Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
I अनङ्गरङ्गवाडी
2 अन्धारघोरवाडी
3 कमलकेदार
4 कैलास हा
5 क्षीरोहि
6 गन्धर्व सर्वस्व
7 चन्द्रयोत्स्ना
8 धारागिरिवाडी
9 नन्दनवाडी
10 पुष्पा[ फा भरण
II भरशास्त्रम्
12 वासुपूज्य चरित्रम्
-one of the four parks attached to the palace of Madanabhrama. 4.6.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-one of the four step-wells in the palace-compound of Madabhrama. 4.7.
-one of the four principal Gavaksas thal to the north of the palace of Madanabhrama. 4.5. -one of the four step-wells in the palace-compound of Madanabhrama. 4.7.
-one of the four principal Gavākṣas in Madanabhrama's palace. 4.4-5.
-a small pond in the palace-compound of Madanabhrama. [Candrajyotsnā > Candrajotsna Candrayotsna.] 4.10; 5.6.
-one of the four parks in the compound of the palace of Madanabhrama, 4.8.
Do. 4.9.
-one of the four principal Guvaksas in Madanabhrama's palace. 4.4; 5.5; 7.6.
--the science of Dramaturgy. Probably here there is a reference to the Natyasastra of Bharata, the oldest available work on Poetics (including Dramaturgy), which can be placed not later than 300 A.D. 25.6.
-the Vasupujyacaritam, a work in four Sargas describing in 5494 verses the life-story of Vás upujya, the twelfth Tirthankara of the Jainas, along with the narration of his previous birth as king P admottara. It is written throughout in the Anustubh metre, with the exception of the concluding verses of the Sargas which are in Vasantatilaka. As is evident from the Prasastiverses at the close of the fourth Sarga, it was
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