Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
over Movada as late as 1274 to 1302 A.D), He gave way to the arny of Alauddin Khilji of Delhi marching against Karpa Vagheli, the last Hindu king of Gujarāta. Thus he was not a contemporary of Siddharija. The epithet Citraud au does not allow us to identify the king nientioned here with Samarasimha of the Sonagas á Couliņa Jamily who ruled at Jhalora from 1183 A.D. to 180 A.D. ! Probably the luthor of LPS hus wrongly named the latter as the former since the latter might llave been more familiar to him due to nearness of liinc.
15) PAHLANA RANAU also cannot be identitied with any known contemporary ruler. This name might refer to Prabládanadeva, the founder of modern Pala 11 a puca in North Gujarata, who also was a contemporary of Kumarapala! The authors of the Prabu dha- works are known for confusion of chronology.
(6) LONADHAULI MAGAUDIU, i.e. Luna dini wala Magodiya, also cannot be ilentified with any known contemporary personage. The epithet. Vagandiu' suggests that he haileci from a place called a gaudi, probably noderit Jagodi near Dahegama in Ahmedabad district of Gujarati
17) KÁNH. DADI: KAULA JALAVRAU can be easily identihed with Kita lavadova or Kişoadeva, Kumarapala's brother-ix law, wl, bein: it very ;owertul courtier of Siddhariji, helped Kumarapala in securing the ihrone. PC (}. 78 ) appends the epithet
Rījunula' to his name and PPS appends tlie epithet Nadduid'. He was. Rajawula', whicl was one of the titles borne by the feudatories of Pataa; but the term 'Purgladia'si' would lead us to think that he belonged to the Ca hana family of Nadula: The term 'Jalattrax' of our text is conlusive, for our author seers to confuse this Rånad adeva with the king of Jhalora of that name (1282-1297 A.D.), the hero of Padmanablia's excellent Old Gujarati work called Káthadade-prabandha :
(8) GODRAHIYAL PARIMĀRA GAJARAULA does not scem to be known to Distory. He was, as can be inferred from this reterence, a Para m a ruler of Godhrů, i.e., modern Pañcam ahala district of Gujarata. It cannot definitely be confirmed whether he is the same person as Gajasimha, son of Alhan adeva Cāba ma na of Nadd úla (1153-1 162 A.D), ) who was a feudatory of Rumā ra pala.
(9) SĀLEU BIELADIU VAGHELAU also is not known to history, He seems to have been Silk 11 or Sillana of the Vagbela branch
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