Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Introductory Note:
This Index is divided into five sections viz. ] Historical Names, [2] Names of Doubtful Historicity, [3] Geographical Names, [4] Mythological Names and 5 Miscellaneous Names. [1] Comprises names of historical personages and dynasties. In [2] arc entered names of personages of doubtful historicity. As already remarked in the Introduction while discussing the bearings of the present text on history, the editor does not believe that all of these persons are not historical. His firm contention is that at least some of them can easily be proved to be historical after due investigations. For instance, there is no doubt in his mind regarding the historicity of Jhalau Mangū, Māņikya, Vayajula Pastagiu, Samala Pontāru, Silanu Kutigiu and Harapala Sakariu alias Sakariya-saha Haripala. Names of all Geographical places such as countries, cities, towns, villages, mountains, rivers and tanks-historical or otherwise—are included in [3]; while [4] comprises names of mythological nature. The names of such personages as Gorakhanatha and Matsyendranatha are entered in this section. Names of miscellaneous nature are enlisted under [5], the most prominent entries there being those of Bharahasastram and Väsupūjyacaritram.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
A brief note is appended to each entry under sections [2] to [5]. Such a note is not deemed necessary in the case of the Historical Names, regarding which the readers may better refer to the relevant portions of the Introduction - particularly the Chapter on "Bearings on History". All the entries of this Appendix will also be found in the Index to Introduction to which the readers may refer for details about the same.
The references are to the respective pages and lines of the printed text of LPS. As a separate Index is appended to the Introduction, references to the pages of the Introduction are not included in the present Appendix. For abbreviations used here the readers may refer to the list of abbreviations given at the outset of the hook.
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