Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
also not rare ; e.g rájño āvase ( 14.18) for vājña ūvdse. All cases of an anusvåra followed by a vowel are deemed as scribal errors and as such they have been corrected by the editor while reconstituting the text. At the same time we meet with such places also where a difficult Sanidhi is quite nicely observed ; e.g. Caturusiliputlulakās-caranīt-adko hadiah ( 30.7-8).
Cases cf change of gender also are met with; e.g. Calvārah Banyak pariniya (15. 21-22); laksa 2 daltă (23.7; Sankhadhvanih śrutā (27.5); dindh (25.24); dehamstriyah ( 29.11 ); manusymayain delam (29.76).
Numernus instances of peculiar sieclensions are meterli (1) Uogrammatical forms of the names of directions are met with; eg, diksināyām (4,4; 5.5), Clarāyān (4.5). [2] The word rájun, even as tlic inal member of a compound, does not drop its final n and retains its usual forms; eg, paramadigiã (1.9), madanabhramarajānam (5.13), gurjararājñaḥ (9-3), parimadirajñaḥ (25.13). [3] Locative is mostly used for Accusative of place; e.g. s:ipailane sumigatuk ( 2.5: 9.5), gudure gatri (2.61, "katake gatra ( 5.60), srâvāse parra ( 10.9), ävise gatah ( 12 5; 11,18 ), yakşabhartane gataḥ (10.21), svarge galah (11.1!, nagare frūpias (134), gthe nid (13.8). ujjayinyām garah (15.15). (4. Dative of sampradana is replaced by Genitive; e.g. karjararajio dattāḥ (9-3). Lasya ftām-arppavışvámi ( 12.16-17), puirasya datta 13.8), purohitusyo danu diyarin (15.8), teşām yacchali 16 14). tasya .. dasyami ( 17. 6-7, mantinah ... dati (17.14). [5] Genitive replacing Accusative; e.g. bhatasya militak (5.10-11 ). (6) The word samam takes Gerritive instead of Instrumental; e. parimaqirājāah samam juadhum jāyate (25.13).
There is an instance of double abstraction of an abstract noun; e.g. faithilyatvāt $5.3).
Cases of change of pada also are met with ; e.g. Vüc (1 A.) takes parasmai-pada in yācas (1.13) and păcathah (2.2).
Several instances of causal forms with the augment -upaya are noted; e.g. bhatāpya (12.4. cf, Guj. equivalent bhalav!), parināpaya (17.9, cf, Guj. equivalent paranīva , farinapayasami (17-10, cf. Guj, equivalent paramariša I, caļāpya (17.12, cf. Guj. equivalent calari).
A few peculiar compounds also are worth noting. One of them is kopakilasali (1.8 !. Some thers are conspicuous on account of lack of Sandh: ix ween the members; eg saptašala - aśviharaidhah (8.3), mari - di - áraninyd (15.73 ), namala-ārāmini (22,17), mitangi-abhilasa) ( 28.4.).
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