Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Gal 7 Pothi 12 Pa 39 Putra 10,
This remark obviously notes the total number of folios of this Ms. which is the twelfth Ms. of the bundle of Mss. numbered 7 which in all comprises 39 folios. The figure 39 written in a different hand on the top corner of the left margin on the same page supports this inference. Evidently, therefore, this remark as well as the figure 39 is, in all probability, written at a later stage by an owner of the Ms.
There are co corrections, nor any marginalia. No pigment is used for erasures, which, being far and few between, are sometimes marked by two or three vertical strokes above the letter, sometimes by trying to rub out the letters and sometimes by daubing over the letters with the same black ink. Especially wlien the same letters are wrongly repeated, erasure is made by a line drawn over the portion to be crased. In one case ( fol. 5b, line 3) erasure is marked by a single line drawn below the portion invariably touching the letters to be erased,
The writing is throughout in Prsthamátrás, excepting, of course, very few places where ordinary mirüs are used. Double dandas are mostly used for inarking the commencement and close of sections and chapters. Everywhere else a single danda is employed. It is used inadvertently. It is frequently put where it is not at all required. In a few cases it wrongly separilles letters of the same word, e.g. füs Italika'. Likewise at places it is avoided where it is needed. Final > is always writtell as an #445vira, l'or parasurarna also ajuusvára is generally used. At places antsvārk and the initial vowel of the next word are placed side by side, e.g. 'Vasantakridayain adyane'. The visarga (:) is unnecessarily introduced at several places, while avagraha (s) is often dropped. The letter is generally written as 4. Likewise 1 and have always taken the forms of land á respy. Similarly is written as and z as a. Occasioually has taken a form wliich can very easily be confused with . At one place (24.15) the scribe las not been able to decipher correctly the term 17 of the archetype and has copied it down as 123 which is equivalent to my! In the same way, at anothier place ( 25.19) tlie letter of the original Ms. cculd not be properly decipbered and is copied down in Gas 31, though the wliole word with a far dues not seern to make any sense: It is allant which ought to have been HT4** (=Sk. gada).
Colophons and post-colophon entries are daybed over with red chalk. Alinost everywhere even the single dandus-including those often inadvertently introduced-and the first few letters of every prabandha also are daubed over with red chalk.
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