Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
It is evideut that in LPS this part of the prubandha is only the starting point of the background for the main story that follows, PC, however, is actually describing the incident.
The second part of the prabandha contains the story of the brothers Khimadhara and Devadhara who later on became known as the magicians Gianya an: N:1ņa ya. The latter portion of this part is met with in Piratana-prabanlia sangrucha as passage no. 70 (p. 36). Comprising only two lines and a liall, it gives a very brief account, as under:
FIA : 971 H A FH814 7 Rafjar प्रकाशयिन गररूपेण विश्वोपद्रवति । बहुतिरुपयरलब्थे तब गज्ञा परहो वादितः । लघुनाना मयणेन धी 1174 facra: FAPT IST !!
It is evident that the PPS version is only a brief suinmary, not necessarily of the story as presented in our text, but, may be of some oral version of the saine. It is taken from coclex G which, as already observed, contains only brief jottings from earlier accounts, written or oral, compiled after 1351 A.I).
The matter of this rubundha is not tracel in any otcr Prabandha.work in any form. The story, as it appears in our lext, is, beyond doubt, an interesting folk-tale.
This prabantha is traced in some other praband -works also. The story may le divided into two parts: (1) the story of king Lakhanasena and his minister Umipat is ridhara, and (2) the story of king Ratnaputija and his daughter Srimå til. In some versions the part only is found, in some others the two parts form the matter of two separate probandhas. The story of this prabandha occurs in the following works:
(1) Prabandhuintimari of Merutuligasūri ( 1305 A 1).): Passages
nos. 204 and 205 of the littlı Praksa on pages roy-Iro contain the latter part of the story and as such they are named at the end as Sribunjat:īja-iatputrīsimilai-pratandha. The former part of the story is found in passage no. 209 of the same Prakāśa on pages 112-113, which is named Lakşmamaseromāpatidharavoh prabandhah. In this version the story appears in inore det tils.
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