Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
फोफली ड
dec). (t) a trader in betel-nut'.
फोफल << Pkt. पोल्कल < Sk. पूगफल :
belonging to or hailing from a place called Phophala or Phophalia'.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Guj. Old Guj.
18.6. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. 3. cf. Guj. फोफलियो.
decl. a songster'. 18.11. Nom, sing. of Old Guj. g, a. Vide, e.g., Varnakasamuccaya (Pratina Gurjara Granthamālā-), 49.16.]
बारोडलगड (०.८. बारडला & द्वारपालक ) dccl. an officer protecting the city-gates '; the servant (attending) at the gate'. 3.3. cf. Guj. in the sense of a door, a gate. Nom. sing. m. of Old Guj. a. cf. Desistant; Pkt. sta; Old Guj, an; Old Mar, en, la, la, зn; Mod. Guj. ओळग; Kannada कॅटिंग; Mar. ओळ. Vide LSJS 34 बार gate ( PC 29.28); 106 service (PPS 79.1-6, 112.26-29, 115.22-24); 114 3 service' (PPS 53.33 ); 54.13); 143
'service' (PPS
3 (PPS 24.32).
Vide LSJS 27 (PC), 169 (PPS) where the term azar is used in Sanskrit, while it is known to be prevalent in Old Guj., Ap. and Pkt.
adj. a title of the Jaina pontiff Pradyumnasüri, who was a senior contemporary of Siddharaja Jayasimha and grand-preceptor of Acarya Hemacandra; lit.: Deaf Sarasvati, Goddess of Learning'. 24.8.
(PPS 25.7, 8); 171
ind. outside'.
'a village other than or distant from one's own place'. 28.6. cf. Guj. agtenta,
दादशवर्य यावत् मा कथं परिक्रमसि ? 8. 10;
भोजनार्थ धान्यानि बाह्ये पवित्रा मध्ये नीयन्ते । 12.4-5 [The peculiarity of this usage is that this vocable does not depend on any noun for its existence and adverbially occurs quite independently.]
For Private And Personal Use Only
n. 'a title'. 20.7, 20; 25.8.
cf. Guj. f. Vile LSJS 79 fix (PK); 28 (PC), 79 (PK), 171 (PPS) ft.