 103. $ l'ide GMRI, p. 442. 14 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 106 ( 23 ) L'ANDITA LAVANYASARJAN: Nothing is know about this scholar, (24) BHADUACHAU VAJRAVAYARAGARA PANDITA VAYARASIHA: Nothing is known of this courtier except, of course, that he was a jeweller { vajra + akaro) hailing from Bharuca or Broach situated on the bank of the Narmada and referred to in ancient literatule as Bhrgate kaccha or Bharukaccha (also cf. its Hindi version Rhodance and English Rroach), as is erident from the two epithets. (25) HARIHARA VYASA: Here also confusion of chronology seems to have taken place, as this appears to reler to poet Harili a ra who Nourished at the court of Visa la deva ( 1244-7262 A.1). ) and his successor Arjuna deva (1262-5275 A.D.). 1 26 ) DAMODARA : In all probability this has reference to an earlier personage viz. Damodara or Damara or D a mara who successIntly svorked as the Ambassador of Siddharija 's grand-father Bhimadeva I ( 1022--1064 A.D.) at the court of king Bhoja of Mala v a. Bi he svas a courtier of Siddharaja (1094-1143 A.D.) also, as appears from this reference, the fact should be regarded as an important addition to the known history. Interesting instances of his present wit and intelligence are nariated in other Prabandha-works; vide, e.g., PC, pp. 30-34. 51-52, PPS, pp. 16, 25, 23. Also vide the Duy srayamahakatya of Hemacandra, Sarga IX, verses 17-64, 5 (27) MUKUNDA: Nothing is known about him. ( 28 ) SRIKANTHA VYASA : Not known to history as yet. Should sve take this to refer to the famous poet Sripala who definitely was a favourite courtier of Jayasimba? (29) SAMALA PONTARU: 'Pontaru' is the same as Old Guj. puntara' an elephant-driver'. PC (p. 59 ) refers to Jayasimba's elephant-driver sama la, who, mounting the elephant Ya sa b-pata la along with the king, succeeded in breaking forth the strong bolted gates of Dhara. PK (pp. 51-52) refers to Syam a la, elephant-driver of K 11 ma. ra pala, who, at a very critical juncture in his master's fight against Anaka, informed him that one Ca had a ku mata, failing in securing the throne after Siddharaja's demise when the latter's sandals ruled for about thirty days before Kumarapala was enthroned, bad gone away $ Vide GMRI, pp. 220-226. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 107 to the enemy-side. This implies that this Syamala was in service during Siddharaja's reign as well. (30) SAMALA SOLAJOANAU DOTU: Appears to have been a very speedy royal messenger who was reputed to traverse a distance of sixteen yojanas (ie., about 128 miles) in a watch probably nounting a she-camel, (31) NARANU BAIMKARU is not noted anywhere, but appears to be a songster (bainkara or baikaru) named Narayan. (32) SOLA BAIMKARU also, though not mentioned elsewhere, seems to be another songster of Jaya simba's court. Over and above these the following also are mentioned as the members of the royal court: (1) Suhasola, (2) Ucitabola, (3) Malakara, (4) Malakara, (5) Kautigiya, (6) Kalahatiya, (7) Nicagora, (8) Vesagara, (9) Kaviyara, ( 10 ) Kathagara, (11) Ritilaga, (12) Rangacarya and (13) Vyusa. These are not proper nouns but they are epithets indicative of different types of profession. As these terms are dealt with in the Lexicographical Study, the readers are requested to refer to Appendix A for their connotations in order to avoid repetition. This whole passage is very important from the historical point of view not only because so many historical personages are mentioned therein, but also for the fact that it shows in this way that all the guilds-good (pavitra) and bad (bhanda)-were represented in the royal court. Subsequent to this list is the story of Kamalivati which does not seem to have any bearing on history. What is important for our purpose is the last staternent informing that on listening to the story king Jayasimhadeva got constructed a {new) lake called Sahasralinga on the site of the (old) lake Durlabhasarah. The statement in the Sarasvatiparana (composed during the final years of Jayasimha's reign) that once Siddharaja began to think as to how the old water-less lake to the north of the capital, which was constructed by Durlabharaja, could again be filled with water (XV, 101-102), the one in the Prabhavakacarita that poet Sripala had written a prasasti of the Durlabhasurah (Hemacandrasiri-prabandha, verse 203) and another in the PC (p. 64) that Sripala composed the prasasti of the lake Sahasralinga corroborate this pronouncement of our text. In later works such as the Moharajaparajaya and Hammiramadamardana we get nice descriptions of the city of Pataga, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 108 wherein also there is no reference to two lakes near the capital but only one. Sri Durga Sankara Sastri infers that this new lake was constructed in 190-91 V. S. 1134-1135 A.D, by turning the flow of the Sarasvati towards it through canals.SS 1008 Siva-temples, 108 Devi-temples and a temple of the ten incarnations adorned the banks of this excellent lake-which was one of the four great things accomplished by the great king according to PC (p. 75). At the centre of the lake there was an islet upon which was erected a temple of Ridresvara, which has now been turned into a mosque. The beauty of this lotus-covered, swan-teaming lake was further enhanced by a towering snow-white column of victory, of which no traces are now left. To judge from the taunt of the Banaras king to Siddharaja Jaya - simha's Ambassador at his court about the use of the water of this lake by the pr pulace of Anabillapattana though it was Siva-nir malya, this tan) must have served the purpose of water-supply for the citizens of Patana. The Sukytasankiritana (II. v. 35) calls it Siddhasuras. The Sarasvatipurane, PC, etc., however, clearly state the name Sahasralinga. The present text also bears a testimony to this name which is mentioned in such Old Guj. poenis as the Samara Kasu as well. It is worth noting that the Ain-i-Akabari too calls the lake Sahasanak," 5. SIDDH-BUDDHI-RAULANI-PRABANDHA This story is very interesting and the trick exercised by Haripala in order to establish the king's capacity and eligibility for bearing the title Siddhacakravartin has indeed a realistic touch. It is not always advisible to reject all such incidents as mere intellectual exercises having no bearing on history. The present editor is inclined to regard Andi Raula and the Raulinis Siddhi and Buddhi also as historical personages. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The other characters are already known to history. They are the ministers Santu, Haripala and Sajjana and king Jayasimbadeva. Sajjana was a Dandanayaku during the reign of both Siddha 300-30.3. GMKI, pp. 300-303. * Vide Altekar A. S.: A History of Important Ancient Towns and Cities in Gujarat and Kathiawad, IA, Vol. LIII, p. 12; GMRI, pp. + Vide RCMLS, I, pp. 1-2. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tog raja Ja ya simha and Kumarapala. He was appointed as the first Governor of Saurastra by Jayasinha, After nine years of service there he ventuced the well-known repairs of the Neminatha tenaple in V. S. 11851 - 1129 A.D.) at the expense of the state, for which he was first rebuked by the king, who, however, gave his consent soon after being pleased at the minister's intelligence, boldness and sincerity. During Kumarapala's sway he worked as the Governor of Cittoda atsn. He was killed by Arnoraja's son Vyaghraraja. The other three personages are already noted by us. 6. NAMALA-MALINI-PRABANDHA The name Nama la of one of the queens is not seen elsewhere. PPS (p. 38 ) refers to one Nainaladevi, sister of kumarapala married to Prata pamaila. PK (pr. 80-28 ) likewise refers to Na maladevi, queen of serpent-kiny Vasuk i of the cily of Kravicaharana in the nether work!! These, however, have nothing to do with the present story. Similarly Thepariva Hie, his sons Duja asali and Satru. saia, Kelhanasim Modha, his daughter Lilu and Jalha ka the washer-man are oi doubtful fuistoricity inasrnuch as nething is known about them from any other historical source. The present editor is not inclined, however, to rejeci altogether this interesting story as having no bearing on history. No super-human element is einployed therein and there is nothing extra-ordinary about it. In fact all such stories, when the exaggerative details are removed, together forn; the character of the beru. The Vaidyanatha and the Parsva natba temples et Dabhoi as also the Pancasara Parsvanatha temple at Patana are historical places, The name of Jay asimha's mother is given here as Na y a 3) aladevi. Ve have known her Dame Jinala devi (v.l. Minalladevi) in the Madanabhrana-prabanha. Elsewhere she is also callesi Maya - o alla de vi. We have already established her historicity in the discussions on the il adunabhraw.prabantha. Vitlo PANIJS, pp. 134, 25, 268, 278, 357, 375-76; GMRI, PP. 291, 279-80, 309, 377. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir fio 7. GANAYA-DIANAYA-INDRAJALI-PRABANDHA The very first incident of this prabundha is one of the very significant historical events of the reign ol jay usimti a Siddhar a ja viz. the grcat dialectical dispute between the Svetambara and the Digambara sects of the Jainas. The Svelambura leadler was the great pontiff Deva suri of Gujarata, thc preceptor of Kulikalusarvajsia Hema candrasuri, while the leader of the Digambaras was Kumuda candra, the great pontift from Karnataka. The contest took place in the court of Jaya - simha, the king himself being in the chair. It is stated to have occurred on the full-moor day of the month of Paisakha in the year 18: V.S. - 1125 A.D). It continued for sixteen days, one of the main problems of contest being wliether women were eligible for salvation. Devasuri contended that they were, possessing as they did the 'satira'. Along witlthe examples of ancient paragons of chastity he advanced the contemporary illustration of May a naIladevi, the king's mother. This contest resulted in the total defcat of the Diyamuuras as a consequence wliereol the Svetambaras grew very power. ful, and it was probably due to this victory that Devasori began to be called Vadi Devasuri. This Monunitutal incident was immortalised by Ya Sas candra, at contemporary post, wo composed a drama called Murtulsomducandraprakarna, its main theme being this contest. Thereafter it was Jescribed in such other works as the Pralkuvakacarite (1277 A.D.) and the Prabanthacitamani ( 1305 4.0). 1. In our prabandha the whole incident is not narrated but it is mentione vniy as a back-ground to tlie main story. Other persutrages mentioned in this connection are Jizniky a, Mala ya catdra and Pradyumnas uci. Maniky a, a disciple of Deva siri, is also mentioned in Mudrilakusmutacandra-prakaraita as one of the participants of the contest. He is not known from other sources as a prontinent personage. He cannot be identified with Maniky a cardra suri of the Rajagaccha, the author of the first commentary on Ma m maga's Kavyaprakasa known as Saliketu (V. S. 1216) and a contemporary of Vastupila. The short conversation between Kumudacandra and Maniky a candra is given in a slightly different manner + Vide Prabravakacarila of Prabhacandra (1277 A.D.), pp. 278-296. Vide PC, p. 67-68; Sapesara 13. J.: Mahasa-#i kedi (in Gujarati). p. 52. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 111 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir in the account of PC wherein a part of the conversation is between Ratnaprabha and Kumuda candra and the rest between Hemacandra and Kumudacandra, the mention of Manikya candra being altogether absent there. Malaya candra may be identified with Malaya giri, the weliknown contemporary scholar who wrote Sanskrit commentaries on several Jaina canonical works. Pradyumnasuri may be identified with the pontiff of that name belonging to the Purgatallagaccho; because he was grand-preceptor of Devasuri who wrote a Priti on his Malasuddhi prakarana or Sthanaka. prakarana, and in the present context he is stated to have arrived at the place of contest and bestowed blessings. It is not possible, however, to identify Yasodhara who is stated here to have been Jayasimha's Purohita, and the same is the case with his sons Khimadhara and Devadhara who are stated to have afterwards turned out powerful magicians known respectively as Ganay a and Manaya. The character of the magician Gajraja of the Kamarupa country also is of doubtful historicity. There is a reference in this prabandha to a battle between Jaya. simhadeva and Parimadi or Paramadi. It is stated that the army of Paramadi had camped on the bank of the river Varuaasa (mod. Banasa) and that, by the force of the magic powers of these two magician brothers, he and his army flew away. In short, this refers to Jayasimha's victory over a king called Paramarddin. As already remarked during discussions on the first prabandha, this king was most probably Vikramaditya VI of the Western Ca luky a dynasty who ruled at Kalyana from V. S. 1132 (1076 A.D.) to V. S. 1182 (=1126 A.D.) and bore the title of Paramarddin. The Talwara inscription (c. 1135 A.D.) also specifically mentions Jayasimha as the vanquisher of Par amarddin. Sri D. K. Sastri is of the opinion that this victory of Jayasimha over Paramarddin may better be taken to mean that over a feudatory of Jagadekamalla II (V. S. 1194-1206 1138-1150 A.D.) ruling over the teritory of K on ka pa than over Jagadekamalla's grand-father Vikramaditya VI (V. S. 1132-11821076-1126 A.D.)* The present editor, however, does not see any valid reason for shifting the status of Paramarddin from the powerful king Vikramaditya VI to a feudatory of his grand-son, when the former was Vide GMRI, p. 297. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir II2 a coutemporary of the victorious king, or, to be more accurate, lis senior contemporary. N. KOMARTRANA-PRABANDHA The story of Kumaririn a ka, king of the city of Kidimaikodi, on the face of it, does not seem to have any bearing on history. There is a reference therein to a lake called Phitsax (lit. : 'broken') stated to be situated near Cand as a ma (mod. Canas ma in North Gujarat a). which was constructed by a wealthy trader of that place, whose defiance of trust resulted in the breaking forth of the lake and the water flowing away from it. A lake near the village named Rupapura, two miles away from Canas ma, is still called Bandheluist (lit. : bound') which is contrary to the name given here. One would be inclined, therefore, to believe tbat the Phareluze or broken lake was repaired or reconstructed afterwards and as such it was called Bandkelnm ur bound us contrasted to the tanks which do not possess any built border or steps for going down into them. The reference here to the lake Sakasalinga and the foreigner's hermitage (desantarakult) does not appear to have any significance from the historical point of view. 9. SRIMATA-PRABANDHAT This prabandha commences with the story of king Lakhana sena of Lakhan i vati and bis minister Uma patisridhar a. This story also occurs elsewbere, of coorse with differences, as already noted in the chapter on Relation With Other Prabandha-Works. This Lakha pasena is identified with king Laksma sasena of the Sena dynasty of Bengal, who, though assigned different dates by ditferent scholars, appears to have reigned from 1179-1206 A.D. As a powerful contemporary of Jayacandra of Varanasi (1970-1194 A.D.), he seems to have distinguished + A similar story is found in the Kaumayika khanda of the MahesvaraRhanda of the Skandapurana: Kaumarika, however, has the face of a goat and not that of a monkey which Srimata is stated here to be possessing. Readers interested may refer to Dr. R. N. Mehta's Kaumiriki-khandaA stady'. JMSU, XIV. 1, PP. 39-48. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 113 hinself as a conqueror as well as a patron of learning. His capital La khapa v ali is the city of Laksana vati or Laks on a navati which is identified with the city of Gauda and not actually founded by, but more probably renamed after, this king Laksmana sen a.* No other information is available about this king other than what is already noted in the chapter on Relation With Other Prabandha-Works. Likewise nothing is known regarding his descendents also. Therefore, the present prabandhu must be regarded as informative in this regard, His minister's name appears elsewhere a$ tma patidhara. He also is a historical personage. He was a highly learned ininister, Jaya. de va, the renowned author of the Gilagovindakavya, who also was a courtpoet of this Laksman asena, mentions U ma patinkara as one of his fellow court-poets. The Saduldikarnamrla quotes about go verses of Uma patidara. Our prabandha adds one more plone in the cap of this learned ininister viz, that lie was a skilled astrologer. When he became sure that the queen would deliver a son who would fall in love with a girl of the Mularigu class at the age of 32 years, he stopped going to the royal court. On learning this lle king sent the queen away to the countryside wbere she delivered the son, who, at the age of seven (or twelve ) years, took a vow not to marry at all. When the king expired, he was enthroned with great persistence, but minister U mapatisridhara always kept a curtain between himself and the king as he did not wisit to see the latter's face. The destined did occur at the age of 32 years. The minister's spy saw him in an awkward position. Being ashained, the king prepared himself for kusthabhaksara or self-emolution, and when ise Wits going to embrace a red-hot iron-statue of tle dimensions of a damsel in budding youtli, the minister cauglit hini and prevented t:im froin undergoing the ordeal. Then the minister saw the king's face for the first time. The name of this king, the son of Laks in anasena, is given hera as Ratnapunja. The A version of PPS follows LPS, while elsewhere he is called Ratnasekhara. 1 Tbc second part of the story comences with the statement that king Katna punj a thereafter went to Srima laura. [n PC and VTK versions he is the king of Ratnamalanagara, PPS B version pronounces the time of his capital as Ratnapura, while PPS A version * Vidc l'ANIJS, pp. 54, 61-63; AHI, p. 189; SGAMI, p. 110. . Vidc V. + Vide PHNIJS, . 61. 15 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 114 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir simply carries forward the city of Lakhan avati itself. LPS does not mean that Ratnapunja ceased to be the king of L. a kbanavati but it simply states that (once) in spring be went to Srimalapura. There, while going to the garden for spring-sports, he saw a pregnant woman holding unbroken rice-grains and a cocoanut-fruit upon which sat an owlet [durga] producing notes. The king's astrologer foretold that her son would become the king. Before being buried alive by his police-men she delivered a son who started to be nourished by a she-deer and suddenly there occurred an automatic change in the coinage-dye, the new coins having the impression of the child being protected by the deer. The efforts of the king's men were of no avail when the infant was protected by the royal clephant, the royal horse, the cows and the bull. At last king Ratnapunja adopted him and later on this adopted prince, named Sripunja, became the king. And bis daugliter was Srimata. In this way there is no break in the story as related in LPS. It appears from the whole account that not only Laksmanasena but also Ratnapunja and Sripun ja may be historical personages, though, of course, we have no other evidence for the same. We are not in a position to pronounce that the story of Srimata also may be regarded historical for evident reasons. It may be noted, Lowever, that even today there is a shrine of Rasiya Valama (lit.: the lover named Rasiya) on mt. A bu ragarded as the abode of the mendicant of that name, which fact can be regarded as hinting at the historicity of the character of Srimata whom Rasiya loved and wanted to marry and who, on that account, killed him through miraculous powers. 10. GALA-SRIVARDDHAMANASURI-PRABANDHA This prabandha starts with the statement that a small king called Brhaspatira jaka ruled at Vamanasthali (which is popular as) miniature Kasmira. The name of this ruler is not seen anywhere else and one cannot say definitely whether the name of the ruler of the place at that time (i.c. in the first half of the 13th cent. A.D.) was Brhaspati. All the same it is certain that during that period the town of Va manasthali was under the sway of small rulers known as Thakkuras. PK narrates how Viradhavala of Dhavalakkak a (mod, Dhojaka) first requested Sangana and Camunda, the ruler-brothers of For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Its Vam nasthali, to surrender, as they happened to be the brothers of his queen Jaya taladevi, and then killed them. Although the story given here is not found elsewhere, Vardd li a. masa suri is definitely a historical figure in view of the final statement of this prabandha viz. that he composed the Visupijyacaritra. The Prussti at the close of the Vasupujyacarita states that Acarya Vardli a mana. suri of the Nagendragaccha instructett Dundnayaka A bladana of the Callakukan ariel inspired him to get repaired The Vasupljy a sva min temple of the Vigendrugaccha situated at Pagana and that at the request of the same Dandanayaka he composed the Visupujyacarita s the extent of 4 Sargas anil 5491 Graulhus in V. S. 1299 (= 1243 A.D.) while staying at the Upasruya adjoining the same temple at Pafana, At the commencement of the prabandha he is called Kapolasyirarddianasarilt which evidently would mean that the pontift belonged to the Kapula community. This reference naturally lints at tlie lacs that the Kabola community of tlic Vaiks is at least as old as the first half of the thirteenth century AD). The closing formula of the piatandha, howev?F, reads: 'Gala$rivardahandustriprabandhalt'. Tlie prefix gala here appears to denove the name of the pontiil's native place viz, mad. Galu, a village in Sauras ra, situated in the former Dhangadhra state. Tte statement that while delivering sermons lie used to keep pinc vessels on his right side for hulding nectar in the form of the nine sentiments i rusa ='juice' ] ( produced from his speecli) and a knife on his left in order to incise the tougyc if incorrect language or pronunciation or even repetition took place inay be regarded as poetic exaggeration. All the same it hints at Such of his qualities as sweetness and accuracy of speech. The incident of the contest between the dialectician Deva in a h - nanda hailing from the Gauda country and Vardhamana. suri's two disciples Vaghalau and Singhalai that is stated here to have taken place at Sripattana or Devarattana, ic, rod. Pralhasa Patana, in Saurasia, and lasted for eighteen days, is also not traced in any of the Prabandh -- yorks referred to by the present editor. All the same it is not advisible to reject all such accounts of the prtbandhas as imaginary. Though at present we have no evidence for their historicity, it is not at all improbable that in future when many more works are allowed to see the light of the day and niuch nicre information is. + Vide PK, pp. 103-104, also Vastupalacarita of jina liarsa, Ch. II. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 116 available on the basis of archaeological finds etc., some such evidence may be had. CONCLUSION It will be seen from the above discussions that 1.PS, as a Pruvanthawork, displays considerable bearings on contemporary history. Therein we come across certain facts which are corroborated by known history. Regarding certain other incidents we get information from souc other sources as well, where from we can inler their laistoricity to a certain extent of certainty. The historicity of some other events cannot be ascerlaine! at the present state of our know-leilge. There are still others which have to be pronounced fictitious on account of certain superhuman and miraculous elencats. We also nicet with names of several persons whose historical nature is known from other sources, no intorination about them being available from the present text, Likewise several other persons appearing in the stories of LPS have to be considered of doubtful historicity in absence of suficient evidence from known history. Still others appear imaginary on their very face. It is not advisible to reject as fictitious all the names and events about whose historicity we do not possess sufficient evidence at present. This is all the more true especially in the case of the names of uie courtiers of Siddharuja J a y simpla mentioned at the commencement of the Sahasratingasarah-prabandha. Some of these persons are known to have tlourishecl in lais age, some are known to liave flourished either in the reigns of his predecessors or even in those of his successors. The Prabandhu-writers are well-known for confusing Chronology, but they place beiure us the iristorical anecdotes in a very interesting manner. In the light of these fucts we hesitate to pronounce the remaining oncs as altogether fictitious and are inclined to note tlicin clown as merely of doubtful historicity at present with the hope that future researches will throw light of them. It must be noted that the motive of the authors of the Prabandiki-works is not at all furnishing history bet, as Buhler puts it, it is really 'to edify the congregations, to convince them of the magnificence and the might of the Jaina faith and to supply the monks with the material for their sermons, or when the subject is purely of worldly interest, to provide the public with picasant entertainment.' Therefore even historical events may be found enwrapped with interesting talez having no concern with bistory as such. It is, therefore, a very hard task to separate liistory (rom all such environments, and for that we have naturally to take help of other sources of - Vile Buhler: Life of Hemacandra, p. 3. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 017 historical information such as archaeological sinds, numisinatic materials, Jiterary works, etc. All the prabandhas, however, no matter whether they are historical, semi-historical or even fictitious - are important for cultural and historical information in a broad sense. The present editor does not wish to go into detailed discussions on all such poiuts in the present chapter. His inain intention here is to place before the readers the facts which reveal the importance of LPS from the historical point of view. X. Cultural Gleanings The cultural data that can be gleaned out from the text of the Lugha prabandha-sangyala at a glance may be rendered as under: The caste-system was quite rigid. A learned brahmana enjoyed supremacy over all the rest to such an extent as the suns of the royal priest of Patana, on return from their study-tour, are stated to have bestowed blessings upon the king limself (25.2 ). Varsyas were rich traders, who at times utilized their wealili in construction of such poblic places as lakes ( 27.12 ff.). The traders used to move to distant cities for trading. They moved in groups ard used to camp in the outskirts of the cities where licy wished to exchange conimodities (6.4, 10). For tents they used such waterproof textiles as wax-clothi or oil-cloib (6.4). Such classes as those of Ghuricikas or Oil-men were really deemed low. A king. wlien gone to such a one's place, was not expected to accept food from him and, as such, was offered two miudri-ralnas-une as the usual gilt and the other for meals ( 22.20-21). The Malungas or Candalas were naturally held in contempt. A minister is stated not to be seeing his king's face since the former canie to learn that the latter was destinel to fall in love with a Matarga girl (28.9). Likewise. the kipy, laving been observed in that condition, was so much ashanid of leaving loved her that he was prepared to kill himself by embracing a red-hot iron-statue ( 29.12-14). Other occupations that have secured a mention in our text are those of astrologers ( 28.3 ff. ; 28.18), gardeners ( 22.1, 11, 17; 23.9; 28.16), washermen (23.2), cloth-printers (23.3), fisber-men ( 25.23 ff.), and bamboo-workers For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 118 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (10.4). men. Khambhata (Cambay) was a strong-hokt of fisherAs many as seven hundred experts were called from there for catching the magic crocodile in the lake Sahasralinga of Patana (25.211. Kanavili or regular begging for maintenance is also referred to at one place (25.22). Streets used to be named after the profession of the residents (10.4). Such ascetics as the Bharatakas (9.18), the Vratins (30.12), the Yatis (31.3) and the Kapalhas (4.14. 15) are also mentioned. There is an interesting reference to the Randa class of ascetics, Anadi Raula, penancing in a cave near Kedaresvara, was pleased to hear the Gujarati language, which indicates that he hailed from Gujarat a. His two disciples, the Raulan's named Siddhi and Buddhi hailing from the Kamarupa country, possessed extra-ordinary powers. These Ranlas were the followers of Matsyendranatha and Goraksanatha, that is to say, they belonged to the Natha-sect (pp. 20-21). Even today in North Gujarata there is a class of Bavas known as Revales or Ravaliyas who probably belong to the same class. As regards family-life, there is a referetice to quarrels between stepbrothers in royal families (1. 5-7). There were separate apartments in palaces, where the kings used to perform their daily worships (4.15). The daily course of Devapijama was inevitable after bath and before meals and could not be avoided-especially by retired persons-even when an important guest arrived or even if one was urgently cailed by the king with due respects (21.5). It was an easy-going life and chit-chatting usually followed meals (21.6 if). At places where many people used to dine together, for instance schools, female cooks were employed (14.12). The taunting relations of sisters-inlaw are also hinted at (23.3-4). The marriage ceremony is referred to at 13.8-9; 14.22-23; 15.14, 20-21 and 25.10. Polygamy prevailed in the society. There is mention of four sisters being married to one man at a time (15.14, 21-22), Wonen were quite free in their speeches even in the presence of the king and the queen (pp. 22-23). Ladies of high families such as queens used to move in litters covered by tight curtains called Vajra-panjara (9.1; 22.17). There is a reference to an oil-lamp inside this Vajra-panjara, the smell whereof collected into the litter occupied by queen Namala, which is stated to have struct forth on the face of a girl who tried to hold up the curtain to pay For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 119 respects to the queen on the way! (22.17-23.1). Of course, the girl states this as an excuse for her suddenly turning away her face from the queen ! There were residential schools where all responsibilities regarding the inaintenance clc. of the students lay solely upon the preceptor ( 13-23-11-2). Students used to traverse to distant lands for learning different lores (p. 25). Very few resurences are noted regarding costuines. This Kaccolika or a blousc is referred to at 1.16, where, of course, the term stards for 'dress as such. Dzifali ( 12.11, 12, 14; 13,13) also is mentioncd, which was perhaps the saine as the modern Dupot!a, a long sheet of cloth worn by ladies over their shoulders. Piftakala or fine silk is also mentione: (8.2). Such ornaments as a necklace (6.10), the anklets (11.13, 21 ) and the todara or lead-ornament of flowers for ladies ( 11.12, 13, 20; 22.3.2) are referred to. There is a general reference to lower-onaments (22.13). Beautiful young ladies decked with ornaments are refered to twice (8.3, 15). There is a mention also of anointment of human with fragrant pigments (5.2). At one place there is mention of golden bells Suvarna-ghargharukas) tied to the lands of sixteen mails that magsagcel the legs of a king whilc lie went to bril (27-3). A dialectician from the Gaudi country is stated to have decorated his legs by tying to them as many as eignty-four doils (in order to indicate so many victories in dialectical contests ) ( 30.7-8). There is a reference to special decorations of palacc wit.dois at certain occasions (7. 6-7). Flower-pavilions used to be specially prepared for religious expositions by veteran pontiffs ( 30.4). The following pastimes have secured inention iu our text: (a) A game of dice, probably chess (11.20-21 ), (L) Spectacles called Bhavoi ( 2.1) and Vafaka ( 17.2; 25.7). (c) Anth ivedha or Andhiveddha-a peculiar game played by girls, which continued for days together (5.18). It is difficult to find out what exactly this game might have been. Prolably it might be the same as the gamc called Indhala pati in Gujarati. (d) Parrot-pairs used to be tamed and trained by kirgs (and wealthy persons as well ) (6.1). (e) There is a gencral reference to the spring-pastinic [ Vasanta-k ridal of kings ( 28.17). (1) Samasyaptirli or completing of half-verses was a pastime among the learned ( 24.19-25.1). It was a sort of test of talents as well. (5) Magic shows too were not uncommon (17.1 ff. i 25.1, 8, 13-14). For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 120 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Eating of betcl-leaves was a common practice among royal families and other higher classes (1.12-13). Betel-rolls used to be offered in concerts also (11.14, 21). A farewell was characterized by betel-rolls. One desirous of taking leave would ask for a betel-roll and offering of the same meant bidding adicu (13.11). In those days journey was no easy task. The services of such animals as horses (8.4 15.21; 30.20), mares (8.3) and dromederies (12.11, 1; 13.8) were utilized for the purpose. When the travellers reached a village or a town on the way, the male members used to go inside for managing for lood, etc., while the females waited along with the vehicles in the outskirts on the bank of a river or a pon 1(13.4-5). Such interested rogues as the bawds also appear to avail of such opportunities ( 13.6 ff.). We get mention of pilgrimage also (29.18). People used to go for the purpose in big groups. Their going was marked by conch-blowings (27.5 ff.), which inspired others to join them or to follow them thereafter. Pilgrims used to wrap their precious belongings such as gems in black cloth and deposit the same with rich merchants. On return they used to get back the deposits. Sometimes the merchant concerned would bluntly deny having accepted any deposit at all and the depositor would be obliged to file a suit in the court of law (p. 27). As regards food and drinks, we find references to food in general (13.4), to the cooking of food (12.5), to turmeric [haridra] (24.5), rice (28.17) and butter-milk (24.5). Our text does not furnish any special referenee to any particular disease, nor to any type of remedies. All the same, there is a casual mention of itching sensation on the back of king Siddharaja Jayasimha with a joking remark by the daughter-in-law of a washerman asking the queen to scrap his hack (23.5-6). There is a single reference to the well-renowned medicinal herbs of the Himalayan regions which pilgrims used to take with them while returning home (20.2). We also meet with references to certain medicinal anointments on the fore-head that were supposed to enable one to visualize very far cbjects (25.5-6, 11 ff.). References to certain customs are also met with in our text. Thus the custom of burning oneself alive publicly either out of dejection (13.10 f.) or as an expiation for a sin committed by one ( 28.12-13) is mentioned. This custom was popularly known as Kastha-bhaksana. It was customary to ask for a betel-roll as a symbol of fare-well (13.1011). The relatives of a travelier who did not return for a considerably long For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 121 period of time were accustomed to taking possession of his house as well as his means of maintenance (25.15 ff.). Proclamations of challenges for performing very difficult tasks were made with the beating of drums at the cross. ways of the cities. He who wished to accept the challenge used to touch the drum with his palio ( 17-5-8; 25.24). There is a reference to certain ceremony called Haraliya (?) performed in order to free ladies from formal mourning when a fixed number of days lapsed after the demise of a very near relative. This had usually to be done before any auspicious ceremony could take place in their relations so that they might be in a position to attend the same (15.16-17). There is a reference to a pregnant lady moving with a cocoanut-fruit and unbroken rice-grains in her hands (28.17-18). This may probably hint at the performance of the Simanta-ceremony celebrating the first pregnancy. A Yaksa, residing in a place called Yaksabhuvana situated in the out. skirts or the city, appears to liave been belicved to be the protector of the king (10.21-11.10). People also believed in the sixty-fuur Yuginis and the Ksetrapala, human oblations to whom would best be offered at midnight of the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month of A svina, which is popularly known in Gujarata as Kali Canlasa (14.6 ff.). Taking a religious Oath in order to propitiate deities for the welfare of one's near relatives was so common that even queen-motliera y av alla devi is stated to have taken such an oath for the sale return from victory-march of her son king Siddharija J a yasimha, who, at her word, fulfills the oath by going to Dabhoi for paying respects to the deity Par svanatba, even before entering his capital ( 22.3 ff.). The belief in the auspicious and inauspicious indications of the cries of a jackal or an owlet is also noted here (16.10-20; 28.18 ff.). There is a reference to the remernbering of one's past birth also ( 29.12). Certain persons dying during penance-practising are stated to have become, after cath, the tutelary deities of the places concerned (29.19). Ollcring water to the thirsty-especially to creatures of the cowfamily-was believed to earn great merit (18.16 ff.). The following flora and fauna have secured a mention in our text: Flora : There is a reference to the tree in general (13.!. At one place tbe celestial trees also are mentioned (6,9). The banian-tree (Vata-urksa) along with its branch-roots dropping milk in the mouth of a mother-less insant is also relerred to ( 29.2-3). There is a mention of bamboo-groves (29.15). The tamarind tree is made the fool of certain magic performances (13.21; 26 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 122 14-, 5, 13, 16, 17-18; 15.1; 17.13). The mangotree and its fruits are also Teferred to ( 17.1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13). There is a reference to clusters of inango-flowers presented by the gardener to the king who arrived for Springpastics (28.10). The Kimsukflowers too are mentioned in the same connection (28.16). The Campaka flowers were used as head-ornaments (11,12). There is a reference to the lotus-flower also (4.12 ). Similarly there is mention of flower-clusters (15.17, 19, 20 }, their use for the decoration of the head of young ladics (22.12 ), flower-srnaments for the whole feinale body (22.13) and flower-pavilioux (30.). The cocoanut-fruit is also referred to at one place (28.18) as an auspicious cne. Faupa : The horze is referred to at several places (2, 3. 6; 6.15; 7.12; 8.4; 15.21; 29-4; 30,20). There is mention also of the mare (8.3). the elephant (2.3, 7; 6.15; 7.12; 26.1; 29.3), the lion (12.18; 26.1 ), the dromcdary (12.01 ; 12.14; 13.8); the jackal (16.10; 16.18), the buffalo ( 26.0), the hull ( 29.4), tlie cow (6.9; 24.4.the calf (18.16), tlie deer ( 28.21; 24), ) and the monkey ( 29.11 ). The 1:10use (13.9) and the serpent (29.14) also are incutioned. Among the aquatic animals especially the crocodile is referred to (6.9 ; 25.21; 26.1 }; while among winged animals the parrot-pair (6.1), the swan (6.6; 73), the owlet (23.10 ) and the wasp ( 11.12; 22.11 ) are mentioned, Among public places are stated lakes (4.10: 5.6 ; 15.18, 20; 16.1; 18.:9; 19.4, 5, 10, 11; 24.2; 25.21 ; 27.12, 15, 17, 19; 29,2), ponds ( 18.14), Wells (18.15, 18; 22.8), step-wells (4,6,7), parks (4.8, 9; 15.1; 25.17) and temples ( 14.6; 22. TO, 11 ), Over and above a general reference to all arts ( 5.1), we get a few references to particular arts as well. Thus the description of the palace of king Madanabhrana of Kanti nained Vissravijnya (pp. 4-5: 6.2) having 120 wnudows, 4 altars, 4 carris, 4 step-wells, 4 orchards, a golden time-piece, a small lake, a special apartment for worship, an akasabhani, etc. is a nice instance of developed art of architecture. Another king's palace is stated to be consisting of as many as so apartments (12.6). There were lattices in the apartments which had to be opened in order to get sufficient light for reading especially in the evening (12.10). There is a reference to an idol ola Jaina Tirthajikura ( 22.8). An iron statue of the dimensions of a gii) in budding youth is mentioned at 28.73. Sixteen golden dolls speaking through string-contrivance are referred to at 9.1, All these references speak for the art of sculpture. Singing on the part of boys (batutas) is referred to at one place ( 29,11). At another ladies' singing with the help of such musical instruments as the For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 123 lute, tlie tiute, etc. is mentioned (27-3-4). Likewise, there is a reference to conch-blowing also (27.5). Dance performances are also mentioned (11.9-12; 12.8). Similarly there is a mention of the teaching of the science of dramaturgy [Bharamasastram] ( 25.6). Dramas used to be performed at palaces (25-7). Here there is a reference to males taking the parts of females (25.7). The aine sentiments of literature are also referred to at one place (30,3-5). In the same way we get a reference to the art of letter-writing also (12.20). The kings were supreme in their powers, They coukl order burying alive even of ladies just out of their personal interests (28.20 ); but, when pleased, they would not hesitate in brstowing genercus gifts (1.4-10; 23.7). One king is stated to be habituated to go to sleep while sixteen young ladies massaged his legs with golden bells tied to their hands and to rise up while they sang with, lule, flote, etc. (27.2-4). Another big king is stated to have had as ary as 5500 queens and you wives ( 33-4). Very few of these queens enjoyed the status of chiel queens (3-4), each of whom used to have a retinue of several ferr ale friends that attended upon her (3-5-10). We get references to the royal unbrella (10,2, 7, 11; 13.15; 17.15, 16), the usual royal procession (10.3) and the royal priest (15.8, 9, 10). There were special chowricbearers for queens (1.12). At the same time there are references to the royalcourt, wherein all types of prolessions-good as well as bad appear to liave been represented ( 18.2-13). The Vyasas used to tell interesting and instructive tales to the members of the royal couit (18.13 ff.). Good kings tried to take lesson frorn sacli tales (19.4-5). "They used to take counsel or respectable old JXcsouages at critical jurclures (p. 21). At times ministers had to employ spies to have a check on the kings' behaviour ( 28.11). Monarchs used to receive precicus gifts from other rulers ( 21.20). References to victory marches are also met with (5.8; 22.2; 9.5; 22.4). Foot-soldiers are referred to at 1.11; 7.11, Cavalry is mentioned at 8.3. Arujies are referred to at 5.10; 6.2 ; 8.2, 3; 25.13, 14. References to the aro:y in its jour divisions are also met witti 17.8; 13.15), and there is specific mention of battles also (7.5, 10, 14, 15; S.r; 25.13). Assailing armnies generally camped at a distance of five gajutis from their target city ( 5.9). Armourg also have not missed a nention (7.8). The procedure of appointing the com. mander of a truop on tlie field of battle is also referred to (7.10), and references to such weapons as the sword ( ksuriku 21.19 : 30.5: karavala 12.13; Khadge 14.23 ), tbe lance ( saiya 13.8, 10, 14) and the arrow (12,20; 13.9) are also bet with. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 124 Literary battles also were in vogue ( 273: 30.20-31.2; 31.8). It was customary among dialecticians to throw straw and water in the residence olan opponent as a token of challenge for an open dialectical contest ( 30.8). A dialectician from Bengal, having been intoxicated due to a succession of victories, used to tie to (lit. beneath) his legs as many as 84 put!alakas (30.7-8). The great disputation with him is stated to have continued for no less than eighteen days ( 31,1). Being deieated at last, he died of heart-bursting (31.1-2). It was the usual practice, as appears from our text, to utilize the wealth belonging to a defeated and dead disputant for purposes of the religion of the victorious dialectician ( 31.2 ff.). There is a reference to a peculiar mode of justice through ordeals acceptable to the parties concerned (27.15 ff. ; 28.13 ff.). References to policeufficers are also met with in nur text ( 23.20 : 29.2). There is a relerence to locking rooms from inside ( 12.8). T'he cities were surrounded by protective walls and possessed buge gates through which alone one could secure an entry therein ( 8.2, 5; 9.1; 29-31. Usually cities were situated in vicinity of rivers ( 134). The strects of the cities were, in many cases, wamed after the communities swelling thereia or the profession of the same ( 10.4). Labourers ( 15.11, 17, 19: 16.1) used to wait for work at cross-roads in the city-bazaars (15.11, 12). At one place it is tauntingly stated that the weight of the head of a ksapanaka was just 32 palas ( 24-7). Pala was the unit of weighing and the usual table of weights given elsewhere is as under : 1 Pula = + Karsas, Korsa = 16 Masas, and i Masa = 3 Gudjas; one Gunija being equal to 2 i grains. Similarly yojana ( 25.5. II) and gavyuli are stated ainong the measures of distances. A yojana is roughly equivalent to eight miles and a gavysti to two miles, Ainong meta s special reference is made to gold ( 4.2, 9, IT ; 9.; 27.3), silver ( 4.2, 9, 11), copper (4.1) and iron ( 28.13). As to coinage we get references to the Drammas (29.; 30.12 ). The mint also is referred to once ( 47.13). Among precious belonging; are mentioned gems (12.3, 7, 11; 16.11, 14; 22.20; 27,13, 14). For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 125 Mananastami and Caitrustumi are mentioned among main festive days (5.4-5). Mahanastomi appears to be the eighth day of the bright half of the month of Asvina, even today known as Mahastami; and Caitrastami is most probably the eighth day of the bright half of the month of Caitra. Both these holy days are today characterized with goddess-worship and are celebrated as such throughout the whole nation by Hindus irrespective of their sects. Among fuels are mentioned wood-pieces (16.16) as well as dung.cakes ( 16. 11, 13, 13-14). Kuccolalas or cups (30.4) and kamandalus or water-pots ( 30.14) are Inentioned here among utensils. At one place (20.4) there is reference to the Gujarati language. At another (74) we meet with a statement that Siddharaja Jaya. si in ha was the king of the Gurjara land of 70 thousands. This may probably mean either the population of the main land of Gujarata proper or it may indicate the army of Gujarata proper. A few lines alter ( 7.17), however, it is stated that Siddharaja's army comprised 5 hundred thousand horsemen and g hundred thousand foot-soldiers. This large number included, of course, the armies of his feudatories also. A similar statement regarding Mala va appears at 6.14-15, where king Siddharaja is stated to have been engaged in catching hold of the hair of the Malaya plory of 18,92,000. The term 'glory' (laksmi) teinpts us to consider this figure as the amount of tribute paid to Siddharaja by the king of Malava, It does not appear fair to regard it as indicative of the statistics of the annual income of that land, which, in ali probability, would have been much more. There is a single reference to a golden time-piece (4.9). Two modes of expression also can be noticed. The bashfulness of females used to be indicated by covering the head ( with the upper garment) (1.16). The other reference is to the mode of requesting for a second betel-roll and chewing one. This is stated to have been done by placing one's palm on the shoulder (1.12-13). Such a gesticulation indicated probably the noble birti of the man (1.13). As regards general vices, we get references to prostitutes, bawds and gambling. The institution of prostitutes was a well-recognized one and could procure monetary aid from queens (1.9-10). There is a specific statement that the queen of the powerful king of Kalyan ako fipura called Para mad i (i.c. Paramarddin) donated a city on the borderline to prostitutes for maintenance. The bawds, too, had a place in the society and could flourish in their business. They were always in search of lovely For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 126 girls whom they first enticed and then sold off in marriage even to high-placed Government officers ( 13.6-8). Gambling was another vice. There is a reference to one Caturanga-dyutu-kura (12.16). Beautilul girls - including princesses - used to be put at stake by gainblers who liad no blood-relation with them and they had to be surrendered by them to the winners (12,16-17). The moral degradation of the merchant clan is suggested by the resusal by one of them to return deposits bluntly stating that lie had received no deposits at all (27.12 ff.). It may, however, be noted that this might well be considered as a solitary instance inasmuch as people confidently used to deposit precious belongings with them, which fact suggests that the receivers of such deposits were in full confidence of the people. A keen sense of hospitality is indicated hy the references to the point that we find in the text. Strangery used to dine at the place of big merchants (1,11). It is stated that minister Santu had to dine with Sakari ya Saha Haripala when the former went to the latter's residence with a request from the king to go with him to the royal court (21.5 ff.). x1, A Brief Critical Appreclation The fore-going critical and comparative study of the text of LPS can itself le regarded as a critical appreciation of the same. In order to put it in a nutstr II, however, let us, in fine, have a bird's eye-view of the above discussions which would naturally lead us to the following conclusions : [a] LPS includes ten prabandhas the longest one being the Vikramidityapacadamlacchalra-prabandha comprising eight pages and the shortest being the Kumurivanaka-prabandha of only one page. [2] Only One Ms, of the whole text is available, while three Mss. were examined for the Madanabhramamaharuja-praban.tha. (3) Four cf these prabandhas are unique inasmuch as they could not be traced anywhere else. (4] In the case of the rest of the prabandhas different versions of wlolc stories or of parts thereof are inct with. [5] The archaic nature of the language and style of LPS, however, compels us to conclude that its versions are the oldest of all the availableones. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 127 (6] Prabandhag arc regarded as historical anecdotes. LPS displays a good deal of bearings on history, and furnishes so many fresh historical pints, which require investigation in the light of other sources of bistorical information, and, if supported by future researches, tend to throw considerable new light on mediseval liistory. 17) IPS throws much light on contemporary society also. [8] The language and style of 1.PS are brimming with the peculiarities of the so called " Jaina Sanskuit ". 19] Thus LPS is an important Probandha text displa ving a very early stage of Pradandha literature, presupposing one of the binown prominent Prahandha works, delineating a sufficiently clcar picture of contemporary socisty, and having considerable bearings on mediaeval history. (10] As will be scen from Appendix " A", the text of LPS furnishes a good deal of material highly significant and interesting from linguistic and lexicographical points of view. i11] As such the Laghu-prabandha-saxgraka inakcs inceed a very useful, interesting and enlightening addition to the Prabandha literature, Sinbibing to the brim as it does all the peculiarities of the Prabandha-style and of the so ealled " Jaina Sanskrit". Being very important especially from the historical, cultural and linguistic points of view, il is expected to inspire scholars to try to unearth more and more precious literary jewels of its type which outwardly appear dark and filthy but yield a powerful and wholesonie fash of light when brusled and rubbed and scratched in an appropriate manner. J. P. THAKER For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Index to Introduction Note: This Index is arranged according to the English Alphabet. It also includes words occurring in the Devanagari script (which are transliterated here). Abbreviated forms are also included in the Index so that no important reference may be missed. Entries of significant words from Chapter X "Cultural Glcanings(p. 117-126) such as 'caste-system', 'customs', mare, litters', etc. are made here, but references to them in other Chapters are excluded. The figures indicate the respective pages. Abhada Vasaha 101 Amstavatsala, maid 12 Abu, mt. 35, 114 Apadi Raula 29, 61, 65, 108, 118 Acalanatha 64 Anabilapura Paitana, city 88 A Critical Edision of Pancadanga-ni Anahillapattana, city 108 Varta of An Unknown Gujarati Prose: Anahillapura 51 writer (Before 1682 4.D.) 58 Anahillapura Pattana 85 adyakulya 63 Anaka, king 96, 106 Afghanistan 92 Anandasrama 17 Agnivctala 24 Anangaratgavadi, orchard 44 Ahada, village 101 Anantasayana 33 Abalya 99 Andhala pula, game :19 AHI 113 in Andharaghoravadi, orchard 44 Ahladana 90 Andharedha, game 47, 119 -Danclanayaka 90, 115 Andhivedha, game 119 Ahmedabad 57, 58, 90 fn. Andolaka, musical mode 46 district 102 anklets 119 Ain-i-Akahari 108 Anup Sankrit Library, Bikaner, 58 Ajamera 95 Anustubh 57 Ajayapala, king 103, 104 Apabhramsa 18 Alati, maid 43 Arabic 92 Alauddin Khilji, king 102 Arbuda, mt. 36, 75, 77, 80 Alavesari, maid 43 Arbuda, snake 78 Alavi, maid 43 Arbudacala, mt. 75, 30 Alhapadeva Cahamana, king 102 architecture 122 Ali, maid 431 Arjunadeva, king 106 Alinjara, snake-king 27 armours 123 Altekar, A. S. 108 fn. Arnoraja, king 96, 98, 109 Amera Sastrabhandara, Jaipur 58 arrow 123 Amira 92 Arundhati 99 Amstamayi, maid 42 Aryaraksitasuri 18 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Asaraja, king 95, 96 Asvapati 87, 93, 95, 96, 98 Atmananda Jaina Jnana-mandira, Baroda 1, 3 back-formations 82 Bagasthala 61 baik ara [07 bainkara 107 Balacandra, pact 96 Ballala, author 20 Ballini, Dr. Ambrogio 90 fn. bamboo-grove 121 Banaras 108 Banasa, river Bandhelum J12 Bangala 64 banian-tree 121 Barbaraka Vetala 11: 52 Baroda 1, 3, 4, 20, 57, 58, 60, 101 --district 104 Berlin 57 betel-nut 104 betel-roll 120 Bavana, queen 42 Baras 118 bawd 120, 125 Bedayam samudro magnah' 103 Bengal 53, 88, 89, 93, 94, 94 fn.. Vayarasiha 106 Bhagavandasa, Pl. 57 130 Bhadauca 106 Bhadrabahu-Varala-prabandha 20 Bhadrachau 106 Bhaduachau Vajravayaragara Pandita 123 112, 124 Bharukacchia 106 Bharatakas 118 Bhavabhuti, poet 20 Bhavai 21, 119 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir -jatra 41, 92, 93 Bheladi, village 103, 104 Bheladin 102, 104 Bhima, king 94 Bhimadeva I, king 106 Bhoja, king 20, 97, 106 Bhojaprabandha 20 Bhrgukaccha 106 Blja, ksatriya 94 Bikaner 58 Bilhana, poet 101 Bloomfield, Prof. 82 blouse 119 Bombay 19, 20, 91 Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Texts Series 96 fn. Brahmaya 117 Brhaspati, an authority on Astrology 73 Brhaspati, king 114 Brhaspati Ranaka, king 35, 114 British Muscum, London 57 Broach 106 Buddhi, Ruulani 29, 61, 62, 64, 81, 108, 118 82 Bhandara 18 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Caddilau 101 Poona 57 Bharahasastram Bharuca 106 Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit ' Buddhist texts 82 buffalo 122 Buhler 18 fm., 116, 116 in. bull 122 Bundelakhanda 89, 93 butter-milk 120 Cahadakumara, ksatriya 106 Cahamana, dynasty 95, 96, 102, 104 Caitrastami 44, 45, 56, 125 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Cakrin 17 Calcutta 20 calf 122 Calukya, dynasty 89 Cambay 104, 118 Campaka-flower 122 Camunda, king 114 Camundaraja, king 94 Canasma 33, 112 -Western, dynasty 91, 97, 111 Canda, poel 19 Candula 117 Candana, queen 42 Candana, queen 42 Candapa, minister 105 Candaprasada, minister 105 Candasama 33, 112 Candeladesa 94, 94 fn. caste-system 117 Caturatiga, gambler 25, 126 Caturvinsatiprabandha 20 Cauhana, dynasty 95, 102 -Sonagara 102 Caulukya, dynasty 19, 94, 101, 103 131 chess 119 Chief Minister 101 Citraudau 102 Cittoda 101, 109 cocoanut-fruit 121, 122 coinage 124 conch-blowing 120, 123 congregations 18 copper 124 costumes [19 COW 122 crocodile 122 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Dabhoi 30, 85, 109, 121 -pura 30 Dahegama 102 Daksamani, maid 43 Damara 106 Damara 106 Damodara 106 dance-performances 123 Dandaka, ksatriya 94 Dandanayaka 90, 104, 108, 115 Candela, dynasty 89, 93 Candrahasaloha 64 Candrajyotsna, lake 22, 44, 50, 54, 56 Desai, M. D. 82 Candravati, city 101 Desantarakuti 33, 112 Desi 105 Candrayotsna, lake 44 Carita 17, 18 Dandin, poet 20 Deaf Sarasvati' 31 deer 122 Delhi 19, 60, 69, 95, 102 deposits 120, 126 Devadamani 24 Devadhara 32, 68, 1 Devamahananda, dialectician 36, 115 cavalry [23 CG 91 fn., 92 fn., 96 fa., 97 fn., 98 in. Dhanapala Phophaliu 104 Chandella, dynasty 94 Dhanvantari 30 Devanagari 1, 3, 4 Devapattana, city 36, 85, 115 Devasuri 31, 66, 85, 99, 110, 111 Deri-temples 108 Deyi, river 36 Dhara, city 51, 52, 53, 99, 101, 106 Dharadhvamsa-prabandha 41, 52, 53, 54 Dharagiri, orchard 44, 51 Dharagirivadi, orchard 44 Dharavarasa Cadailau 101 Dharavarsa, king 101 Dhavalakkaka 114 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 132 DHNI 92 fn. Dholaka 114 Dhrangadhra 115 dice 119 Digambara 31, 66, 99, 110 Disa 103, 104 Dohad loscription 92 drama 123 Dramaturgy 17, 123 Dramma 74, 124 dromedary 120, 122 Dujanasala 30, 109 dupaffa 119 Durlabha-lake 29 Durlabharaja, king 94, 107 Durlabhasaras, take 59, 107 dvipati 24, 25, 119 Dyyasruyamahukova 96, 96 fo., 106 Edgerton, Dr. 82 elephant 122 English 106 Epics 82 Gajanagacha 92, 99 Gajanarai 87, 93, 99 Gajanaval-hammira 87, 93, 99 Gujanavathammirahsdayantasalya 87, 93, 99 Gajapati, dynasty y3 -king 22, 40, 87, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97,98 Gajapati Gaudesvara 92, 93 Gajaraja, juggler 32, 111 Gajaraula 102 Gajasimha 102 Gali, village 115 Galasrivarddhamanasuri 81 Gallakakula 90, 115 gambling 125, 126 gana 11 Ganaya, juggler 32, 68, 111 Gandharvasarvasva, gavakxa 43 Ganga 30 Gatba-Sanskrit 82 Gauda 22 - city 93, 113 -country 29, 32, 36, 61, 70, 79, 93, 113, 119 Gaudesvara 40, 92, 93 Gayana, juggler 68 gems 124 Ghalcika 117 Ghazui 92, 99 giant 26 Gitagovindakavya 113 GMRI 9ifn., 96fn., 98, 98fn., 100fn., 101 fn., 104 fn., 105 fn., 106 fm., 108 fn., 109 fm., III fn, Goi 97, 99 Godhra 102 Godrahiyau Pacamara Gajaraula 102 goid 124 Goraksanatha 118 Guji arata ), North 98 Gujarata 22, 23, 45, 47, 54, 55, 88, 89, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 110, 118, 121, 125 Falu, maid 43 Fatu, maid 43 female cooks 118 Five-handled parasol 23 -royal umbrella 28 floating literature 17 flower-ornaments 119, 122 flower-pavilions :19, 122 flute 123 folklore 15, 18 folk-tales 17 foot-soldiers 123 Forbes, A. K. Plfn. Forbes Gujarati Sabha, Bombay 20 Folu, maid 43 Gajana 22, 40, 37, 92, 93, 99 Gajanadhipa Ha.mita 92, 99 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 133 -medieval Hindu 19 Hemacandrasuri 110 -North 18, 83, 85, 88, 102, 103, Hemacandrasuri-pralkindha 107 104, 112, 118 Hertel, Dr. 82 Gujarata, the golden period in the linja-grhas 49 history of 89 llimalaya 61, 65 Guji arati) 83, 95 fo., 104, 105 Himalayan regions 120 Gujarati 58, 84, 85, 88, 90 (1., 91 fr., Hindi 97 fn., 106 Trofn., 119 Hindu 102, 125 - kings 95 Ilindu Annals of the Province of Gujarat -language 29, 118, 125 91 fn. -script 5 Hiralala Hamsaraja, Pt. 58 Gujarati, Deptt, of, Faculty of Arts, History of Important Ancient Towns and Baroda i Ciries in Gujarar und Kashiawad Gurjara-dharadbisvara 94 108 fn. Gorjara-land 125 horse 120, 122 Gorjara-rajan 51, 83, 94 Huna 30, 109 Gurjara tongue 61 Huna Thepaniya 30 Gurjaraira-nrpati 52 Hyper-Sanskritism 29, 82 Hamira 92 IA 108 fo. Hammira 22, 40, 87, 92, 99 Incarnations, ten 103 Hamnirumadumardaja 107 India Hammiti 43 - Central 96 Hamsavisramavapi, stepwell 44 --South 89 laruliya 121 -Western 18, 82, 88 Harapala Sakariu 63, 103, 104 Jodra 24, 44, 45, 46 haridra 120 iron 124 Harihara, poet 106 iron-statue 117, 122 Harihara Vyasa 106 Hihasuehi keli 110 fiy. Haripala, minister 30, 63, 64, 65, 103, 104, 108, 126 jackal 122 Haripala-sakariya 62 Jagaddeva 21, 22, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, hasta, nieasure 98 54, 81, 89, 91, 92, 93 HB 93fn. Jagaddeva Paramara 49, 54, 99 HCL 20 fo. Jagaddesa-prabandha 3, 37 heaven 24 Jagadekamatka Jl, king 111 Hemacandra 19, 66, 67, 16, 106, 111 Jagadu, merchant 18 Hemacandracarya 19 Jagadicarita 18 Hemacaodracarya Granthamala, Jagannathapuri me Orisa 95 fo. Ahmedabad 57 Jaina 99, 110 Hemacandracarya Jaina Jnadamandira, -authors, mediaeval 88 Patana 57, 58 -canonical works III For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra -temples 103 -writers, mediaeval -faith 18, 56, 116 Jinabhadra 18, 19 -religion, prorainent holy places of 19 Jinabhadrasuri 69 18, 82 Jaina Atmananda Sabha, Bhavanagara Jaipur 58 Jalaurau 102 Jalhaka, the waslerman Jamanagar 58 Jati, Blower 45 41 Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha, Bhavanagara 90 fr.. Jaina Parampura-no Itihasa 90 fn. Jainapustaka-prasasti-sangraha 96 fn. "Jaina Sanskrit " 16, 56, 82, 88, 127 Jaina Tirthankara 122 jatismara 75 jattsmarana 75, 80 jatismrti 75 134 Jesala Paramara Jhala 105 Jhalau Mangu 105 104 Jhalau Ranau Jhalora 102 115 31, 85, 109 Jayacandra, king 37, 38, 112 Jayadeva, Pandita 105 Jayadeva, poet 113 Jayakesa, king 99 Jayakesin I, king 97, 98, 99 Jayasimha, king 8, 16, 22, 23, 33, 45, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 62, 84, 89, 95, 97, 101, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111 Jayasimhadeva, king 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 61, 64, 85, 86, 87, 93, 107, 108, 111 Jayasimha Siddharaja, king 59, 94 fn.. Jayasimhasuri 96 110 Jayataladevi, queen 52 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Jinaharsa 18, 115 fa Jinamandana 41, 96 Jinamandanaganin 18, 41 Jinaprabha 19 JMSU 112 fn. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 100 fn. juggler 28 Kabadi 50, 52, 55 Kabudika 50 Kabadi Raja 47 kaccolaka 125 kaccolika 119 Kadamba, dynasty 97, 99 Kailasahasa, gavaksa 43 Kailasahasa, gavaksa 43 Kaka 63, 103 Kalahatiya 107 Kalanjara, inscription from Kali Caudasa 121 Kalidasa, poet 17, 20 Kalikalasarvajna 110 Kalpa-pradipa 19, 69 Kalyana 91, 97, 111 Kalyanakalaka 37, 38, 41, 89, 91 Kalyanakotipura 21, 38, 41, 89, 91, 92, 125 Kamala, maid 42 Kamalavati, princess 29, 107 kamandalu 125 Kamarupa 32, 111, 118 Kamaru-pitha 29 -pura 61 Kamitatirtha 75, 76 - kunda 76 Kamsa 100 Kam-u, maid 42 Kanauja 29 For Private And Personal Use Only 100
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 135 Kanarriri 118 klattapala 82 sn. Kincanadevi, princess 96 Khimadhara 32, 68, 111 Kanhadade-prahundha 102 Kidi-nankodi, city 33, 112 Kanhadade Raula Jalavrau 102 Kinuku-lower 122 Kanhadadeva 102 Kiradu 105 "Kanhada Jayakesa' 99 Kiracu 52 Kannada 99 Kurtikaumudi 92, 96, 96 fa., 99, 105 Kanti, city 22, 42, 45, 51, 52, 53, 88, Konkana 97, 98, 111 89, 93, 94, 122 Kozidvaja 59 Kantipuri, city 42, 94 fn., 95 Koparko-nihatmya 82 Sn. Kanyakuhja 37 Krauncaharana, city 109 Kapalikas 118 Krsna 100 Kapola 115 Krsnadeva 102 Kapolasrivarddhaminasuri 115 Ksatriya 38, 49, 105 karuralu 123 Ksetrapala 26, 121 Karna, king 101 Ksirodavapi, stepwell 43 Karnadeva, king 62, 65, 94, 97, 101, Ksiroli, stepwell 44 103, 104 k strika 123 Karnata 45 kuhedas 62, 103 Karoataka 99, 110 Kunirapala, king 18, 96, 98, 101, Karna Vaghela, king 102 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109 Kasmira, miniature 35, 114 Kumarapalahhuprilacarita 96 Kaspha-bhaksana 113, 120 Kumarapalacarita 18 Kasthakabadika 55 Kiuncirapula-prabandha 41, 96 Kathagara 107 Kunstirana, king 81 Kathakosa 60 Kunuri Ranaka, king 33, 112 Kaumarika 112 fn, Kumudacandra 31, 66, 67, 85, 86, 99, Kauniarika-khanda 112 fo. 110, 11 * Kuuniriki-khanda-A Study 112 fn. Kuntala, country 38, 41 Kautigiu 103 Kauligira 107 lake 122 Kavisarvabhauma Pandila Somesvaru Lakhanasena, king 33, 68, 70, 79, 112 105 Lakhanavati, city 33, 70, 79, 112, 113, Kaviyara 107 Kavyaprakasa 110 Lakhanavatipuri, city 70 Kayakunda 35, 75 Laksanavati, city 113 Kedura 29, 61, 65 Laksnamasena, king 70, 71, 79, 112, Kedaresvara 118 113, 114 Kelhanasim Modha 31. 109 Laksmanavati, city 93, 113 khadga 123 Lakymnisagarasuri 60 Khambhala 104, 118 lance 123 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Laja, territory 97, 104 -first Governor of 101 106 136 Lavanyasarman, Pandita LCV 18 [n., 19 in. L.D. Institute of Endology, Ahmedabad 57, 58 letter-writing, art of 123 Lexicographical Studies in 'Jainu Sanskrit 20 Madana 104 Madana, cupid 49 Madanabhrama, king 5, 8, 14, 22, 23, 42, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 83, 85, 86, 87, 83, 89, 93, 94 fm., 99, 100, 122 Madanabhrama-maharaja, king 81 Madanabhramumcharaja-prabandha 3 Madanahhrama-prabandha 109 Madanabhramardiaprabandha 4 Madanabrahma, king 42 Madanabrahma-Jayasinihadeva-priti-pra Life of Hemacandracarya 18 fn., 116 fo. Mahakavya 57 Lilavati, queen 21, 39, 91, 92 Lilu 31, 109 lion 122 litter 118 London 57 lotus-flower 122 LSJS 19 fn. Lunadhaula Magaudiu 102 Lunadhavala Magodiya 102 lute 123 bandha 37, 41 Madanabrahman, king 38, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 89, 93, 99 Madana Tambadiu 104 Madana Tangadiu 103 Madanavarmadeva, king 89 Madanavarman, king 42, 45, 47, 49 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 89, 93, 94 fn., 99, 100 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Madanavarma-prabandha 41 Madhava 22, 42, 48 Madhavadeva 42, 47 Magaudi 102 Magaudiu 102 Magha, poet 17, 20 magic show 119, 121 Magodi 102 Mahakala park 28 Mahamandalesvara 104 Mahanasiami 44-45, 125 Mahanayami 44, 52, 56 maharajata 49 Maharastra 45 Mahastami 56, 125 Mahavira, Tirthankara 17, 18 Mahesvara-khanda 112 fn. Mahoba, city 89, 93, 94 fn, Mahobaka, city 45, 47, 53, 89, 94, 99, 100 Mahobakapura, city 42, 53, 93 Maideva, minister 22, 48, 86 Malakara 107 Malakara 107 Malau 104 Malau Bheladiu 104 Malava -glory 125 --king 103 -laksmi 87, 94 -land 94 -mandula 52 Malava 20, 59, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 106, 125 Malavikagnimitra 17 11| Malayacandra 31, 110, 111 Malayagiri, scholar Malda, district 93 Malhu 42 Mallavadisuri 20 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Mallikarjuna, king 98 Mamideva, minister 42, 52 Mamindeva, minister 42 110 Mammata, author Manaya, juggler 32, 68, 111 Mandodari 59 Mangalavira 56 mango-flowers 122 mango-free 122 Mangu, ksarriya 105 -altar of 105 Manikya 66, 67, 85, 110 Manikyacandra 31, 110, 111 Manikyacandrasuri 110 Manikyasuri 86 Manohara, damsel 23 mare 120, 122 marriage-ceremony 18 Marudi, florist 27, 83 Maru-land 34 Maru-sthali 75, 76 Matanga 113, 117 Matsyendranatha 118 Mau, damsel 51, 55 Mauhara 51 Mayana, juggler 68 Mayanaladevi 30, 109 Mayanalladevi 12] Mayanalladevi 97, 98, 109, 110 Mayurani, damsel 23, 51, 55 Mehta, Dr. R. N. 112fn. Meri, maid 43 Merutunga 20, 37, 90, 96 Merutungacarya 19 Merutungasuri 68,98 metals 124 Mevada 102 Minuladevi 98, 109 Minaladevi 97, 98 Minalladevi 109 mint 124 137 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Modha 31, 109 Moharajaparajaya 107 monkey 122 Motum Phophalium, village 104 mouse 122 M. S. University, Baroda I M. S. University Oriental Series 20 mudra-ratna 117 Mudritakumudacandraprakarana 110 Mughals 32 Mukunda 106 Mularaja, king 19, 94 Mulasuddhiprakarana [1] Muni, Darsanavijayaji 90 fn. Muni Jinavijayaji 18, 19, 20, 59 Muni, Jnanavijayaji 90 fn. Muni, Mrgendravijayaji 60 Muni, Nyayavijayaji 90 In. Munija, king 97 Muslim 99, 105 Nacagara 107 Naddula 95, 102, 104 Nuddula 102 Nadola 104 Nagendragaccha 90, 115 Nagendragacchapajjaval 90 Nala 45 Namala, florist 30, 31 Namala, queen 84, 85, 109, 118 Namala-aramini 83 Namala-malini 81 Namaladevi 109 Nandana, garden 49 Nandanavadi, orchard 44 Nandivarddhana, mt. 76 Nanum Phophalium, village 104 Naranu Baimkaru 107 Narapati 87, 93, 95, 97, 98 Naravarman, king 96, 97, 98 Narayana 107 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Narmadi, river 106 104 Narmada-lata Najaka 119 Natha-sect 118 necklace 19 Neminatha temple 109 nether-world 27, 109 OI 57, 58 oil-cloth 117 Old Gujarati) -language 87 108 106 - poenis - words Old Gujarati Nihsankasarigadeva, author 17 Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay 19, 20 paraci 105 82fn. parai 105 non-Jaina texts non-Sanskrit 82, 84 56 -case-terminations -expressions 16, 56, 84 -language 58, 88 --passages 15, 16 -terms 16 -verses 17 -words etc. 17, 82, 84 -work 132 Oriental Institute, Baroda 1, 4, 57, 58, 60 93, 95 Orissa owlet 122 Oza, G. H. 97Cu. pada 3, 5 Padmagupta, author 20 Padmanabha, poet 102 Padmini 30 Pablana Ranau 102 Palanapura 102 Pancadandacchairakatha 57 Pancadandaccha.raprabandha 57 138 Pui ada..katha 57 Pancadandat patroprobandha 58 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Puncadandanekam Vikramaci ifrum 58 Paucamabila district 102 Pancasara 85 Pancasara Parsvanatha 31, 109 Puncasati-prabodha-sambandio 60,103 Pandya, country 45 Paramadi, king 21, 32, 38, 41, 83, 89, 91, 1, 125 Paramara, dynasty 21, 45, 49, 52, 54, 89, 91, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102 Parantarddi-ntardduka 97 Paramarddin, king 37, 38, 39, 41, 82. 89, 91, 92, 97, HII, 125 Paramarddin Vikramaditya VI, king 97 Parekh, Dr. S. D. 58 Pariksit 30 Parimadi, king 83, 87, 89, 111 Parisistapar van 19 parks 122 parrot-pair 122 Parsvanatha 30, 85, 109, 121 Parsvanatha of Dabhoi 30 pastagiu 104 pastimes 119 Pasupatinatha 33 Patala 27 Patana 18, 29, 30, 32, 57, 58, 85, 88, 90, 93, 97, 99, 101, 102, 105, 107, 108, 109, 115, 117, 118 pattakula 119 Pattana 22, 23, 33, 51, 52, 55, 61, 68, 85, 87, 88, 92 Sripattana in the scuse of Pattana) 51, 83, 85 Pc. 37, 41, 66, 68, 70, 79, 80, 91, 93, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 105fn., 106, 107, 108, 110 fm., 111, 113 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 139 Peroja, king 60, 69 Prabandha-Adhyaya 17 Pethu, damsel 51, 55 Prabandliacintamani 19, 37, 38, 59, 68, Pethuhora 51 90, 96, 110 Pethurini, damsel 23. 51, 55 Prabandhakost 17, 18 f1., 20, 90 Pheroresluh, king 60, 60 Prabandha-pascusari 10, 61, 65, 103 Philosophical and listorical imals of Prabanchavalt 18, 19 the Royal Academy of Sciences in Prabhacandrat, author 19, J10 in. Berlin 57 Prabhasa Pajana 36, 85, 115 PHN!JS O fm., 104 tu., Oyu, 113fn. Prahlawakacarita 19, 107, 110, 110 in. Phophila 104 Pradyumnasuri 31, 110, 111 phophall 10.4 Prahladanadeva, king 102 Phophalti 104 Prakrit 3, 16, 17, 20, 21, 56, 57, 81, Pitopatu 10 82, 86, 87 Phut la11 33, 02 Prakritic PK 18 fm., 41, 42, 53, 54, 55, 56, 89, - inilucncc 82 91, 93, 94, 101, 103, 106, 109, 114, --passages 15 115 in. Prakritism 82 Pkt. 104 Pramidi, king 64 polygamy 118 prasasii 107, 115 ponds 122 Prata pamalla 109 Prir 106 Pravartaka Kantivija vaji Collection, Poona 57 Baroda 1.3 poptal 104 prostitutes 125 PPS 19 in, Sin., +1, 42, 52, 53, 54, Prsthantras 57, 58 55. 56, 65, 66, 68, 70, 79, 80, 89, Prthulnsroni, dansel 23 03, 9:1, 101, 102, 10., 104, 106, Preliviraja. king 19 109,113 Prtiruju-prubandhu 18-19 trabasha 2.3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Pythviraju-reso 19 20, 21, 37, 40, 41, 52, 58, 59, 60, 60, 68, 69, 79, 80, 81, $6, 88, 89, piyaphala 104 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, puntara 106 103, 105, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 126, 127 Puratana-prabandha-sangrahu 18,19 fn., -collection 18 37, 38, 59, 61, 68, 69 - compilation of 18 Puracandrasuri, author 57 - foun of literature 17, 18, 19 Purna allagaccha -- Literature 17, 19, 20, 37, 127 Purnimagaccha 58 -Stylc 20, 127 Puroliita 27, 83, 84, 111 ---work 37, 56, 58, 66, 69, 81, Purusavas 45 52, 91, 98, 102. 103, 106, 115, Puspabharana, saruka 43, 45, 48 116, 127 -writers 100, 116 Rija, ksatriya 94 17,40.4.. 51, 56, 68.101. Purcillas For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1.10 royal procession 123 royal umbrella 123 Rsabhanalla --Tirthankar 1? Rudramaha kalaprasada, temple 98 Rudrumahalaya, temple 98 Rudresvara, temple 108 Rupapura, village 112 Rajasaccha 110 Rajakula 102 * Rajopila maha' 98 Rujaputa 105 Rajasekhara uri, author 17, 18, 20,90 Rajasthana 96, !04 Rajasthani, language 58 rajuta 49 Rajavallabha, author 20 Rama 92 Ramacandrasuri, author 58 Ramesvara 33 Ramadhavala, prince 21. 91 Rina 102, 104 Rangucanso 107 Rasa Muli 91 fr., 105 Rasiau 77, 80 Rasiya 114 Rasiyaka 35, 77, 80 Rasiyaka 77, 80 Rasiya Valama 114 Rasa (Prihliraju ) 19 Ralpanadanagara 72, 74, 113 Ratnaprabba 66, 67, ui Rainaruaja, king 34, 68, 72, 79, 113, Sacha Sekhara IOS Saduktikarnamila 113 siha 104 Sahasanak, lake 108 Sahasralinga 107, 108, 112 -dharmasthana 59 -lake 29, 31, 59, 61, 68, 107, 108, 118 --sarali 81 Saijana, ininister 29, 62, 63, 65, 103, 104, 108 Makambhari 95, 96, 98 Sakarin 103, 104 Sakariyu 62, 126 Sakaiyilka 62 Sakariyasa ha Haripala 29, 62, 103, 104, 126 Sakta 56 -loadizion $6 Sakunacara 73. 79 Salhana 102 Salhu 102 Salhu Bheladiu Vaghelau 100 Salya 123 Samula 106 Samala Pontaru 106 Samala Solajoanau Ditu 10? Samarii Rasu 108 Samarasimha, king 101, 102 Samarasi Raula Citraudau 101 samasyaparti 119 Samideva 42 Ratnapura, city 72, 79,113 Ratnasekhara, kirg 72, 74, 75, 79,113 Raula 29, 61, 65, 102, 108, 118 Ravani 29, 61, 62, 64, 81, 108, 118 Ravala 101, 118 Ravaliyas 118 RCMLS 108 in. residential schools 119 rice 120 - grains, unbroken 121 Rinamaila, king 29 Ritiluga 107 Rome 90 fm. royal priest 117, 123 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 141 sculpture 122 Sen dynasty 112 sentiment 123 sermon 18 serpent 122 SGAMI 113fn. Shah, Dr. C.P. 60 Sidida-cakrawariin 29, 93 Sidetar-cakravartti 38, 61, 62, 64, 85, 108 Siddhantha, king47, 50, 51, 52, 54 Siddhapura 98 Siddharija, king45, 47, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, 85, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 125 Siddharija Jayasimba, king 38, 40, 62, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 104, 103, 116, 120, 121, 125 Sampaikara, minister 101 Sandesari, Dr. B.J. 18, 20, 95fe., 110fn. Sargana, kiny 114 Sangha-no Bludara 18 Sungitaruinukara 17 Sariketa, continentary 110 Sanskrit 13, 15, 16, 20, 57, 58, 82, 84, 85 -- Classical 18, 82 - colloquial 18 -- Grammar 86 -Grammarians 85 -Language 56, 81, 87 Lexicography 20 -- literature 19 - literature, mediacval 17 - Mahaka vya 57 - mixed 82 -- regional 82 --regional style of 18 -slingrammatical 82 Sanskrilisation 11, 12, 15 Sanskritise 16 Sanskritised 6, 10, 16 Pali 82 Santanu 30 Santu, minister 30, 62, 63, 64, 65, 101, 108, 126 Sarasvati, goddess 36 Sarasvati. riser 108 Surasraripurung 107, 108 Sarngadhurapaddhati 351n. Sarvanandit, author 18 Sastri, 1), K. 111 Sastri, Durgasankara 98, 100, 108 Sati 99 Satrusala 30, 109 Sui, maid 42 Saurastra 29, 33, 34, 85, 109, 115 Savitri 27 Siddhasartis, lakc 10% Siddhendra, king 50 Siddhesa, king 50, 55 Siddhi, a Ravlani 29, 61, 62, 64, 81, 108, 118 Sighanarati, qucen 12 Silahara, dynasty 97, 98 Silana, jester 103 Silanu Kauligiu, jester 103 silver 124 Simanta-ceremony 191 Sindha 92, 99 Sindhupati 92 Sindliuraja 92 Sinduri, maid 47 Singhalau 36, 115 Singhana, qucen 42 Singhanadevi, qucen 43 Singhi Jaing Series :8, 19, 20 singing 122 Sircar, Dr. D. C. 9.1 fo. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Sisupalavadha 17 Siva-nirmalya 108 Siva-temple 108 Sk, 37 Skandapurana 112fn. Skt. 104 Socha 105 07 Sola Baimkaru Solajoanan Dulu 107 Solankiem-ka Pricina Itihasa 97 fn. Soma, treasurer 105 Somanatha 33, 36 Somanatha Patana 85 Somapuri 101 Somasarman, Brahmana 25, 26, 27, Sthanakaprakarana ||| Sthaviravalicarita 19 85 Somesvara Paramara 105 Somesvara, poct 92, 96, 99, 105 Somesvaru, Pandita 105 spring-patime 119, 122 Srikantha Vyasa 105 Srilaksma asena 71, 79 Srimalapura 34, 72, 79, 113, [4 Srimata, princess 35, 68, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 87, 112, 114 Sripala, poc 51, 106, 107 Sripattana 36, 115 Sripunja, king 35, 75, 76, 78, 114 Stambhatirtha 32 step-well 122 142 Subhasila, author 20 Subhasilagapin, author 57, 60, 61, 65, 66, 103 Subhasitaratnabhadagara 35fn. Sudhanidhi, step-vell 44 Suhasola 107 Sukrtusankirttanu 108 Sumaya, queen 42 Sumayadevi, queen 42 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Sura 105 Suradharapura 29 Surat 60 Surathotsava 92 Suru, Pandita 105 Susila, maid 42 suvarna-ghargharukas 119 Svetambara 19, 66, 99, 110 Swan 122 sword 123 Syamala 106, 107 Taksaka 30 Talavada, inscription of 97, [11 tamarind-tree 121 Tambadiu 104 Tangadiu 103 Tankasala 74 Tapigaccha 60 Tara 99 Tarapagadha 103 Taranga bills 103 temple 122 textile, water-proof 117 Thakkura 114 Thepaniya Huna 109 Tilanga, country 45 Tirthankara 17, 122 radara 119 Trambasena, king 24 Trambavati, city 24, 104 turmeric 120 Ucitabola 107 Udayaditya, king 21, 89, 90, 91 Udayaditya Paramara, king 38 Udayapura 101 Ujjayini 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 38, 52, 83, 90, 91 Umadevi 25, 26, 27, 85 Umapatidhara, minister 70, 79, 113 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 143 Computixridhara, minister 33, 68, 70, 79, 112, 113 Universiiy Lilitary, Baroda 58 Upadhyaya Devamurti, author 57 Upadhye, Dr. A. N. 82 Vasupujyacarita 90, 115 Visupay:curiira 36: 90, 115 Vasupujyaswimin te uplc 90. 115 vala-vrks. 121 Valsaraja 20. 45 Vavajaladeva 104 Vayajala Pastagiu 104 Vayarasala, prince 29 Vayarasiha, Pandita 106 Vedika 3 * Vernacular Sanskri' 82 Vesayara 107 Vetaia, Barbaraka 32 Vijayakusala, author 58 Vikrama-erritram 57 Vikramaditya, king 23, 24, 25, 28 Vikramadiya Vi, king 89, 91, 97, Vikramiditya-raticadion.docchina-caritra 58 Vibramciditya-pricadendo-prahandha Vacanavillsala, maid 43 Vadi Devasuri 110 Vaghalau 36, 115 Vaghele, dynasty-branch 102 Vaidehidayita 92 Vaidyanitha temple 30, 109 Vaijaladeva 104 Vaijja 104 Vaijjaladeva 104 Vairiruyurmurallagharuti 87 Vaisradeva 77 --fire 80 Visa 117 Vajra-punjura 118 Vajrasva min 19 Vajavayaragura 106 Vallabha, maid 42 Vallabharaja, kiny 94 Vanianasthali 35, 114, 115 Vargafa 94 fm. Vangaladesa 42, 94, 94 fn. Vanik 115 Varanaga 101 Varanasi 112 Varddhamanasuri 35, 36, 90, 175 Vardhamanasuri 90 Varurasa, rives 32, 87, IN Vasanta, musical mode 46 vibranta-kida Vasantimisotsalu 46 Vasuntavilasa 96 Vastupala, minister 18, 105, 110 Vastupalacarita 18, 115fn, Postupcil:-Tc japala-prabandha 20 Vasuki 109 Vikranzidini-prubunda 59 ikramuditjusut Pafcudandacchatlar prabandha 57 Vikramaditya-rikramicaritra-caritra 57 Villio the dwarf' 22 Vilha Vamami 16, 43, 44, 47, 53, 56, 86, 87, 100 Vilu Vamani 43, 44 Vimana-vibhrama, geluk sa 43 Viracarpa 62, 65 Viradhavala, king 114 Visaladeva, king 105 Visvadova, king 29 Visvavijaya, palace 22, 43, 122 Vividhu-thirtha-kalpa 19, 69, 70 Vratins 118 VIK 70, 79, 80, 113 Vyagararaja, king 109 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 144 Vyasa 29, 106, 107, 123 wasp 122 wax-cloth 117 Weber, A. 57 wells 122 Yasah-pataha, elepisant 52 Yasah-patala, elephant 53, 106 Yasascandra, author 110 Yasodhara, purohifa 32, 11 Yasovarman, king $2, 96, 97, 98, 103 Yaris 118 Yogin 61, 77, 80 Yogini 26, 62, 64, 121 Yulisu 24, 121 Yaksabhrana 83, 121 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra // zrIH // laghuprabandhasaGgrahaH / [ atha jagadevaprabandhaH // 1 // ] ujjayinyAM paramAra vaMze udayAdityo rAjA / tatputro jagaddevaH' | aparamAtRjo raNadhavalaH / jagadevo'tIva dAtA / rAjA divaM gataH / pradhAna raNadhavalAya' rAjyaM dattam / paraM sarvaH ko'pi jagadevamavalagati pradhAnena ghAtAH kSiptAH / nirgataH / kalyANakoTipure paramariddhinivAso nidrAgahilauDa' kopakAlAnalI rudro- SvandhyakopramAdaH paramADirAjA rAjyaM karoti / tasya sImAyAM nagaram | rANyA paNyAGganAnAM grAsavidhau dattam / Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tatrA''gataH / pattayaH sarve'pi vAlitAH / nagaramadhye zreSThigRhe muktvA puraparisare gacchan rAjJIlIlAvatI cAmarahAriNyA' gavAkSasyayAyetanaM tAmbUlaM pariharan skandhasyopari karaM kRtvA punaryAcan dRSTaH / tadA tayA jJAtam / ayaM ko'pi bhAgyavAn / uttamaH | AkAritaH / sthApitaH / kenApi bhaTTena kayavAraH kRtaH / tadA AsvAdAnte" rAjJopalakSitaH / rAjJA AkArito militaH / asminnavasare vizAlalocanayA" kayavAraM kurvatyA zira AcchAditam / lakSatra kalikAyeogyaM dattam | daridrAn sRjato" dhAtuH kRtArthAn kurvatastava" / na jAnImo jagaddeva kathaM vizrAmyate karaH // Note: The original readings of the manuscript, wherever varying from the reconstructed text, are stated in these footnotes for ready reference: 1. jagadevaH 2. jagadevo atIva 3. raNadhavala 4. jagadeva' 5 ghAtA kSiptA niryataH. 6. paramariddhi nivaas| nIdra. 7. rudr| avaMdhya kopaprasAda. 8. rAjA lolAvatIcamarahAriNyA. 9. gavAkSayA / agretanaM. 10 tayA AzvAdante 11. "locanA. 12. sRjita 13. kutastavaH For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir atidAtAraM matvA upAyaH kRto matriNA / bhavAiyAtrAyAM rAjA nRtyati / mantrI pakhAje" vAdayati / jagaddevena" pupuSyamuttArya mantriNe dattam / " vara yAcathaH / " "yataH gAjaNAdhipahammIrasya paTTAdha AnetanyaH / gajapatigauDezvarasya paTTahastyAneyaH / " tajjJAtvA hammIraH" zrIpattane vigrahArtha samAgato'sti / tatra gatyA hammIrasya gUhare gatvA SoDazabhijanaiH samaM prvissttaaH| hammIrI jitH| azvo gRhiitH| zrIjayasiMhadeva-hammIrayormelaH kRtaH / gajapatigauDezvarasya paTTahastI gRhiitH| dvau prhito| [iti ] jagadevaprabandhaH / / 1 / / saM. 1465 varSe caitra badi 5 gurubAre'lekhi // zrIH / 14. paSAjaM. 15. jagadeve. 16. yAcayaH, 17. 'moDesvarasya paTTaharitarAnayaH. 18. talAvA dammIra. 1.. 'gauDeravarasya paddastirgahItaH, 2.. lilekhi, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha madanabhramamahArAjaprabandhaH // 2 // ] vaGgAladeze" kAntyAM purSo madanabhramo rAjA rAjyaM karoti / amAtya mAIdeva" / bAro ulagau mAdhava | malhU selhth| sahasra 5 zata 5 paJcAzIti rAzyaH pariNItAH / navasahasrabhogapanyaH / tAsAM madhye" paTTarAyaH" 4 : bAvana 1, candana 2, sumayAdevI 3, sIghaNarANI 4 / tAsAM sarUyaH" / Ali Alati-alavi. alavesari-phUlU phUlasirI-vaulU-caulasirI" kapUrI"-hamIrI"-sIMgArI"guNamANiki kastUrI-kapUraDI-nAgaveli-gajaveli"-vacanakalA-amRtakalA-sahasrakalA-ratnAvalI muktAvalI - candrAvalI-sugati-haMsagatisulalita - koili - kamalAvatI"-kalAvatI - lIlAvatI"- prabhRtisakhIbhiH parivRtAH" / Note: The constitution of the text of this l'rabandha is based on three manuscripts. The main codex belonging to the Gujarati Department of the M. S. University of Baroda is designated here as G, the one consisting of this one Frabandha only and preserved in the collection of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, is given the sigma 0, and the third one, again comprising this Prabandha only, belonging to the Pravartaka Kantivijaya Collection, Baroda, is referred to here by the symbol K. 21.0. aMbAladeze, 22. 0., K. omit this word. 23.C. AmAlya mAIdeva, 0. amAtya mAideva. 24. 0. dvArapAlaka; K, bAra ulaga, 25. 0. pani sahasra pAMca saI paMcyAsI; K. pAca sahazra paci sai paMcyAsI. 26.G. rAjJI pariNItA; 0., K. rANI pariNIta. 27. G., O., K. 'patnI. 28.0., K. tanmadhye. 29. G.,O., K "rAjJI. 30.G.,O., K. sakhI. 31.0., K. ali. 32. K. bulU 7 vAlasirI 8; the order of these two names is changed thus in O.: baulasirI 7 bUlU 8. 33.0.,K. number these names up to this one from t to 9. 34. G. hammIrI. 35. 0.,K. omit this. 36.G. omits this. 35.0.. K. change the order of these two names; K. reads nagaveli for nAgavela. 38.G., K. sahasakalA. 39. 0. kamalAvalI. 40, 0. omits this name. 41.0., K. add after this the total number of these names viz. 28. 42. 0., K, pra. sakhIbhitAH , For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vishvvijydhvlgRhm"| mANikathaMbha" caukI / trAMbAna tlg"| rUpAnau UtaNIyAvaddha" / suvarNamaya siMhAsana / suvarNamaya staMbha 4 / " suvarNamayA SoDazavarSa yA pUtalI 16 / gavAkSA 120" / teSAM madhye caturdikSu catvAroM" gavAkSA mukhyAH / pUrvasyAM dizi vimAna vibhrama 1, dakSiNAyA~" puSpAbharaNa 2, pazcimAyA" gandharvasarvakha"3, uttarAyA kailAsahAsa" 4 / gavAkSAnAmane" suvarNamayavedikA " / caurI 4 / vApI 4: haMsa vizrAma 1. sudhAnidhi 2, kSIrohi" 3, kamalakedAra 4 bApInAma / ___ vATikAnAma" 4: anaMgaraMgavADI 1, dhArAgirivADI 2, aMdhAraghoravADI 3, naMdanavADI 4 / tatrAraghaTTa 4 / suvarNamayA 50 ghttii| rUpyamayA mAlA / caMdrayotsnA talAvalI / pagathIArI saaruuaar| baraMDI udAra / tihAM yakSakardamanA piMDa karI melhIyaI / " sonArUpAnAM sIMgA karI choraNAM kiiji| tihAM" khelaI velai jhIlaI / kAdamI ramIyaI / kamalanA bhArA chodd'iiyii| kAdamInAM piMDa vicchoddiiyii| madanabhramarAyahUIbihuM strInau prihaaru|" nAlika ? kApAlikA 2," nAlika anyprinniit"| kApAlika prsuutstrii| rAyarihaI niyama 2" krodhavirodha 2 dehi nhiiN| AvAsamAhi" zrIpArzvanAthanau prAsAdu tihAM devapUjA karai / 43. 0., K.. "gR. 44. 0. mANibhyarthama; K. mANiki". 45. (0. nAbAnu. 46, G. salagaTa. 47. 0., K. rUpAnu UtaNIAvara. 48. 0. svarNamayasiMhAsaNi / svrgmystNbh| K. svomayasiMhAsana / svrgmystNbh| 49. G. 'vAyA; 0, svarNamayasolavApI; K. svarNamaya 16 vApI. 50.G. gavAkSa / vIsa 1205 K. gavAkSa 120 1. 51. G. 'IkSa zravArI. 52,G. mukhyA, 53. G. dakSaNAyA~; K. abbreviates as dakSiNA'; 0. adds dizi after this. 54. 0. pazciaudazi. K: abbreviates as pazci'. 55. G. 'sarvazva. 553. K. abbreviates as una'. 56. G., K. kailAza'. 57, G. gavAkSenAma'gre; O., K. gavAkSAgre 58.0., K. 4 vedikA suvarNanayA 4, 59. 0. kSarohi. 60.0.. K. vATikAnAmAni. 61.G. omits vAraghara 4. 61a. K. svarNa, 62. 0., K. caMdrajyotsnA . 63.0. pagathIAra 64. 0.,K. melhIDa. 65.0., K. tara. 66. G., O., K. pelai. 67.0. belaI jhIlaI. 18.0., K. yakSakardame ramIi. 69. 0., K. choTIi. ... 0., K. kAmanA. 1. 0., K. gholIi. 72. 0. madanabhramarAyanaI; K. abbreviates as madana rAyanada, 73.0. strInu parihAra K. zragnau parihAra. 74.0..K. eknaalik| dhIjI kaapaalik|. 75.0. paraNIta. 76.G: bIkApAlika. 77.0. rAjAnaI 2 niyama / ; K. rAjAnaH 2 niyama, 78. 0., K. omit 2 dehi nahIM. 781. O., K. AvAsamadhye. ucb. 10. shriipaarshvnaadhtraasaad|; K. zrIpArzvaprAsAda / 49.0., K. natra pUja) krIjada. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir rAyataNa vIluivAmaNI mahAprasAipAtra / sarvakalAkuzalA rAjJo dehe stanAbhyAmudvartana karoti / rAjJaH strINAM 25 varSopari AbharaNatyAmaH / ThAlA polAM vAjaNAM AbharaNa uutri| dehasthUlatvAt / gAtrazaithilyatvAt " parihAraH / ___ varSamadhye velAdvayaM pragaTIbhavati / dine 2 TaGka 1000 svarNahIrAlAlamoktikamayam " / mahaNASTamyAm / caitrASTamyAm " / dakSiNAyAM puSpAbharaNagavAkSe kAntIsanmukhamAyAti / tadA sarvaH ko'pi namati / puruSamunsamavalokya candrayotsnAtalAbalImadhye" manAnaM karoti ! anyathA" strIvRndamadhye tiSThati ! asminnavasare ekadA zrIjayasiMhadevo dvAdazavarSa yAvat digvijayaM kRtvA kAntyAH " prisre| paJcagavyUtiparAga" uttaarkshckre"| aNahilapuraM prati yadA calati tadA" aMgArasauDinagArI" zrIjayasiMhadevakaTake gatvA mahArAjabhaTTasya militH| madanabhramasya kayavAraH kRtaH / bhaTTenoktam / " asmatsvAminaH" kayavAraM kuru / yathAtyAgaM ycchaami|" tenoktam / " madanabhramarAjAne" vinA anyasya rAjJaH kayavAra na kromi|" tena bhaTTena rAjJo'gre uktam / tadA rAjA ropAruNo vigrahAya madanabhrameNa ra samaM cturmaasiimvsthitH| __ matriNA sakhIpArdhAt rAjA vijnyaapitH| paramavasaroM nahi / zrAvaNa shudi| 5 dibase "vIlhavAmaNyA rAjA vijJaptaH / ___ "gavAkSe sAMUsuzIlAbhyAm" AndhAdhe ramantIbhyA" denatrayaM jAtam / tatra vilokanAyA''gamyatAm / " .. 0., K. rAjJo. 81. 0., K. prasAdapAtra. 82, 0., K. stanAmyAma aMgaH / , 83. G. ArbhaNatyAgaH; 0., K. rAjJaH 25 varSopari strItyAgaH / , 84. G. Utara I. 85. 0., K, sthUlatvAt , 86.0. gAnazaithalyAt ; K, gAtrazadhilyAt . 87.0.TIbhavati. 88.G. omits this sentence ; K. dine 2 TaM 1000 / hIrAlAla / maukikly|. 42.K. caitrAtamyAM / , 89. 0. puSpA. 10. 0., K. saMmukhamAyAti, 91. 0., K. caMdrajyotsnA'. 22. 0., K, anyadA, 93. G. kotyA. 94, 0. "parAga: G. parAka. 55. G. kRtaH, 96. G. ANahAla puraM prati calitaH / 17.0., K. aMdhAra muDimagArI. 18... asmin svAminA. 19. 0. mama rAjAnaM ; K. abbreviates as ma rAjAnaM. 100.G. omits this sen. tence. 1.1.G., O., K. bhramena. 102. 0. rAjJA. 103. G. para avasaro. 104. G. mudi. 105. K. dine ; O. omits this word. 106. G. sAU pusIlAbhyAM : 0., K. sAsusIlAnyAM. 1.7.G. AMdhIvedhe ramaMtIbhyAM; O. AMdhAvedha ramatAbhyAM;K. AMdhIvedha ramatIyAM, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir rAjA sametaH / " zukasArikAbhyAM rAjA tAbhyAM jnyaapitH| vacanavinodaH kRtaH / AkAzabhUmau AyAtaH / tAvatA megho vRSTvA sthitaH / / nagarI avalokitA | kaTakaM dRSTam / tadA pRSTam 11 "are siMdUrI, e mINakappaDi" kuNa re vinnjaaru"|" iti kathitam / tadA vIhavAmaNyA avasaro lbdhH| tayoktam / " mahArAja ! caturacakravartin ! nAgarikanarendra parIcchatI parinA paramahaMsa! hIyAlInA haMsarAja ! antaHkaraNanA nArAyaNa180 ! purANapuruSottama ! jIvitavyanA jAgesara ! hRdayagarbhagarbhezvara! mamatAmahezvara! alavezvara 3 ! lIlAlalitagarbhazvara ! cintitacintAmaNi" ! koDinI kAmadhenu ! kAmita vastunA kalpavRkSa : saubhAgyasundara! bhogapurandara : makaradhvajAvatAra ! rAjyalakSmIzRGgArahAra ! zrImadanabhramarAjendra ! ayaM vaNijArako nahi / " "ko'yam ?" sA vkti| " rAjan !" ayaM rAja-bIja-daNDakanai8 saMtAni / caulukyavaMza ayonIsaMbhava zrImUlarAja1-cAmuNDarAja"2-vallabharAja 3-dulebhraaj-bhiim5-shriikrnndevnndn| vizva jnnynaanndn| 18 lakSa 92 saharU mAlavalakSmIkacagrahavigrapa.Ni30 / vairiraaymurdRghrtttt| azvapati-gajapati-narapati-trihaM rAyanau aaNblu| gAjaNavadahammIrahRdayAntazalya / jayazrIsaIvara / udake zAsananau dynnhaaru| rAunau raau"| samastadigbalaya 1.8. 0. rAjA tavAgataH ; K. rAjA tatra gataH. 109. 0., K. omit this word 110. 0.,K. AgataH. 111.0.,K. meghavRSTiH sthitA. 1910. 0.,K. pRSTa. 112. 0. siMharI; G. sIMdUrI. 113. 0., K. e kappahe. 14. 0., K. vaNijAraka, 115. G., 0., K. 'cakravarti. 116.0. nAgarikanareMdraH. 115. 0., K. parinu. 118, 0.,K. oniit this address. 198a. K. nArAiNa, 119. G. puruSottamaH, 12.. 0. jIvatavmanA jAgezvara; K. jIvitavyanA jAgezvara. 121. 0. hRdayagaNezvara. 122. G., O. mahesvara. 123. G. alavesara. 124. 0. 'gavara; G. garbhasara. 125. 0. aciMtacitAmaNi; K. aciMtitaciMtAmaNi. 126, 0., K. sAha. 12.0. omits this word. 128. 0. rAjapIDakanai ; K. rAjavIukanai. 129. G. caulakyavaMza ayonIsaMbhamu. 130. 0., K. cAmaMDarAja, 531. 0., K. 'karNadevanai, 1310. 0. 18 lakSa mANU sahasamAlavakacagrahasyaprANi; K. 18 lakSa ghANu sahasramAlayakacAhavyagrapANi / , 132. G. vaira', 133. 0. nihu~ rAyanu Abilau; K. cihuM rAyanu aaclu|. 134. 0. gAjaNavaya'. 165. 0. udayazAsanataNu deNahAra; K. udakazAsanataNau deNahAra. 136. 0., K. rAyanu rAya, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vijayI prauddhprtaapii| ahilyA-arundhatI-satI-tArA-mandodarInahakAri satIcakacUDAmaNi rAyanaraveli'kAnhaDArAya jayakezanI kumari mAtA zrImINaladevi tatkukSisarovararAjahaMsaH / nijakulAvataMsaH / caulukyacakravartI / 70 sahasagUrjaraparAdhIzvaraH" / rAjAdhirAja / rAjA zrIjayasiMhadeva kahIyai / taba vigrahArtha samAgataH / " tadA rAjJA Adezo dattaH / " zrAvaNa sudi 8 dine puSpAbharaNagavAkSaH zRGgAraNIyaH / " tatrA''gataH / mAIde amAtyena caturaGgadalena'50 sarvasannAhena samaM nmskRtH| " yuddhAya Adezo dIyatAm | kasya raNavaTTaH kriyate ! zrIjayasiMhadevasya 5 lakSa sAhaNa 9 lakSa" padAtayo vidynte"| vimRzyatAm / " dvArapAlako mAdhava aakaaritH| // 120 azvAH55 SoDaza gajA rAjJo meTA lAtvA yAtu / rAjAnaM vijJapaya | anyad yad vilokyate taddIyatAm / anyathA yadi yuddhaM kartukAmo'sti kenA'pi muraho"na moDitaH, skandhakhajirnA'panItA, nAdo nottaaritH| tadA raNakSetraM praguNIkriyatAm" / " 137. 0. samastadigvijaya / / K. samastadigvalayavijaya / 138. 0.. K. degnai anusAri. 139. 0., K. omit this word. 140. 0. kAiDarAyakesataNI kumAra; K. kAnharAyakezataNI kumAri. 150a. K. zrImINala. 141. 0., K. 'haMsa. 141. 0., K. "taMsa, 143. G. caulakyacakravartiH; 0. cAlukyacakravati, 144. G. degdhIsvaraH; 0. 'dhIzvaraH K. yIzvara. 145, 0. omits rAjA. 146. 0., K. kahIi. 146a. G. zRMgAriNIyaH; 0., K. omit these two sentences from tadA rAjJA to PAraNIyaH, 147. 0., K. omit this. 148. 0. tasminvasare mAIdevena; K. tasminnavasare mAIdevena. 149. G. AmAtyena. 150. G. caturragudalena. 151. G. AdezA. 152.0. raNabhaTTa / 153, 0., K. omit zrI. 154. G. lApa. 155. G. pAila vidyate; 0. padAtyo vidyate. 156, 0., K. azvA. 155. 0., K. rAjJA meTAM, 158. G. vizapayaH. 159. 0., K. add kiMcid here. 160, 0.,K. taddIyate. 161. G. ka kAmo'sti. 162.0., K. maraTo. 163. G. skaMdhaH Sarji'; 0. skaMdhe pAji nApanItA; K. skaMdhe pAjinA panItA. 164. G. praguNIkRyatA; 0., K. praguNIyA. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir poDazadine SoDazajanAnAM yuddhaM praguNitam | gAU 5 pramANaM raNakSetraM kRtam / pratolIkaTakAntarAle" dvayoH pArzvayoH paTTakUlayavanikA baddhA / madanabhramo rAjA aayaatH| saptazataazvikArUDhA navyayauvanAbhirAmAH sazahArA yuktyaH kaTakasanmukha" prahitAH" samIpe gatvA valitA: 1 tAbhiH samaM zrIjayasiMhadevasya azvAH pRSTilagnAH pUrvadizi pratolyAM praviSTAH / rAjA'pi sAthai aaniitH| dvayo rAjJomalo jAtaH / zrImadanabhrameNa rAjA AvAse- niitH| bhaktiH kRtA priitirjaataa| zrIjayasiMhadevanyA'ye rAjJoktam / "tvaM kASThakabADiko 10 raajaa| gRhe sthitaH kathaM rAjalIlA" na karoSi ! dvAdazavarSe yAvat bAhye kathaM paribhramasi! rAjakeliM kuru|" jayasiMhadevoktam : " satyaM tvayi dRSTe'haM kASThakabADI 85 rAjA !" rAjJA'' madanabhrameNa" tuaina rAjJo aSTadikkarikA vicakSaNAH sulakSaNA rUpayauvanavatyaH nAmAni prItimatI01 priyatamA 2 abhISTavakrA0 3 kAmapriyA 4 mRgalocanA 5 candravadanA 6 pRthulazroNI 7 manoharA 8 suzRGgAritAH samarpitA / gRhItvA nirgataH 1 / sukhAsanAdhirUDhA 15. 0., K. poDazame dine, 166. 0., K. 'rAjAnA. 167.G. praguNIkRtaM. 168.0., K. gAU 5 raNakSetraM kArApita / pratolIkaTakAMtare, 169. G. pArzvayo, 17.. G. vaddhA; K. paTTakUlajavanikA baddhA. 171. G. yUvanAmirAmA; 0.. K. navayauvanAbhirAmA. 152. 0., K. suzaMgArA, 171.0. saMmukhaM, 174. G. prahitA. 145. 0. azvaM azvApRSTilagraH; K. ava avApRSTilanaH. 176. G. praviSTA; 0., K. paviSTaH, 17.. 0., K. omit api. 178. G. degbhailarjataH; O., K. rAjJo melo jAtaH. 179. G. bhramena; 0., K. madanabhramena. 180.0., K. svAvAse, 181.G. kRtAH. 182. G. rjAtAH. 183.0., K. zrIjayasiMhasyAgre. 183a.G,O.,K. kApna'. 184, 0., K. rAjyalIlAK. adds another kathaM here. 1845. O.,K. kayaM bAhye. 185. 0., K. kASTa'. 186. G. omits these two lines. 187.0. rAjA. 188. G., 0. bhramena; K. 'bhrame. 189.0., K. omit this word. 190. 0. aSTau vilakSaNA; K. aSTau vicakSaNA. 191. G. omits the passage from nAmAni to manoharA 8. 1910. O. omits figure 1. 191b. 0., K. "vaktA. 1918. 0., K. caMdavadanA. 192. G. musaMgAritAH, 193. 0. pradattA rAjA; K. pradattAH / rAjA. 194, 0., K. cacAla. 194a.. sukhAsanArUDhA; K. sukhAsanAdirUDhA. O. has afterwards erased di after nA by drawing small verticle strokes above it. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 253 vajrapaJjarAcchAditAH pratolIdvAre samAgatAH / tadA 16 suvarNamayaputtalikAbhirdorakasazvAreNa jalpitam | 46 yUyaM gUrjararAjJo dattAH / " R Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir co tadA paNAM hRdayasphoTo"" jAtaH / mAyUrANI pedhUrANI" dve gRhIte / rAjA zrIjayasiMhadevo vijayayAtrAnantaraM kuzalena pattane samAgataH / pravezo jAtaH // zrImadana bhrama mahArAjAprabandhaH samAptaH // zrIH // zubhaM bhavatu lekhaka pAThakayoH !! [ iti madanamra mamahArAjaprabandhaH // 2 // ] 1950., K. "cAdinA 196. 0. K. samAnatA 197 GO. svarNaputtalikAmidorakarAMcArakena K kharNamayaputtalikAmidorakasaMcArakena. 198. . hRdayaM sphoTo, 199. . pRthuleNI 1 manoharA 2; K. pRthuzroNI 1 manoharA 2200 G., O.. K. DaoN rahI 201. G. Apattane samAgataH 0 pattane samAgatAH 2020 iti madanabhramarAjAprabaMdhaH K. iti zrImadanamarAjApratraH // 1 // zrIH // Mss. O, K. end here. 203. devaka - For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha vikramAdityapaJcadaNDacchatraprabandhaH // 3 // ] zrIvikramAdityasya pAMcadaMDIyA chatrasambandho likhyate // anyadA ujjayinyAM zrIvikramAdityo rAjapATikAM kRtvA yalamAno nagaramadhye gacchakaseryA agre Agacchan zRNoti / seAH parisaram ekA strI pramArjayatI sthitA / sadA ekayA gavAkSasthayA pRSTam- " re kathaM sthitA?" tayoktam--" rAjA samAyAti / " punaH gavAkSasthayA kathitam / "na dITara yugara 1 jANe pAMcadaMDII chatra dharAvai chaha !" etat zrutvA svAyAse gatvA tamyA AkAraNa prahitam / tadvadvAH samAgatAH / rAjA va pitaH / rAjA pRSTam--- " pAMcadaMDikaM chatraM kurvantu / " . "tatkRte kurmaH yo asmadIyavItAni paMca karoti / " rAjJoktam- " ahaM kariSyAmi / " " tataH kRtvA samarpayiSyAmaH / " rAjA badati / " kathyatAm / " [1] tAH kathayanti / "prathamam etAM striyaM phalahakatrayeNa jillA pariNaya / " sA sametA sazRGgArA sakhIvRtA / rAjA na jayati / ko divaso jAtaH / dvitIyadinamadhyabhavat / tasya rAtrau tasmin pATake gatvA vilokitam / saharga badanti | " rAjJo vibhAte haaribhvissyti|" tat zrutyA vikhinno nagarAnnirgato yakSabhuvane gataH / tAvatA yakSa AyAtaH / pRSTam / " ko'yaM pathikaH ?" 204. liSyate, 205. ekadA, 206. strAAvAse. 205. vitAne. 208. samApayigyAmi. 209, rAjorvibhAtehAribhaviSyati. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir rAjJA sAhasamavalamvya pRSTam / " tvaM kaH ?" " aham asya purasya rAjJo rakSakaH / " " rAjJaH kaSTa kathaM na spheTaye ? tadA avalokitam / " rAjA mahAmUrko jAtaH / devadamaNisaMvAdaH kathaM kriyate ! eka Ayo'sti / yadi karoti tadA kathayAmi !" tvaM kathaya / " " rAjJo'ye kathayiSyAmi / " tadA rAjA caraNau patitaH / " ahaM vikrmaadityH|" " ajha indramya svarge nRtyAvasaro'bhyA asti / tatra sA yAsyati / tvamapi tatra yAhi / tatra ko'pyupAyo lmissyte|" rAjA agnivetAlabalena svarge yataH / indrAsthAne devadamaNyA nRtyamArabdham / agnivetAlena bhramararUpaM halyA tamyA nRtyantyAH zirasazcampakapuSpatoDa 11 troDitam / patatA tamyA nU pura" bhamam / rAjJA toDaraM na puraM" bhannaM gRhItam / tRtIya rAjJA svayaM hastaM dattam indrasya tasyA bITakamapi gRhItam / tayA vyagrayA na dRSTam / rAjJA gRhItam / gRhe samAgataM dvayam / vimAte dvayoH krIDA jaataa| rAjA na jAgarti / jAgaritaH / nayA kathitam / " adya rAjan ! nidrA ghanatarA !" tadA rAjJA kathitam / " adya rAtrau indreNa nimantritaH / nRtye gataH / sA sarvagarvA zarIraM na saMgharati / " tadA toDaraM gRhItaM darzitaM tasyAstadA manazcintitapAzakA" cukitA sA / ekavelaM jAtam / nUpura 2 cITakaM 3 trayaM darzitam / trivelaM tena saGketena pAzakA cukitA, jitA, pariNItA / / prathamo daNDo jAtaH / / 210. spheTayaH. 211. mUSoM. 212. labhaSyati. 213. zirasa baMpaka. 214. nUparaM. 215. rAjJa. 216. jAtA. 217, mana:ciMtita . 218. nUpara. 215. prathama. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [2] dvitIyaM vitauM / " ambAvatyAM puryAM nambaseno rAjA / tamya AvAsAt dvitIyabhUmeH ratnAni gRhItyA Agaccha / " tadA rAjA rAjya mantriNe bhalApya nirgataH / tatra gataH / rAjJA bhojanArthe dhAnyAni bAhye pacitvA madhye gIyante / janAnAM zirasi dIyante / teSAM madhye bhUtvA AvAse gataH / tatra 50 apavarikA: / bhuktvA tAsAM madhye sthitaH / sandhyAyAM niHsRto dvitIyabhuvane", ratnAni na / tRtIyabhuvane vRddhayA vRSalyA samaM gtH| tatra rAjakanyA kumArI tiSThati / tasyA'ne 16 solahikA nRtyaM kurvanti / nRtyaM visarjitam / tayA tAlakaM datam / kanyA madhye'sti / so'pi tatra sthitaH / / asminnavasare gavAkSe kanyAyA lekhaH kenA'pyarpitaH / jAlikAmuvATya vAcisaH / tatra raktasaNDI AnItA'sti / sA ratnAni lAtvA tAmArUDhA / dvipaTI madhye vismRtA / tasyA AnayanAya puruSaH prahitaH / etAvatA vikramAdityena zayyAyA dvipaTI gavAkSAdho muktA ! sa pugAn tA grahItum adhaH prvissttH| tadA rAjJA karavAlaM lAtvA tamya zirazche. ditam / tAM dvipaTI gRhItvA svayaM sahI caTitaH / maunavAnevAnyavizyamArge yAti / tadA tayA pRSTam / 'vaM kutra yAsyasi ?" tenoktam / " pUrvasyAM dizi caturaGgadyUtakAradvAre hAritA'si / tasya tvAmayiSyAmi / " tadA tayA cintitam / "aho 1 ubhayabhraSTA jAtA !" maunamAzritya sthitaa| 12 yojanamatikramya uttIrya suptaH / sA jAgati / tadA siMhadvayamAgatam / tayA jAgaritaH / tena ekavANena vidvau mRtau / tadA kathitam / " re ! bANamAnaya / " nA''nayati " nA''nepyasi, sadA mArayAmi / " " mA mAraya / " 220. dvitIyabhaumI. 221. apavarikA. 222. bhuktA. 223. nisRto dvitIyA . 224. vRSalAsamaM, 225. vismRtAH. 226. gRhIna. 227. ziraccheditaM. 228, hAritAsti. 229. sthitAH, 230, jAgAtaH. 231. bANamAnayaH. 232. nAnayadhyati. 213. mArayaH. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 13 "madIyametaccaritraM kasyA'ne noccariSyasi tadA na mAsyAmi / " " evaM, nocaripyAmi / " punarapi clitH| tAmane upavezya5 gRhItA sA sUryodaye taM surUpaM dRSTyA rajitA / ekasminnagare prAptI / tatra nadyAM tAM vRkSatale muktvA rAjA svayam annAtha gataH madhye / tAvatA ekA kuTTinI samAyAtA / tayA sA dRSTA / vismitA / " re bhAgineyi ! tvaM kutra gatA'si ? bhavyaM jAtaM militA yat tvam / " karabhIsametAM tAgAnIya gRhe nItA / zalyahastaputrasya dttaa| vivAhArambhI maNDitaH / tena mUSako bANena hataH / pAtitaH / tAbhiH prazaMsitaH / tayA dRSTaM svarUpam / tadA tamyA pairAgyaM jAtam / kASThabhakSaNAya sA sajjIbhUtA | sthApitA na tiSThati / zalyahastAt vITakaM yAcitam / na dadAti / pRSTaM punaH sA na kathayati / "citAgatA kathayipyAmi / " tatra sarva gatam / tayA vRttAntaH kathitaH / asminnavasare vikramAdityo'pi vilokanAya samAyAtaH / dvipaTIdarzanena uplkssitH| prakaTIbhUtaH / zalyahastazcaraNau patitaH / rAjA kanyAM pariNIya ratnAne ca gRhItvA) caturasenopeta ujjayinyAM gataH / pravezo jAtaH / / dvitIyo daNDagchatra:ya jAtaH / / [3] vRddhAnAM pArthe rAjJA pRSTam / "punaH kathyatAm / " tRtIyaM citauM / "umAdevIca ivilokya kathyatAm / " " kA sA?" " abhyAm ujjayinyAM somazarmadvijasya bhAryA umAdevI / tasya gRhamya dvAre AcAmlikAvRkSamyA'bhijJAnam / " tatra ziSyAgA lekhazAlA'sti / tatra ziSyarUpaM kRtvA paThanAya gataH / 234. noccariSyati. 235. upaviztha, 236. bhAgine'yi, 235. 'harita', 238. surUpaM. 239. ciMtAgatA kathayadhyAmi. 240. zilyahasta caraNau patitaH. 2400. The context at. tlie cominencement of the story requires such a phrase. 241. daMDa chatrasya, 242. UnA. 243. zA . 244. UmA. 245. ziSyAnA. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 14 agrespi ziSyAH 63 triSaSTayaH 206 paThanti / teSAM bhojanAdikaM svayaM yacchati / so'pi caraNau lagiyA stra sthitaH / tatraiva bhuGkte / Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir rAtrI umAdevI" somazarmaNi sute ziSyeSu supteSu svayamutthAya daNDena AcAlikA caTilA AtA / utpaTitA / sA dRSTA kapaTanidrayA suptena / 247 dvitIyadine rAjA AcAmlikAyAM caTitvA sthitaH / rAtrau punarapi tayA utpAdiar | sAthai gataH / paradvIpe prAsAde gatvA uttaritA / 64 yoginyo namaskRtAH / nAcatA kSetrapAla AyAtaH / so'pi tathA nataH / ta kSetrapAlenoktam / " tvaM kathaM baliM na yacchasi : " tathoktan / " 64 catuHSaSTiziSyAH saGkhdheyAH 4 / 65 paJcapaSTimayo'yaM paNDitaH taca yogyaH / yoginInAm - 64 yoginInA 64 ziSyA baliyogyA jAtAH / kRSNacatudezIdine gomayamaNDalopari paTTalakAn muktvA daNDaM pUjayitvA baliM kRtvA dorakaM kare baddhA yAvatA saGkalpaM kRtvA namaskAraM kariSyati sUdA asmadIyA / 49 pracchannana rAjJA sabai zrutam | punarapi ArUDhaH / AcAmlikA tatraivA''gatA / prabhAte paNDitasyA'gre niveditam / " 4 dine pazJcaSaSTijanAnAM maraNamasti / " tathA tasmin caturdazIdivase sarva kRtam / dorako baddhaH / yAvatA saGka karoti tAvatA rAtrA dorakaM troTayitvA daNDaM gRhItvA AcAmlikAmArUDhaH 64 ziSyapaNDitaiH samam | daNDenA''hatA utpAditA / paradvIpe zUnyapure uttAritA / AcAlikAmuttIrya puramadhye rAjJo AvAse gataH / rAjakanyA ekA dRSTA sanmukhamAgatA ! rAjJA pRSTam / " kathaM zUnya" puram svam ekAkinI katham ? 2.3 tayA kathitam / " rAkSaso ruSTastena nagaraM vinAzitaM sarAjakam / tenA'haM pariNayanAya sthApitA'smi / adhunA sameSyati' / tvaM yAhi / akAle mA mara / " rAjJA kathitam / " bhayaM mA kuru / " pracchannIbhUya sthitaH / yadA vivAhasAmagrI lAtvA rAkSasaH sametaH tadA khaGgenA''hatya mAritaH / 246. ni. 247. to havA 248 saMkhyA: 249. pracchanena, 250 gatAH 251. rAjJA, 252. ziSyA 253. sUnyapure. 254. sUnyaM 255. pariNanAya 256. samesyati 257, sAmagrI, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir rAjJA sA pariNItA / punaH AcAmlikAmArura svapure vATikAyAM samAgataH / pravezo jAtaH / kSetrapAlastasmin dine somazarmadvijagRhe samAyAtaH / tatrA'nyaH58 ko'pi nahi / nAm umAdevIM 65 khaNDAni kRtvA calividhAnaM kRtam / dvijaH1 myagRhe prahitaH || rAjJamtRtIyo daNDaH sajjAtaH / / [4] punA rAjA pRSTam / "kathyatAm / / tAbhizcaturtha vitaI pRSTam / " purohitamya dAnaM dIyatAm / " rAjha purohitamyA'gre" uktam / " dAnaM gRhANa / " purohitanoktama / "rAjan ! viMzatinagyopArjitaM vinA dAnaM na gRhnnaagi"|" rAjA tadarthamupakramaH prArabdhaH / sandhyAyAM vAhina" vepaM kRtvA catuHpathe gatvA sthitaH / marUDIpArAmiNyA asminnavasare sAvitryA agre kathitam / "pAtAlapure aliaranAgasya caturgA kanyAnAM vivAho'sti / tatra nimantritA'smi / tyamapi Agaccha / " "madbhaginyA umAdevyAH zoko'sti / " harAlIyA kAritA / zoka vimocya sArtha nItA / puphaDAlAkAhaNe yogyaM madrAkaM bAhi rAjAnaM cakAra / marUDImAliyA daNDena zalyA udghaattitaa| pAtAlapure gtaa| saraupakaNThe daNDaka DAlakaM puSpANAM madAkaM vAhitra muktA madhye gatA sA / tAvatA rAjA puSpaDAlaka sarasi" prakSipya daNDaM gRhItvA tatrA''gataH / tAvatA varapariNayanasAmagrI kurvantaH santi / dhoTaka Uvo'sti / tena carityA daNDaM kare lAvA rAjA catvAraH kanyAH pariNIya" balitaH / 258. tA'nya, 259. umAdevI. 260, baMDAne, 261. kRtadvija, 262. puna rAjA, 263. purohitatarayAgra, 264, gRhAmi. 265. vAhetra. 266, kadha, 267, UnA". 268, vinaya. 2.65. vAheta. 270. udaghATitA. 271. vAhetro. 272. sarazi. 273. paraNayanAsAmAgrI. 274. pariNInAyaH, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 2:34 16 RUN tAvatA' sAsarasi samAyAtA / sa vAtriko na dRSTaH / yAvacintayati tAvat rAjA samAyayau / kathitam / " Agacchantu sarve / " daNDenA'dhodvAramuddha / Tya tAbhiH samaM nirgataH / ujjayinyAM pravezI jAtaH / [ purohitena dAnaM svIkRtam " ] // caturthI daNDo'bhavat // 78 [] rAjA punaH pRSTam / " paJcamaM vitta kathyatAm I 11 "" tAH kathayanti / " mantriNo'pakalAM kRtvA kalAM kuru / " kariSyAmi / 7) Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 280 282 28 rAjJo mantriNaH * saptaputrAsteSAM sapta vadhyaH / laghuvadhUH " sarvajAtInAM svarAn jAnAti / ekadA zivAyAH svaraH zrutaH / SaNmAsamadhye lkssmiiryaasyti| " tajjJAcA" chagaNakAnAM madhye ratnAni kSipati / d' 285 287 ekadA rAjJA parIkSArthaM sarvaM gRhItvA apamAnaM datvA niHkAsitaH / mantrI sakuTumbo nirgataH / tadA " vadhvA chagaNakAni sAthai nItAni / kasmin gatvA sthitaH / vadhUH chagaNakamadhyAdekaM ratnaM niHkAiya teSAM yacchati / puruSA gRhanivahiM kurvanti | nagaramadhye karma kurvanti / bhATake vA gRhItam / tatra jyeSThapatnIdvayam " AtmanA vadhUtrayaM sthitam / yatkASThAdikamAnayanti te puruSAstAH pracchannavRttyA gRhnti| annAdikaM yacchanti / anyatra te tiSThanti / 289 punaH kiyadbhirdinaiH zivAyAH susvaro jAtaH / tayA jJAtaM rAjA manApanAya samepyati / anyadine rAjA samAgataH / sarve'pi militAH sanmAnitA AkAritAH / tairmAnitam | 65.1 275. tA. 276. vAnako 277. daMDenAbahAra 278 In view of the command at the commencement specified in the sentence 'purohitasya dAnaM dIyatAm ", a sentence of this type is required here to complete the story. Hence it is added by the editor 279. abhavan. 280. maMtriNa, 281. vadhU. 282 zivayA svaraM 283. bhAga 284. tajJAlA 285, niHkkAsitaH 286. sakuTaMba nirgataH / khadA. 287 vadhU. 288, karma. 289. jeTa 290. gRhIta 295. samasyati, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir asminnavasare kenA'pi indrajAlinA nATakaM maNDitam / akAle AmraH5 phalitaH prakaTIkRtaH / daNDena zAkhA nAmayitvA AmrANAM sthAlaM bhRtvA rAjJe arpitam / parijanasamIpe daNDo muktaH / rAjJA sadAphalitasahakAralo mena indrajAlI vinaashitH| tamya parijanoM naSTaH / daNDo vismRtaH / rAjJA vikramAdityena guptavepeNa daNDo gRhItaH / daNDa vinA AmrANi grahItu ko'pi na zaknoti / rAjJA paTaho vaaditH| " yo'sya sArANi sahakArANi me yacchati tasyA'haM kanyAca nukaM pariNAyya dAsyAmi / " vikramAdityena paTaho hastena chiyitaH / rAjJA AkAritaH / " darzaya / " vikramAdityenoktam / " prathamaM kanyAH prinnaapy"|" rAjJA kathitam / "pUrvam AmrANi daryatAm / pazcAtpariNApayiSyAmi / " sagrahaM kRtam / daNDena zAkhAM nAmayitvA AmrANi darzitAni / kanyAcatuSka pariNIya sarva mantrikuTumba ra sahakAre caTApya daNDenA''hataH / sahakAram utpATayitvAsa ujjayinyAM mahAkAlavane AcAmlikAtarusamIpe sahakAro muktaH / madhye pravezo jAtaH / mantriNaH zrIkaraNamudrA dattA / apakalAM kRlyA kalA kRtA / paJcamo daNDo jAtaH / paJca0DIyaka' chatraM kRtam 1 zirasi dhRtam // rAjAzrIvikramAdityasya paJcadaNdvacchatraprabandhaH // / iti vikramAdityapazcadaNDacchatraprabandhaH / / 3 // 292. Ana, 293. parijanI sanApe. 294, "phlitH| sahakAra. 295. vinAzita, 296. parijAno. 297. gRhItuM. 298. yo asya. 299. pariNAya. 3... kanyA pariNApayaH, 301. bhagRkuTavaM. 302. sahakAra utpATityA. 303. maIkAla, 304. daMDiyaka, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha sahastraliGgasara pravandhaH // 4 // ] anyahA zrIrattane rAjazrIjayasiMghadevo rAjyaM karoti / rAjasabhAyAM mantrI sAntU AbhaDavasAha / dhArAvarasa cAilau / samarasI rAula cItra uDa3 | pAhaNa rANau / lUgavaula magauDI / kAnhaDade rAula jAla urau ! godrahIyau paramAra gajarAula sAlhu melaDIu vAtrelara / sIlaNu kutigIu / madana tAMgaDIu / harapAla sAkarIu / dhaNapAla phohalIu / mAlau bhelaDIu / madana tAMbaDIu / vayajala pastAgI u / jhAlau rANau / jhAlA mAMgU / sahA sekharA / kavisArvabhauma paMDita somesvru| paMDita jayadeva / paM. suuru| paM. lAvaNyazarmA / bhaDUachau baJjayayarAgara paM. vayarasIha / harihara vyAsa / dAmodara / mukunda / zrIkaNTha vyaas| sAmala potAru ! sAmala solajoagau dUtu / naraNU baiMkAru / sola baIkAru | suhAsolA, ucitabolA, galakara, mAlakara, kautigIyA, karAhaTIyA, nAcagara, vesAra, kavIvara, kathagara, rItilaga, raGgAcArtha- pramukhasabhAsInapavitrabhaMDamaNUyAkaprabhRtisabhAyAM rAjJo'me vyAsena kSaNaH prArabdhaH / taTAkapramANakathAmacIkathat / surASTrAyAM suradhArapure riNamallo rAjA / tatra ekakUpe jalaM duHgvAvaham / tatraikadA ekayA mAtaGgayA patsikA tRSAkAntA jalaM pAyitA / tatpuNyaprabhAvega kanUjadeze vizvasenadRSgRhe kamalAyatI putrI jaataa| suradhArapurAdhIzariNamallasutavayarasalena pariNItA / tasminneva kUpe jalaM stoka dRSTyA jAtismaraNamutpannam / sarovaraM kAritam / yAtvA bhI saha gavAkSe sthitA / saro jalabhRtaM vIkSya tayeti kathitam / .- - ...-.-.- ... -.- .... 305. maMta, 306. The ms. adds here the number 4.3.7. sevarA. 308. The ms, adds here the number 6. 359. The Ins. arlds here the number 4. 310, visvarona. 311, tasmeinava, 312. stoka. 313. atyA. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra liGgaM saraH kAritam || CC 'tetalaD etalaDaM | 66 patara ketulaI ? " 19 314. 2 jA. 315. sarasthAne. 53 tatsvarUpaM bharturniveditam / tacaritraM zrukhA zrIjayasiMhadevena rAjJA " durlabhasaraH sahasra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [ iti shsrlinggraaH|| 4 // ] For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha siddhibuddhiraulANIprabandhaH // 5 // ] anyadA zrIpattanAt catvAro dvijA yAtrAM gatAH kedAre UpadhIM lAtyA mAdvilitAH56 / jatra giriguphAyAm anAdirAulo nataH / zuddhiH pRSTA / rAulo gUrjaravANyA raJjitaH / pRSTam / " kasmAt samAgatAH ?" " zrIpattane siddhckrvrtishriijysiNhdevraajyaatsmaagtaaH|" asminnavasare gA~Dadeze kAmarUpIThapugata siddhibuddhiraulANI AgatA / tAbhyAM zrutam / " siddhacakrayateMviradaM mocayAyaH / " iti gatvA zrIpattane rAjasabhAyAM mumvAsantArUDhA samAgatA" / sahA natA / AzIrzado dattaH / " agara kAyA / akSaya kanda / anama daNDa / navakoDi sarakSA karau cAmuNDA / " rAjJA zuddhiH pRSTA / * bhavatAM ko guruH ?" "anAdirAulA / " "kA uli ?" "amara uli: valiH 5 / " "padaM kina "kAkrapadaH / markaTapana:55 / " " panthAH kaH ?" "gorakhapanthAH35 / mInanAthapanthA: / matsyendrapanthAH35 / lIlAde. panthAH36 / muktAdarANIpanthAH" / asmAkam amaraulipanthAH / rAjan ! tvaM biradaM siddhacakravartitvaM muzca / yadi siddhaH tatazcakravatI katham ? ekaM biradaM muJca !" uttArakaH kAritaH / rAjA sacintI jAtaH / 316. mAyolitAH. 317. samAgatA. 318. murabAsanA ArUDA / sAmAgatAH 1. 319. guru. 320. rAula. 321. uli. 322. uli. 323. 5. 394. paMthA. 325, gorapathaH. 326. paMcaH. 327. yedi. 324. "vartiH. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir anyadA sAntamantriNA gRhaM gacchatA sAkariyAsAhaharipAlena sutasajanasya pArtha rAjavRttaM pRSTam / tena raulANIvRttaM kathitam / tenoktam / " vatsa ! etatsukhAvaham / " etanamantriNA zrutam / rAjJe niveditam / sukhAsanaM prahitam / nA''yAti / pazcAt sAntaH " prahitaH / tadA bhojanAvasara: / mAnaM devapUjanaM bhojanaM mantrisahitaM kRtam / tadanu goSThI kRtA / / ghaDIyA raDai ThabakaDara mUkannena suhaai| jaNu jANaI diNa accha __ maihalaM jADaM hiNujAi 11 1 11 dIha bahaMta iMjanakI upara ubayAra vilAsa / so kahi karimyai kaja kima jai viha DAyada kalAtu // 2 // dIhAja tivalaM tinahu jima girinijharaNAI / lahU aulagai dhammakari sUa-niccatakAI / / [3 // ] tatra gatA rAjJA mAnaM dattam / ekA kSurikA kRtA / lohamayI muSTiH / phalaM zarkarAmayaM kRtam / pAhuDamiSeNa ittam | mukhe kSiptam / rAjJA phalaM galitam / muSTI raulANIyogyA dattA / na galati / tadA hAritam / prayAtA / haripAla: sammAnitaH / [iti ] sidvivuddhiraulANIprabandhaH // 5 // 329. sAMta. 330. bhojanaghasaraH. 331. manu. 332. miSena. 333. mujhe. 334. muSTi.335. haripAla samAnitaH. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha nAmalamAlinIpravandhaH // 6 // ] anyadA zrIjayasiMhadevo digvijayaM kRtvA zrIpattane sametaH / tadA mAtrA" mayaNaladevyA uktam / / __" yadA svaM digyAtrAyAM calitaH tadA mayA DabhoIyA pArzvanAthasya mAnitaM yat mama sutaH kuzalena sameSyati tadA zrIpArzvanAthaM natvA pazcAt pattanamadhye samAgamiSyati / " yAtrAM prati clitH| ____ DabhoInA pArzvanAthotpattiH-pUrva zAntanena rAjJA gaGgAnimittam amigrahapUraNAya svayaM pratimA kRtA / kUpamadhye muktA parIkSivAharAyAM" takSiketa, dhanvantariNA sarbheNa vaTa ujitaH iti DabhoIpuram / tatra vaidyanAthaH zrIpArzvanAthaH prAsAda 2 / rAjA pArzvanAthaprAsAde gataH / tatra nAmalamAliNIparito ra bhramarAn bhramanto dRSTvA padminI strI jJAtA / puSphatoDara dattam / devo nataH / uttArakaH kRtaH / haNaTepaNIyAsutadUjaNasalazatrusalapArthAt sA AkAritA / sA kusumAbharaNAni lAsyA sametA / rAjJoktam / " tvaM matpatnI bhava / " " ahaM tadA bhavAmi yadA mamA'pamAnaM ko'pi na yacchati / " mAnitaM, patnI kRtA / pattane AgataH / ekadA nAmala -ArAmiNI sukhAsanopaviSTA vajrapaJjaraM dAlayitvA aSTamIcaturdazItithau pazcAsarAzrIpArzvanAthanamaskaraNAya sameti / mArge moDhakelhaNasIdhAMcikasutayA lIlUnAmyA caraNau patantyA mukhaM macakoDitam / rAjJo'gre rAvA kRtA / rAjA nAmalasahito ghAMcikagRhe gataH / AsanAdinA saMmAnitaH / mudrAraladvayaM dattam / eka bheTAyAM dvitIyaM bhojanArtham / zrIharadvAre sthitA lIlUH" nAmalapAdau patitA / pRSTam / " sadA kathaM mukhaM moTitaM tvayA ?" 336. mAtA. 337. yata. 338. samesyati. 339. thotpattipUrva. 340. muktvA parIkSivAharAyAM. 341, "mAligi'. 342. kusamA'. 343. "sanepaviSTA. 344. lIla. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 1 " sukhAsane tailadIpagandho lagnaH iti mucakoTitam / " anyadA nAmalanAcyA pazcAsarAvandanAya yAntyA rajakajAlhA kAvAsasamIpe samAgatA / tasya saptavadhUmpannakaM kurvantI gavAkSe vilokanAtha sametA / tadA tAsAM svasrA uktaM yat -- "re AulihUlI ! kiM vilokyate ? " 378 (1 tat zrutam / rAjJo'gre rAvA kRtA / rAjA tayA saha tatrA''gataH / rAjJaH pRSTau kharjiyAtA | tat ekayA vadhvA kathitam / nAmala ! pRSThi khaNDDUhalaya / " rAjA raJjitaH / lakSaprasAdo dattaH / dvitIyayoktam, lakSa 2 dattA / rAjarAjJIdvayaM hRSTaM jAtam // 345. saptavadhU cchipannakaM 249. "mAliNi.. 345 [ iti ] nAmalamAlinIprabandhaH" 145 246. pi Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir // 6 // 347. dvitIyo 348. jotaM. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [adha gaNayamaNaya-indrajAliprabandhaH / / 7 / / ] anyadA zrIpattane sahasraliGgasasi zrIjayasiMhadeva upaviSTaH / tadA zrIdevasUrINAM ziSyo mANikyastatra kumudacandrakSapaNakena" samaM bAdaH kRtaH / " takra pItam ? " " ta dheta", haridrA pItA / " " AkAze kA vArtA !" " yat kSapaNakasya5 mastakaM dvAtriMzatpalaM bhavati / " tatra adhirasarasvatIzrIpradyumnasUrayaH AyAtAstadA''zIrvAdo dattaH / " apANipAdo hyamano manamkaH pazyatyacakSuH sa zRNotyakarNaH / sa vetti vizvaM na hi tasya vettA ___ zivo'pyarUpI sa jino'vatAdvaH // " " laghuziSyo malayacandraH55 kiM vetti ?" rAjJoktam / " agre'pi laghuziSyA dakSA bhavanti / " sa hiM kArya sahasA ahiyaM bennAie parivasati / jaha agA cuNaNagayA ahiyA pAhuNyA AyA / / rAjJA' malayacandrapArthe samasyA pRSTA / " varSAkAle payorAziH kathaM garjitavarjitaH ?" malayacandreNoktam / " guptasuptajagannAnidrAmaGgamayAdiya // 1 // " 350. kumacaMrakSapanakaina. 351. vAda. 352. svataM. 353. kSAnakasya. 354. bitAdvaH. 355. malayacaMdra. 356. rAjA, 357, caMdenonI.. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pUritA / rAjA hRSyo jAtaH / - rAjJaH purohitena yazodhareNa" dvau sutau khImadhara-devadharau paThanAya tatra muktau / gurubhiH pannaimto dattaH / dakSI jAtI / mugalamayena videze gatau valamAnau gaudeo kAmarUpe prAptI / gajarAja indrajAlI, tamya sadane gatau / paTanAya sthAyitI / nAdalIne pitArito, zirasi lepo dattaH / dvAdazayojanAtparaM dRSTayA na pazyAH / bharahamAstraM zikSitau / UpadhI darzitA / pUrvamyAM dizi videze gatau / rAjJa AtyAne nATakaM kara tatra strIrUpaM kAritI / rAjA rajitaH / bahu iyaM dattam / gRhe AgatAH / gaNaya-maNaya-indrajAlibiradaM. mandham / gajarAjana tayovivAhAdika ArambhaH prArabdhaH / tadA te vimRzya nirgatau / dvAdazayojanAnyAgatau / paraM zirolepapramANena nadIjalaM pazyataH / dvitIyena anyaupathasya zirasi lepo darAH / tatprabhAvena pattane varuNAzAnadItaTe samaM tAvatA zrIjayasiMhadevasya parimADirAjJaH samaM yuddhaM jAyate / taTe kaTakamuttaritamasti / tAbhyAm indrajAlavidyayA taTAt kaTakavaiparI:yaM kRtam / paramADiH pranayaH / madhye prAptau / gRhe gotriya casitAH / gurupadaM gRhItam | madhye paribhramanti punarna prakaTayanti / usakana utAvalA sarai na eka kj| duddina hoi mahIyajai viviro laha [i. aja // ekanAdhyasare sahasraliGgAsarasi masalapaM kRtyA aviSTaH / jalakelI karoti ! dvitIyaH kArtikRyA sAdhyAya sameti / miliyA bhulete| rAjA stambhatIrthAt dhIvarA: AkAritAH sapta matAste'pi nirjitAH / rAjA sacinto jAtaH / DaGgarako vAditaH / tamya bhrAtrA khImadhareNa liyitaH , aSTo dinA 358. rAja parohitena yazodhareHNa, 359 pIma. 360. vidoM. 361. darzitAH. 3610. 'jAlI . 62. AraMbha. 363. zarolApramANena. 364. iMjAla. : 65. 'vaiparatyaM kRtya paramADi pranaSTaH. 366, pramayaMta. 3663. muMjate, 36. 'stipi. 368. nAtA pInavareNa hicitA. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir yAcitAH / mahiyAzcatvAro madhye muktAH / makara AnItaH / gajarUpa--siMharUpaM kRtam / pazcAt devadhararUpaM kRtvA melitaH / AzIrvAdo dttH| rAjA raJjitaH / pUrvaprAso yAcitaH / ArAsA labdhAH / pUrvagurupadaM dattam / rAtri raTati / rAti raDai na koI sA vasagA viNu sUriyA / saMdhArai sahU koha muhu dekhI milimi 2 Rgi ! iti gaNaya-maNaya-indrajAli prabandhaH / / 7 // 361. muktAH / .370, deSI. 371. iMdrajAlo', For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha kuMArIrANAprabandhaH // 8 // ] phIDImaGkoDInagare kUArIrANAko rAjyaM karoti / rAtrau 16 striyaH 10 suvarNaghargharakAn kare bavA pAdau campanti yAvatA nidrA sameti / yAvatA jAgarti vINAvaMzAdikAna lAtvA gAyanti / praharacatuSkam eSA rAjyasthitiH / kasmin dine pAzcAtyaprahara 1 samye ivadhaniH zrutA / jAgaritaH / tAsa pAce pRSTam / " kiM zrUyate !" tAbhiruktam / " soraTIyA somanAya nepAlapAzupati / anantasena rAmasenaM prati yAnAM yAnti // " gAzA gadinam / " anumapi mAsyAmi / " zubhadine calitaH / surASTrAyA upari calitaH / zrIpattanamadhye bhUtvA cANDasamAgarimare gataH / tatra vyavahArI kazcit saraH kArayati / tasya samIpe rAjJA 12. ratnAni kRSNavastreNa bandhayitlA ekAnte appitAni / rAjA yAtrAM kRtvA balitaH / yAcitAni ratnAni / tena vyavahAriNA na dattAni / jhakaTako jAtaH / zrIjayasiMhapArthe Agatau / na mAnitam / divyaM sarasi kRtam / " yadi mayA gRhItAni tadA jalaM mA tiSThatu / " saraH sphuTitam / jalaM gatam / adyApi phaTelAu prasiddhaM vidyate / rAjA jayasiMhadevantuSTaH / yAcitlA sahasraliGgavizApatA" ca yAcitA" rAjJA dattA ! nataH sara upakaNTe dezAntarakuTI kAritA | cirakAlaM tapastaptyA svarga yayau / ( iti ] kuMArIrANAprabandhaH // 8 // sa. yAcitAH // . 375. 3713. strI. 372. dalitaH. 373. sahanaliMgavizApaM. saraHupakaMThe. . kUArI . For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha zrImAtA-prabandhaH / / 9 // ] . lakhaNAvatyAM lakhaNaselo rAjA / umApatizrIdharaH pradhAnaH / rAjA niHputraH / mantrI atIya gaNakaH / ekadA rAjA antaHpure gataH / mantriNA gaganavelA gRhii|| mutotra : dRSTA / dvAtriMgadarpanamANe jAtake mAlakIabhirAmo bhaviSyati iti sthitaM jJAtvA sabhAyAM na sameti / rAjJA kAraNa pRSTam / rAjJI vAhabAhyagrAme muktA / putro jAtaH / varSa 5 atha 7 saptasamaye mAtuH pArthe pitRvRttaM pRSTam / mAtrA kathitam / tadA pANigrahaNAbhigraho gRhItaH / zirasi jA paJcazata rAjaputraiH sahA''ropitA / nAyatA rAjA vigannaH / mahatA'parodhena rAjyaM dattam / mantrI mukhe mAdhyalokayati / yAnizAntaritaH sthIyate / dvAtriMzadvarSe pANigItaM gAyati / bhohitaH / saGketaH kRtaH / tAjA mantrimA AtmIyo naraH pracchannavRttyA prahitaH / tena mya ham / tathA rAjJoDo uktam / mahAprasAdoH jAtaH / camatkRto hRSTastA vilokitaH / lajitaH / kAThamakSaNArtha sajjIbhUnaH / mantriga poilavarSamAyA lohaputtalikA abhidharmA kRtA / yAbAliganaM dadAti tAvatA mantriNA jhallitaH ! mukhamabalokita mantriNA ! pazcAt sa ratnapuJjo rAjA zrImAlapure AyAtaH / tAyatA yasantaRtuH samAyayau / ArAmi kena kiMzumacAgi sahakAramannarIdvayaM bhegamAyAM kRtA / rAjJo vasantIDAyAm udyAne gacchataH kAcit strI sagarmA agre samAgatA / haste akSatanAlikaram / tasyopari sthitA durgA svaraM karoti ! naimittikena" mAravazAkunikenoktam / " prabhAte asyA garbho rAjA bhaviSyati / " sA strIjJA talArapAzcAt gAyAM kSepitA / tasmin samaye taiH sA gRhiitaa| bhayabhItA, vanama mutoptirjaataa| pUrva hariNInA bAlabAli / te pAca muktaH / taiH kSiptA / hariNyA stanyapAna kAritaH / 35. lapaNAvatyA lapaNateno. 377. gRhIgAH, 374. rAjApi pannaH / .379. pravRttyAH . 380. prAsAdo. 341, dRSTa'. 382, "pU / nalikA. 383. "munalokitaM. 384. bhAni. 185, garmA. 386. nemaktakena. 385, svana. 388. rjAtAH 389. hiripyA. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir raGkazAlAyAM hariNapriyA drammA jAtAH / mudrAparAyoM jajJe / rAjJe niveditaH / talAsaH pRSTAH / taiH sthAnakaM darzitam / bAlako dRSTaH / sarastIre vaTavRkSazAkhAyA baDavAyyA' dugNaM mukhe patitam / pazcAt pratolIdvAre muktaH / rAjapaTTahastinA upari aacchaaditH| paTTAzvena rakSitaH / gobhiH rakSitaH / saNDena rakSitaH / rAjJe prabhAte kathitam / rAjA tavA''yAtaH / bAla; kare dhRtaH / bAlena zlokaH paThitaH / "yo meM garbhasthitamyA'pi vRtti kazilavAn payaH / zeSavRttividhAnAya" kiM vA supto'tha vA mRtaH // 1 // " iti kathitam / gajJA gRhItaH / zrIpuJjanAga dattam / rAjyaM dattam / tanya sutA zrImAtA, mulaM vAnyAM dehaM striyAH / ekasminnavasare" baTukaivAcalagI zani mAthitAni / tadA kumAryA jAtisparAyede / rAhA pRSTam ! "ki jAtam : " tyocam / " arbudAcale girizikharazRGge" kAyAkuNDopari citrakaM dRSTvA vaMzIyAlinA bilamA mRtA / zarIraM kAyAkuNDe galiyA patitam / tAvanmAnaM manuSyamaya deham / adyApi mastakaM tiSThati / " rAjJA tadvilokayitvA madhye kSiptam / samagraM manuSyamayaM jAtam / pANigrahaNaM na kRtam / tIrthayAtrA kRtvA tasminneva nage tapazcake / rasiyAko bharaTakaH stambhitaH / mRtyA parvatAviSThA yikA jAnA / / iti zrImAtAprabandhaH // 9 // 390. pRSTA. 391. vaDavAra vA. 392, rakSataH, 393. rakSato raho. 394. zeSA'. 395. striyaH. 396, ekariman vasare. 32.7. 'zivara. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [atha gAlAzrIvardhamAnasUriprayandhaH // 10 // ] ghAmanasthalyAM laghukAsmIrAyAM" bRhaspatirANAko rAjyaM karoti / tatra kapolazrIvaImAnasUrayaH santi / vyAkhyAnasamaye pArzvadvayodiza 2 AcAryA upavizanti / puSpagRhamadhye navakaccolakAni navarasAmRtaM grahItuM dakSiNato. mucyante / vAmAjhe jhurikA ! yadi apazanaH punaruktaM sameti tadA tayA jivAnyAsaH kriyte| ekadA zrIpattane devamahAnandanAmA gauDikaH sametaH / caturazItiputtalakAzvaraNAvadho baddhAH santi / somanAthasya dvAre tRNapAnIyaM muktam / kapATAni dazani / " yaH ko'pi vAdI vidyate sa vAdaM karotu / anyathA pazu tvA tiSThatu / " ___dinatrayaM mAtA / nAmA sarasvatyA gatrI AcAryAyoktam / "vaM vAdinaM jaya" "ahaM tantra no yAmi ! satra patitAtyA pratinA pArdhAt muNDavAzcAt drammapaJcaka sImAyAM gRhanti / " " te sarve'pi AkAraNAya samepyanti" | " bhAratyA' kathitam / "kamaNDalA amRtajalaM gRhANa, pitra / " tadA vAghalau-siMghalau-ziSyadvayaM pAyitam / mahAvidyArgalaM jajJe / patitAtyayAnAM bhAratyA proktam / " gurakho mnaapyntu|" militvA tatra sarve jagmuH / caraNau patitAH / " prasAdaM kRtvA pAdamavadhArayantu, vAdina jayantu / " dvI ziSyaiH azvArUDhI prahitau / deyInadIpUre azvI zaktyA pravAhitau / gurubhiH rakSitA lvitaaH| nadI stambhitA / te camatkRtAH devapattane samAyAtAH / 398. laghukAsnIza, 399. pAdvayo dvAdaza. 400, upavizati, 401. gRhIta. 4.2. dakSigo. 4.3. samezAte. 4.4. bhArityA. 405, mabhApayatu. 406. pAyau. 40. staMbhitA:. 4.8. camatkRtA. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ziSyAbhyAM patraM choTitam / aSTAdazadinAni vAdo jAtaH / vAdI jito hRdayAsphoTena mRtaH / patitAtvayaiH zrIdevapattanamadhye tasya dravyeNa caturviMzatipoSayazAlA: kAritAH / yatInAM vasatisthitirabhUt / taiH zrIvAsupUjyacaritraM kRtam // ( iti ] gAlAzrIvarddhamAnasRriprabandhaH / / 10 / / zubhaM bhavatu legdakapATakayoH zrotaNAm / / rAyANa daMtidane pAmaraloANa vasahasaMcammi / suhaDANa khaggi-Age mahilANa payohare lacchI // zrIH / / [iti laghuprabandhasaGgrahaH // ] 4... yena. 410. pAThakayo. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir APPENDIX-A A Lexicogrophical Study Lintroductory Vole: Na stwy ol such 1cxts as the present en con te reparec) as complete in absence of a!icographical study of the sarac. In other words, the lexicographical study fornis a very important part of the critical study of a mediaeval te:t of the nature of LPS. The evident reason for this is that the Sanskrit langnage in such texts has become so simple, popular and colloquial and is so replete with rare and ob:olete words, back-formations and hyper-Sanskritism, regionai words, expressions and even syntax, that a Sanskrit scholar, not possessing sufficierit knowledge of buth tle Prakrits as well as the Oid regional language, cannot grusp the proper serse. Scholars like Prol. Zachariae, Prol. Schatniilst, M. Bloomfield (the first scholar to draw attention to the importance of the study of this type of language terined by him as " Jaina Sanskrit"), Dr. Hertel (who terns such literary incdiuni as . Vernacular Sanskrit '), Dr. A. N. Upadhye, Ir. 1. J. Sandesara, Sri Mohanall Dalicand Desai and Dr. (Bliss) Tielez1 M. Jo!inson have furnished lists of peculiar words occurring in certain texts. The Lexicographical Studies in " Jaina Sanskit" (LSIS I prepired by Dr. B... Sincestra and the present editor and published frem Baroda as X0.5 of the S. University Oriental Series in 2962.4. D., however, is the tirst Look of its kiud, inusinuch as it presents in a book-forth a study of the pecoliar words occurring in three representative Prabandha works viz. PC, PK and PPS, accanonally adding notes, comparisons with different modern Indian languages and quotations from Old Gujarati literature. The authors of the LSJS have also published a paper on "Sonic Im. portant Vocables from Sanskrit Commentaries on Jaina Coronical Texis" in JOI, XV, 3-4. A lexicographical study of tue 1.PS on the samr. linca is presented in the following pages. The Lisappears more saturated with the regional tinge tran any other known wirtk in " Jaina Sanskrit ". Not only do we find there nonSanskrit words and expressions, but also sentences, sliert paragraphs and even verses in Old Guj, and I'kt, languages as also Oll Guj. casc-terminations. At places Old Guj. words have so nicely been inter-mingled with the Sk. words that the task ol separating them tbcresrom is indeed a hard not to crack. It is considered advisible, therefore, to include in this study every non-Sk, word For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 33 over and alrove the peculiar and typically Jaina Sanskrit words. The Old Guj. and Fkt, words are placed liere not in their crucie form like the Sk. words but in the forin in which they occur in the text; then the forms are explained ajki eteinology given in a! the cagrs where it is possible to do so. Comparison witb moderu Inelian larguages is furnizlies wherever possible and simple references (and quxlations where essential) from Old Glj. lit. are also added where necessary. References to similar wages in 1C, PR and PPS are also given, for details whereof the renders are requested to see the corresponding pages of the JSJS mentioned there. In this way, the plecat starly may bc iegulded as being in continuation of the ISIS. The nain intention of the editor is to furaish full information regarding the peculiarities of the language of the LP's, which, in proportion to its bulk, imbibes in it all the specialities of the Praladha style, more so than any other kroun Prabandha work including C, PK and PPS. The tcfcrcr.ces to thic LPS are to the respective pages a:d lines of the printed text. The figures of references to LS/S indicate the respective pages of LSJS and ibe small brackets contain 1lie names of the respective texts frein which the u s are recorded there. Jior abbviations used here the reuclers may refer to the list of abbreviations displayed at the outset of tlic book. 875 anArasa uDinagArI ind. [1 'bifore, to', 92 17 5 4 5.14; 8.S; 11.7; 13.1;15.14; 15.), 13:18.13; 22.29: 23.5: 28.11. (2) near, hy'. 1133 * 3173H.- 10.1. (3] in front of HF mat | 28.17. (1) formerly, in the past'. west fear 3 (9967: 45fI 14.1; fazaleti 1967 1 24.14. Sk. 9 >l'kt. > Od Guj, 37177, 34117: Mod, Guj. 398 ; Hindi The Gej, word 17 does possees all these four shades of meaning. the meaning is not clear, but appears to be a proper moun being the name of this tard of king adala Lhron13. 510. v. 'seis. R $ 21.9. This is A corrupted form of 2001, 3rd pris, sing. prescut of i'kt. V 4 Pkt, 3 >Oid Guj. 375, 993 > Mod. Guj. 111. Also cf. Hinuli, War. [a. adj. 'very generous, bigbly magnanimous'. tai 71 3914: * fequii 2.1, 2013 atidAna For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ar fargfar anantasena antaHkaraNanA apakalA parikA abhigrAha ayonI saMbhava bhalavezvara bhavandhyakopaprasAda ava + V lag f. a tutelary deity. 29 19. aqua, 27.9. Vide quda. m. Old Guj. corruption of Sk. decl. of minds'. : 6.7. [ is Old and Mod. Guj. m. termination for Gen. (pl. and pl. of address). } m. f. disgrace, disfavour, dishonour'. afgisqaaj tu mai 16.7 17.14. cf. Gaj. 11 inconvenience, illness, kaaw 15 n. Vide. 34 f. a room, an apartment. 12.6. cl. Guj. i. Vide LSJS 43 (PK), 105 (PPS). adj. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir V. adj. lit. not born from the female organ of generation'. 6.13. This is a title of Mularaja (942-997 A.D.), the founder of the Caulukya dynasty at Patana; probably because his mother expired before his birth and he was brought out of the womb safe and alive. [Vide GMRI 144 'a religious vow'. 22.8; 28.7. [A Jaina technical term.] Vide LSJS 7 (PC), 105 (PPS). adj. lit. master of beauty, bence for most among the handsome', 6,8. This is a peculiarly Old Guj. word, its more frequent for being artist. The first men.ber of the compound is come from old Dravidian alava-adiva denoting brauty, while the second one is Sk. isvara, For quotations and discussion regarding this vocable vide Gorjatarasali p. 130"; B. J. Sandesara: (1) Alavesara' in Gujarat Sahitya Farisal Patrika, December 1943 (2) Subda fane Artha' (Guj.), pp. 121, 123,151. This is one of the nice epithets of King Madanabhrama (1094-1143 .D.). whose wrath and favour are never futile. 1.g. It is a title of King Paritnadi of Kalyanakotipura, ie., Paramarddin of Kalyana (1075-1146 A.D.). 'to attend upon, to be attached to dattam paraM sa ko jagadevagana Pkt. ; Old Guj. sear; Old Mar. sen, tan, an; Mod. Guj. ; Kannada For Private And Personal Use Only a CH 5-6 of Desi ogyA; ; Mar. an. Vide
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 35 FAT 32.78: alio idle LSJS 166 432! It JST, 115 1051 (PI'S all in the sense of service', I. a festival 39 P 4 a TRITTUST 1 1.9. cf. Old Guj. R a darce performance' (in a temple or an assembly). Vile ISS S1C), 3 (l'K!, 107 (PiS). 1. 'a maru'. 8.3. j. nore'. Nam, siue. 1. i 24.15; Nom. pl. m. w at 27.18. 'kt. 7 < Sk. .. f. 2 corruption of Sk. 231. 7.1. f. a term of address to a brother's wife? fez ! G17 ? 23.4. !. ' call, sunnittz'. H ai tatari: cal 0791 #1 Dia i 10.7; IT IT NET! 35.14. Vide ahilyA bhAralihalI HiFitch 1. 'A : 3:"o c e': . 11.8: si - 10vi', af v. cta, '1' ai!, o Sok ., Lazite. a: 1.14, 15: 7.12; 175; . BT 159.IG: fear 22.13. l'ide *17179. 'a tamarind tree'. 13.21; 144. 5. 13,16, 17-18; 25.1; 17.13 Infoik-tales this tr'e is connected with ghosis and be like. Jiere also it is said to be connected with In: gic and incantations. ci, ord Guj. WAR; Mod. Guj. ; ilindi . l'ide I.SJS 413197 (PK. (1 ai fau]m. u type of gatic cl lcry duration, especially played by giris. 1 227 Wiga xat ftri 11 a 1448591545191 3.18-19. . Riaz, wilaz! cc. ' a match, a destinver' fa via31 6.6. Nom. sitg. m. of Old Guj. >>147!'acks!cyer' < Sk. * + (* Gumarasitati 3.103). Also cl. Old Guj. having twisled' i vide ibid. 3.63). ci. Pkt. 3*, 1984 Page #216
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 35 AyA bhArAmika bhArAmiNI bhAsvAda vacinayolA uttarAyAbhU usAraka v. ( have) coing'. 21.13. N m. pl. m. of Pkt. Aya. p.p.p. of Pkt. VAda Page #217
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra udU | pa udAra upakaNTe upari 33) decl upa + V lakSU upAya V. ulagaDU bul. V. m. 37 (4) I causal) to put off (garments). akta yugari tridattam / 2.2. V. (5) (causal)' to remove'. at a za: 17. 14-15. cf. Guj. var in all these shades of meaning, Vide ; also vide LSJS 10 (PC), 46 (PK), 111 (PPS). to be raised', (caus) to lift up. gen AvakoTA AtA utpAditA / 14. 3-4; rAmro punaSi tathA utpAdita 14.5-5 daNDenAtA utpttitaa| 11.17 sahakAramutyAzfatal.... AcArikarupe sahakArI muktaH / 17.12-13. cf. Guj, VT, (causa!) 7. Vide L5JS 46 (PK). j. 'high' at 'a lofty varandah '). 4.20. [A peculiarly Old Guj, usage.] in water? 3IE MAAST ZAR Old Guj. 3. Page #218
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 35 Page #219
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 39 kamigIyA kaJconaka decl. this mouza'. *** *! 19.1. Nom. sing. n. os Old Guj. 04:23. Pievalent in Oxl Guj-;wide e.. Gurjararasavali 1.391. Mix]. Gij. < Old Guj. kasi cap Vijay and lit, ufa? Md. Guj. 21:41. Vide is; also uile ISIS 13 (TC}, 55 PK) : 234 (1PS) 11, vl.icl., like the vocable in 193203), is evidestly an oblique fuim of fis, ac 4p. di:vitlive of Sk. 1 1. 'a cup-shapel vessel'. 30.4. c. i'kt. B, ; Guj. 479, a: Ilirdi . 17:15 ISIS IDC ), 19(PK). 115 ( S. 1. 'a wk , a task'. Nom. sing. I E : 21.39 a ncc. sirg. 2014 * 21.14. Old Gul Ap., t'kl. 1). Page #220
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40 kapola kamaNDalA . kamalanA kapavAra karaI adj. "Lelonging to or hailing from the sub-caste of Banias called Kapolu'. 30.3. decl. 'from the water-pot'. kamaNDalA amRtajalaM gRhANa, piya 1 30. 11-15. This is evidently a corruption of kamaNDaloH ( Abl. sing. of Sk. 7.893 n.), or more probably of 2.703711 (Abl. sing. of kamaNDala , a Pkt. and Guj. derivative of Sk. kamaNDalu)! dcl. 'of lotuses: kamalanA bhArA ddaay|.12. [nA is the Grj. termisation of Gen. pi. m.] 1. 'praising'. kenApi bhaTena kamavAraH kRtaH / ... raashoplkssitH| 1.14-15, asmitravasare vizAlalokAyA kyavAraM kurvatyA zira AcchAditam / 1.15-16% madanabhramasya kayanAraH kRtaH / bhanottam-"asmatsvAminaH kayavAraM kuru / yathAtyAgaM ycchaami|" zenoktam-" madanamratarAjAnaM binA anyaraya rAjJaH kayavAraM ma kromi|" 5.11-13. The word is prevalent in Old Guj, in this sense. cf., e... Pracina Phagu-Sangraha ( Pracina Gujara Granthamala, No. 3), 49.36. cl, Mar. 49k in the sense of's favouring, supporting". v. 'does, perfortns'. nAvAsamAhi zrIpazyanAthana 3 prAsAdu tihAM devapUjA karaI 14.16. muTu dekhI milibhi 2 karaha // 26.7. 3rd pers. sing. present of Old Guj. and Pkt. Vkara Fkt. kara >Ap. kari> Old Guj.ka.ri, kare >Mod. Guj., Hindi kare, Vide karA, karau, karizyada, karo, kIDa, kIjara. v. 'will do, will perform'.so kati karisyaha kabja 21.13. 3rd kara kari kariyara For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra karI kalahaTTIyA kalA afterth kavIyara kAI kAdamI 6 kahi kahI yaha [0.1. kaddI i ] v v. having prepared'. fazi yaznai jz aeft Radaz | 4.11. Gerund of Old Guj. / Pkt. V Sk. V the Mod. Guj. parallel form would be , a. Vide karata, kara, kari, karisyara, kIDa, kIjara, decl. a type of pleasure-servants of the ling; 'trobbleplayers'? 18.12. Nom. pl. of Old Guj.. f.grace, favour. 16.7; 17.14. Pide aparkalA. pron. 41 pers. sing. future I of Pkt. V Sk. V. Pkt. karisya Sk. kariSyati. cf. Guj. equivalents karazye, karaze, karyaze. Viite karai, karau, kari, karA, kIu, kI jaya. adj. an epithet of Pandita Somesvara, mentioned in the present text as a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha and probably the same as the well-known contemporary of Minister Vastupala; lit.: a sovereign among poets, the poet laureate. 18.8. adv. in. a type of pleasure-servants of the king; lit,: * a poet'. 18.12. This 'fr' appears to be the same as ' mentioned in the description of aur along with an, 4, etc. in line 20 on p. 13 of the Varnakasamuccaya. However, the exact meaning is not clear. It does not mean merely a poet'. Its lit. meaning would be a poet-maker'. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir where'. << Pkt. f, C is called'. 7.4. 3rd pers. sing. present passive of Old Guj. V to tell, to say' Page #222
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 42 kAdamInAM decl. Prucina Phagu Sangraha 15.20. It is prevalent in the dialects of north Guj. even now. of mid'. 4.13. Gen. pl. n. Old (and Mod.) Guj, of , which, in ali probability, is a scribal error for Old Guj. na m'mud' < Pkt. 7 m . Pkt. 478, AT > Old Guj. 41 > Mod. Guj. ajat, mot. adj. 'quarrelsome and foolish'. 8.9. cf. Guj, Hindi, Mar. kabADI. Vide kAzkabADIBalso vide LSJS 49vATin, 50 Tika (PK): 116 mrzz (PPS). salj. same as fibraft. n. 'burning onesell alive': lit.: being eaten away by wood'. 13.10; 28.12. The use of the word F18**in this sense is fairly common in Old Guj. anel also to some extent in Mod. Guj. Vide, for instances, LSJS 52 (PK), 120 (PI'S). ind. 'how, why. THE 7, 31 21. 13-14. Old Guj. and Ap. fi < Pkt. For < Sk, f. cf. Mod. Guj. . adj. done, performed by'. # 448 Fri u zak CIA I 21,11-12, Nom. sing. m, of Pkt. 14 al 014) Sk *1 PP.p. of Sk. Voc. Guj. j. Vide Fr, 263, 5A, 197, 1. v. ' are being dune'. Hate 91 cina 177 14.11 12. 3rd pers. pl. present passive of Old (and Mod.) Guj. VW Pkt. V* Page #223
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 43 phutigIu kumari vali 2.38, 105, ro6 etc. etc. cf. Mod. Guj. 14, 1, 19: Ilindi , ha, m. same as "after. 18.6. f, a daughter, a princess. '. 7.2. Nom. sing. of Old Guj. eff, Pkt. > Old Guj. 1 > Mod. Guj., Hindi , not only in the original m, but also extended to i. and n. decl, 'crore'. 20.9. Nom. sing.. pl. f, of Old Guj. .. Mod. Guj. ICH Page #224
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra kSaNa kSapaNaka kSetrapAla aft V khaNDaddala Gufin varji khelai gacchaka m. m. m. 44 was as powerful as the very destructive fire. 1.3. Vide LSJS 234 Frykmas ( PC ). 'a festival'. : 18.13. cf. Mar. H. Vide LSJS 13 (PC), 124 (PPS). m. 'a Jaina ascetic'. 24.3.7. Here it is used as a contemptuous term for Kumudacandra, the Digambara acarya. decl. + in the tip of the sword, suhAga khaggi-agge 31.8. agne is Loc, sing. of Ikt. 3. Page #225
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra arat gal gahilaDaDa gAU gAlA girizikhara zu guphA gUDhara METE nitat 45 f. a pit (specially dug out for burying some-body alive )'. 28.20. v, [1] to swallow, to eat up'. galitam 2120, galati 21. jaNavaI [./ ya ] hammIrahRdayAntazalya adj. an epithet of king Siddharaja Jayasimha of Gujarata; lit.: * an arrow (or a thorn) for the destruction of the heart of Hammira, the master of Gajana'. 6.16. It might probably be ":", which would mean a thorn (pierced) in the heart of..... Vide LSJS 127 (PPS) for another meaning of this root. decl. 'intoxicated, drowsy. fanfgezz 1.8. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. RazPage #226
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gaukhika mAsa ghaTI ghaDIyA ghanatarA gharaha gars ghAMcika atzs 3T carI 1. adj. a resident of the Gauda country'. 30.7. m. ad. f. land given for maintenance, 1.10; 26.2. cf. Guj. A. Vide LSJS 15 (PC), 60 (PK) and 130 (PPS). f. 'an implement to measure time'. gada at 4.9. cf. Hindi ghaDI Vide ghaDIyA; also vide LSJS 15 ghaTikA (PC); 131 at (PPS) which means to begin to measure time with a clepsydra eagerly awaiting the stipulated moment'. 46 Vide I.SJS 59 (PK) and 129 (PPS) for another meaning. m. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir same as a. a 21.7. Nom. sing. of Pkt. aka, adP 1, < Sk. qm f. cf. Guj. qfeq f., n. " very much, for a considerably long period of time'. atha rAjan ! nidrA ghanatarA ! 11.17. cf. Guj. adj. ghorI . Vidle LSJS 131 saat and ga (PPS). decl. a grinding stone'. Ruggur 6.15. Nom. sing. of Old Guj. Pkt. ghara Pkt. afar Old Guj. 3>Mod. Guj. i. decl. a square enclosure especially meant for auspicious ceremonies', 4.6. Nom, sing. of Old Guj. qau f, Page #227
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra VcaT caDAilaDa catuHpatha caturmAsI V samp caraNI pa biir phr cu V cuk decl. n.? V. * to mount, to ascend, to climb svayaM saNDhI yaditaH 12.54; Refront after 14.45; ghoTaka udyo'sti / tena caTitvA 15.21; mantrikuTumbe sahakAre caTAdhya 17.12. ef Guj. v Hindi Mar. V. Vide LSJS 61 ( PK ), 132(PPS }. * belonging to or hailing from, i.e., king of, Candravati (in Rajasthapaj' dhArAvarasa caDAilau 13.3. Nom. sing. III, of Old Guj, paMDAla, V. v. decl. V. 47 V. f. the four months ( of monsoon )'. tadA rAjA pArago vigrahAya madanazrameNa samaM caturmAsImavasthitaH / 5.14-15. cf Guj cAturmAsa, cogAmuM. Vide LSJS 16 ( PC ), 61 ( PK ), 132 (PPS ) canurmAsika, Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 'a market place'. 15.11. cf. Guj. Vide LS ]S 16 (PC ), 62 ( PR), 133 (PPS ). ; Mar. 19. * to shampoo to knead'. rAtrI 16 strI suvarNagharakAn kare baddhvA pAdarI campatti 27.2-3 cf. Apa bhrana / caM: Vide, eg Hemacandra, Siddhahemasabdanusasana, VIII. iv. 395, his Vylli whercon quotes the following Duba : te jAeM kavaNu guNu avaguNu kavaNu guNa / jApIkI muMhaDI vajiha avareNa // cf. Guj., Mar. at and substantive ft f. VideLSJS 62 (PK ), 133 ( PPS ). ' to fall at the feet of '. caraNau patitAH | 30.18. cf. Guj, caraNe paDa Vide LS JS 133 caraNayoH (ni + ) / pada, caraNayoH lag (PPS ). belonging to or hailing from Citroda ( mod. Cittoda in Rajasthana)'. 18.4. Non. sing. m. of Old Guj. cIna uu. ' to be missed'. trilaM tena saGketena pAzakA cukitA, jitA, pariNItA // 1121-22, cf. Guj., Hindi, Mar. / cUka. Vide V cuk. For Private And Personal Use Only same as / cu tadA doharaM gRhItaM darzitaM tasyAstaza manazcintitapAzakA cukitA sA / II. 20.
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 48 cuNagayA great iMgaNaka chATaNAM ver cleci. 'goae for collecting or eating (grains)'. 24.17. Nom, pl. m. of Pkt. W to 14. Pkt. is an abstract noun derived for Sk, van 'to collect'. Pkt. 19 is pp.p. of Pkt. VI < Sk. Van' to go '; thus Pkt. 19=Sk. a. f. the eighth day of the bright ball of the month of Caitra'. 5.5. Ve chrrf. n. a luel made of cow-dung'. +371a1 790#Tai A rafa training fat i 15.10-11, fa sala i 19 2012 PE :711 431 13-14, ci. Guj. 1. Vide LSTS 136 377 'cow-dung' (PP'S). decl. "sprinklings'. Batearat TI I BIZOTIF 4. II-12. Nom. pl. of Guj. zicu 11. Pkt. As > Old Guj. Ax. cf. Guj. i. SJ815 litcf. Set Cop * 3:30 f+975 VchuTa choDIyaha For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 49 jaNu deci. 'a man': Guj. and lit. anel Mar . 191 Aq n. Sk. 20.9. Nom. sing. of Old m. Also ci. Mod. Guj. ifa jayazrIsahaMvara v. 'go away, pass away'. Am afa 21.15. 314 pers. pl, present of Pkt. v I < Sk. V . Pkt, a = Sk. ale ci. Ciuj., Hindi, Mar. Vai. Vide ark. adj. in epithet of king Siddharaja Jayasimla of Gujarata; lit. : 'self-chosen husband of thic Glory of Victory'. 6.17. Old inj. saMvara < Pkt. sayaMvara Page #230
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 50 jAlaghara jAlikA jina jima decl, 'belonging to or hailing from Jalora (in Rajasthana) 38.5. Nom. sing. m, of Old Guj. A12373. f, a drill or trellis'. amivasare gavAkSe kanyAyA levaH kenA'pyarSitaH / jAlikAmukhAcya vaacitH| 12.10. cf. Guj. I., alan, Vide LSJS 18 (PC). m. 'a Tirtharkara'. 24.12. [A Jaina technical term.) Vide LSJS 64 27 (PK). ind. 'as, like. PA AR-FETTE I 21.16. Ap. f4 and fails > Old Guj, fa > Mod. Guj. Ja; Hindi fata, Gat, t. f. husband's elder brother's wife'. 16.15. cf. Guj. art. Vide LSJS 138 = 18, 31878-ft (PPS). m. ' a quarrel, a dispute'. 27.14. cf. Pkt. (-H- )73; Guj. jhapaDo; Hindi jhapar3A; Mar. jhayaha). Vide LSJS 138 *, 173 (PPS); 65 TOT (PK). v. to catch, to hold'. 4112Tai la tafu afga: 1 23.13-14. cf, Guj. V 1. Vide LSJS 19 V (PC). decl, 'belonging to or hailing from the Rajaputa tribe known as Thala. 18.7. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. 1. cf. Guj. kl. jyeSThaparavI jhakaTaka mAha jhIla v. (1) 'bath is being taken, watersport is being under taken'? faciendas Higgi 4.12. 3rd pers. sing. pass. present of Old Guj. V ta 'to bathe, to undertake watersports' < Pkt. v . cf. Mod. Guj. Ve [2]'catching or holding is undertaken'? In this case it may be regarded as 3rd pers. sing. pass. present of Old Goj. V t < Pkt, v 'to catch. to lold', taky caught, held'. cf. Mod. Guj. and Mar. V . f, 'a mint'. 29.1. cf. Guj, 23. Vide LSJS 19 (PC), 139 (PPS). TasAlA For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 51 ThAlAM raGgaraka DAlaka ind. a Pkt. onometopoetic word for the sound made by'a clock. ghaDIyA rahada baDa3 21.7. decl. 'empty, useless'. ThAlA polA vAjaNA AbharaNa Utaraha / 5.2-3. Norm. pl. I. of Old Guj. adj. ThAlaM Guj. V DhALa. Vide LSJS 140 VAla *topour out, to cast off' (PPS). ind. al' yataNai volhUbAmaNI mahAprasAdapAtra | 5.1. Old Guj. termi nation for Genitive case in feminine. It is adjectivally related to the roun qualified taking its gender and pomber, cf. Mod. Guj, Toft ... lagaTa ] m. 'apavement (of copper)'? borAnAtalagaTTa| 4.1. Vile yAna3. m. a police-officer'. 28.20; 29.2. cl.OL Guj. salAra. ___Vide LSJS 14 talAra, nalAraka, talArakSa (PPS): 67 talArakSa ( PK). f. 'a small pond', 4.10:56. ct. Pkt. talAva; Guj. talAva, taLAvaDI ( Ditrinutive); Hindi tAlAba. kAka VbAla taNa taLagaTTa sakAra zakSAvalI For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra tADI u tApaDI tAlaka tAlakaM/daza tAvatA fast pAnIyam muc telai toDara 52 adj. probably belonging to or hailing from certain place called Tangada or Tangada'? 18.6. Nom, sing. m. of Old Gaj.] tAMgaDa, n. adj. (1) a copper-smith or a dealer in copper-vessels '; (2) belonging to or hailing from Tranbivati (mod. Khambhata, Cambay ) or certain other place called Tambada or Tambada, 18.7. Nom, sing. m. of Old Guj. 3. a lock. 12.8. cf. Guj. arg Hindi Vide LSJS 67 (PK), 142 (PPS). V. ind. V. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir to locks 11. ind. meanwhile'. 10.21; 13.6; 14.6; 15.19; 16.1; 28.8, 10, 15: 30.10. | 12.8. cl. Guj. v. Vide [2]; also ride LSJS 142 (PPS). [2 then, at that time, ara vetneneng g7: 15.20-21; 25.12. there. 4.II. 12, 16. Old Guj. indeclinable. Sk. an > Pkt. u, ai, afga > Old Guj, at, eft, figi >> Mod. Guj. at, fiet, af, at. 'to throw grass and water (in the residence of an opponent ). ekadA zrIpatane devamavAnandAmA gauDikA sametaH / caturazI niputtakAzcaraNavaddhAH santi / somanAthasya are tRNavAnI mukam | kapATAni dattAni / "yA ko bAdI bica yA kaletu / anyathA pazu fa811" 30.7-9. This refers to the custom of throwing grass and water in the residence of an opponent as a challenge for dialectical disputation. Fide LSJS 19a (PC), adv. in the meantime, during this much time'. a vasi 19.1. Prevalent in Old Guj.; vile, eg., Gurjararasevali 6.109. cf. Pkt. faz, fafa; Ap.; Guj. azd, a head-ornament, probably something like a tassel', azi qarar: fecausegatsi andaq) qaat aeu gje eHALI a 11.12-13, 20; 22.12. cl. Desi az a tassel; Old and Mod. Guj. s in the same sense. Vide LSJS 65 (PK). For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 53 TIFERI [, 1. niat decl, of copper'. 1911 13 I 4.1. 23 and I are Old Guj. leovinations for Genitive sing. m. Sk. n. > Pkt. a n. > Oid. and Nod, Gauj, ign, copper, Vida en lag alj. 'three' **19-1944-20fa-faz 3 wiq3 | 6.15-16. Old Guj, fai, faz, a < Ap. tag Page #234
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 54 Ap. Rom. n. Page #235
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 55 body'. g atal fylgt: 29.11; 356944 29.15-16. A gender peculiarity. Vide LSJS 69 (PK), 148 (PPS), (1) decl.: 'in the body!, i.e., 'in himselt'. loftri 2299 faite agt 14.15-16. Le body' +z Old Guj. termina tion for Loc. sing. i 2] verb: "gives, ofiers'. When taken in this sense, in the same sentence it becomes 3rd pers. sing. present of Oki Guj. Va < Sk. V' a; thus = ax; flor may also be meant for emphasis. IT..a string'. 9.1; 14.71, 15,16. cf. Goj. rate, da; llindi au; Mar. 2te, eta m. a principal coin (current in ancient and mediaval India). 29.1; 30.12. ci. Guj. 47. HET, etc.; Greek Drachre' and Persian Dirham'. Vide ofga ta; also vide ISJS 21 (PC), 6. (PK !, 149 (PPS). "both'. Y A 1 11.16. This is a peculiar usage of the vocable, because what is meant by the sentence is that both went to their respective residences'. dAra 0, dvipaTI 1. 'a sheet of cloth wot'n over the shouiders'. 12.11, 12, 13,14: 13.13. Here the relerence is to that worn by, Guj, 5; Hindi, Mar. 31EUR. Vide LSJS 69 (I'K). deci. "religion, piety'. 21.07. Acc. sing. cf Pkt. 49 m. < Sk. ym. dharAvaI cha v. is possessing : ti T u ! 10.7-8. Wat is 3rd pers. sing. Pres. of Old Guj. Vy < Pkt. V > Page #236
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra vafa *15 "naikAri *s b The 1deg nAvagara nAda niyaMtra nizaraNAI fingars f. sound'. fa: 1 A gender peculiarity. cf. Hindi af f. adj. f. surpassing". 56 m. of. 6.12. Old Guj. termination for Genitive case conjoined with Loc., the corresponding Mod. Guj, one being ne. Thus rAjabIraNDakana saMtAni = in the progeny of Raja, Bija and Dandaka. 27.5. ahilyA - antI satI-tArA andodarInakAra 'of zrInau prihaaru| 4.14; nAvana prAsAda 4.16; rAyana u 6.16; 0193 6.17: 33 6.17; etc., etc. Old Guj. Ger. sing. m. termination, wherefrom has come down the Mod. Guj. termination. ind, not 4.16. Prevalent in Old and Mod. Guj. and Sk.. Hindi; " Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 'of'. kat dadaia: -22.7; 6.6; etc., etc. A declension of 43. decl, a type of pleasure-servants of the king; lit.: 'dancers'. 18.12. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. several mordern Indian languages) ara . Guj. (and Pkt, a <$k. The Persian termination, which has come down to Gujarati and some other modern Indian languages in the sense of doer', appears to be related to Sk. suffix (from to do') of the same sense. pride'. yadi yuddhaM kartuM kAno'sti keA'pi tu na moDitaH kanyajanAMnI nAdo ala: 7.13-15. cf. equivalent iliomatic Guj, expression ' nAda unAvo', deck. without worries'. 13 21.19. Nom. pl. m. of Ap. adj. far Pkt. far, far Page #237
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir toxicated with sleep'. 1.8. Nom. sing. m, of Old Guj. gahilA < Pkt. gahiTa + 4 (suffix) Pkt. pakkhAuz2an. >Old Guj. pakhavAja, palAja f. ct. Guj. pakhAja, pasabAja f. Hindi pakhAvaja f.; Mar. pakhavAja m. Vide LSJS 155 pakhAuja, pakhAujI ( PPS). Toftar v.l. mi lui decl. 'the light of steps for going down in a pond or a lake'. caMdrayotsnA salAvalI / pAthIbhArA sArUpAra / varaMDI udaar| 4.10. cl. Guj. pagathiyo / pl,, pagadhAra m., pagAriyAM n. pl. paJcadapiyaka adj. 'possessing five handles'. paJcadaNDiyaka chadhaM tam | 17.15. The five-handled royal umbrella of Vikramaditya, which is referred to bere, is described as under in an anonymous Old Guj. poem called Pancadayda-catuspadi lated V.S. 1556(-1500 A.D.): "qivara daMDaka rIne chaca, BAsU nIpAyu ne chatra; meghAIbara tehanUM nAma, jotA dImA ati abhirAma, maNi, mAzika, moti guma ghI, jAlI opaI tihAM ati ghI; vihAM hIrAmANika, ati mAra, nitapati dIsA ati hi udAra. vADivAvi taNA AkAra, padama sarovaranA avatAra; nehamAhiI paMkajamaNi vRnda dekhI gaI saDU ANaMda. motI rasa tagAM sUmaNAM lahalahatAM dIsaha ati ghA; sAta hAtha phiratu vistAra cau pakhera chie phirata hAra". -Verses zo1-104 of Adesa V: p. 74 of Buddhiprakasa Vol. 29 (1932 A.D.) where the work is edited by Dr. B. J. Sandesari. The name of tbe umbrella is given For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra padadda paTTakUla pahalaka patitAsvaya padmahasta m. pohare n. m. 58 there as Meghadambara as is evident from verse 101. Vide qiss, gja?die, via?dia. 'a drum. 17.5, 8. cf. Pkt. ; Old Guj, 934: Mod. Gnj, q3/4. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [eta: at the first reference is an idiomatic expression meaning "proclaimed, made a declaration". cf. Guj. 4 qer exactly in this sense. } Vide th a fine or silken garment'. 9253-4 az, . Vule (PK), 156 (PPS). : : 41 8.2. cf. Old Guj, tra; Mod, Guj. ; also vide LSJS 24 (FC.), 72 m. probably same as paTTakUTa kUcaturdazIdine gonayamaNDalopa qoniq guat 208 qafie a al.....14.10-11. cf. Old Guj. 3 n.; Mod, Guj. n. a kind of fine silk garment worn by women', which may be regarded to have been derived from Sk. ale n. a kind of cloth'. 'a non-believer in Jainism? an qftarani xitat qa muNDArthAt drannapaJca sImAyAM gRhNanti / 30.12-13, patitAsyAnAM bhArakhyA proktam | 17; patitAtvayaiH zradevapattanama tasya dravyeNa caturdazaniRa: 312-3. [The exact meaning of this vocable is not clear. Should it be fearea? In that case the term would niean of ignoble birth, a low-born one'. The Ms., however, clearly reads at all the three places.j m. lit. a lotus-like band'. 23.3. 15: gutta sunau khImara-devagharI paTanAtha ta muktI / gubhiH padmahasto dattaH / dakSa 125.2-3. The normal usage in Sk. would be , but here the order is inverted just as in Pkt. In all probability this refers to the Padmahasta posture of the Natyasistra implying bestowing of blessings. ] Fide LSJS 24 (PC), 73 (PK). za 30.9. Loc. sing. of Old Gaj, and Pkt. i m. payodhara gA. paramaridvinitrAla adj. an epithet of king Paramadi of Kalyanakotipura, i.e., decl. in the breast(s), a For Private And Personal Use Only < Sk.
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra parinA pari + / nI parihAru parIcchatI Li Hong Tie pastAgI u qiaz pAMcadaMDI uM pAMca iMDIyA pATaka $9 Paramarddin of Kalyana (1076-1127 A.D.); lit. : abode of great prosperity'. 1.8. Old Guj. ff. Page #240
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pANigIta pAmara pAvat pAdam + a + V v to give the pleasure of one's company, to honour by one's presence at ' prasAda kRtvA pAdamavadhArayantu, vAdinaM jayantu / 2018-19. cf. Old Guj. v pAudhAra; Mod. Guj / pAra. Vide LSJS 74 (PK ), 161 ( PPS ); also 157 patram + a + (PPS ) and 25 pAdau + a + V (PC). Xiang pAzaka pAzupati pAhuDa pAhuNyA pulaka 60 1 n. probably a song accompanied by clappings of hands', such as the Garaba of Gujarata, 28, co. adj. 'poor'. 31.7. ind. [ 1 ] + through. maNi [2] ' from ' ST. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir n. Vide LSJS 25 (PC) 162 (PPS ); also 74 pAmarI ( PK ). ind. before, in front of vRddhAnAM pArzve rAjJA pRm / 13.17: 'sajjanasya pArzva rAjavRttaM pRSTam / 21.2; rAjJA malayacandramA samasyA pRSTA 1 24.19; tAsAM pArzva pRSTam 1 27-5, zrI jayasiMha AgatI | 24 mAtuH pArzve pitRvRttaM pRn / 28.7, teSAM pArzvamuktaH / 21 of Old Guj pAmi Mod. Guj. pAse exactly in the same sense. 1. pArzvAt rAjA vijJApitaH / 5.16; 22.13 28.20. satra tAtyA tina pArzvAt muNDapArzvAt brammasImAyAM gRhNanti / 3011-12. mi 'a die ' tadA toDaraM gRhItaM darzitaM tasyAstadA manazcintitapAsakA cubinA saH 11, 20, trivelaM tena saGketena pAzakA cukitA, jitA, parejInA 21-22. At the second reference it seems that a feminine word pAzakA is meant 1 ] cf. Guj pAyo Hindi pA~mA Mar. phAsA. Vids LSJS 163 pAsaka (PPS ). cf. Mod. Guj, pAse, pAthI ( in both these senses ) << Old Guj. pAsi, pAsi AP pAsa Pt. pAsamma Sk. pA. the Pasupatinatha phallus (situated in Nepala at the foot of the eastern Himalayas), It is one of the twelve well-known Jyotirlingas of Lord Siva. 37.8. 'a presentation from a tributary ruler. 21.30. pAhuDa Sk prAbhRta n. decl. gussts' aheyA pAhuNayA AyA | 24.18 Nem. pl. of Pkt. pAhuyaSk. prAghuSaka, prAvRrNaka m. cf. Guj. paruNA, paroNA and Hindi pAhune pl. a doll. 30.7. cf. Guj. pUtakuM n; Hindi putalA m Vide putalikA, pUtalI, For Private And Personal Use Only Pkt.
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pusAlekA pupuSya puka puSpha putalI pRSTi pRSTiH / lag pautAru 1. f. same as pusalaka. 9.7; 25.13. cf. Pkt. puruliyA 1.; Old Guj. pUtalI f. [eg Gurjararasavali, 1.326, 333 5-40]; Mod, Guj. pUtaLI 1.; Hindi putakI f.; Mar. putaLI . Vide pUtalI. 'a turban'? n. 61 bhavAIyAtrA rAjA nRtyati / mantrI pakhAjaM vAdayati / jagadena pupuSyamusArya madantam / 2-1-2. B. 'a flower' puphaDAlA yogyaM madAkaM vAditraM rAjAnaM cakAra 15.17This word is prevalent in Old Guj.; Vids, e.g., Pracina Phagu Sangraha ( Pracina Gurjara Granthamala No. 3): 9.27ab: V. masta ki puphanA mugaTa racIyA, kubajAra kriSNani vaMdana caracyA. Old Guj. g Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Pkt. Sk, go. Vide go.. 22.12; 30.4. same as g. efPkt. puSka Sk. puSpa, f. 'a doll, a statue'. suvarNamayA SoDazavarSIyA pUtalI 16 / 4.2.3. of Old Guj, pUtalI; Mod. Guj pUtaLI Hindi putalI; Mar. putrI Vide putalaka, pucalikA. f. ' the back'. rAjJaH pRSTo vajirAyatA / tat ekA vadhvA kavitam / " nAmala ! pRSTiM khaNDalaya / 23.5-6. cf. Skt. pRThikA f. > Pkt. puTTI, piTTI, paTTI f. Old Guj. pUMTi f. Mod. Guj. pUTha ., pUMTha, pITha ; IIindi pITha f.; Mar. pATha . Vide, pRSTi: alam ; also vide LSJ5 165 pRSTi pRSi, etc. (PPS ); 26 y (PC), 'to go behind, to pursue (with a hostile intention), to chase samIpe gayA balitAH / tAbhiH samaM zrIjayasiMhadevasya bhazvAH pRSTignAH pUrvadizi pratolyAM praviSTAH 18.4-5. cf. Guj. viDe lAga Vide pRSTi; also ride LSJS 26 pRSThe lag, pRSTha (PC.); pRSTibhAvita 26 pRSThalama ( PK ); 165 pRche ( ) /laga, pRSThilagna, (PPS). 4 decl. an elephant-driver'. 18.10. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. paunAra. The word is prevalent in Old Guj. literature in the forms patAra, paMtAra, paMtAra, pohotAra and dohotAra. Vide, e,g, Kesavadasa's Srikrsnalilakarya, XVIII. 30 : For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir polo gear got-V Hit prati pratolI "kubalApIha pADI tADyo teNe, poMhotAra utArI ha haNe; 47 h que , a hran'a 74 4 ." Also vide Sandesara B. J.; Paunlura-Puntura' (Guj.) in Budddhiprakusa, September 1948. deci. 'hollow, useless, empty show'. it stei 4190 77 1 5.2-3. Nom. pl. n. of Old and Mod. Guj. adj. de probably derived from Pkt. 18, f. 'a Jaina inonastery'. 31.2. TA Jaina technical terin.] Vide LSJS 26 (PC), 77 (PK), 166 (PPS). v. "to give audience, to make a public appearance'. 5-4. cf. Guj., Hindi, Mar. $972 . ind. 'lor'. qui fa Aa:1 22.6. (Used peculiarly in this sense unrler dialectical influ ence.) f. 'a gate'. 8.2, si 9.1; 29.3. Vide LSJS 27 (PC), 77 (PK), 167 (PPS). decl, 'a temple'. 4.16. Nom. sing. of Old Guj. Ara m. < Pkt. & Sk. sier m. m.? a day'? "9999 at tai 97 falar qat" ... rAjA na jayati / eko divaso jAtaH / zilIya dinamAyabhavat / tasya sabhA tasmin pATake gatvA vilokitam / saharSa vadamti / "rAjo vibhAne hAribhafazla" 10.17-20. Subhasjagamin, in his Vikramaditya-vikramacaritra-rarilta, uses fang' three times' for ' 85929-vido Or Ms. no. 12407 fol, 235, lines 2-3. Purnacandrasuri, in his Pancadandacchatra prabandha, employs apau' whicli may perhaps mean 'three rounds '-vide Of Ms. 110.2376, fol.z* line 11, Ramacandrasuri, in his Pancadandilupalsaprabandha, dues not give any such specification and simply puts the condition of defeating the girl---vide OL lis. no. 2111, fol. 2 line 5. The meaning of our vocable ch is not clarified by these usages. The context in our text implies that the sense intended there is that of a day' and not either of a time' or an inning'. arats phalahaka For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra phophalI Da bakAru afractaci bAhyavAhyagrAma ard fac 63 dec). (t) a trader in betel-nut'. [2] * phophala << Pkt. polkala < Sk. pUgaphala : belonging to or hailing from a place called Phophala or Phophalia'. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Guj. Old Guj. 18.6. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. 3. cf. Guj. phophaliyo. decl. a songster'. 18.11. Nom, sing. of Old Guj. g, a. Vide, e.g., Varnakasamuccaya (Pratina Gurjara Granthamala-), 49.16.] lit. bAroDalagaDa (0.8. bAraDalA & dvArapAlaka ) dccl. an officer protecting the city-gates '; the servant (attending) at the gate'. 3.3. cf. Guj. in the sense of a door, a gate. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. a. cf. Desistant; Pkt. sta; Old Guj, an; Old Mar, en, la, la, zn; Mod. Guj. oLaga; Kannada kaeNTiMga; Mar. oLa. Vide LSJS 34 bAra gate ( PC 29.28); 106 service (PPS 79.1-6, 112.26-29, 115.22-24); 114 3 service' (PPS 53.33 ); 54.13); 143 'service' (PPS 3 (PPS 24.32). Vide LSJS 27 (PC), 169 (PPS) where the term azar is used in Sanskrit, while it is known to be prevalent in Old Guj., Ap. and Pkt. adj. a title of the Jaina pontiff Pradyumnasuri, who was a senior contemporary of Siddharaja Jayasimha and grand-preceptor of Acarya Hemacandra; lit.: Deaf Sarasvati, Goddess of Learning'. 24.8. 115 (PPS 25.7, 8); 171 ind. outside'. m. 'a village other than or distant from one's own place'. 28.6. cf. Guj. agtenta, dAdazavarya yAvat mA kathaM parikramasi ? 8. 10; bhojanArtha dhAnyAni bAhye pavitrA madhye nIyante / 12.4-5 [The peculiarity of this usage is that this vocable does not depend on any noun for its existence and adverbially occurs quite independently.] For Private And Personal Use Only n. 'a title'. 20.7, 20; 25.8. cf. Guj. f. Vile LSJS 79 fix (PK); 28 (PC), 79 (PK), 171 (PPS) ft.
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 64 bITaka vo decl, of two, of both. AZTtart fa la RET I 4.14. Gen. Obl. of Old Guj. A Page #245
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhayaM / bharaTaka bhavAiyAtrA v. to be alarmed'. bhayaM mA kuru [ 14.22. in. a contemptuous term for'a Saira ascetic'. 29.18. ci. Guj. bharaDo. Vide LSJS So (PK), 173 (PPS). i causal) 'to entrust or consign to the care of'. tadA rAjA rAmamadhiNe malApya nirgtH| Guj. bhAva, Vide LSJS EO (PK). f. 'a vulgar type of drama', bhavAiyAtrAyAM rAjA nRtyati / matrI palAja vAdayati / jagadevena puSyamuttArtha matriNa tam / 2.1-2. cf. Cuj., Mar. bhAI. arlj. 'excellent'. 13.7. cf. Guj. bha. Vide LSJS 173 (PPS). v. to thire on rent'. bhATake vazyA gRhItam / 16.15. cf. Guj. bhADe/le. For bhATaka cf. Guj. bhAI; Hindi bhADA; Har, bhAI; ride LSJS 173 (PPS). decl. bundles'. kamalanA bhArA choDIyam / 4.12. Nominative pl. of Old Gnj, bhAro m. Sk. bhArA: > Pkt. bhArA >Old and Mod. Guj. bhAga. Yide LSJS 171 bhAra(ka), bhArikA ( PPS). bhanya bhATake graha bhArA bheTA f. 'a present'. mudvAranadayaM dattam / eka bheTAyAM dinIyaM bhojanArtham / 32,20-213; ArAmikena kiMzukaguSpANi sahakAranArIdvaya bheTAyAM phUlam / 28.16. ct. Desi bhiTTa, bhiTTA; Guj., Hindi, Mar, meTa f. Vid: bheTA; also vid: LSJS 175 (PPS). bheTThA [.. merA] melaDIu magauDIu . same as bheTA. 7.12. ct. Desi bhiSTrA; Guj., Hindi, lar. 9 . decl,"belonging to or failing from certain place called Bhe ladi, probably the village of that name situated ncar Disa in Nortli Guj.'. 18.5,7. Nom. vi Old Guj. 13. Thc Mod. Goj. cquivalent would be malADiyo. decl. belonging to or limiling from a place callel Magandi, probally modern slagodi Dear Dahegama in Sabirakanth district of Guj.'. 18.4. Nom. sing. in. of Old Guj. 1933. The Mod. Goj. equivalent would be bhagoDiyo. v. 'to twist, to disturl, to turn aside '. lIlU nAnyA caraNI patanyA mulaM maccakoDitam 1 22.19. cl. Guj. VvoDa. /matrako For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 65 maNUyAka VmaNDa madanamAyahaI mahAka madhye Vide /muncakoTa, / muTa. m. a personage, a man'. pramukhasabhAsInapavitrabheTamaNUyAkaprabhRti samAyo.... 18.13. cf. St. manuja(ka) > Pit. maNua >Ap. maguya> Old Guj. maNUbha, mayUya. v. 'to set up, to start'. vivAhArambho maNDita: 33.9%3; asmiavasare kenApi indra nAlinA nATaka maNDitam / akAle AnaH phalitaH prkttiikutH| 17.1-2. cf. Old Guj. VDa; Mod. Guj., Mar. VgAMTa; Kanarese mA 'lo do'. Tide LSJS ST (PK), 176-7 (PIPS ). decl. 'ol king Hudanabhrama'. manabhramarAyahaI bihu~ strIna: parihA 4.14. [daI is Old Guj. termination of Genitive case.] Vite huI. adj. 'proud, intoxicated'; lit.: 'moving tortuously out of pride or intoxication'. puphaDAlAkagrahaNe yogya madAkaM vAhetre rAjAnaM cakAra / 15.17, saraupakaNTe daNDa DAlaka pupANAM madAkaM cAhi muktvA madhye gatA saa| 18-10. Probably from Sk. mada+/aka. ind. inside '. madhye nIyante / 12.5: kanyA madhye'sti / 12.9; dvipaTI madhye vismRtA / 12.11; annAyaM gataH madhye | 13.4-53; 15.1); 25.153 26.1; 29.17. [ This is a peculiar usage inasmuch as the vocable is employed independently, as an indeclinable, and does not rely at all upon any noun or pronoun for its existence.] (causal ) [I to agree, to consent'. " mAlI md|" "ahaM tadA bhavAgi yadA mamAmAnaM kopina yacchati / " mAmitam, patnI kRtA / 22.14-16. [2] to admit:. sakaTako jAtaH 1 zrIjayasiMhapAzca AgatI / na maanitm| 27.14-15. [3] 'to conciliate, to reconcile'. tayA jJAta rAjA manApanAya sameSyati / anyadine rAjA samAgataH / sarve'pi zilitAH mAnitA AkAritAH / sermAnitam / 16.IS-20; patitAtrayAnAM bhAratyA proktam / "guravo manApyantu / " 30.17. [1] ' to take a religious oath before a deity in order to propitiate the same'. yadA saMdigyAtrAyAM calitaH tadA mayA ibhoIyA pArzvanAthasya mAnitaM Vmana For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir malakara mahaNASTamI yat mama sataH kuzalena sameSyati tadA zrIpArzvanAthaM natvA pazcAt pattanamadhye Fanfiqla 1 22.4-6. cl. Gnj., lind Van and causal and in all these senses. Vide LSJS 177-178 (PPS). m. 'a wrestler' (as a type of pleasure-servants of the king). 18.12. The term art' is prevalent in Old Guj. and Ap. in two senses viz. 'a wrestler' and 'a garlurd'. Vide Pracina Phagusangraha 14.25, 19.30 and Gurjararasuvali 1.571 for its use in the sense of a wrestler' and Sandesarasaka 135 and Gurjararaszvali 3.64, 5.10 for its use in the sense of a garland'. In the present context the words ' T' and ' ' appear side by side and therefore the former is taken by us in the former sense and the latter in the latter sense. Vide ja f. This appears to be equivalent to feeft, wlich would evidently mean the eighth day of the bright half of the month of Asvina', the holy day for the worship of goddess Durga. Home *R1E5417 I 5-4-5. Vide quiet. decl. of women'. f 47 2 37.9. Gen. pl. of Pkt. mahilA . < Sk. mahilA I. Pkt. mahilA = Sk. mahilAnAm . decl. 'on the surface of the earth'. In alt H TAT 25.19. This is evidently a scribal corruption of Pkt. R at, which is Loc. sing. of Pkt. an. Page #248
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 68 mAliNI (Page #249
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir v. (catusal) 'to twist, to distort, to turn aside'. mukhaM moTitam 22.22-23. cf, Pkt, VmeDa; Ap. VRoDa [ vile,e.g.. Sandesarasaka 250: aru aMgu moDa / and 6s": pala moDavi]; Old Guj. VAS (viile, c.g., 'anaka samuccaya 90.14 moDai, also IIS.22, 1636]; Guj., Hindi, Tar, (mukha) VmADa. Vile /makoi, Vmutroda. VRI also videisJS 30 mukhamoranA . ( PC ), 122 mukhayoTana . (PPS ), n. 'an individual'; lit.: a lead'. tatra panilAvayA vatina pAzcAt muNDAvata dranagapaJcakaM sIgAyAM gRhnti| 30.12-13. Vide I.SJS 183 (PPS) 702 103 11. 'a tax levicd per licad, especially at places of pilgrimage', which is known in Guj. as mundra mudrA mudArala in. Hauslini'; lit.: ' Mugha]'. mulamayena videze gatI valamAnI gauze kAmarUpe praasii| 25.3-4. The word is used here in the general sense of a Muslim'ur'a foreign invader'. Vite SJS89(PR 10g. I7-18 and 183 (PPS S0.123; 85.10 ) for a siniilar use of the word. f. 'the coinagc-klye'. muvAparAntoM jne| 29.1. l'ide alten; ale tide ISJS 183 (l'P'S) for another peculiar sense of this vocable. n. 'a jewel-coin, a jewel current as a coin'. mahAratnArtha ittA / evaM gaMjaya dvitIyaM bhojanArtham | 22.20-21. Vide nadrA. m. pride '. vairirAyamurahavA 6.15; yadi yudaM karnukAmo'sti ke nA'pi murajhe na mAMDitaH......7.14. The word is prevalent in Ap, and OMGuj. in the forms maraha and bharaTa. Fide, e.g., goviyataNu parisesiya-para-mAha---Apablevanisapathavali4.55 ( Tihuyana Sayambhu's Balapurhu); Varnakasanuccaya 64.18: liri kArya saNa maraha, 18317: taruNa taNA mAnada maraha, 203.1: mani melhiya maraTa mANa, aramaNa mAraha A. cl. Guj. ma. Vile murazyA adj. destroyer of pride'; lit. :'a grinding stone for the pride ': varirAyamuraghATa 6.15. Vide muha, gharaTTa, vairirAyaguraghara. decl, lace'. muhu desI girimi 2 kr| 26.7. Acc. sing. Ap. of Pkt, muha Page #250
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 70 meha melhIya Vmoda decl. ime'. I TI 21.8. Acc. sing. of Old Guj. first personal pron., being an Old Guj. equivalent of Sk. 5TH and Pkt. 1. 'to die FT 14.21. This grammatical peculiarity is significant inasmuch as this very form is very common in Pkt. as well as both Guj. and Mar. Viite LSJS 184 A (PPS 6.28 ) and a fa (PPS $4.9). m. 'a reconciliation', w afadag *: :1 2.7; aut uplast wta: 1 8.3-6. cf, Guj., Mar, z; lindi ta. Vide LSJS 85 (PK). v. are being placed'. mai 2014 al feat Ret 14.11. 3rd pers. pl. passive present oi Old Guj. V < Pkt. Vi (also var) to place, to put'. cf. Guj., 1 lindi Vi exactly in this sense. v. to twist, to distort', i.e., 'to brcak'. Falsa HER:..... 7.14. cl. Ikt., Guj., Hindi, Mar, 773. Vide vy?; also vide LSJS 30 gazarl. (PC), 182 yahlaa n. (PPS), 195 196 1. (PPS). Also vide LSJS 30 (PC) for another meaning. m. 'a surname of oil-men". Alzing at 71541... 22.18-19. cf. Guj. 18. Vide Varrakasamuccaya 204.24 where it is mentioned as one of the 81 joutis or sub-castes, m 'a fragrant ointment consisting of camphor, agallo chum, musk, kakkola and saffron'. 4.11. [Vido Amatakos II. vi. 133: '# igeTTTT T : I'] The word is prevalent in Oid Guj. also; vide, e.g.. Varnakasamuccaya 28.2-3 94 9WGR if potA dIdhA chaI. Vide ISJS 85 (PK). f. 'a curtain', 8.2; 28.9. v. 'to ask for, to beg'. 129 1.13; #: 2.2, [A grammatical peculiarity.] moda yakSakardama 9[v.. alafat VyAca For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 71 yAtratA yAvatA...tAvatA yogya raulANI klaambaai ind. [1] 'when'. 14.12; 27.3. [2? 'till'. 27.3. adv. ' as soon as, no sooner than'. yAcatA mA karoti tAvatA rAjA dorakaM rayisvA ... 14-15-16; yAvadAlinana dadAti tAvatA malitA zalina: 1 28.13-14. Vids LSJSTS6 ( PPS ). adj. -- meant for'. lakSatra kAzikAyogya dasam / I.16% 65 pagiyo'yaM paNDita: 1 taba yogyH| 14.9-103 rAjA phalaM galitan / muTI raulAgI yogyA dasa / 21.29-21. el. Guj, joga, jogu. VideLSJS 186(PPS. II.21-22, 23, 24, 26, 273112.7). i. 'a female anchorite, probably belonging to the an chorite community popularly known in North Guj. as Rivalas or rivaliyas'. 20.6; 2.2, 21, 23. cf. Guj. rAvaLANI. m. 'a stage-director', mentioned here among the pleasure servants of the king, 18.13. v. [I. 'weeps, cries'. 26.4. 3rd pers. sing. present of Old Guj. and Pkt. V 13'to weep' < Sk. Vi Pkt. rahara - Sk. rati. Also cf. Guj., Hindi, Mar. VDa. [2] 'sounds, rings', paDIyA raDai TharakaDa3 21.7. 3rd pers. sing, present of Old Guj. and Pkl. V e'to sound, to ring' Page #252
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 72 Page #253
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra rANI rAti rAmasena rAya rAyanaraveli crafted rAyaga FTET riddhi "rihaI IO decl. 73 f. a queen' rANyA paNyajanAnAM grAptavidhA dattam / 1.10 : mAyUrANI Agro a ga 9.4. cf. Guj., Mar, and Hindi af < Pkt. zit, veit, umai < Sk. u.ft. Vide LSJS 189 (IPS). m. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir at night'. of 26.4. uff. (also f.)<< Pkt. ff. This form is very common in Old Guj. vide, e.g., Gurjararasavuli 1.463, 476. cf. Mod, Guj., Hindi, Mar. , the Mod. Guj. Loc. sing. dec, being 'n'. m. Old Guj. corruption of Sk.'' through contraction due to the influence of the adjacent word anantasena. 27-9. Viide anantasena. . a king. 4.15: Rag| 6.15, 16; 7.2. Old Guj. a Page #254
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 74 rItilaga decl. a type of pleasure-servants of the king; lit.; "decora tors, experts at make-up'? 18.13. Num. pl. of Old Guj. m. F: ( v.1. 'al decl. of silver'. Eura 1 4173 4.2. Genitive sing. of Old Guj. in. < Pkt. 7 n. < Sk, F4n, 73 and 7 are Old Gnj. m. terminalions for the Genitive case. cf. Guj. Ej nt.; Hildi 64 n.; Mar. fra n. Vide 1919; s4, rUpya n, silver'. FC7491 4121 4.9. Vide 23. Vlaga v. [1]'to clasp, to touch', W zfFat 14.2. [ 2 ] 'to be affected with Gra adui za: er 21 23.1. cf. Guj., Mar. Vaut; Hindi Ve in both these senses. Vide ft ; also ride LSJS 32 (PC); 88-89 (I'K); 191-192 (I'PS). laghukAsmIrA adj. lit. : ' miniature Kasmira'. The town of Vamanasthali in Saurastra is referred to here as miniature Kasmira on account ct its being a centre of learning and perhaps because of the natural beauty of its surrounding region, 30.2. Vide LSJS 192 ghzate ( PPS 114.23). decl. 'glory, prosperity, success'. Albert T 30.9. Noni, sing. of Old Guj. and I'kt. zaff. Page #255
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra lAla lekhazAlA loANa **E vajrapaJjara vajrava parAgara agandi vaNijAraka varaNDI 1/87/12 m. m. f. a school', as fumi sa 13.22. cf. Old Guj. a f., des i., aga f.; Mod. Guj. ff. Vide LSTS 33 (PC). 194 (PPS); also 89 (PK) and 194 lekhaka ( PPS ). D), decl. of the people'. 30.7. Gen. pl. of Pkt. 37 m. loka 127. 75 'a ruby'; lit.: ' of red colour'. dine 2 1000 svarNahIrAlAla mauktikamayan / 5.4-5. m. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir V. Nom. sing. of Old Guj. . M. a mine'. The author decl. a jeweller'. 18.9. The word nayazagara or vairAgara ( Old Guj and Pkt. ) is derived from Sk. n. 'a jewel' + Sk. patra > Pkt. bahara Sk. Akara > Pkt. Agara of LPS is perhaps not aware of this derivation and therefore prefixes the word ! The term aquis fairly common in Old Guj.; Vide, e.g., Pracina Phagu-sangraha 17.2; 20.7; 22 19. Also Parnakasamuccaya 59.4: 82.20; 167.4. 'a ruler, a king'; lit.: a husband'. . 6.16. Old Guj, and Pkt. Pkt. af Guj gAne Hindi baMjArA Mar. vaNajAra Vide vippajArau; also vide LSJS 31 vaNijyAkAra ( PC ); 90 vaNijyAraka (PK); 200 vANijyakAraka (PPS ). < Sk. f. a compound-wall'. 4.10. cf. Desi afar; Guj. ait, varaMhI vaMDI, ve, vaMDhI, baMdo; Mar. thaMDI, Vide 1.SIS 34 varaNDaka (PC). to turn back, to return '. ana: (causal) 1.11; afe: 8.4: 20.3; For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra calati basagA casaha basAI vastunA agat vAghelau vAjaNAM after arst V. m. m. valita; ag : 10.3; 76 15.22; 27.13; 25.3. decl. cf. Pkt. a; Guj., Mar. vq3; Hindi v Vide azt, also vide LSJS 90 (PK), 197-198 (PPS). 'return'. 21.15. of Pkt. Va Sk. yaa, Pkt. a Mar. decl. 'helpless'. 26.5. Nom. sing. of Old Guj. and Pkt. vakhyA f. Sk. vazagA f. a bull. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 3rd pers. pl. present =Sk. azfa. cf. Guj., ; Hindi . Vide; also vide LSJS go (PK) and 197-1954 (PPS). 31.7. Pkt. basa Sk, vRSabha. a surname of Vaniks or the trading class. 18.3. cf. Guj. 3. Vide ; also vide LSJS 34 (PC) and 198 (PPS); also 38 (PC). decl. of a thing'. tha aega ! 6.9. Gen. pl. (of address) m. of Old Guj. arg f. < Pkt. and Sk. arg n. at is Gen, termination m. pl. or in address in Old and Mod. Guj. v. bear, carry, endure' dI bahuta jana kI para vAra bilAsa / 21.11-12. 3rd pers. pl. present of Old Guj, and Pkt. V vaha < Sk. V. Pt. bataI Hindi, Mar. Vae. Sk. . cf. Guj., decl. belonging to or hailing from the Rajaputa clan called Vaghela. 18.5. Nom, sing, m. of Old Guj. 3. 1 1 ' producing a musical sound'. hAlAM polAM vAjaNAM AbharaNa 15.2-3. Nom. pl. n. of the present participle of Old Guj. Page #257
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra bAra bAharA vAhana (ka) fax (v. 1.5 tricchoDIyaiM viNajArau Fag faat II. m. a day. a 2.10. Vide LSJS 99 (PK). I. a succour, an aid, a help'. ... parIkSAharAyAM takSikena, dhanvantariNA DarbheNa vaTa uJjitaH iti DabhoIpuram / 22.8-9. cf. Pkt. / x < Sk. v/fa+m+ve; Guj. are f., a. Vide LSJS 203 (PPS); also 199 RT (PPS). who is either 77 'a porter or a labourer, especially one paid less or is not paid at all'. C 11. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sandhyAyAM bAhitraM ve kRtya tupa gayA sthitH| 15.11-12 pukAkaraNe yogyaM madAkaM vAhi rAjAnaM cakAra 1 15.17, 19 sa vAddizrako na dRSTaH / 10. cf Guj. vahIMta, beta, veThiyo exactly in the same sense. The word seems to have been derived from Sk. ataone who carries '. adj. occupied with, engaged in '-measgftfag 6.14-15. The word fag is a dialectical contraction of . Vide LSJS 203 fat (PPS). v. are being thrown, are being let loose'. dai fe vichoDIyaI / 4.13 3rd pers. pl. passive present of Old Guj. fals 'to throw, to let loose' Ap. fag > Old Guj. fig. Very common in Old Guj,; vide, e.g., Gurjararasavali 1.200, 604, 612; 6.10, 8o. cf. Mod. Guj. fan and Hindi faa (both in poetry). a wish, a desire, a desired object'. fat faad || 12.2; 13.18; 15.8; 16.6. Nom, sing. of Old Guj. fan. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 78 Page #259
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 79 viviro viisyaha decl. 'a bole, a hollow, a scopa'. fat a 2 || 25.20. Nom. sing. of Old G:j. flat in., contaminated for Pkt. farm. Pkt. dg7, > Gaj. ( TPS. aflatacante adj. an cpithet of king Siddharaji Jayasimha of Gujarata (1094 to 1145 A, 1).); lit, : 'agrinding stone for the pride of chemy kings'. 6.15. Vile Tz. 12. Tata mm. 'a mercliant'. 27.12, 11. ci. Gui. . Vide ISJS 36 ( 1degC), 91(PK), 209 (FPS). nyAsa m. 'a Bralinani who expoun:ls the Puranas in public'. 18.10, 12, Ville LSJS 210 (PPS). zalpaDanta m, a royal officer; lit, : 'thie wieluler of a lance'. 13.10-11, 14. cf. Old Guj. (1), 11, 13. We For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra zalyA zikhara zuna zudi zuddhi zaithilyatva zrIkaraNamudrA zrI haradvAra n. adv. f.a huge slab (of stone)'. maruDImAlinyA daNDena zalyA udghAditA / pAtAlapure gatA / 15.18 cf. Guj.] zalyA, a contamination of Sk. zilA f. n. 80 n. get copious references to these forms in Old Guj. literature; for quotations and discussion vide Sandesara, B. J., Khedavaja Brahmanoni trana Atako: Vagvyaparani Drstie' (Guj, ), Buddhiprakasa, January 1952, pp. 24-27. The word has survived in Mod. Guj. as, a surname of the Khedavala Brahmanas. Vide zen; also cide L5JS 210 (PPS); also 39-40 (PC). in the bright fortnight. 5.16. [ It is used adverbially being a contraction of Sk. g + dine go Ro and by usage it has become an expletive, even as bahula + dine ba. di. af in Guj.] Vide mu. f. information. the top of a summit'. 29.14. [A translation compound. ] Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir = 20.3, 11. Vide LSJS 212-213 (PPS). 'looseness, the state of being enfeebled'. 5.3. [ A grammatical peculiarity.] f. the charge of the Chief-minister's office'. 17.14. The word is very common in inscriptions and colophons of Mss. of mediaeval Gujarata. Vide LSJS 37 (PC), 95 (PK); also 89 (PK), 214 (PPS). the entrance of the apartment of worship in a house'. zrI haradvAre sthitA lIlaH nAmalapA patitA / 22.22. Sk. gRha, when not the first member of a compound, is reduced to in Pkt. and Old Gnj. To illustrate: Sk. fan > Pkt. and Old Guj. fange; Sk. fiage > Pkt. and Old Guj. fast, f Mod. Guj. fat; Sk. Pkt, and Old Guj. > Mod, Guj. ; Sk, aage > Pkt. and Old Guj. > Mod. Guj. Age, g. In the same fashion Sk, the holy apartment of worship in a house' > Pkt, and Old Guj. Ak' remains For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra saIMvara sauMrakSA sagraha af saNDa saNDI saMtAni II n. decl. protection. decl. m. a husband chosen by the bride herself'. 6.17. This is a special meaning of the term suitable to the context. Ordinarily it is the ceremony in which a bride herself makes the choice of a groom fron among the assemblage of candidates gathered there'. Old Guj. Heat m. Page #262
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 82 saMdhArada sanmAnita v. 'consoles, cormforts'. rA raDara na koI sA basagA viNu bhuuriyaa| saMghAraha sahU koI muhu dekhI milimi 2 karai / 26.4-77 3rd pers. sing. present of Pkt./saMthAra Pkt. sara> Od Guj. saraha Mod. Guj. bhare (che). Used idiomatically with kaca or kAtra 'a task'. 'a dispute, a contest'. rAjA mahApUkhoM jaatH| devadamaNisaMvAdaH kathaM kiyate / 11.4-5. decl. than a thousand'. saddhi kAryasahasA ahiyaM 24.15. Ablative sing. of Ikt. sahasa n. Sk. sahastra > Pkt. saharasa, sahasa. decl. Gan'. saMdhAraha saha kora 26.6. Noni. sing. m. of ON Guj. pron, g ay. A3 Page #263
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sAkI sAra sAra sAhAra sArtha decl. same as sAkariyA. 18.6. Norn. sing. m. of Old Guj. sAkarIu. adj. 'ail'. yo asya sArANi sahakArANi me yacchati tasyA kanyA vatuSka pariNAyya dAsyAmi / 17.6-7. cf. Guj. sara; Hindi sArA exactly in this sense. adj. 'possessing a nice bank '? caMdrayotsnA talAvalI / papIAra sArUbhAra / baraMDI udAra / 4.10. The word is prevalent in Old Guj, in a similar sense. Vide. c.g., Varnaka-sanuccaya 3.3 monInA caka, tehamAhi sArUmAra pATa, mehAcyA pAra; 4.10 ekara sAra sArUvAra ghATa: 200. 18-19 kAri padamAgara ratana bazi ki sArUpAra vATa, nIpanu pAra; 35.23 caraMgalI pAlI, jar3I mUThi, sAraU mAra, bihaubaMdhi jaloI. cf. Goj. sAro Aro m. a nice bank'. Vile LSJSgs mAra 'excellent' (PK ); also 231-222 sArA in three different senses (PPS). ind. ' along with, in company with'. rAjA'pi sAyeM AnItaH 8.53 sAthai gata: 11.6; zoka vimocya sAthai nItA 15.16-17tadA vadhvA chagaNakAni sAthai nItAni / 16.13. The peculiarity of this usage of the vocable is that it does not need any noun for its existence and is quite independently used, Vaturally this manifests the inluence of Prakrit and regional dialects. cf. Guj. sAthe ; Hindi sAtha, mAthameM. Vide LSJS 222 ( PPS!. m. a surname of the Vaniks or the trading community. 21.1. cf. Guj. 715. Vide GAIT ; also vide LSJS 38 (PC), decl. ' an army'. zrIjayalidadevasya 5 lakSa sAiNa 1 lakSa padAtayo vidyante / 7. In-Yr. Nom. sing. (as well as pl. ) of Old Guj. mAhAla, < Pkt. sAkSaNA. Page #264
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sIMgA decl. biradaM siddhacakravartivaM munna / yadi siddhaH tatazcakravartI katham ! ..." 20,19-20 horn-shaped syringes. Aastai ir 1 Bici Atat! 4.11-12. Acc. pl. of Old Guj, ar 11. Page #265
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 85 serI selahatha ataikrai v. 'may sleep. let...sleep'. f313 at 21.18. Corrupted form of Ap. 43, 3rd pers. sing. and pl. Im. perative of Pkt. Va < Sk. Var. decl. 'the sun'. # 31 FT ART 26.4-5. Acc. pl. of Pkt. in. < Sk. m. used here in the sense of sing. f. 'a street'. 10.4. cf. Guj. 51. Vide mi. m. same as Teuca. 3-3. Vide LSJS 39-40 34T (FC). dec). 'he'. at ang 7 fo 21.13-4. Old Guj. and Pkt. Mod. Guj. Afu The Worl. Guj, form would be 4. pron, sixteen'. 18.11. Old Guj. , T Page #266
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 85 strIna muraho na mohitaH, skandhakhajinA'nagInA, nAdo mottAritaH / 7. 14-15. Vide khaji. decl. of women'. 4.14. Gen. sing. of Old Guj. ti. Page #267
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra haripriya dramma hAri dIvAlInA hIrA hcg hy ttu quenz 87 m. lit. the Dramma-coin with the impression of a deer'. kazAlAyAM iriNapriyA drammA jAtAH / 29.1. The meaning given here is supported by PPS where this story is repeated on pp. 84-85 and where it is specifically stated that " atha TakkazAlAyAM hariNyaGkitA drammAH patanti / " (p. 85. 1. 2). Likewise, PC (pp. 109-110), while presenting a somewhat longer version of the same story, states: "aftanset 291 8510grar: gzaegsiziai gfvalzgoj qizi1a1madhaH zizurUpaM nANakaM nUtanaM sAyamAnamAka.... (p. 100, 11. 2-3). Elsewhere we meet with references to e as, figoiaa zas, elc, which would apparently mean the coins struck by king Bhima, king Visala etc. It can easily be inferred from the above discussion that all such types of coins bore the figures of the respective kings. Vide . f. 'a defeat". decl. [1] m. $1 * rAjJo vibhAte hArirnaviSyati / " ; Guj, Hindi (f.). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 10.20. cf Pkt. hAri, hAriA, Vide . [2] There is another vocable N of a series of hearts'. AU! 6.6. Gen. pl. of address of Old Guj. A$?A l. = hiMdu n. 'heart' + art f. a series'. Old Guj. << Pkt. tri hiaa < Sk hRdaya cf Guj haiMyuM ; IIindi Mar. 'a heart'. j at f. in Old Guj, in the sense of a joke'. If we take this 4, the address would mean "O master of jokes!". 'a diamond' dine 2 1000 svarNahIrAlAla mauktikazyam / 5.4-5cf. Sk., ; Guj.; Hindi, Mar. . indeed'. 21.15. Pkt. Sk. g. For Private And Personal Use Only ind. v. (causal) 'to be defeated'. qiwi PSf atHALFREIU (I have lost you at stake'.) 12.16; WAI phalaM galitam / muSTI raulAnIyogyA dasA 1 na galati / tadA hAritam / 21.20-21. cf. Pkt., Guj., Hindi, Mar. VER. Vide also vide LSJS 101 (PK), 230 (PPS). ; m. 'death'; lit. bursting of the heart'. "yUrya gurjararAjJo
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir hRdayAsphoTa hoi dattAH / " sadA paNNA hRdayasphoTo jAtaH / 9.3-4. [PPS, while relating the same incident, uses the expression 'hRdaya sadyaH (p. 25, II. 27-28.] Vide V sphuT, hadavAsphoTa. m. 'bursting of the heart'. vAdI jito hRdayAsphoTena mRtH| 31.1-2. VidevraphuTa, hRdayasphoTa; also wide LSIS 231 (PPS)v. ' becomes, takes place'. dudina hoi mahoya japa 25.19. 3rd pers. sing. present of Old Guj. Vho < Pkt. Vho Page #269
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra APPENDIX-B INDEX OF NAMES 12 Introductory Note: This Index is divided into five sections viz. ] Historical Names, [2] Names of Doubtful Historicity, [3] Geographical Names, [4] Mythological Names and 5 Miscellaneous Names. [1] Comprises names of historical personages and dynasties. In [2] arc entered names of personages of doubtful historicity. As already remarked in the Introduction while discussing the bearings of the present text on history, the editor does not believe that all of these persons are not historical. His firm contention is that at least some of them can easily be proved to be historical after due investigations. For instance, there is no doubt in his mind regarding the historicity of Jhalau Mangu, Manikya, Vayajula Pastagiu, Samala Pontaru, Silanu Kutigiu and Harapala Sakariu alias Sakariya-saha Haripala. Names of all Geographical places such as countries, cities, towns, villages, mountains, rivers and tanks-historical or otherwise--are included in [3]; while [4] comprises names of mythological nature. The names of such personages as Gorakhanatha and Matsyendranatha are entered in this section. Names of miscellaneous nature are enlisted under [5], the most prominent entries there being those of Bharahasastram and Vasupujyacaritram. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A brief note is appended to each entry under sections [2] to [5]. Such a note is not deemed necessary in the case of the Historical Names, regarding which the readers may better refer to the relevant portions of the Introduction - particularly the Chapter on "Bearings on History". All the entries of this Appendix will also be found in the Index to Introduction to which the readers may refer for details about the same. The references are to the respective pages and lines of the printed text of LPS. As a separate Index is appended to the Introduction, references to the pages of the Introduction are not included in the present Appendix. For abbreviations used here the readers may refer to the list of abbreviations given at the outset of the hook. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 18.3 6.34 2.37 [1] HISTORICAL NAMES I azvapani 6.15 20 narapati 6.16 2 AbhaivamAha 21 paramADi 1.9; 25.14; parimADi 25.13 3 * udayAditya 1.4 22 paramAravaMza __ 1.4 4 ugApatizrIdhara 28.2 23 pAhaNarANaDa 18.4 5 kargadeva 6.14 24 prAnnasari 24.8 6 kAnhar3ade rAula jAla urau 18.4 25 cIja 6.12 7 kumudacandra 24.3 26 bhIma * 8 gajAti 6.15-16 27 madana-trama 3.2; 4.14; 5.11, 13, 143 9 gajapatigoDezvara 6.10; 8.2, 7, 13; 9.6 10 gajarAula 18.5 28 mayaNaladevI 22.3; mINaladevi 7.2-3 II cAmuNDarAja 6.13 29 malayacandra 24.13, 19, 21 12 caulukyavaMza 6.13; 7.3 30 mAgAla Adi 13 jagadeva 1.3, 4, 5, 6, 19; 2.2, 9 31 mUlarAja 14 jayakeza 7.2 32 raNadhavala 1.5, 5-6 15 6.12 jayasiMha deva 2.7; 5.8, 10; 7.4, 33 rAja 10-11; 8.4, 8, 11; 9.5; 34 lagNa sena 28.2 19.4; 20.55 22.2; 24.29 35 vardhamAnasa ri 30.3:31.4 25.12-13; 27.14, I7. 36 kamarAja 6.13 jayasiMpadeva 18.2 37 vikramAditya 10.2, 3:11.8; 12.11; 16 daNDaka 6.12 13.13; 17.4, 8, 9, 15 17 dAmodara 38 sajana 21.2 18 durlabharAja 6.14 39 sAnta 18.37 21.1,5 19 devasRSi 7.2-3 6.13 18.10 24.3 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 12 NAMES OF DOUBTFUL HISTORICITY I Mofam -bard of king Madanabhrama of Kanti, 5.10. 2 anAdirAula an anchorite practising penance in a cavc ncar Kcdarcs vara in the Himalayas. The term 73can be derived from Sk. 1997 which mcans a Rajaputa Chicf' and which was borne by several Raja pula rulers as a title. This fact suggests that this Anadi kaula might have been formerly a Rajaputa ruler or at least belonged to the Ruja puta clan. It is stated in our text that he was pleased on hearing the Gurjara rani or the Gujarati language, which implies that he might have hailed from Gujarata. He is stated to be an ascetic of the Natha sect and the teacher of the Raulinis Siddhi and Buddhi of Kama rupilhapura i.e. the city of Kamarupa in the Gauda country. Residing near the Kuduresvara temple, should he be regarded as a keeper ot the temple ? Can he be regarded as an ancestor of the community of anchorites popularly known as Ravalas or Ravaliyas in North Gujarata? 20.3, 12. 3 sqftgter - One of the eight beautiful damsels presented by king M2 dana bhrama of Kanti to king Siddharaja Jaya simba of Guj. 8.13. 4 * 5 47@ 6 maart 7 bhAlati 8 af [ v.l. wE ] 9 umAdevI - one of the maids of the chicf queens of king Madanabhrana of Kanti, 3.7-8. . one of the maids of the chief queens of king Madanabhrama. 3.5. do 3.6. I do. 3.5. - no. 3.5. the wife of a Brahmana of Ujjayini named Somasarman, Elsewhere this couple is stated For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 92 to be belonging to Soparaka. She wanted to sacrifice her husband and his 64 disciples to the Kretrapala and the 64 Yuginis. King Vikramaditya is scaled to have foiled this hcinous task of Umadevi. 13.17, 19; 14.3; 15.4, 16. 10 --one of the maids of the chief queens of king Madanabhrama. 3.7. II et do. 3.6. 12 ##77777 - the princess of king Visva sena of Kan uj a (mod. Kana uja). She is stated to have re collected the incidents of licr previous birth. 18.17. 13 atat (0.1.***] - one of the maids of the chief queens of king Madanabhrama of Kanti, 3.9. 14 maat do. 3.9. 15 me do. 3.7. 16 FRAT - one of the two women rejected by king Madana bhrama of Koti. 4.14, 15. 17 Tafsi -one of the eight beautiful damsels presented by king Madanabhrama to king Siddha raja Jayasinha of Guj. 8.14. 18 1917 *) --the fabulous ruler of the Kidimankodina gara or the city of ants'. 27.2, 21. 19 FC -an oilman of Patana in the reign of Siddha raja Jayasimha, 22.18. 20 FIFTS - one of the maids of the chief queens of king Madanabhrama. 3.9. 21 THAT -one of the two sons of Yasodhara, the Purohira of king Siddharija Jaya. simha of Pata na. He first studied under Devasuri and his disciple Malayacandra and then under the juggler Gaja rija of Kaina rupa and as such lie became knowo as Gana ya the juggler. 25.2, 24. 72 737131 -a juggler of K a marupa in the Gaud a country, the preceptor of Gana ya and Mana ya, the For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 93 23 mm 24 ur 25 TUTAN jugglers of Patana in the reign of Siddharuja Jaya simha. 25.4, 10. -one of the maids of the chicf queens of Madana bhranu a. 3.7. - the elder of the two juggler-brothers of Patan a whose original name was Khi madhara. 25.8; * 26.8. - one of the maids of the chief queens of Madana. bhrama, 3.7. --one of the four chief queens of king Mad an a bhrania of Kanti. 3.4. - one of the cight beautifui damsels presented by Madana blirama to Siddharija Jaya simh a. 8.14. -one of the maids of the chief queens of Madana. bhrama. 3.8. -- scholar at the court of Siddharaja ja y a sim li a. 18.8. 20 FT 27 ETA 28 2 29 247* 30 Team ..a washerman and clothprinter of Patana in the reign of Siddharaja Jayasimha. 23.2. 31 923 7103 32 A1 HITE -a courtier of Siddharaja Ja ya simha, pro. bably a feudatory belonging to the Juala (amily, 18.7. -a courtier of Siddharaja Jaya simha of Gujarata. PC (p. 72 ) relates that this Ksairiya of the Jhala family used to thrust into the ground two puracil an iron instrument for digging, Desya parai)s before taking his scat in the court. A voracious cater, he was asked by the king why he moved unarmed, 10 wlich leis simple reply was that whalever was available at the emergency became his weapon. Just for test an clephant was once directed towards him all of a sudden, Immediately he held a dog and struck it against the clephant's trunk and then twisted its tail, which resulted in the death of the elephant. He fell on the field of battle while fighting against the Muslims near Pataga, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 33 trabasena 34 dUjaNasala 35 devadamaNi 36 devadhara 37 devamahAnanda 38 ghaNapAla phophalIu 39 dhArAvarasa caDAilau 40 naraNU bahuMkAru 41 naI na ] gaveli 42 kAmala 94 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir where a memoir is known as the altar of Mangu. 18.7-8. -king of the city of Trambavati (mod. Khambhata <>r Cambay). 12.2 -Durjanasal y a, one of the two sons of Hun a Thepaniya of Dabhoi. 22.13. -a woman of the wood-worker class residing in the Ganchukaseri or 'wood-workers' street of Ujjayini, whose bitter utterances were the root of the adventures of king Vikramaditya which terminated in his securing a five-handled royal umbrella. 11,4, 11. -one of the two sons of Yasodhara, the Puro hita of Siddharaja Jayasimha, who first studied under Devasuri and his disciple Malayacandra and then under the juggler Gajaraja of Kamarupa and as such who later on became known as the juggler Maya ya of Patana. 25.2; 26.2. -a great dialectician hailing from the Gauda country, who tied 84 puttalakas to his legs as a token of his victory over dialecticians all over the country, and who, being vanquished in his last dialectical contest at Prabhasa Pilana, is stated to have died of heart-bursting. 30.7. -a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. The epithet Phophaliu indicates that either he was a trader in betel-nuts Guj. Pkt. << Skt. TT or he hailed from a village named Phophala or Phophalia. 18.6. - a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. 18.3. -the songster named Narayana, a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. [cf. Guj. a= Skt. nArAyaNa: 1 18.11. -one of the maids of the chief queens of Madan abhrama. 3.7. -a lady of the Padmini type belonging to the gardeners' class of the town of Dabhoi. King For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 95 Siddha raja Jayasimha of Pafa na is stated to have married her. 22.11, 17, 20, 22; 23.2, 6,9. - one of tlie two women rejected by king Madanabhrama, 4.14, 15. 43 71 44 z arifi -one of the eight beautiful damsels presented by Madanabhrama to Siddharaja Jayasipha. 8.14. 45 doza 46 fazat 47 stna 48 phUlasirI 49 Fri 50 7119 one of the two survivers from among the eight damsels presented by Mada nabirama to Siddharija Ja ya simha. The term rani allixed to the nane Pethu indicates that later on she became a qucen of Siddharija. At PPS n. 25 also she is named 09.9.4. --one of the cight charming dansels presented by Mada na bhrama to Siddharaja Jaya simh 3.8.13. - do. 8.13. of the maids of the chief queens of Mada pabhrama. 3.6. do 3.6. -1he first of the four chiel queens of Madana bhrama, 3.4. -king of Vimanasthali (mod. Vanthali in Saurasira), in whose reign VardhamanaSUTI, the author of the Vasupujyacaria ( 1243 A.D.) is stated in our text to have flourished. Jlis name is not found in the Vasupujyacurita, 30.2. - the younger of the two juggler--brothers of Paana whose original name was Deyadhara. 25.8; 26.8. -a courtier of Siddharaja Ja ya simba, 18.6. -acourtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. The cpishet Tambadiu indicates that he was cither a native of Trambavati (mod. Khambhata or Cambay) or a copper-stnita. 18.7. 51 lam# 52 ott 53 154 ans 54 ha atasiz For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 55 manoharA 56 maruDI 57 mahU 58 mAIde 59 mA[I] 60 mANikya 61 mAdhatra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 96 -one of the eight beautiful damsels presented by Madanabhrama to Siddharaja Jayasimha. 8.15. -a female gardener of Ujjayini with whom the great king Vikramaditya is said in our prabandha to have gone to the nether world in the guise of a porter. 15.13, 18. a royal officer of Madanabhrama, who does not figure in the PK and PPS versions of the story. 3.3. -same as mAIdeva. 7.8. -the Chief Minister of Madanabhrama, who is called his Saryu-muntri-sreytho mamidevah sarvamudradhikari in the PPS version. 3.3. a disciple of Devasuri. As stated in our prabandha, he appears to have taken a prominent part in the great dialectic disputation at the court of Siddharaja Jayasimha of Palana, which resulted in the historic defeat of the Digambara pontiff Kumudacandra. The contemporary drama Mudritukunudacandra also furnishes an evidence about his being a participant of the contest. PPS (p. 27) represents him as speaking out a verse in reply to one ultered by K u mu dacandra's bhatta. PC (p. 67) also puts the same verse in his mouth. There he is described as a scholar who, though a mere molecule at she fect of Devasuri, surpassed even Canakya in intellectual powers. It was he who secured the huge palace-like mansion of minister Santo as a Pausadhasala by simply reporting, when Santu wanted to know the opinion of Devasuri about that newly constructed building, that it could be praised only if it were a Paugadhasala. (PPS p. 31.) 24.3. -the officer in charge of the city-gates of Kanti, the capital of Madanabhrama. 3.3; 7.12. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 97 62 AM (v.l. a 63 mArau bhelaDIu 64 ? 65 4.12 mRgocanA - one of the two survivers from among the cight extremely tender beautiful Jansels presented by Madanabhrama to Siddharuja Jayasimha. She is called Mau at PPS p. 25. The term rin suflixed to her name may suggest that she later on became his quicert, 9.4. -acourtier of Siddharaja Jayasinha. The cpithet bheadiu suggests that he hailed from a place called B eladi (probably modern B licladincar Disi in North Gujarata). 18.6. -a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. 18.10. --one of the maids of the chief queens of Mada u abhrama. 3.. one of the eight charming damsels presented by Madanablira na to Siddharaja Jayasimha. 8.14. --royal priest of Siddharaja Jayasim li a. 25.2. --king of Lakha nivati and son of king Lakhanasena, i.e., Laksmanasena ( 1179-1206 A.D.). PPS (p. 84) mentions him as a descendent of Lakhanasena. Stipunja, father of Srimata, was his adopted son. 28.15. -one of the maids of the chief queens of Madana bhrama. 3.8. --a mendicant living on Mt. Abu, who wished to marry Srimiita who went there for practising penance. which, however, resulted in his death. At present his abode on Mt Abu is known as the shrine of Rasiyi Valama 'the lover called Kasiya'. 29.18. - king of Sarildlarapura in Sauras lra. 18.15, 17. 67 azer 68 * 69 razazi 70 71 71 RIRE 72 lAvaNyazArmA -a scholar al the court of Siddharaja 53 yasimha of Pitana 18.9. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 98 ito. 73 jetzat -qucer of king Paramadi, 1.c. Para marddin (1118-1150 A.D.), of Kalyanakofipura or Kalyanakataka. 1.12. 74 Ft one of the maids of the chief quccns of Madana bhramu. 3.9. 75 - daughter of Modla Kolhanasiinha, an oil-man of laat in the reign of Siddha raja Jayasia. 22.19. 21. 76 FUNT Anza -2012 cat in mod. Guj. A courtier of Siddharaja Jayasima. The cpithet Wagandis suggests his hailing from a place named Magaudi-probably modern Magdi near Dalcgima in Alimedabad District. 18.4. 77 ATTRA - one of the maids of the chief quccos of Madanit bhrama. 3.6. 78 a. [v.l. Te, T.) do. 3.6. 79 TERSE 3.7. 80 agam quis - a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasi inha. Je appears to be the same as Vaijja or Vaijiala deva who is known fron inscriptions to have been the Dinnandyska of Nadyola (mod. Nadola in Rajastlana) in the reign of Siddharija's successor Kumara pala (1143-1173 A.D.), and the same as Va ya jaladova, the Mahumandulesvara of Narmadatata or the Lusa territory in the reign of Kumarapala's successor Ajay a pala (1873-1176 A.D.). PC (p. 97) mentions one Vayajaladeva as Ajaya pala's doorkceper, who murdered liin. PPS (p. 48) gives the name of the murderer of Ajaya pala as Vaijala deva. This Vayajaladeva or Vaijala deva is most probably identical with the Cahamana Vaijja or Vaijjaladeva who was, as already noted, I very influencial ollicer of both Kumara pala and Ajaya pila. [Vide GMRI, pp. 320, 324, 334 and PHNIJS, pp. 278, 288.) The epithel Pasiugin, its found in For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 99 our text, clarities that he was a vegetable merchant. He might have represented in the royal court the guild of vegetable merchants. In all probability, he might have been appointed to the dignified post afterwards. 18.7. - son of king Rina malla of Suradha sapura in Saurastra. 18.18. 81 a 82 att S3 ales 84 fmuda 85 vIlhU bAmaNI - a scholar at the court of Siddharija Jaya. simha. The epithets Bhuda chau and Vujravayara gura show 111at he was a jeweller [vayaragara vajra+akara] Mailing from Bharuca or Broach, situated on the bank of the Narmada and referred to in ancient literature as Bitsukaccha or Bharukaccha; of its Hindi version Bhada uca 18.9. - one of the (w disciples of Vardli a mana suri, who were sent by him to Soma natha, ie. Prabhasa Palama, where they vanquished the Gauda dialectician Deva w a liananda after an eightcen-day contest. This was probably his nick-name. 30.16. - king of the Kanuja country. 18.17. - woman who was a great favourite of king Madanabhrama. The epithet Vumani indicates that she was a dwarf. 5.1, 17; 6.5. -Satrusalya, one of the two sons of Huna Theraniya of Dabhoi. 22.13. --a courtier of Siddharaja Ja ya simha. 18.10. - a king of Lakhanavati, adopted son of king Ratnapunja and father of Srimata. 29. 10. -daughter of king Sripunja of Lakhanavati, who practised penance at M. Abu and, after death, became the Adhishdika or tutelary deity of the mountain. 29.11, 20. 867 87 zrIkaNThavyAsa 88 atga 89 stuzat 90 sadA sekharA - a courtier of Siddharija Ja ya simha. Probably bis name was Sekhara and he belonged For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 92 sahasrakalA 93 sAMU 94 sAmala pavAru 91 gaetA 132 733-a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. The epithet Ciranda (mod. Guj. Citrodo) implies his hailing from Citoda. Can he be identified with Samarasimha Sonagara Cauhana (1183-1186 A.D.) of Jhalora who was a tributary of Bhimadeva II of Pataya? Because it is the practice of the Prabandhu-writers to put together personages who have flourished at different times, a glaring example whereof is the Bhojaprabandhu. 18.3. 100 97 sAtrigrI 98 siMghalau Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir to the class of Rajaputas known as Sodha. 18.8. -one of the maids of the chief queens of M a danabhrama. 3.8. a female attendant of the harem of king Madanabhrama. 5.13. the elephant-driver named Samala', mentioned here as a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. PC (p. 59) mentions Sumala as the clephant-driver of Siddharaja and PPS (pp. 51-52) mentions Syamala as the elephant-driver of Kumarapala. These were probably one and the same person. 18.10. 95 ame doaans Samala, a royal messenger who could traverse (probably riding she-camels) the distance of 16 yajanus (in a watch), mentioned among the courtiers of Siddharaja Jayasimha, 18.11. 96 ang Hadis ques -Salhu, hailing from certain village called Bheladi (probably the one near Disa in North Guj.), who belonged to the Vaghela family of Raja putas. He is mentioned among the courtiers of Siddharaja Jayasimha. 18.5. -a female friend of Marudi, the female gardener of Ujjayini, and sister of Umadevi. 15.13. -one of the two disciples of Vardhamanasuri, who were sent by him to Prabhasa Palana, where they vanquished the Gauda dialectician For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 101 named Devama hananda after an cighteerday contest. This appcars to Ischis nick-name. 30.16. 99 fa-a- tut -thc Raulanis, Siddhi and Buddhi, female asceties of the Natba sect, disciples of Anadi Raula. They lailed from Kama rupapilla of the Gauda country. Does the term 737ct indicate that they originally belonged to the Ruja pita clan? Or is it simply the fcminine form of 717 which may dcnote the community of anchorites known as Ravulas or Ruvai jus? 20.6; 21.2, 21, 23. 100 FT [zul, frent] - a female attendant of king Mada na bhrama, probably his door-keeper. 6.4. 101 Handi -one of the four chief queens of Madana bhrama. 3.5. 102 am - one of the inaids of the chief queens of Madana bhrani. 3.6. 103 m2 tomt - a courtier of Siddharija Jayasinha. He was a jester (Kutigii = Kavirkin for interesting storics of his intelligence vide PC pp. 74, 96; PK p. 49; IPS pp. 47-48. All 11:cse accounts show that be served as a highly intelligent jester three kings viz. Siduluraja Jayasinha, Komarapalat and Ajay apila. Thus in Siddlarija's times he might be quite young. 18.5-6. 101 BA - one of the maids of the chick quccns of Mada na bhrama. 3.8. 105 gamiza -one of the four chics queens of Madana bhrama. 3.5. 106 Tea -- one of the maids of the chief queens of Madana bhrama. 3.9. 107 gofizi - probably a female attendant of Mada na bhrama's harcm. 5.18. 108 -a scholar-courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha. 18.9. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 102 109 SATA IIO HIATAT III . 277 112 fiy 113 ku vil. Ja 114 KIR. AE a Rrahmala of Ujjayini. Elsewliere he is stated to have belonged to Sopiraka, 13.19; 14.3; 153. - Somesvara, a scholar--courtier of Siddha caja Jayasimha, who is called here Kavisurva bhuuma, i.., the best of the poets. 18.8. -a songster-couclier of Siddharija Jaya. simha. 18.11. --a Muslim chicf who is stated here to have fought against Siddharuja Jayasimha 2.3, 5, 5-5, 6,7; 6.16. -one of the maids of the chief qucens of Madanabhram 1. 3.6. a courtier of Siddaraja Jayasimha C cording to the Sulasralingusarah-prabandha of LPS. The epitet Sakariu clarifics t.liat he was either a dealer in sugar-candy or sugar, or a resident of a place called Sukariya-miglit be the one situated in the Sabara kan ha district of Gujarata. - father of minister Sajjana of Sidharaja Ja ya siin lil. The cpithet Sukari usaha indicates that he was a very big merchant dealiny in sugar-candy or sugar. It may also hint at his nalive place. This Haripila of the SiddhiBudelli-Riwulani.prabunia seems to be identical with Harapalit of the Salut'ulingasarah-prahundha. 21,1, 21. a courtier of Siddharaja Jayasimha 18. 9-10. IIS FREE 115 RET EUR 117 GRT - one of tlie maids of the chief succes of Madan 2 bhrama. 3.$. -Thepaniya, a Raja puta of Dabhoi, whose surname was Huna. 22.12-13. 118 CM STUITAE For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 3 madhucala 1 aNahilapura [ ANi same as pacana. 5.9. halapura ] 2 anantasena 4 ujjayinI 5 kanUjaMdeza 6 kalyANakoTipura 7 kAnnI [3 GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir -Pkt. derivative of a, Lord Visnu reclining on the serpent Sesa, whose holy place of pilgrimage is Srirangapatlam Mysore. 27.9. ncar -Mt. Abu, the well-known hill-station marking the boundary between the regions of Rajasthana and Gujarata, noted for the excellent Jaina temples constructed thereon in the mediaeval times. 29.12, 14. -modern Ujjain in Madhya Pradesa, which prospered as the capital of Malava, 1.4; 10.3; 13.15, 20; 16.3; 17.13. - the territory round about modern Kanauja or Kanoja, ancient Kanyakubja. 18.16-17. -the historical city of Kalyan a near Bombay. 1.8. -probably another name of Mahobaka or Mahuba, the capital of Bundelakhanda. Our author places this city in Vangaladesu (v. l Ambaladesa). There is no noteworthy place of this name in Bengal or the territory round about Ambala in the Punjab. Kantipura was, however, the ancient name of Kathama pdu, the capital of Nepala, which carned its modern name in Newari year 715 (1595 A.D.) when king Laksminarasimha Malla got erected a huge wooden pavilion (Kasthamandupa) in the midst of the city for the worship of Goraksanatha, which still exists. This, however, docs not appear to have any concern with the K anti of our text, for king Madanabhrama of the place is a historical figure identified with king Madanavarman of Mahoba. 3.2; 5.5, 9. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 104 8 kAnhA [v.. kAhaDa] -the Kannada or Karnataka territory on the western coast of the Indian l'eninsola. 7.2. 9 kAmarUpa -a well-known city in the Gauda country, at present situated in Western Assam. 25.4. 10 kAmaspITapura -- same as the city of Kamaripa. Onc of the famous scats of tlic Siktu sect; vide', e.g.: auDAvyaM prathamaM pIra vinIyaM jAlaulakAm / tRtIyaM pUrNanItu kAlarUpa caturthakam // -Kalikapuronn, Vangava si cd., p. 410. Also PP. 79-80 devIkuTe pAdayugmaM prathamaM nyapanam kssitii| uThiyAne cokyumna hitAya jagatAM ttH|| kAtyAyanI coTiyAne kAmAkhyA kAmarUpiNI (01. kaamruupk)| pUrNadharI pUrNagirI caNDI jAlandharagireM / / cle. 20.6. II kAyAkuNDa I) kIDImoDInagara 13 kedAra -a fabulous (?) lake on Mt. Abu, so loly that the limbs of the body of any infra-human creature, merged in its lioly waters, were believed to turn into human limbs! 29.14, 15. --a fabulous (?) city, the capital of the fabulous king named Kumar i-rupaka. 27.2. - a holy place of pilgrioiage situated in thic lim 1 layas, one of the twelve famous Jyotirlingas of Lord Siva popularly known as Kudara natha or Kedaresvara. 20.2. - the Ganges, the holy river flowing from the western range of the llimalayas througit die northern plain to the Bay of Bengal. I'ersonified as the wife of king santanu of Hastinpura and mother of Pilainaha Bhisma. 22.7. ---cannot be located with certainty. Visle relevant discussions in the chapter on "Bearings on History" in the Introduction. 2.3; 6.16. 14 ganA 15 gANa For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 105 16 TTT 17 TUTTI 18 TART 19 -Gujarata: three references: (1) Tive the land of Gujarala proper. 7.4. 2) 7 15 the king of Gujarata. 9.3. [3) auft the Gujarati language, 20.4. - the eastern territory of India including modern Bengal and Assam. 2.3; 20,6; 25.4. --a town in North Gujarata, modern Canasma, situated about 20 miles south to Patanja. It is regarded as a holy place of the Jainas sacred to Bhateva Parsvandt ha. Its Sanskrit name is given as Candravati. According to a Jaina interpretation, as there are twelve windows in the mosque there meant for looking at the moon -Cama-, it is called Camdasami, Canasama! Vide JPI, part II, p. 401. This is not at all convincing. The term Cand asa ma of our text appears nothing more thau Sanskritisation of the modern name Canas ma! 27.12. -modern town of Dabhoi in Baroda district of Gujarata, situated about 40 miles north-cast of Broach and 20 miles south-east of Baroda. Its ancient name is Darbhavari, lo the Giranara Jaina Inscription of 1288 V.S. (=1232 A.I).) it is mentioned among important citics of Gujarata. An interesting but fanciful derivation of its modern name *Dabhoi' is given in our prabandha. The writer of the prabandha appears to have tried to connect dorbha' and vali' of its original name Darbha. vari in this fanciful derivation by stating that a wata or a banyan trec was sprinkled by the serpent Taksa ka who acted like Dhanvantari for helping Pariksit! Tbis derivation does not, on the face of it, seem to carry any significance at all. All the same, it may be noted with interest that this historical town is surrounded by a fort and to the east of the gate popularly known as 'Hird. bhagola' after the name of the dexterous mason who built the rampurt, is situated a temple of For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 106 goddess Bhudrakali in the fort-wall itself and on the rampart to the north of this temple is engraved a nice scene of the palace built for king Pariksit in the occan! 22.4, 7, 9. 20 at 4773 21 77717 22 MATE the temple of parsvanatha, the 23rd Tirthuikara of the J ainas, situated in Dabhoi, 22. 4, 7, 9-10, II. -Khambhita or Cambay. 12.2. Vide taradi. Its five names are cnumcrated in an Old Guj. anonymous poem called Paricadunda-catuspadi datcd V.S. 1556 ( = 1500 A.D.); vide: 777 HIT ara viaja. 2 cd aMbApatI khANIi, bhogavatI abhirAma; lIlAvatI lIlA karI, amarAvatI tamu nAma. 3. (p. 62 of Buddhi-prakasa of 1932 A.D. where the work is edited by Dr. B. J. Sandesara). ---the lake at Palana constructed by Caulu kya king Durlabharaja (1010-1022 A.D.). According to LPS the famous lake Sahasralinga was constructed by his descendent Siddharaja Ja ya simha (1094-1143 A.D.) at the site of this Durlabhasarus and this statement is cor Tuborated hy other cvidences as well. 19.4. --a river in Saurastra, which had to be crossed whilc traversing from Vamanasthali (mod. Vant liai) to Devapattana (mod. Prabhisa Pajana). It cannot be traced at present. Therefore it might be an insignificant rivulct. 30.20. -Prabha sa pafaa in Saurastra. Also known as Somanatha Pa fara. An ancient holy place of pilgrimage consecrated to the temple of Sumanatha, one of the twelve Jyotirliogas of Lord Siva. Siluated on the southern coast of Sauras tra, it is perhaps one of the most ancient cities of India. It suffered severa! severc invasions by Muslims. the Srst being that by Mahmud of Ghazni which took place on Thursday the 30th January of 1025 A.D. 23 tagi 24 279 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 107 and the following two days, and the last hy Muzafar II in 1530 A.D., who connitted the sacriledge of converting the temple into a mosque. The present temple was built under the direct supervision of the late lamented Saradara Vallabhabhai Patela, the great leader of Independence Movement and the then Deputy Prime Minister of India, and the consecration ceremony was performcd by the late famented Dr. Rajendra Prasada, the first President of India, in May 1950. 30,21; 31.2. Vide situad, A-14. - lit. : the hermitage of the foreigner'. The fabulous ( ? ) lut specially prepared on the bank of the lake Phelax for Kumasiranaka, the fabulous king of Kidima oko dinagara who is stated here to have dwelt there and spent his alter-life in practising penance. 27.19. - the holy place of pilgrimage situated in Nepila in the outer ranges of the Himala y as, sacred to Pusupurindiha, one of the twelve Jyotirlingus of Lord Siva. 27.8. 25 am 26 nepAlapAzupani 27 91421 973714 -the temple of Paravani i li xt, the 23rd l'irchon. kara of the Jainas, situated at Pitana. It is stated to trave been built by the Capotkata or Cavada king Vanaraj a who established the city of Pajaha or Anahiilapura and ruled there from 746 A.D. to 805 A.D. As the name suggests the image was brought from Pancasara. the seat of his ancestors till the defeat and death of his brave father Jayasekhara or Jaya. sikhari. Paiicaisara is at present a village near Radhanapura in North Gujarata on the border of the Desert of Kaccha in the Vadiyara or Vauhiyara tract. 22.18; 23.2. --modern Patana in North Gujarata on the bank of the river Sarasvati, sixty miles north of Ahmedabad. Vanaraja, the founder of the Capotkata or Cavada dynasty 28 977 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 108 ( 746-942 A.D.) of Gujarata, is stated to have established this capital city in 746 A.D. and to have named it Anahillapura Parlana in order to immortalise the name of a shepherd friend of his called Anahilla who had helped him in his odd days. Thenceforth it remained the capital of Gujarata during the Caulukya and Vag hela periods as also the Muslim rule upto 1411 A.D., when it was abandoned in favour of Ahmedabad. The old capital was to the west of the present Pataa a. 9.5; 18.2; 20.2, 5, 7; 22.2, 5, 16; 24.2; 25.12; 27.11. Vide uge. 29 garage 15,13-14, -the fabulous capital of the nether world. 18. 30 TS - stated to be the name of a lakoncar Canvasa ma (mod. Canas ma in North Gujarata), its litcral meaning being that has over-run its banks'. During an ordeal given by king Siddharaja Ja y asimha (1094-1143 A.D.) to the merchant of Canas ma who got it constructed, its waters are stated to have flown away its banks having broken forth. It is stated that thenccforth it came to be called Phu felau (ci. Guj. Phite ). No tank of such a name is traced at present in the vici. nity of Capasma. All the same, one in the outskirts of a village named Rupapura, one milo and a half south of Canas ma, is locally known as Bandhelum Talara', ie., 'the bordered pond, with its banks specially constructed'. This is quite contradictory to the same Phutelau. One would, therefore, be inclined to spot there the lake mentioned in the LPS, if at all it can be regarded as historical. The statement of our text viz. adjupi Phulelun prasiddham vidyale', i.c., * Even today it is well-known as Phuceldu', however, may be regarded as sufficient evidence for its historicity. The tank near Rupapura is a considerably big one baving sixteen sides of 150 ft. each. It is believed to have been constructed in the reign of Siddharaja Jayasim la. A small pond is For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tog constructed in the way of the water-flow towards this big tank with the evident intention of filtering the water that is to be preserved in it. Half way between Canas ma and Rupapura there is a place called Paica Deharam' or 'Five temples', where old constructions are found out on digging. Therefore it can be inferred that present Cinasma and Rupapura might have been parts of one big town or city. And this inference would lend support to the historicily of the tank in question, 27.17. 31 Tew -a lown on the banks of the river Henna in the Abhira country in the south, Otlicr names of the place occurring in Pkl. literature are Benuyada, Buna yada and Venalada. The form in our text appears to be a corruption of Bennaya da. Tliis place is referred to in such ancient Jain a texts as the Avasyaku-curni[ Part I, p. 547 of Ratala di cuilion), Malayagiris Vrtii on Avasyakasiira (twelfth cent.) pp. 519-20 of Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay edition. Malaya giri's Vimi on Nandisura (twelfth cent. } [p. 152 of Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay edition) and Brha!kathakosct of Harisca (p. 199 of Singhi Jaina Series ed.). It is connected with such a bistorical personage as king Srenika of Rajagrha who begol a son called AbhayaKuma ra by the daughter of a merchant of this place. The verse on p. 24 of our text, wherein the word Benuada a occurs, is given in Malayagiri's Vrrris on Nondistira and Avasyakasura, with slight variations. There a Buddhist monk asked a young Jaina monk: Your Arhats are Omni. scient and you are their sons. Therefore will you tell me the exact number of crows residing in this town?" The Jaina monk silenced the questioner by cleverly uttering the verse in question. [Vide for details B.J. Sandosara, Juina Agamasahitya-mdm Gujurata (Guj.), Ahmedabad, 1992, pp. 171-172.] 21.16. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir IIO 32 Hatawan 33 m -an upavand in the vicinity of the city of Ujjayini (mod. Ujjain). The famous temple of datakala is situated to the cast of the river K ipra in the south-cast of the Pisica markies para shala. It Inight be the central place of the Makukularana. 17.13. the territory of Malaya in Central India with Ujjain and Dhir as its capitals. The Skandupurana (Alches varukhanda, Kaumtirik - khanda, 39. 127 11. ) states that the Malava country consisted of 1.18,092 gramas or villages; while Vinayacandra's Karjasik sa (ride K r imarasa, G. 0. S. ed., pp. 248-249) gives the number of villages in that country as 9.00,092. In the light of these references, the epithet of king Siddharija Jayasimha wiz. *18 laksu 92 sahasra malalaksikucigraligrapani" given in our text (LPS., 6.14-15 ) may be regarded as referring to the number of villages comprised by that country according to the author of our prabandh. Also cf. I'C. 61.14. where Yasovarman the Mala va king, is stated to have said to king Siddharija Ja ya simla that he was thic king of the Malay a country of 18,00,000 : "Ahon hiustadusulak yaprammamularudescidipal". 6.15. -- appears to mean Ramesvara, ilic holy place of pilgrimage on the southern coast of India. Thc preceding word Ancutasena senis to have influenced its form. There is a Ramasenatiriha of the Jainas in Rajasthana, described on pr. 234-235 of the Jainu Parantara-ro liheis (Guj.) by Muni-triputi, part II. The context of the present text, however, does not appear to mean this Jaina Tirtha. 27.9. -appears to be the same as the city of Laksmanavati in Bengal identitied with the city of Gauda and named after king Lakhanasena or Laksmanasena (1179-1206 A.D.) of the Sena Dynasty. 28.2. 34 TWA 35 etat For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 36 vaGgAladeza 37 varuNAzA 38 vAmanasthalI 39 videza 40 attr 11 zrIpattana 42 zrImAlapura III Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir --the country of Bangala, Bengal. Originally the name denoted only the Buckergunje region, but later on it came to be applied to the whole of East Bengal and still later to the whole of the Bengali-speaking area. The major part of the country lies in West Bengal in the Indian Union and East Bengal in Pakistana; but parts of it belong to the other neighbouring states like Bihara and Orissa. 3.2. Vid. gAMDa. a river flowing near Patana, modern Banasa, which river has lent its name to the Banasakanha district in North Guj. 25.12. -modern Vanthali, about 8 miles south-west to Junagadha in Saurastra. Probably the same as the Vamana-tirtha of the Ma habharata. An ancient temple of Vamana is still there. It is referred to in our text as also in PPS (p. 114) as 'Laghukasmira' 'miniature Kasmira' on account of its being a centre of learning and perhaps because of the natural beauty of its surrounding region. 30.2. -foreign country. 25.3; (in the cast) 25.7. or -the temple of Lord Siva situated at Dabhoi in Baroda district, It is a historical place which has carned prominence through the well-known Vaidyanatha-prasasti. 22.9. -same as Devapattana. 30.7. Vide somanAtha, -probably the same as Bhinnamala or Sri mala in Rajasthana, situated about 80 miles to the north of Palana and 40 miles west of Mount Abu. The Srimali Brahmanas are stated to have hailed from this place, which was the native place of the great poet Magha. Since such an extra-ordinarily prosperous man as poet Magha of this community died due to extreme poverty though it was a rich community, king Bhoja of Dhara, who had enjoyed his hos For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir II2 pitality with great wonder, is stated to liave sarcastically declared that it was nat Srimila' but Bbilla mala' [vide PC, pp. 35-36). Malaraja, the founder of the Cauluk ya dynasty of Gujarat a, too, is stated to have hailed from this place. 28.15. 43 sahasraliGga ---the great lake neac Pitana, constructed (during 1134-1135 A.D.) by the great king Siddhara ja Ja ya simha-one of the great things accomplished by him (Vide PC, p. 75). It was constructed on the site of the Durlabhasaras which was constructed by his ancestor Durlabharaja (1010-1022 A.D.). 1008 Siva-tcmples, 108 Deri -temples and a temple of the ten incarnations of Lord Visna adorned the banks of this lake. In its centre was situated an islet upon which was crected a temple of Rudresvara, which has now been turned into a mosque. The beauty of this lotus-covercu, swan-teaming lake was further cnhanced by a towering snow-white column of viclory, of which there are no traces left. To judge from the taunt of the Banaras king to SiddhaTija Jayasimha's ambassador at his court about the use of the water of this lake by the populace of Anahillapallan a though it was * Siva-nirmalya', this tank must have served the purpose of water supply for the citizens of Pata na. The Sukrlasankirtlana (II. v. 35 ) calls it Siddhasaras, 18.1; 19.4-5, 6; 24.2; 25.21; 27.18. --probably the same as Saradhara near Rajakota in Saurastra. This historical place was a capital town in mcdiacval times. 18.15, 17. 4+ Tits Sauristr 2. 18.15; 27.11. 45 46 41-21 712 - Sante as Devapaitana. The phallus of Somanalha is regarded as one of the twelve Jyotirlingas of Lord Siva. The reference here is not to the town of that name but to the temple itself. The temple was re-built and a fresh phallus was installed at the pious hands of Dr. Rajendra Prasa da, For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 47 stambhanIdha 27 15 pacAsarA pArzvanAtha 113 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir the first President of India, in May, 1950 A.D. through the great efforts of the late lamented Saradara Vallabhabhai Patela, the great patriot and leader of Independence Movement and the first Deputy Prime Minister of India. 27.7; 30.8. Vide -modern Khambhata or Cam bay, the important historical port on the Gulf of Cambay. 25.23. -(additional notes:) Established soon after 746 A.D., the year of Vanaraja's accession to the throne, it is definitely one of the oldest extant Jaina temples of Gujarata. For interesting details regarding the temple and references to it in literature, vide Sandesara, B. J.: Sri Puncasara Parsvanatha-na Mandira Visena Ketalaka Aitihusika Ullekho (Guj.), first published in the Acarya Sri Vijayavallabhasuri Smaruka Grantha, Bombay, 1956 and then in his book Itihusa ane Sahitya' (pp. 135-148), Ahmedabad, 1966. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [4] MYTHOLOGICAL NAMES I agnivetAla 2 STEFAN -Name of a type of goblin known as Verala. Having been vanquished by king Vikrama. ditya of Ujjayini (probably 56 B.C.) he is stated in folk tales to have served the great king often working wonders. 11.11, 12. Also ride PC pp. 2, 2, 32: PPS p. 2 and PX pp. 80, 83. -wife of the great sage Vasistha of the Vedic age, who joined her husband in practising severe austerities and had a considerable share in his securing a permanent place among the Saplursis or seven great sages. She is regarded as the highest pattern of conjugal excellence and wisely devotion. 7.1. 3 A 4 : 91 -a scrpent-chief dwelling in the city of Pagala. pura in the Nether-world. 15.14. -- Ahalya, the very charming wife of the sage Gautama, who won her by circumambulating thuice round a cow and thus securing the merit of three circumambulations round the earth, whereby Indra and other gods who took the trouble of going round the carth itself were defeated. Afterwards, however, she was ravished by Indra and was turned invisible by her husband's curse on that account. She was restored to her original form at the sight of Sri Rama. Valmiki's Ramayana, I, 47.2831, 48.16: pp. 270 & 274 of Critical Edition, Baroda, 1959.) She is regarded as onc of the live chastest women. 7.1. --the chief of the gods and the king of heaven. 11.9, 11, 14, 18. - the river Ganges, personified as the wifc of king Santanu of the Lunar race and mother of Bhisma Pitamah 4. 12.7. -Gorakhanatha or Goraksanatha, the greal saint of the Natha sect and disciple of Matsyendranatha. 20.18, 5 9 6 7 Iza For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 113 8 syai -one of the nine forms of Goddess Durga. 20.10. 9 takSika IO ATT II aft 12 rifera -Taksa ka, the chief of one of the twentysix serpent-clans. When cighteen serpent-clans were burnt to ashes in the serpent-sacrifice of kiog Janamejaya, the great-grand-son of Arjuna, 1hc hero of the great Alahabharara war, Taksak a wats saved by the sage called Astika. 22.8. -Taram a 1i, the queen of king Hariscandra of the Solar race whose truthfulness was put to a severe test by the sage Visva mitra. This royal couple, along with their little prince Rohita, had to be sold off and suffer a lot for the sake of keeping a word. Taramati is regarded as one of the tive cbastest wonien. 7.1. --the physician of the gods, who came out of the occan with a cup of nectar in his hands at the close of the great churning of the ocean by the gods and the demons. The progenerator of the Indian Science of Medicine. 22.9. -the grand-son of Arjuna, the Pandava hero, and son of Abhimanyu and Uttara. He ascended the throne of Hastinapura, after Yudhisthira at the age of 36 years. The Kali Agc is said to have commenced with his reign. Though a pious king, he once placed a dead serpent on the neck of the sage Sainika who, being engrossed in meditation, dish not notice the king's arrival at liis hermitage. As a consequence of the curse of Samika's son Singi, Pariksit died of the bite of the serpent-chief Taksa ka when hc was 96 years old. 22.8. the twenty-third Tirthaukara of the Jain a s. References in the present text are to the idols of and temples consecrated in honour of Parsva natha. 4.16; 22.4, 5, 7, 9-10, 11. -Sarasva t1, the goddess of learning. 30.14, 17. Vide Aind. 13 474 14 tett For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra I5 matsyendra 16 mandodarI 17 mInanAtha 18 muktA derANI 19 yakSa 20 lIlAde 21 zAntana 22 satI 23 sarasvatI 115 -Matsyendranatha, Natha sect. 20.18. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir the founder of the -the Chief Queen of Ravana, the great demonking of Lanka. She is regarded as one of the five most chaste women. 7.1. -sume as Matsyendranatha, as the name itself shows. 20.18. -a female saint of the Natha sect. 20.19. -a type of demi-gods. 10.21. -Liladevi, a female saint of the Natha sect. 20.18. -king Santanu or Santanu of the Lunar race who married Ganga, the holy river Ganges personified, and afterwards Satyavati or Matsyagandha, both with certain conditions. Father of Bhisma Pita maha. 22.7. For Private And Personal Use Only -the youngest of the sixteen daughters of Daksa Prajapati, who married Lord Siva against the desire of her great father. Once when her father started a sacrifice, she went there un-invited, was insulted and consequently she martyred herself by jumping into the sacrificial fire and burning down to ashes. Virabhadra, an attendant of Siva, therefore, destroyed the sacrifice and killed Daksa. Thenceforth the word Sati conveys the sense not only of a chaste woman but also of one who burus off herself with her husband's corpse not being able to bear separation from him. Sati was thereafter born as Parvati, 7.1. -goddess of learning. 30.10. Vide .
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra I anaGgaraGgavADI 2 andhAraghoravADI 3 kamalakedAra 4 kailAsa hA 5 kSIrohi 6 gandharva sarvasva 7 candrayotsnA 8 dhArAgirivADI 9 nandanavADI 10 puSpA[ phA bharaNa II bharazAstram 12 vAsupUjya caritram [5] MISCELLANEOUS NAMES -one of the four parks attached to the palace of Madanabhrama. 4.6. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. 4.8-9. -one of the four step-wells in the palace-compound of Madabhrama. 4.7. -one of the four principal Gavaksas thal to the north of the palace of Madanabhrama. 4.5. -one of the four step-wells in the palace-compound of Madanabhrama. 4.7. -one of the four principal Gavaksas in Madanabhrama's palace. 4.4-5. -a small pond in the palace-compound of Madanabhrama. [Candrajyotsna > Candrajotsna Candrayotsna.] 4.10; 5.6. -one of the four parks in the compound of the palace of Madanabhrama, 4.8. What' Do. 4.9. -one of the four principal Guvaksas in Madanabhrama's palace. 4.4; 5.5; 7.6. --the science of Dramaturgy. Probably here there is a reference to the Natyasastra of Bharata, the oldest available work on Poetics (including Dramaturgy), which can be placed not later than 300 A.D. 25.6. -the Vasupujyacaritam, a work in four Sargas describing in 5494 verses the life-story of Vas upujya, the twelfth Tirthankara of the Jainas, along with the narration of his previous birth as king P admottara. It is written throughout in the Anustubh metre, with the exception of the concluding verses of the Sargas which are in Vasantatilaka. As is evident from the Prasastiverses at the close of the fourth Sarga, it was For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 13 vimAnavibhrama 14 vizvavijaya 15 sudhAnidhi 16 haMsavizrAma 118 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir composed by Vardhamanasuri in V.S. 1299 (1243 A.D.) at the request of his pupil Dandanayaka Ahladana on the eve of the latter's getting repaired the temple of Vasupujya at Anahillanagara (i.e. mod. Patana). The poem is made Ahladananka by incorporating the term Ahladana-which was the name of the author's disciple in the last verse of each canto. Edited by Dr. Ambrogio Ballini of Rome and published by the Jainadharma Prasaraka Sabha, Bhavanagara in 1910 A.D. 31.3. -one of the four chief Gariksas of Madanabhrama's palace. 4.4. -name of the extra-ordinary palace of king Madanabhramu. 4.1. -one of the four step-wells in the court-yard of Madanabhrama's palace. 4.7. Du. 4.6. For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir APPENDIX-C TRANSLATIOY OF VERSES OCCURRING IN LPS Introductory Note: Out of the elever verses occurring in LPS only four are in Sanskrit. An attempt at furnishing a translation into English of all the verses, therefore, will not be out of place at the closc of a study of the text. The details regarding the meaning, derivation and form of all the peculiar words occurring in those verses are given in APPENDIX-A, Verse 1: Page 1, Jincs 17-20: "We do not know, o Jagaddeva! how (can) rest the hand of the Creator ( who is engaged in producing poor persons (and) you (engaged in ) satisfying (them)!" Nots: This verse occurs in PC und PPS with slight variations in the last quarter, vide Introduction, p. 41. Verse 2: P. 21, 11, 7-10: * The clock sounds in its peculiar way (which) makes me happy torough (my) cars; people understand (that) the day sets, (while ) I know that the day passes away!" Verse 3: P.21, 11. 11-14: "One endures for a long time the glcam of benevolence done to others; if gradual deterioration takes place, where will one perforin one's task?!" Verse 4: P.21, 11. 15-18: " Days pass away (but ) indeed do not return (even ) like the mountain-streams; (onc may, therefore.) do (whatever ) little service ( one can and ) may perform picly; why let (one) sleep unworriedly?!" Verse 5: P. 24, 11. 9-12 : "He has no hands nor legs; though mindless, He (can) entertain thoughts, though devoid of eyes, He docs witness; though without cars, He does hear; He knows all (but) pone indeed knows Him; though propitious, tie possesses no form-may such Jina protect you!" For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Verse 6: P, 24, 11. 15-18: Verse 8: Note: This verse contains Upanisadic thought. It occurs with slight variations in the Svetasvatara Upanisat (3.19), Naradaparivrajaka Upanisat (9.14) and Bhavasantarana Upanisat (2.45). Also cf. Kaivalya Upanisat 21, SandiIya Upanisat 2.1.2 and Subala Upanisat 3.2 for similar wording and thought, Verse 7: P. 24, 11. 20 & 22: "There are more than sixty thousand crows in Bennatata; if (you find) less, (others) have gone for eating and collecting grains (and) if more, guests have arrived (to see their relatives)!" 244 120 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Note: This verse occurs with slight variations in Malayagiri's Vytis (12th Cent.) on Nandisutru and Avatyakasutra (on pp. 152 and 520 respy. of the Agamodaya Samiti editions). Why is the ocean devoid of roaring in the monsoon?' 'Possibly out of fear of a break in the sleep of the Lord of the World (who is) asleep concealed (in it)!""" Verse 9: P. 26, 11, 4-7: 15 Note: This verse occurs in Rajasekhara's Prabandhakosa (p. 121) with slight variations. There the first half is spoken by Vastupala and the second half by poet Somesvara who is stated to have been rewarded with sixty horses for this samasya-purti. P. 25, 11. 17-20 : "Don't be so eager; (for) no task is accomplished by haste! It is a gloomy day on the earth; there is a scope for erring today!" Verse 10: P. 29, 11. 6-9: "(He) weeps at night, (as) there is no (affectionate relative). She is helpless in absence of the sun. Every-body consoles her, (but) on looking at the face ( of others) she produces the 'milimi milimi' sound. " Note: This is a literal tentative translation. The subject of the first sentence is 'He' as per context. If the term va is taken to be in the Nom. as the subject, the translation would be The night weeps....'! For Private And Personal Use Only "Has He, who created (mother's) milk for my maintenance even
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 121 hefore my birth, gone to sleep or expired (now that it is time to manage for my further maintenance ?" Note: This verse is found, with slight variations, as no. 312 of the Sarxigadharapaddhari, as versc no. 4 in the section on Sanfosaprasumisa of the Subhasitaratnabhandlugara (p. 75) and as verse no. 270 or PPS (p. 84). P. 31, 11. 6-9: "The glory of kings lies in the tusk of the elephant, of poor people in the shoulder of the bull, of excellent warriors in the tip of the sword (and) of women in the breasts !" Note: This is an oft-quoted stanza. Verse 11: For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra APPENDIX-D PADA-INDEX TO VERSES Introductory Note: This Index includes both Sanskrit and non-Sanskrit verses occurring in LPS. Since regular numbers are not given to the verses in the text, the references here are not to verse numbers but to the respective pages and lines of the printed text. pANipAdo hamatI manaskaH ahiyA pAhuNyA AyA utsaka na katAvalA kathaM garjitavarjitaH kathaM vizrAmyate karaH kiM vA supto'tha vA mRtaH kRtArthAn kurvatastatha guptasutajaganAtha ghaDIyA 43 Thabaka u jar3a UNA cuNaNagayA ai vihaDaspai kalAsu janu jANai dina acchamacha jima girinizaraNAI daridrAn sRjato dhAtuH dIha vataI jana kI dIhA jaMti valeti na hu duddina hoi mahIyajai na jAnImo jagaddeva -nidrAbhannabhayAdiva para upacAra vilAsa pazyatyacakSuH sa gRNItyakarNa: pAmaraloANa sahasaMghamma Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private And Personal Use Only 14.9 24.18 25,17 54.20 1. 20 29.9 1.18 24.21 21.7 24,17 21.14 21.9 21.16 1.17 21.11 25.15 25.19 1.19 24.21 21.12 24.10 31.7
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 123 nAie parivasaMti mahilANa payohare lacchI muhu dekhI milimi 2 karai mR. kannana guhAi yo me garbhasthitasyA'pi rAti raDai na koI sA rAyANa derdite lahUa ulagara dhamma kari varSAkAle payorAziH vasA viNu sUriyA vivize[ 3 ] aba vRtti kalpitavAn payaH zivo'pyarUpI sajino'vatAH zepavRttivizvAnAtha sahi kArya sahasA ahiye saMcAra saha koI sarai na ekU kai sa vetti vizva na hi tasya vettA suhaNa khagga- Age sUa nizcaMta kAI so kahi karizyai kaja kima hajAuM die jAi Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 24.16 35.9 26.7 21.8 29.6 26.4 31.6 21.17 24.20 26.5 25.20 29.7 24.12 29.8 24,15 26.6 25.18 24.11 31.8 21.18 21.13 21.10 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page of 34 35 37 'cchAdana CORRIGENDA Line For Read Introduction I IR udvartanaM 13 Jayasingh Jayasingha 29 ot 12 Varadi Marudi 13 fruits fruit 5 simha sim 29 is was 28 breasts teats 1-2(fn) variants Variations PP PP. I Siddaraja Siddharaja "cchAdanaM Sar krit Sanskrit 9 too 625 pUrvamantriNa pUrvamantriNa 2 Prabandhapancasali Prabandhapascasali 6 Maniky a Manikya Hemacandra Ratna prabha 22 prabanditu-works Prabandha-works pArzve nANaka nANa rAjA rAjJA naparA mukhI naparAGmukhI qirga tAmraSTaravaM zrImAta zrImAnA Uttarayam utlarayani 4 ja arith jagarilah 31 27 If 27.11 3 (30.18 ( 30.18) II The The last s 65 67 912 77 17 20 12 83 X 86 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir I 25 Page Line 14 14 19 II 23 i.e. 29 31 IIO III III III 113 113 116 116 116 23-24 17-18 28 33 11 For Read Srima -prabandha Srimata-prabandha alav svara alavesvara Nag ndragaccha-pajja- Nagendragucchavali patavali 54 4 5494 Bhavai za ru Bhavai-yatra 90 93 90-93 Paramarddi-maydadka Paramarddi-marddaka dezamago'pi dezabhA'pi gurjurezaH gujarezaH i, e. Madanabhraina Madanabhramara tha prabaudha Prabandhacilumani Prabandhaciatamani the Kamaruna country Kamarupa Talwara Talavada teritory territory in PANIJS PHNIJS of on if it Hemacandra Hemacandracarya from the from Kamarupa country Kanarupa dronicdcrics dromedarics referenee reference fulfills fulfils availableones. available oncs, Index to Introduction Bikaner, Bikaner Jagadekamatla Jagadekamalla Mamideva Mamideva Pancadandalmakam Pancadandalmakam Viridha-thirtha-kalpa Vividha-tivtha-kalpa to 23 30 ********** 118 I3 118 I 20 120 ILI 126 24 24 last 129 133 24 3+ 137 138 3 38 I 13 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 126 * Text Page Line For Read 70N gRhIlA ] m RkSena pupuSyama last goDeraghararaya gauDesvaramya 8 muktAvarI -mukAvalI -dakSiNAyAM dakSiNA diva divase tabIyatAma tabIyatAm160 4 pramAyatI pramAjayantI dIThau burA dIjyu rAu 'pyabhavata pyabhavan 14 gRhItvA 23 kutahija. kRta dvija. sAnta saant| mUkannena a.Ta acchamaI maiha ha digujAi dizu nAi vala iMjanI vahataI jana kI u upara kaja kima kima jada dIhAja tivalaM tinahu dIhA jeti valaMti na hu 7 laTTa aulagai dhammakari lahUa ulagai dhamma kAri 18 sUa sUbha 23 vuddhi 8 delete the dunda and the comma. 15 sa hi kArya sahasA saddhiM kAyasahasA utsakana utsakana 20 laha [] stambhitA. 10 HHHHHENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HAHAN stambhitA Appendices Prakrits Sanskit It 32 Prakrits Sanskrit For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 127 Page Line Read 36 25.17 39 of sing. pres. jana kI koDinI case. sense, V , galI jA Old comAsa. from 24 25.27 35 f. 32 sing. 25 janakIu 26 koDInI case sense. 1 6 gaLavU. gaLI jaghu Old, cogAsuM. 3 for 32 Vchu 23 140 dAla Old, 5 three 22 Prakrits pratolI 23 harina 32 "an 20 207 last macakAI 1 rAjA 5 Rajaputa 17 heard'. 15 rAjA 23 rAjA rAjA VchuT 10 TAlU Old 'three, Prakrits pratolI duhina 'an 20.7 Vmacakoha rAjan Rajapita heard. rAjan rAjan rAjJA NNN 73 vajra > 9 . Va (PPS). fulfill bItaka vRddha lit.: siMga (PPS) V. fulfil vInaka vRddha ); lit.: miMga 10 para For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 128 Page Line For Read $4 80 28 Old 2013 27 11233013 mAyatI 22 139 Comprises 26 Patana 8 Pakistana 22 Abhimanyu Old soraThIu sola joaNau pramArjayantI 13.9 comprises Pata na Pakistana Abhimanyu 107 111 115 For Private And Personal Use Only
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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private And Personal Use Only