Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ferences that Harapāla sāka riu alias Sakariya saha Haripala, father of minister Sajjana of the court of Siddharaja Jayasimh, was a minister of Siddharāja's father Karnade va and that he might have retired after Sidd lia ráj a came to the throne, The term saha may indicate that he was a merchant, whicit supports our interpretation of the term 'Sákarix'.
(13) DHIANAPĀLA PHOPHALJU : Here also the epithet Phophalfu' can be interpreted to mean either a merchant trading in betel-nut [Guj, phophala <Pkt. popphala < Skt. priga phala] or one hailing from a village called Phopliaia or Phophalia such as the two villages called Nanum
hophalium and Moţum Phophalium in Baroda District of Gujarata. Nothing more is known of this courtier.
(14) MÅLAL BHELADIU: The epithet 'bheladin' suggests that Målau hailed from certain village named Bli elad I-probably the one situated near Disi in North Gujaråta.
(15) MADANA TĀJBADIU: The epithet 'Lümbadiu', again, suggests both the profession of a copper-smithi or a dealer in copper vessels as well as the native place ni Madana which appears to have been Tramba. va ti, ie, modern Kiambhūta or Camba y.
(16) VAYAJALA PASTĀGIU : He appears to be the same as Vaijja or Yaijjaladeva who is known from inscriptions to have been tle Dandanāyaku of Nad dula (mod.
N ola in Rajasthāna) during the reign of Kumarapāla (1143-1173 A.D.), and the same as Vayajaladeva, the Mahamandalesvara of Narmad åtaţa or the Las a territory in the reign of Aja ya păla (1173-1176 A.D.). PC (p. 97) mentions one Vayajaladevu as Aja ya pala's gate-keeper who murdered him, PPS (p. 48) gives the name of the murderer of Aja ya. pāla as V a ijalade v a. This Va ya jaladeva or Vaijala. deva is most probably identical with the Cäha mâna Vaijja or Vaijjaladeva who was a very influencial officer at the court of both Kumāra pāla and Aja ya pila. † The epithet 'pastègin', as found in/ our text, clarifies that he was a vegetable-vender. He might have represented his guild in Siddharija's court and, in all probability, he might have been appointed on the dignified post only at a later stage.
(171 JHÁLAU RĀŅAU: This cannot be regarded as a proper name. A feudal vassa) might have been popularly known by this family name, Nothing more is known about him.
| Vide GMRI, pp. 320, 324, 334 ; PANIJS, pp. 278, 288.
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