Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
IV. The Study of the Text THE TITLE AND EXTENT
Though the present work is named here as Laghu-prabantha-sangraha, it must be pointed out that no such title is mentioned anywhere either in the body of the text ur in its colophons. All the same the cover of Ms. G bears this titie in a modern hand, and, since it sloes not contradict any known fact and syits the contents etc. of the text, the same has been accepted as the title of the work in the present edition. This name is significant inasmuch as the work contains short anecdotes relating to certain historical personages or incidents. It comprises in all to such laghu-prabandhas. The first prabandhu bears the age of the Ms. in its post-colophon entry, wuile the close of the whole work is marked by a Prakrit subhasita placed at the end of the roth prabandhut.
The stories narrated in the LPS may briefly be rendered into English as under:
Jagad de va, son of Paramára king Uda y aditya oi Ujjayini, was very generous. When the king expired, Ramadha vala, Jagaddeva's step-brother, was enthroned by the ministers, but the people honoured Ja gaddeva. Consequently the ministers engaged murderers and the noble prince left the city.
He entered the border-town of the very powerful king para magi of Kalyāna kojipura which was offered by the queen to the harlots for maintenance. Having taken his meals at the place of a merchant he startce wandering in the city.
Being recognized as a lortunate man with excellent characteristics by the choirie-maid of Queen Lilăvati, who beheld him from her balcony concealing
or, abandoning-pariharan-) one betel-roll and asking for another by keeping his land on his shoulder, he was summoned in. When the king gave bini audience, a large-eyed lady covered her head while paying bira respects and in return Jagadde va made a brotherly endowment to her of three hundred thousand coins.
On seeing his magnanimity the minister played a trick, A Bhaviil-performance was undertaken wherein the king began to dance aod the minister played upon the tabor. Jag a ddeva put off his pupusya ( =turban?), bestowed it upon the minister and asked him to choose a boon. The chief
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