Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
(2) Vividhatirthakalpa or Kalpapragtpa of Jina prabha güri (1308
1333 A.D.). 'erses 3-24 of the cighth Kalpa called Arbudadrikalpa (page 15 ) contain the latter part of the story, the former one being altogether absent in this book. This versified version avoids or reduces
all details such as dialogues etc. (3) Perälana prabanilhasangraha. (a) Passage no. 1j6 on p. 84 is the thirtyeighth prabandha called
Srimäki-pravandha. It contains the latter part of the story. This
version is according to Mss. B and P. (1) Anutter version of the latter part of the story is given just below
the above one on pp. 84-83 as passage po. 197. It is found in only one out of the tive codices víz. Ms. no. G, which is rightly inferred to have been copied down in the reign of king Peroja, i.e., Pherozesbah of Delhi who came to the throne in
1. S. 1407 ( =1351 A.D.). A compative study of all these versions is given in the following table :
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