Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
16 TTT
-Gujarata: three references: (1) Tive the land of Gujarāla proper. 7.4.
2) 7 15 the king of Gujarata. 9.3. [3) auft the Gujarati language, 20.4. - the eastern territory of India including modern
Bengal and Assam. 2.3; 20,6; 25.4. --a town in North Gujarāta, modern Cāņasmā, situated about 20 miles south to Patanja. It is regarded as a holy place of the Jainas sacred to Bhatevā Pārsvandt ha. Its Sanskrit name is given as Candravati. According to a Jaina interpretation, as there are twelve windows in the mosque there meant for looking at the moon -Cáma-, it is called Camdasami, Canasama! Vide JPI, part II, p. 401. This is not at all convincing. The term Când asa mā of our text appears nothing more thau Sanskritisation of
the modern name Caņas mā! 27.12. -modern town of Dabhoi in Baroda district of Gujarata, situated about 40 miles north-cast of Broach and 20 miles south-east of Baroda. Its ancient name is Darbhāvari, lo the Giranāra Jaina Inscription of 1288 V.S. (=1232 A.I).) it is mentioned among important citics of Gujarāta. An interesting but fanciful derivation of its modern name *Dabhoi' is given in our prabandha. The writer of the prabandha appears to have tried to connect
dorbha' and vali' of its original name Darbha. varī in this fanciful derivation by stating that a wata or a banyan trec was sprinkled by the serpent Taksa ka who acted like Dhanvantari for helping Pariksit! Tbis derivation does not, on the face of it, seem to carry any significance at all. All the same, it may be noted with interest that this historical town is surrounded by a fort and to the east of the gate popularly known as 'Hird. bhagola' after the name of the dexterous mason who built the rampurt, is situated a temple of
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