Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
prosperous and given to amorou pleasures. All the same it is not easy to explain how the name 'Mahobaka' became 'Kanti'! The only explanation of the situation is that 'Kanti' might be another name of the city of Mahobaka'! Because LP> places this Kapt! in Bengal, which is indeed sarciful; or, at the most, we can say that the scribal errors might have turned 'Candeladesa' to 'Vangaladeśa'.
The names of the minisler and the gate-rafficer of Mada na bhrama are common to LPS and PPS, while that of the Commander-in chief is given differently. PK is silent on the point. There is no criterion for proving the historicity of these narnes; but the matter is quite insigniñcant. The same is the case with the names ol the queens, their maids and the like.
Certain important facts regarding Siddharija Jayasimha, as found in this probandha, are, however, historical beyond doubt. lle is stated here to bave been a descendent v the thirce brothers Raja, Bija and Dandaka, which is an established faci. Secondly, a lis: of his six predecessors right from the founder of the Cauluk y a dynasty is given here in the correct chronological order : (!) Mū1a räja, (2) Cámundarai, (3) Valla Lalla rija, (4) Durla bha cája, (5) Bli in a and (6) Karadeva, the last one being his father.
Moreover, Siddharija Ja y asimha is de cribed here as "18 taksa 92 sahasra milavalakşmi kuca-graha-vigra-paņi" 16. 14-15) and "yo sakusy.-gürjara-dharudhisvuruh" 174). It is very difficule, well nigh imposs ible, today to attempt a true interpretation of these two statements. These figures may indicate either the annual income or the population of the total number of villages. The first statement may be regarded as indicative of the total population of the Malava land rather than the annul income of the number of villages in that territory. It is also not improbable that it may be indicative of the amount received by Siddharaja saya simha as a tribute from the king of the Malava land. On the other hand, the second statement does not appear to display eitlier the total population or the annual
In his lecter dated the 3rd September 1964 Dr. D. C. Sircar, a veteran sistorian, states: "There being no noteworthy place called Kanti. Purlin Bengal, King. Madan a bhrama of Kantipuri in Vangala seens to be imaginary or due to corrupt reading. On the other band, Chandella Madana varman of Mahoba was a contemporary of J a ya simba Siddharāja, and purvasmin difi does not offer any difficulty at all. It is not impossible that Vangladets is a mistake for Chandeladese."
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