Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
There are places where causal forms are used in the sense of ordinary past passive participles and ordinary ones definitely carry a causal sense. Sunk hadhvaniḥ śruta jägaritaḥ (27.3) is an instance of the former case where ja arit means nothing more than jägriah. Likewise, gayitāni in batukairarbudacalagiani gazitâni (29. II-1) stands simply for gtani. Simdarly, patata tasya nupuram bhagnam (11.13) and raja tad-vrlokuyitva madhye Aşiptam ( 29. 16-17, are instances of the latter case, where bhagnum and kṣiptam definitely stand for the causal forms bhanjilam and set ilam respectively. Likewise in rajña bhajanärtham dhanyani bühye pacitva madhye niyante (12. 4-5) the actions convey indeed a causal sense. Similarly the present tense has sometimes replaced the past; e.g. tvam kutra gata 'si? (13.7) which has to be translated in the context as "where had you been ? "
Instances of the verb being influenced by the number and gender of the noun nearest to it are also noticed; e.g. dramikena kimšukapuspāņi sahakāram.njari va yan bhlayam krtam (28.16). Similar is the case of eka kṣurikā krā lohamayi musth phalam Sarkaramayan kita mi pähudamiseņu dattami mukhe kṣiptam 1 (2. 19-20) where datiam and kṣiptam are governed by phalam, while they ought to have been governed by Aşurika which was handed over, and not merely its blade, under the pretext of a gift.
A number of non-Sanskrit words have been employed; e.g. talávali (4.10; 5.6), pazatkiärän! (4.10), varandi (4.10). Non-Sanskrit names are employed even without the usual case-terminations; c.g. page 4. Not only Old Gujarāti expressions but even whole sentences are introduced in Sanskrit passages; e.g. 3. 2-3; 4. - 5. 2-3; tetalar etalaum 1’ 'etalai hetalauns?' 19. 1-2. Gujarâri case-terminations and actual Gujarat verbal forms also are met with; e.g. 4. 11-16; 5.1. Even purely Sanskrit sentences reveal tremendous influence of the regional dialects. It will be worth-while here to cite a few instances of the same: rajño vibhāte harir-bhavisyati (10.20), adya rajan nidrā ghanatara (11.17), manaścinlitapasuka cukkitä sä (11.20), rajyam mantrine bhalapya (12.4), sandhim capitaḥ [ 12.14), barita'si 'you have been lost at stake' (12.16), sarthe gatah (14.6), sarthe nila (15.17), rajña purohitasya'g re uklam (15.9), Salya udghâțită (15.18), ghotaka ardhuo'sti (15.21), digatrayam calulaḥ (22.4), mukham macakaḍitam (22.19), nāmalu pauau patita (22.22), tāsām pārsve pratim (27.5-3), lasya samipe... ekinte arpi'āni (27.12-13), srijayasimha par šve agatau (27.14-15), matuḥ pārsve pitroritam prstam (28.7). kapājāni dastani (30.8), talra patilavayā vrutinām pārsvat mundupårsvat drammapañcakam simāyām grhṇanti (30.11-12),
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