Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
decl. same as साकरिया. 18.6. Norn. sing. m. of Old Guj.
साकरीउ. adj. 'ail'.
यो अस्य साराणि सहकाराणि मे यच्छति तस्या कन्या वतुष्क परिणाय्य दास्यामि । 17.6-7. cf. Guj. सर; Hindi सारा exactly in
this sense. adj. 'possessing a nice bank '?
चंद्रयोत्स्ना तलावली । पपीआर सारूभार । बरंडी उदार । 4.10. The word is prevalent in Old Guj, in a similar sense. Vide. c.g., Varnaka-sanuccaya 3.3 मोनीना चक, तेहमाहि सारूमार पाट, मेहाच्या पार; 4.10 एकर सार सारूवार घाट: 200. 18-19 कारि पदमागर रतन बzi कि सारूपार वाट, नीपनु पार; 35.23 चरंगली पाली, जड़ी मूठि, सारऊ मार, बिहउबंधि जलोई. cf. Goj. सारो आरो m. a nice bank'. Vile LSJSgs मार 'excellent' (PK ); also 231-222 सारा in three
different senses (PPS). ind. ' along with, in company with'. राजाऽपि सायें आनीतः 8.53
साथै गत: 11.6; शोक विमोच्य साथै नीता 15.16-17तदा वध्वा छगणकानि साथै नीतानि । 16.13. The peculiarity of this usage of the vocable is that it does not need any noun for its existence and is quite independently used, Vaturally this manifests the inluence of Prakrit and regional dialects. cf. Guj. साथे ;
Hindi साथ, माथमें. Vide LSJS 222 ( PPS!. m. a surname of the Vaniks or the trading community.
21.1. cf. Guj. 715. Vide GAIT ; also vide LSJS 38
(PC), decl. ' an army'. श्रीजयलिददेवस्य ५ लक्ष साइण १ लक्ष पदातयो विद्यन्ते ।
7. In-Yr. Nom. sing. (as well as pl. ) of Old Guj. माहाल, < Pkt. साक्षणा. <Sk. साधन n. 'an army'. [In the present context the word " appears to denote
an army excluding its foot-soldiers', or, perhaps, only
• the cavalry'.] Vide LSJSGS साहासमुद्र (PK ). m. a title of king Siddharăja Jayasimba of Gujarăta
(1094-1143 A.D.) lit. : 'a sovereign possessing miraculous powers.' "श्रीपत्तने सिद्धचक्रवर्तिश्रीजयसिंहदेवराज्यासमा. गताः।" 20.5, “सिपकवतेविरदं मोत्रयावः ।" " राजन् ! स्वं
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