Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
feudatory. But the 'A$va pati' in question appears to be different froin this A $a raja. He was Anaka or Arnorāja of Sa ka mbhari, a powerful contemporary of Siddharåja. As an inscription of Siddha. rája is eliscovered from a well in Sa ka mbhari, it can be inferred that Siddharaja must have conquered the place, may be for .1 very short period, We know that I emacandra's Dugásrayamahäkävya łoes not give any details of Siddharaja's fights with the Rajasthana rulers. Al the same, in the same work, on meeting Anåka on the battlefield, Kumāra pala reminds him of the fact that he (i.e. À nāka) had to bow down to his predecessor Siddharaja J a ya siin hat Some s vara's Kirtikaumudi also clearly states that having defeated Arnorja, Siddharāja married his daughter Kancana devi to hiin.! This shows that a fighe did take place between Siddharaja and Arnorája. Siddhardja's offering his daughter in marriage to the defeated king may be regarded as indicative of his magnanimous nature and fore-sight. All the same the fact that he had to give his daughter to him shows Arnorája's importance. M sreover, in a post-colophon entiy dated Thursday, the second day of the bright half of the month of ladha in V, S. 119$ ( = 11.12 AI),1, ATDoraja is described as 'Samasla-räjävail sumalarkraparamabhatlaraku-mahäräjäihiraja-paramesvara'. $ Thus Armorija or Anika, the Cana mana ruler of Sākambhari, was deinitely a powerful conteroporary of Siddha rāja and as suchi be appears to have been meant by the term "Atva pali' of our text.
Now let as surn to Gajupali'. The elephants of the forests of Central India are quite famous. Consequently the term 'Gajapati' may be taken to denote the king of Mala vă. The incident of Siddla răja's attack on Yasovarman, the Paramára king of å la vă, and his vanquishing and capturing him alive is described at length in such standard works as Hema candra's Dvyášayamahakavya, Some svara's Kirtikası mudi, Bålacaq dra's Vasanta-vilasa, Merutunga's Prabandhacirtamani, Jayasimha sūri's Kumarapülabhápålacarita and Jinama ņdana's Kumārcipālaprabandha. In some places the fight is stated to be with Naravarman ( 1105-1133 A.D.) and elsewhere with his son and successor
• Vide CG, p. 7o and GMRI, p. 293.
† Vide Dryasrayamahakarya, XVIII. 84-86 and coinmentary thercon: pp. 474-476 of the Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Texts Serics Edition.
9 Vide Kirtikaumudi, II. 26-28.
$ Vide Jain pustaka-prasastisangraha, p. 107; also vide for detail, CG, p. 71 and GMRI, pp. 295-295.
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