Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
goddess Bhudrakali in the fort-wall itself and on the rampart to the north of this temple is engraved a nice scene of the palace built for king Pariksit in the occan! 22.4, 7, 9.
at 4773
21 77717
the temple of pārsvanatha, the 23rd Tirthuikara of the J ainas, situated in Dabhoi, 22.
4, 7, 9-10, II. -Khambhita or Cambay. 12.2. Vide
taradi. Its five names are cnumcrated in an Old Guj. anonymous poem called Paricadunda-catuspadi datcd V.S. 1556 ( = 1500 A.D.); vide: 777 HIT ara viaja. 2 cd अंबापती खाणीइ, भोगवती अभिराम; लीलावती लीला करी, अमरावती तमु नाम. 3. (p. 62 of Buddhi-prakása of 1932 A.D. where the
work is edited by Dr. B. J. Sándesara). ---the lake at Palana constructed by Caulu kya king Durlabharaja (1010-1022 A.D.). According to LPS the famous lake Sahasralinga was constructed by his descendent Siddharāja Ja ya simha (1094-1143 A.D.) at the site of this Durlabhasarus and this statement is cor
Tuborated hy other cvidences as well. 19.4. --a river in Saurastra, which had to be crossed
whilc traversing from Vamanasthali (mod. Vant liai) to Devapattana (mod. Prabhisa Pājana). It cannot be traced at present.
Therefore it might be an insignificant rivulct. 30.20. -Prabha sa pafaa in Saurastra. Also known as Somanatha Pa fara. An ancient holy place of pilgrimage consecrated to the temple of Sumanátha, one of the twelve Jyotirliogas of Lord Siva. Siluated on the southern coast of Saurās tra, it is perhaps one of the most ancient cities of India. It suffered severa! severc invasions by Muslims. the Srst being that by Mahmud of Ghazni which took place on Thursday the 30th January of 1025 A.D.
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