Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
deci. 'a man':
Guj. and lit. anel Mar .
191 Aq
n. Sk.
20.9. Nom. sing. of Old m. Also ci. Mod. Guj.
v. 'go away, pass away'. Am áfa 21.15. 314 pers. pl,
present of Pkt. v I < Sk. V . Pkt, a = Sk. ale ci. Ciuj., Hindi, Mar. Vai.
Vide ark. adj. in epithet of king Siddharāja Jayasimla of Gujarāta;
lit. : 'self-chosen husband of thic Glory of Victory'. 6.17. Old inj. संवर < Pkt. सयंवर <sk. स्वयंवर. Vide
Fiat v. 'goes, passes away' at alle 21.10. 3rd pers. sing.
present of Old Guj. and Pkt. 1 < Sk. Vasto go'. (Ill Guj and Pkt, ait :- Ski allt. cf. Mod. Guj., Hindi
and var. Vai Vide St. adj. Ulster of sacrifices'. 475941 adat I 6.7.
Old and Wol. Guj., JIindi and Pkt. 1 < Sk, 911'a sacrifice' + OKI Guj., Oll Hindi and Pkt. # < Sk. eur'a lord': Vide, for Ol Guj. references to thicsc two words, Gurjararásávali 5.109 and 1.370; 6.239
spy, v. 'knows, wherslanls'. 137 fiy za 21.9. 3rd
pers. sing. fresent of Old Guj. and I'kt, V= < Sk. Val. Pkt. 1 = Sk, 31 . cl. equivalent forms ) (Mod. Guj.); Hindi); (Mar.) Vids 37.
v. 'I know'21.10. Ist pers. sing. Present of Old Guj.
and I'kt, V T < Sk. Var. Old Guj, and Pkt. 17 = 55. = Mol, Graj. Gus: Hindi tit
Vidic *, 'as is'. JTO ST R 144 EI ! 10.7-8. This is the
sarne as Guj. t < l'kt. aa < Sk. *, Ist person singular present of Sk. Vor 'to know'; but it hits
obtained currency 33 11 adverb in the sense of 'as it'... n. 'the remembering of the past birth'. 18,18; 29.12.
Ville LSIS 18 ( 10 ), 137 (PPS).
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