Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Průcina Phágu Sangraha 15.20. It is prevalent in the dialects of north Guj. even now. of mid'. 4.13. Gen. pl. n. Old (and Mod.) Guj, of
, which, in ali probability, is a scribal error for Old Guj. na m'mud' < Pkt. 7 m . <Sk. lin. at is Gen, pl. n. Guj. termination.
#1990187 काष्ठभक्षण
This is a corruption of Pkt. 1 ' a crow'. H ETH!
fi 24.15. The scribe could not properly decipher the letter in the original and, being all unaware of the sense of the verse, be copied it as 14 which is equal to 4. Sk. * > Pkt. 478, AT > Old Guj. 41 > Mod. Guj.
ajat, mot. adj. 'quarrelsome and foolish'. 8.9. cf. Guj, Hindi, Mar.
कबाडी. Vide काश्कबाडीBalso vide LSJS 49वाटिन्, 50 टिक
(PK): 116 mrzz (PPS). salj. same as fibraft. n. 'burning onesell alive': lit.: being eaten away by
wood'. 13.10; 28.12. The use of the word F18**in this sense is fairly common in Old Guj. anel also to some extent in Mod. Guj. Vide, for instances, LSJS 52 (PK),
120 (PI'S). ind. 'how, why. THE 7, 31
21. 13-14. Old Guj. and Ap. fi < Pkt. For < Sk, f.
cf. Mod. Guj. . adj. done, performed by'. # 448 Fri u zak CIA I
21,11-12, Nom. sing. m, of Pkt. 14 al 014) Sk *1 PP.p. of Sk. Voc. Guj. j.
Vide Fr, 263, 5A, 197, 1. v. ' are being dune'. Hate 91 cina 177 14.11
12. 3rd pers. pl. present passive of Old (and Mod.) Guj. VW Pkt. V* <Sk, V. Being pl. it ought to have been a
Vide me, #3, f, afteqe, #1, #2. pion, 'who'. En 3 6.4. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj,
pron. कुन <Pkt. करण CSk. किम् +पुनः. This vocable is fairly prevalent in Old Guj. in the forms 431,477, 78 , . Vide, e.g., Gurjararáså.
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