Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
"कुबलापीह पाडी ताड्यो तेणे, पोंहोतार उतारी ह हणे; 47 h que , a hran'a 74 4 ." Also vide Sandesară B. J.; Paünlüra-Puntūra' (Guj.)
in Budddhiprakúša, September 1948. deci. 'hollow, useless, empty show'. it stei 4190
77 1 5.2-3. Nom. pl. n. of Old and Mod. Guj. adj. de probably derived from
Pkt. 18, f. 'a Jaina inonastery'. 31.2.
TA Jaina technical terin.]
Vide LSJS 26 (PC), 77 (PK), 166 (PPS). v. "to give audience, to make a public appearance'. 5-4.
cf. Guj., Hindi, Mar. $972 . ind. 'lor'. qui fa Aa:1 22.6.
(Used peculiarly in this sense unrler dialectical influ
ence.) f. 'a gate'. 8.2, si 9.1; 29.3. Vide LSJS 27 (PC), 77
(PK), 167 (PPS). decl, 'a temple'. 4.16. Nom. sing. of Old Guj. Ara m.
< Pkt. & Sk. sier m. m.? a day'? "9999 at tai 97 falar qat" ...
राजा न जयति । एको दिवसो जातः । शिलीय दिनमायभवत् । तस्य सभा तस्मिन् पाटके गत्वा विलोकितम् । सहर्ष वदम्ति । "राजो विभाने हारिभfazla" 10.17-20. Subhasjagamin, in his Vikramaditya-vikramacaritra-rarilta, uses fang' three times' for ' 85929-vido Or Ms. no. 12407 fol, 235, lines 2-3. Pūrņacandrasuri, in his Pañcadandacchatra prabandha, employs apau' whiclı may perhaps mean 'three rounds '-vide Of Ms. 110.2376, fol.z* line 11, Ramacandrasuri, in his Pancadandilupalsaprabandha, dues not give any such specification and simply puts the condition of defeating the girl---vide OL lis. no. 2111, fol. 2 line 5. The meaning of our vocable
ch is not clarified by these usages. The context in our text implies that the sense intended there is that of a day' and not either of a time' or an inning'.
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