Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
हरिप्रिय द्रम्म
hcg hy
m. lit. the Dramma-coin with the impression of a deer'. कशालायां इरिणप्रिया द्रम्मा जाताः । 29.1. The meaning given here is supported by PPS where this story is repeated on pp. 84-85 and where it is specifically stated that " अथ टक्कशालायां हरिण्यङ्किता द्रम्माः पतन्ति ।" (p. 85. 1. 2). Likewise, PC (pp. 109-110), while presenting a somewhat longer version of the same story, states: “aftanset 291 8510grar: gzaegsızıai gfvalzgoj qızı1a1मधः शिशुरूपं नाणकं नूतनं सायमानमाक.... (p. 100, 11. 2-3). Elsewhere we meet with references to
as, figoiàa zas, elc, which would apparently mean the coins struck by king Bhima, king Visala etc. It can easily be inferred from the above discussion that all such types of coins bore the figures of the respective kings. Vide .
f. 'a defeat".
decl. [1]
* राज्ञो विभाते हारिर्नविष्यति । " ; Guj, Hindi (f.).
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
10.20. cf Pkt. हारि, हारिआ, Vide √.
[2] There is another vocable
of a series of hearts'. AU! 6.6. Gen. pl. of address of Old Guj. ¤ l. = हिंदु n. 'heart' + art f. a series'. Old Guj. << Pkt. त्रि हिअअ < Sk हृदय cf Guj हैंयुं ; IIindi Mar. 'a heart'.
at f. in Old Guj, in the sense of a joke'. If we take this 4, the address would mean "O
master of jokes!".
'a diamond' दिने २
१००० स्वर्णहीरालाल मौक्तिकश्यम् । 5.4-5cf. Sk., ; Guj.; Hindi, Mar. .
indeed'. 21.15. Pkt. Sk. g.
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v. (causal) 'to be defeated'. qiwi £f atĦALFREIÙ (I have lost you at stake'.) 12.16; WAI फलं गलितम् । मुष्टी रउलानीयोग्या दसा 1 न गलति । तदा हारितम् । 21.20-21. cf. Pkt., Guj., Hindi, Mar. VER. Vide also vide LSJS 101 (PK), 230 (PPS).
m. 'death'; lit. bursting of the heart'.
"यूर्य गुर्जरराज्ञो