Book Title: Studies In Sanskrit Sahitya Shastra
Author(s): V M Kulkarni
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology

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Page 60
________________ 48 Studies in प्रक्षयोन्मुखाश्च स्यादयोऽत्रावाद्यन्ते । केवलं यथा विप्रलम्भ औत्सुक्यं... व्यभिचारिणोऽपि प्राधान्येनावभासन्ते, तथा शान्ते जुगुप्साद्याः सर्वथैव रागप्रतिपक्षत्वात् । -Ks p. 122 11. 6-10. ( 47 ) तथा हि महावते नरकालादिवारणमसु (स्व) भार्यादिसम्मदादि विस्तारसंक्षेपादिकर्मकृतिर्हि जुगुप्साहेतुत्वेनैव । निज्ञाभ्यर्ण( घृताञ्जनेन च देवपुत्रमाद्युपदिष्टम् । । ) —Abhi. Bhā Vol. I, p. 337, 11. 16-18. Unfortunately, Hemacandra does not adopt this passage. Dr. Raghavan, who presents the text of the Abhinavabharar on the Santa Rasa, as corrected by him, reads this passage as follows: तथा हि महामते कालादिवारणम् असुभार्वादिसमुदायादि विस्तार संक्षेपातिकर्णीकृतिर्हि धर्मे ? जुगुप्साहेतुत्वेनैव निजाभ्यञ्जनं च देवरात् पुत्रजन्मनि उपदिष्टम् । - "The Number of Rasas", p. 100. The readings निजाम्यञ्जन and पुत्रजन्मनि are highly superior to those presented by the Editor. The other reading अस्त्रभार्यादि - about which Dr. Raghavan remarks in a footnote (on the same page) "This bit both in M and G is very corrupt and suitable emendation was very difficult to be found"-however, deserves consideration. Could the original reading be अनुभार्यादिसम्बन्धादि विस्तार संक्षेपादिकर्मकृतिर्हि ? (48) एव शान्तहृदयानां परोपकाराय शरीरसर्वस्वादिदानं न शान्तविरोधि । -Abhi. Bha, Vol. I, p. 338, 1. 3. In the text presented in corrected form, Dr. Raghavan too reads न शान्तविरोधि । Hemacandra, however, reads अन एवं शान्तहृदवानांन शास्त्रविरोधि । — Ks p. 122, 11. 17-18. That 'न शास्त्रविरोधि must have been the original and correct reading becomes at once clear if we take into consideration the context. The citations quoted in support of the statement are obviously drawn from the शास्त्र. (Cf. 'आत्मानं यो गोपायेत्।' 'धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां......' and 'जलेऽग्नौ श्वभ्रे वा पतेत् । ) This leaves no shadow of doubt regarding the correctness of Hemacandra's reading 'न शास्त्रविरोधि'. (49) तद्यथाकथञ्चित्याज्यं शरीर ं यदि परार्थ न त्यज्यते तत्किमित्र [न] सम्पादित ं भवति । — Abhi. Bha, Vol. I, p. 338, 11. 9-10. Hemacandra correctly reads this sentence तद्यथाकथविथ शरीर यदि परार्थ तस्यज्यते तस्किमिव न सम्यादित भवति । ގ -KS p. 122, 1. 23;p. 123, 1. 3. The passage from Abhi. Bha. under discussion becomes quite intelligible and flawless if we drop "(न)” unnecessarily added by the Editor. (50) युद्धेऽपि हि न शरीररूप स्वागाबोयमः । -Abhi. Bhā. Vol. I, p. 338, 1.12. Hemacandra probably preserves the original and correct reading when he adopts. this passage from the Abhi Bhā. युद्धेऽपि हि न वीरस्य देहत्यागावोचमः । -KS p. 123, 1. 5.


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