Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
decl. this mouza'. *** *! 19.1. Nom. sing. n. os Old
Guj. 04:23. Pievalent in Oxl Guj-;wide e.. Gurjararasavali 1.391. Mix]. Gij. < Old Guj. kasi cap
Vijay and lit, ufa? <Sk. 0341, cl. Siin! 07, 2151. decl. a type of plea are servants of the kin: lit. : ill.
19.12, Xoni, ul, of Oil Guj. 2 7: 117., a possessive alj. ficit the neth 7:17, 11. curiosity, War' <Pkl. . . S. 144 a., fri1 W. derived C1j. 1 , l itlar, R. OK! Cuj4:36:41 > Md. Guj. 21:41. Vide is; also uile ISIS 13 (TC}, 55 PK) : 234 (1PS) 11, vl.icl., like the vocable in 193203), is evidestly an oblique fuim of fis, ac 4p. di:vitlive
of Sk. 1 1. 'a cup-shapel vessel'. 30.4. c. i'kt. B, ; Guj.
479, a: Ilirdi . 17:15 ISIS IDC ), 19(PK).
115 ( S. 1. 'a wk , a task'. Nom. sing. I E : 21.39
a ncc. sirg. 2014 * 21.14. Old Gul Ap.,
t'kl. 1). <SK, 14 il. cl. Gaj, linki, VIT. 53. f. 'a bious, dress in general', waai waiters HET
1.16. [Here there is a rel. to the ancient culom vi the biothet's offering a Kapcalika to his sister as a tokeli ol luis love for her, which custom is still prevalent in diffcrcut parts of India.) cf. Guj. wiat, . Vide LSJS 43 (PK) qa ; I
(PC), 115 (PPS) 77*. f. 'the p:oícasion of begging giairs for maintaining oneself
and the family'. 25.22, VILSIS 49 (l'K), 115 PPS. decl. a type of plcasure-servants of the king ; !it. : ''exposer3
of (religiou:) stories". 16.12. Nom. pl. of Old Gaj.
416 m. <I'kt, mit, ***** <Sk. Ew derived from
Sk. Wt+VT. ci. Guj. 7476, 74473%. dccl. with (my) cur'. 4 + 5818 21.8. Inst. sing.cí. Oldi
Guj. 7. m. <Pkt. 72, 01 m. <Sk. A m. n 'a door'. *9ra afa! 30.8. cf, Guj. 413. Vide
LSJS 49 (PK), 116 (PPS),
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